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Department URI Abbr Room Address
Academic Advisor - Athletics WT 612 3675 Alumni Avenue
Academic Advisor - Engineering EA 202D 3795 Central Avenue
Academic Advisor, Undergraduate - Education BH 202 3798 Walker Avenue
Academic Affairs AD 360 3720 Alumni Avenue
Academic Affairs - HMSE FH 106B 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Academic Counseling Center WT 212 3675 Alumni Avenue
Academic Counselor - Student Leadership UC 243 499 University
Academic Enhancement Learning Center (AEC) MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
Academic Fresh Start WT 500 3675 Alumni Avenue
Academic Fund AC N/A 635 Normal Street
Academic Internships MN 406A 3744 Alumni Avenue
Academic Personnel Records AD 403 3720 Alumni Avenue
Academic Programs and Assessment AD 217 3720 Alumni Avenue
Academic Programs and Effectiveness AD 217 3720 Alumni Avenue
Academic Records Analysis WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Academic Retention and Enrichment Services (CARES), Center for WT 500 3675 Alumni Avenue
Academic Services - Lambuth Campus N/A N/A 705 Lambuth Blvd.
Academic Student Records Analysis WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Accountancy, School of FAB 200 3675 Central Avenue
Accounting Office AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Accounts Payable / Travel, A-G AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Accounts Payable / Travel, H-P AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Accounts Payable / Travel, Q-Z AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Acquisitions ML 303 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Admin. Asst. LS 201 3774 Walker Avenue
Admin. Secretary - Anthropology MN 316 3744 Alumni Avenue
Administration - Military Science HH 123E 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Administration - Police Services PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Administration / System Support WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Administrative Systems SC 317 450 University
Admission to Teacher Education Program - Education BH 202 3798 Walker Avenue
Admissions - Nursing CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Admissions Office - Air Force HH 118 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Admissions, Graduate MU N/A 3775 Central Avenue
Admissions, Law DLS 252 1 North Front Street
Admissions, Office of WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Admissions, Undergraduate MU N/A 3775 Central Avenue
Advertising MJ 113 3711 Veterans Avenue
Advising, Masters FAB 101 3675 Central Avenue
Advising, Undergraduate FAB 114 3675 Central Avenue
Aerospace Studies HH 118 3795 DeSoto Avenue
African and African American Studies (AAAS) SC 107 450 University
African Students Association UC 229 499 University
African-American Literature PT 423 530 Patterson Street
Air Force ROTC HH 118 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Alumni Association AC N/A 635 Normal Street
Alumni Center AC N/A 635 Normal Street
Alumni Mall Lounge UC 200 499 University
Alumni Records AC N/A 635 Normal Street
American Humanics / Nonprofit Studies MC 100 3790 DeSoto Avenue
American Studies JWB 218 3669 Alumni Avenue
Animal Care Facilities, Veterinarian AD 309 3720 Alumni Avenue
Annual Giving BMJ 200 633 Normal Street
Anthropological Research Center MN 316 3744 Alumni Avenue
Anthropology, Department of MN 316 3744 Alumni Avenue
Applicant Services AD 229 3720 Alumni Avenue
Applied Psychological Research, Center for PSY 202 400 Innovation Drive
Aquatics and Safety REC 100I 624 Echles Street
Arch. Designer HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Archaeology Lab CL 125 3704 Walker Avenue
Archaeology Lab MN 322 3744 Alumni Avenue
Architecture, Department of JO 404 3706 Alumni Avenue
Army ROTC HH 123A 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Arnold Air Society HH 207 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Art Department ACB 200 3715 Central Avenue
Art Education ACB 200 3715 Central Avenue
Art History ACB 200 3715 Central Avenue
Art Museum CFA 142 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Art Services AD 301 3720 Alumni Avenue
Arts and Sciences, College of SC 107 450 University
Asian American Association UC 243 499 University
Ask TOM Answer Center WT Lobby 3675 Alumni Avenue
Assistant to Chair/Dept Registrar PT 469 530 Patterson Street
Assistant to Graduate Studies PT 461 530 Patterson Street
Assistant to the President AD 374 3720 Alumni Avenue
Assistant to the President - Office Operations AD 341 3720 Alumni Avenue
Assistant to the President - Partnerships AD 341 3720 Alumni Avenue
Assistant to Undergraduate Studies PT 467 530 Patterson Street
Assoc. AD / Business and Finance AOB 109 570 Normal Street
Assoc. AD / Compliance AOB 109 570 Normal Street
Assoc. AD / External Affairs AOB 119 570 Normal Street
Assoc. Dean - Academic Programs FAB 426 3675 Central Avenue
Assoc. Dean - Administration - Education BH 215 3798 Walker Avenue
Assoc. Dean - Administration and External Affairs FAB 426 3675 Central Avenue
Assoc. Dean - Communication and Fine Arts CFA 232 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Assoc. Dean - Graduate - Engineering EA 201E 3795 Central Avenue
Assoc. Dean - Law, Cecil C. Humphreys School of DLS 269 1 North Front Street
Assoc. Dean - Libraries ML 203 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Assoc. Dean - Multicultural Affairs UC 223 499 University
Assoc. Dean - Office of Student Accountability, Outreach and Support UC 359 499 University
Assoc. Dean - Undergaduate - Engineering EA 202E 3795 Central Avenue
Assoc. Dean of Students - Residence Life and Dining Services CP 175 3615 Central Avenue
Assoc. Director - Genomic Research LS 537 3774 Walker Avenue
Assoc. Director - Physical Plant HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Assoc. Director - Police Services PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Associate Vice President - Communications, Public Relations and Marketing AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Associate Vice President - Development AD 319 3720 Alumni Avenue
Associate Vice President - Information Technology Services AD 377 3720 Alumni Avenue
Association for Computing Machinery DH 373 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Association of Students with Disabilities WT 110 3675 Alumni Avenue
Asst Area Coordinator LLC N/A 446 Patterson Street
Asst. AD / Communications AOB 203 570 Normal Street
Asst. AD / Finance AOB 205 570 Normal Street
Asst. AD / Support Groups AOB 119 570 Normal Street
Asst. Dean - Education BH 200 3798 Walker Avenue
Asst. Dean - Recruiting / Retention - Engineering EA 302A 3795 Central Avenue
Asst. Dean / Students - Law, Cecil C. Humphreys School of DLS 258 1 North Front Street
Asst. Director - Business Operations HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Asst. Director - Campus Recreation and Intramural Services REC 100J 624 Echles Street
Asst. Director - Conference & Event Services UC 255 499 University
Asst. Director - Custodial and Landscape Service HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Asst. Director for Student Accountability - Office of Student Accountability, Outreach and Support UC 359 499 University
Asst. Manager - Parking Services PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Asst. to Chair - Anthropology MN 313 3744 Alumni Avenue
Asst. to Chair - Psychology PSY 201 400 Innovation Drive
Asst. to Dean - Nursing CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Asst. to the Dean - Communication and Fine Arts CFA 232 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Asst. Vice President - Business Services AD 371 3720 Alumni Avenue
Asst. Vice President - Campus Planning and Design HB 305 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Asst. Vice President - Finance AD 276 3720 Alumni Avenue
Asst. Vice President - Physical Plant HB 209 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Asst. Vice Provost - Academic Programs and Effectiveness AD 217 3720 Alumni Avenue
Asst. Vice Provost - Graduate Studies AD 215 3720 Alumni Avenue
Asst. Vice Provost - Undergraduate Studies AD 219 3720 Alumni Avenue
Athletic Academic Services (CAAS), Center for WT 600 3675 Alumni Avenue
Athletic Administration AOB 109 570 Normal Street
Athletic Dressing Facilities N/A V N/A
Athletic Marketing AOB 203 570 Normal Street
Athletic Media Relations AOB 203E 570 Normal Street
Athletic Practice Fields N/A W N/A
Athletics AOB 203 570 Normal Street
Athletics Computer Lab WT 600 3675 Alumni Avenue
Athletics Computer Lab WT 700 3675 Alumni Avenue
Athletics, Intercollegiate - Men AOB 201 570 Normal Street
Athletics, Intercollegiate - Women AOB 201 570 Normal Street
Attorney, University AD 201 3720 Alumni Avenue
Auxiliary Services BS 212 506 University
AVP / Chief HR Officer- Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Ballroom UC 320 499 University
Band CFA 116 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Baptist Student Union 1 N/A 469 Patterson Street
Barth House - Episcopalian 2 N/A 409 Patterson Street
Baseball AOB 207 570 Normal Street
Basketball - Men AOB 119 570 Normal Street
Basketball - Women AOB 201 570 Normal Street
Beale Room UC 363 499 University
Behavioral Neuroscience PSY 412 400 Innovation Drive
Bioinformatics SM 402 3744 Walker Avenue
Biological Sciences, Department of LS 201 3774 Walker Avenue
Biology Research N/A D N/A
Biology Research N/A I N/A
Biomedical Engineering ET 330 3806 Norriswood Avenue
Bistro 1912 CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Black Scholars Unlimited JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
Black Student Association UC 249 499 University
Black Student Association WT 900 3675 Alumni Avenue
Bluff Room UC 304 499 University
Board of Visitors AD 204 3720 Alumni Avenue
Body Composition Research Laboratory FH 171 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Bookstore BS 100 506 University
Bornblum Judaic Studies CL 121 3704 Walker Avenue
BRAIN Center PT 123 530 Patterson Street
Broadcasting - Educational K29 N/A 4050 South Park Loop
Broadcasting - Radio Production Center TH G13 3745 Central Avenue
Building Manager MU N/A 3775 Central Avenue
Building Manager - EH EH 121 3700 Walker Avenue
Business Administration, College of FAB 432 3675 Central Avenue
Business and Economics Advising Center FAB 114 3675 Central Avenue
Business and Economics, Fogelman College of FAB 432 3675 Central Avenue
Business and Finance, Division of AD 367 3720 Alumni Avenue
Business Development AD 371 3720 Alumni Avenue
Business Education and Office Management FAB 202 3675 Central Avenue
Business Graduate Studies FAB 101 3675 Central Avenue
Business Learning Center (BLC) FCB 256 3665 Central Avenue
Business Manager FAB 426 3675 Central Avenue
Business Office - Athletics AOB 205 570 Normal Street
Business Office - Human Movement Sciences and Education FH 106A1 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Business Office - Professional and Continuing Education JWB 101 3669 Alumni Avenue
Business Office - WUMR-FM TH G5 3745 Central Avenue
Business Officer EA N/A 3795 Central Avenue
Business Officer - Academic Affairs AD 360 3720 Alumni Avenue
Business Officer - Law DLS 272 1 North Front Street
Business Services AD 371 3720 Alumni Avenue
C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa N/A N/A 1987 Indian Village Drive
Cadet Group Headquarters HH 207 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Cafeteria JOC N/A 3718 Alumni Avenue
Calendar and Reservations UC 255 499 University
Campus Card Office (ID Cards) WT 115 3675 Alumni Avenue
Campus Elementary School, Cafeteria CS 127 535 Zach H Curlin Street
Campus Elementary School, Office CS 102 535 Zach H Curlin Street
Campus Information System AD 134 3720 Alumni Avenue
Campus Landscape HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Campus Planning and Design HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Campus Postal Station UC 259 499 University
Campus Recreation REC 100A 624 Echles Street
Campus Recreation Intramural Services (CRIS) REC 100 624 Echles Street
Campus School CS N/A 535 Zach H Curlin Street
Campus School Lab BH 314 3798 Walker Avenue
Cardiorespiratory / Metabolic Laboratory FH 171 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Career Services WT 400 3675 Alumni Avenue
Career Services, Law DLS 236 1 North Front Street
CARES Dept Computer Lab WT 500 3675 Alumni Avenue
Carpenter Complex CSH N/A 3875 Tiger Paw South
Carpenter Shop HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Cashier's Office WT 115 3675 Alumni Avenue
Cataloging ML 303 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Catering Office JOC N/A 3718 Alumni Avenue
Center for Regional Economic Enrichment (CREE) FIT 201 365 Fogelman Drive
Center for Service Learning and Volunteerism UC 243 499 University
Central Receiving N/A E N/A
Ceramics AB 107 3700 DeSoto Avenue
Chair and Main Office - English PT 467 530 Patterson Street
Chairman - Anthropology MN 316 3744 Alumni Avenue
Chairman - Biology EH 201 3700 Walker Avenue
Chairman - Chemistry SM 210 3744 Walker Avenue
Chairman - History MI 219 3705 Alumni Avenue
Chairman - Human Movement Sciences and Eduction FH 106 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Chairman - Journalism MJ 300 3711 Veterans Avenue
Chairman - Mathematical Sciences DH 373 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Chairman - Microbiology and Molecular Cell Science LS 201 3774 Walker Avenue
Chairman - Military Science HH 223D 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Chairman - Physics MN 216 3744 Alumni Avenue
Chairman - Political Science CL 437 3704 Walker Avenue
Chairman - Psychology PSY 202 400 Innovation Drive
CHAMPS Life Skills Program AOB 111 570 Normal Street
Cheerleaders FH 375 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Chemistry SM 317 3744 Walker Avenue
Chemistry, Department of SM 213 3744 Walker Avenue
Chief Financial Officer - Business and Finance AD 367 3720 Alumni Avenue
Chief Instructor HH 223A 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Child Care Center CSH N/A 3875 Tiger Paw South
Chinese Department JO 215 3706 Alumni Avenue
Chinese Student Association JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
Christian Faculty / Staff Fellowship LS 319 3774 Walker Avenue
Circulation ML N/A 3785 Norriswood Avenue
City and Regional Planning MC 208 3790 DeSoto Avenue
City and Regional Planning, Department Of BR 107 3820 DeSoto Avenue
Civil Engineering, Department of ES 104 3815 Central Avenue
Class Scheduling WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Classic Languages JO 108I 3706 Alumni Avenue
Classroom ML 226 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Classroom Scheduling WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Client Support Services AD 112 3720 Alumni Avenue
Clinical Nutrition Program FH 161 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Club Sports REC 153E 624 Echles Street
Co-op Undergraduate EA 202B 3795 Central Avenue
Collection Department ML N/A 3785 Norriswood Avenue
College Level Advisor and Graduation Analyst - Commmunication and Fine Arts CFA 232 3750 Norriswood Avenue
College Media Advisors Office MJ 334A 3711 Veterans Avenue
College of Professional and Liberal Studies JWB 218 3669 Alumni Avenue
College Republicans UC 234 499 University
College Vocabulary MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
Collierville Center N/A N/A 215 W. Poplar Avenue
Commander - Administration PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Commander - Uniformed Patrol PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Commencement Office JWB 101 3669 Alumni Avenue
Commencement Office - Information Hotline JWB N/A 3669 Alumni Avenue
Commercial Music CFA 106 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Communication and Fine Arts, College of CFA 232 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Communication, Department of ACB 212 3715 Central Avenue
Communications Services AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Communications Services (Media Relations) AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Compass Placement Testing JWB 112 3669 Alumni Avenue
Compliance Office - Athletics AOB 109 570 Normal Street
Computational Neurodynamics DH 310 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Lab FH 162 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Computer Lab FCB 100 3665 Central Avenue
Computer Lab CHB 4004 4055 North Park Loop
Computer Lab JO 220 3706 Alumni Avenue
Computer Lab MN 407 3744 Alumni Avenue
Computer Lab MN 430 3744 Alumni Avenue
Computer Lab MN 432 3744 Alumni Avenue
Computer Lab LS 237 3774 Walker Avenue
Computer Lab MIL 106 6500 Navy Road
Computer Lab BH 316 3798 Walker Avenue
Computer Lab BH 310 3798 Walker Avenue
Computer Lab MJ 220C 3711 Veterans Avenue
Computer Lab ACB 142 3715 Central Avenue
Computer Lab ACB 303 3715 Central Avenue
Computer Lab SM 112 3744 Walker Avenue
Computer Lab RH 100 415 State Street
Computer Lab PSY 102 400 Innovation Drive
Computer Lab - Computer Science DH 208 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Lab - Computer Science DH 230 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Lab - Computer Science DH 234 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Lab - CSD CHB 2015 4055 North Park Loop
Computer Lab - Ground Water Institute EA N/A 3795 Central Avenue
Computer Lab Coordinator - Sociology CL 229A 3704 Walker Avenue
Computer Science DH 307 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Support - Business and Economics FCB 372 3665 Central Avenue
Computer Support - Nursing CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Computer Systems Support AD 192 3720 Alumni Avenue
Computer Technician PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Concert and Facilities Scheduling MU N/A 3775 Central Avenue
Conference and Event Services UC 255 499 University
Conference Room UC 201 499 University
Conference Room UC 203 499 University
Conference Room UC 208 499 University
Conference Room UC 212 499 University
Construction Coordinator HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Construction Inspection HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Consumer Science and Education MN 404 3744 Alumni Avenue
Controller, Office of AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Coordinator - Computer Science DH 347 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Coordinator - Graduate Studies CL 207 3704 Walker Avenue
Coordinator - Integrated Microscopy Center LS 101 3774 Walker Avenue
Coordinator - Veterans and Military Student Services UC 222 499 University
Coordinator, Community Engagement and Campus Partnerships UC 211 499 University
Coordinator, Fraternity and Sorority Life UC 211 499 University
Coordinator, Student Outreach and Support UC 211 499 University
Copier Vending BS 212 506 University
Core AB 120 3700 DeSoto Avenue
Corporate and Foundation Giving AD 319 3720 Alumni Avenue
Cotton Institute FIT 303 365 Fogelman Drive
Counseling Center WT 211 3675 Alumni Avenue
Counseling Services WT 211 3675 Alumni Avenue
Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research (CEPR) BH 100 3798 Walker Avenue
Counseling, Tutoring and Testing WT 206 3675 Alumni Avenue
Creative Services, (Publications) AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Creative Writing PT 429 530 Patterson Street
Crews Center for Entrepreneurship CCE N/A 3618 Walker Avenue
Crime Prevention Coordinator PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Criminology and Criminal Justice, Department of BR 3820 DeSoto Avenue
Crisis Intervention Team Center (CIT) MC 309 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Critical Thinking / Reading MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
CTL Training Room IC 100 384 Patterson Street
Custodial Services UC 290 499 University
Custodial Services Supervisors HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Customer Service BS N/A 506 University
Cyber Café FIT N/A 365 Fogelman Drive
Daily Press (Dining) PT 299G 530 Patterson Street
Data Administration SC 310 450 University
Dean - Arts and Sciences SC 107 450 University
Dean - Business Administration FAB 432 3675 Central Avenue
Dean - College of Education BH 215 3798 Walker Avenue
Dean - Communication Sciences and Disorders CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Dean - Communications and Fine Arts CFA 232 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Dean - Engineering EA 201 3795 Central Avenue
Dean - Fogelman College of Business and Economics FAB 432 3675 Central Avenue
Dean - Herff College of Engineering ES 201 3815 Central Avenue
Dean - Law, Cecil C. Humphreys School of DLS 276 1 North Front Street
Dean - Libraries ML 203 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Dean - Loewenberg College of Nursing CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Dean of Students UC 359 499 University
Defense Contract Audit Institute N/A B N/A
Desoto Office (Yearbook) MJ 113 3711 Veterans Avenue
Development, Office of AD 319 3720 Alumni Avenue
Dietetics FH 106 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Directed Study JWB 218 3669 Alumni Avenue
Directions / Information RTH N/A 470 University
Director - Academic Internships MN 404 3744 Alumni Avenue
Director - Academic Programs and Assessment AD 219 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Athletics AOB 001 570 Normal Street
Director - Auditing-Internal AD 271 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Campus Recreation and Intramural Services REC 155 624 Echles Street
Director - Career Services WT 400 3675 Alumni Avenue
Director - Center for Service Learning and Volunteerism UC 243 499 University
Director - Client Services SC 319 450 University
Director - Commencement JWB 101 3669 Alumni Avenue
Director - Commencement Office JWB 101 3669 Alumni Avenue
Director - Communications Services AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Conference & Event Services UC 255 499 University
Director - Counseling, Tutoring and Testing WT 206 3675 Alumni Avenue
Director - Dining Services JOC N/A 3718 Alumni Avenue
Director - Disability Resources Services WT 110 3675 Alumni Avenue
Director - Engineering and Crafts HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Director - Food Services, Chartwells UC 110 499 University
Director - Genomic Research LS 423 3774 Walker Avenue
Director - Graduate Studies SM 011 3744 Walker Avenue
Director - Graduate Studies, History MI 131 3705 Alumni Avenue
Director - Infrastructure AD 105 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Institutional Research AD 211 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Integrated Microscopy Center LS 107 3774 Walker Avenue
Director - Internal Audit AD 271 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Lipman Early Childhood School and Research Institute, Barbara K. LIP N/A 3771 Poplar Avenue
Director - Network Services JO 101 3706 Alumni Avenue
Director - Operations AD 105 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Oral History MI 213 3705 Alumni Avenue
Director - Planning and Research - Business and Finance AD 371 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Police Services PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Director - Research Support Services AD 315 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Space Planning and Utilization AD 382 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Strategic Planning and Administration AD 377 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director - Tiger Copy and Graphics BS N/A 506 University
Director - Undergraduate Studies MI 139 3705 Alumni Avenue
Director - Water on Wheels EA 300 3795 Central Avenue
Director of Administration - Academic Affairs AD 360 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director of Finance - Academic Affairs AD 360 3720 Alumni Avenue
Director, Undergraduate FAB 218 3675 Central Avenue
Disability Resources Services WT 110 3675 Alumni Avenue
Distance Education JWB 200 3669 Alumni Avenue
DNA Laboratory LS 505 3774 Walker Avenue
DNA Laboratory LS 423 3774 Walker Avenue
Early Childhood Advancement Institute K48 101 4111 South MSU-B Street
Early Childhood Education BH 406 3798 Walker Avenue
Earth Sciences - CERI EQ2 N/A 3890 Central Avenue
Earth Sciences, Department of JN G-10 488 Patterson Street
Earthquake Research and Information (CERI), Center for EQ2 N/A 3890 Central Avenue
eCampus JWB 201 3669 Alumni Avenue
Ecological Research Center K8 N/A 950 West Park Loop
Economic Club FAB 429 3675 Central Avenue
Economics FAB 400 3675 Central Avenue
Editorial MJ 210 3711 Veterans Avenue
Education, College of BH 215 3798 Walker Avenue
Educational Support Program MI 217 3705 Alumni Avenue
Edward J. Meeman Biological Station MBC N/A 1236 Cuba-Millington Road
Egyptian Antiquities Exhibit CFA 142 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Einstein Bros Bagels ML N/A 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of ES 206 3815 Central Avenue
Electrical Shop HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Electron Microscopy, Center for LS 101 3774 Walker Avenue
Electronics HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Elementary Education BH 406 3798 Walker Avenue
Emergency Dispatcher PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Employee Relations and Engagement - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Employee Training - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Employee Training Office HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Employment - Student WT 103 3675 Alumni Avenue
Energy Conservation HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Engineering Learning Center EA 100 3795 Central Avenue
Engineering Technology, Department of ET 203 3806 Norriswood Avenue
Engineering, Herff College of EA 201 3795 Central Avenue
English, Department of PT 467 530 Patterson Street
Enrollment HH 123A 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Enrollment Certification WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Enrollment Services WT 106 3675 Alumni Avenue
Enrollment Services - Lambuth Campus N/A N/A 705 Lambuth Blvd.
Enrollment Systems - Enrollment Services AD 226 3720 Alumni Avenue
Enrollment Verification WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
enterprise Simulation and Optimization Lab (eSOL) FIT 201 365 Fogelman Drive
Equipment Manager K29 N/A 4050 South Park Loop
ESRI Support - Ground Water Institute EA N/A 3795 Central Avenue
Evaluation Services (Student Instr. Rating System) JWB 202 3669 Alumni Avenue
Event Booking - Lambuth Campus N/A N/A 705 Lambuth Blvd.
Executive Asst. to the President - Government Relations AD 324 3720 Alumni Avenue
Executive Asst. to the President - Partnerships and Administration AD 341 3720 Alumni Avenue
Executive Director - Alumni Association AC 208 635 Normal Street
Executive MBA Program FCB 357 3665 Central Avenue
Exercise and Sport Sciences Laboratory FH 171 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Exercise Biochemistry Laboratory FH 135 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Exercise, Sport and Movement Sciences FH 106 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Experts List AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Facilities Operations HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Faculty Administrative Services AD 374 3720 Alumni Avenue
Faculty Renaissance Center EH 101 3700 Walker Avenue
Faculty Senate AD 154 3720 Alumni Avenue
Faculty Senate President AD 154 3720 Alumni Avenue
Family and Consumer Sciences MN 404 3744 Alumni Avenue
FedEx Institute of Technology (FIT) FIT 303 365 Fogelman Drive
FedExPark N/A T N/A
Finance, Department of AD 276 3720 Alumni Avenue
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate, Department of FAB 402 3675 Central Avenue
Financial Planning AD 151 3720 Alumni Avenue
Financial Reporting AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Financial Services PT 401C 530 Patterson Street
First Scholars® Program MI 301 3705 Alumni Avenue
Fitness and Nutritional Assessments FH 171 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Fitness Assessment REC 201 624 Echles Street
Focus on Finance AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Fogelman Executive Conference Center - Conference Services FEC 211 330 Innovation Drive
Fogelman Executive Conference Center - Reception FEC 206 330 Innovation Drive
Fogelman Executive Conference Center - Sales FEC 206 330 Innovation Drive
Food Hotline JOC N/A 3718 Alumni Avenue
Food Systems Management FH N/A 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Football AOB 130 570 Normal Street
Foreign Language Tutoring MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
Foundation, The University of Memphis AC 108 635 Normal Street
Fountain View Suite UC 350 499 University
French Department JO 253C 3706 Alumni Avenue
Freshman Admissions WT 201 3675 Alumni Avenue
Freshman Orientation Program WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Friends of Libraries ML 126 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Gallery Lounge UC 166 499 University
Garage Attendant PG1 N/A 340 Innovation Drive
General Accounting AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
General Education Fitness and Wellness FH 306 495 Zach H Curlin Street
General Education Physical Activity FH 367 495 Zach H Curlin Street
General Information - Lambuth Campus N/A N/A 705 Lambuth Blvd.
General Information - Registrar WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Genomic Research, W. Harry Feinstone Center for LS 201 3774 Walker Avenue
Geographic Info. Systems and Remote Sensing Lab JN 223 488 Patterson Street
Geography - Earth Sciences JN G-10 488 Patterson Street
German Department JO 233A 3706 Alumni Avenue
Gift Giving AD 319 3720 Alumni Avenue
Global Friends UC 239 499 University
Gold Bar Recruiter HH 124C 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Golf - Men AOB 207 570 Normal Street
Golf - Women AOB 201 570 Normal Street
Government Publications ML 107 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Government Relations and Public Policy, Office of AD 322 3720 Alumni Avenue
Governor's School for International Studies SC 107 450 University
Graduate Academic Coordinator FH 308 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Graduate Admissions - Enrollment Services WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Graduate Advising - ICL BH 406 3798 Walker Avenue
Graduate Advisor - ICL BH 409 3798 Walker Avenue
Graduate Advisor - Physics MN 216 3744 Alumni Avenue
Graduate Advisor - Sociology CL 207 3704 Walker Avenue
Graduate Analyst FAB 114 3675 Central Avenue
Graduate Analyst, Masters FAB 101 3675 Central Avenue
Graduate Assistants - Sociology CL 123 3704 Walker Avenue
Graduate Program in City and Regional Planning MC 208 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Graduate Programs - Business FAB 101 3675 Central Avenue
Graduate Programs Manager, Masters FAB 101 3675 Central Avenue
Graduate Programs: Director - Clinical Programs PSY 352 400 Innovation Drive
Graduate Programs: Director - Experimental Program PSY 418 400 Innovation Drive
Graduate Programs: Director - School Psychology Program PSY 115 400 Innovation Drive
Graduate Programs: General Master's Program Advisors PSY 368 400 Innovation Drive
Graduate School JWB 800 3669 Alumni Avenue
Graduate School WT 800 3675 Alumni Avenue
Graduate Student Association AD 311 3720 Alumni Avenue
Graduate Studies - Business FAB 101 3675 Central Avenue
Graduate Studies - Education BH 215 3798 Walker Avenue
Graduate Studies and Research - Arts and Sciences SC 107 450 University
Graduate Studies and Research Coordinator LS N/A 3774 Walker Avenue
Graduate Studies Office EH 203 3700 Walker Avenue
Graduation Analyst - Arts and Sciences SC 107 450 University
Graduation Analyst - Business FAB 114 3675 Central Avenue
Graduation Analyst / Advising CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Grants / Contracts AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Grants and Contracts - Accounting AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Graphic Design AB 120 3700 DeSoto Avenue
Graphic Standards AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Greater Memphis Association for Quality AC 213 635 Normal Street
Greenhouse N/A O N/A
Greenhouse - Microbiology and Molecular Cell Science LS 537 3774 Walker Avenue
Grind City Coffee, Chartwells UC 163 499 University
Ground Water Institute EA 300 3795 Central Avenue
GROWWTH FIT 314 365 Fogelman Drive
Handball / Racquetball / Tennis Court Reservations REC 098 624 Echles Street
Harris Concert Hall MU 101 3775 Central Avenue
Head Start Centers of Learning K48 101 4111 South MSU-B Street
Health Administration, Division of MC 119 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Health Sciences Library CHB 2002 4055 North Park Loop
Health Services Research, Center for HC 200 3770 DeSoto Avenue
Healthcare Economics, Center for FCB 315 3665 Central Avenue
Heating / Cooling Plant K29 N/A 4050 South Park Loop
Heating / Cooling Plant N/A N N/A
Heating / Cooling Plant - Physical Plant N/A N/A 415 Herzog Street
Herbarium EH 216 3700 Walker Avenue
HERC Lab MI 147 3705 Alumni Avenue
Heritage Room JWB 203 3669 Alumni Avenue
High School Curricular Deficiencies WT 500 3675 Alumni Avenue
History, Department of MI 219 3705 Alumni Avenue
Holiday Inn HI N/A 3700 Central Avenue
Holiday Inn - Dining HI N/A 3700 Central Avenue
Honors English Courses PT 411 530 Patterson Street
Honors Program - Business FAB 114 3675 Central Avenue
Honors Program, Helen Hardin HON N/A 425 Patterson Street
Hooks Institute for Social Change, Benjamin L. SC 107 450 University
Housekeeping Supervisors HB 218 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Housing Office CP 175 3615 Central Avenue
Houston High School N/A N/A 9755 Dogwood Road
HR Records Management - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Human Movement Education FH 368 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Human Movement Sciences and Education, Department of FH 106 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Human Resources, Department of AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Human Subjects Research / Institutional Review Board AD 315 3720 Alumni Avenue
Humanities, Marcus W. Orr Center for the SC 107 450 University
HVAC Shop HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
ID (Staff) Office WT 115 3675 Alumni Avenue
Indian Student Association UC 239 499 University
Individual Gifts AD 319 3720 Alumni Avenue
Industry / University Center for Biosurfaces (IUCB) MN 216 3744 Alumni Avenue
Information Assurance, Center for FIT 335A 365 Fogelman Drive
Information Desk - Conference & Event Services UC 175 499 University
Information Desk - Nursing CHB 2502 4055 North Park Loop
Information Technology Services (ITS) AD 377 3720 Alumni Avenue
Injury Reports - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Institute for Intelligent Systems FIT N/A 365 Fogelman Drive
Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology CFA 213 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Institutional Equity Officer AD 156 3720 Alumni Avenue
Institutional Equity, Office for AD 156 3720 Alumni Avenue
Institutional Research AD 216A 3720 Alumni Avenue
Instruction and Curriculum Leadership (ICL) BH 406 3798 Walker Avenue
Instructional Design and Technology BH 421B 3798 Walker Avenue
Insurance / Faculty and Staff AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Insurance / Students HC N/A 3770 DeSoto Avenue
Integrated Microscopy Center (IMC) LS 101 3774 Walker Avenue
Inter-Library Loan ML 204 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Interdisciplinary Studies SC 107 450 University
Interior Architecture - Architecture JO 404 3706 Alumni Avenue
Interior Design HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Intermodal Freight Transportation Studies (CIFTS), Center for EA 302 3795 Central Avenue
Internal Audit AD 271 3720 Alumni Avenue
International Admissions - Graduate WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
International Admissions - Undergraduate WT 201 3675 Alumni Avenue
International Business - IMBA FEC 220 330 Innovation Drive
International Business - Undergraduate FEC 220 330 Innovation Drive
International Business Program (Undergraduate) FAB 114 3675 Central Avenue
International Exchange JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Programs and Services (CIPS), Center for JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Student Services JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Students Advisor JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Students Association JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Studies SC 107 450 University
International Trade Center K1 104 976 West Park Loop
Internet2 AD 112 3720 Alumni Avenue
Internship Program - Undergraduate FAB 208 3675 Central Avenue
Intramural / Recreation Program REC 128 624 Echles Street
Intramural Office REC 128 624 Echles Street
Intramural Program and Schedule Information REC 128 624 Echles Street
Investigations PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Iris Room UC 338 499 University
Italian Department JO 108J 3706 Alumni Avenue
Japanese Department JO 230A 3706 Alumni Avenue
Jazz Connection TH G13 3745 Central Avenue
Jewish Student Union 5 N/A 3581 Midland Avenue
Journalism, Department of MJ 300 3711 Veterans Avenue
Keep Tennessee Beautiful K1 113 976 West Park Loop
Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management WS 140D 3700 Central Avenue
Laboratory for Exercise and Skeletal Health FH 123 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Lactation Room UC 240 499 University
Lambuth Business Service Center N/A N/A 705 Lambuth Blvd.
Lambuth Campus N/A N/A 705 Lambuth Blvd.
Landscape Designer HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Language Placement Exam JO 220 3706 Alumni Avenue
Latter Day Saints Institute N/A N/A 3595 Southern Avenue
Law Library DLS 108 1 North Front Street
Law Review DLS 409 1 North Front Street
Law School Bookstore DLS N/A 1 North Front Street
Law, Cecil C. Humphreys School of DLS N/A 1 North Front Street
LEAD Center UC 210 499 University
Leadership Coordinator - LEAD Center UC 210 499 University
Leadership, Department of BH 123 3798 Walker Avenue
Learning Link / Distance Learning FCB 268 3665 Central Avenue
Learning Media Center JWB 209 3669 Alumni Avenue
Legal Assistant Program JWB 218 3669 Alumni Avenue
Legal Clinic DLS 101 1 North Front Street
Legal Counsel, Office of AD 201 3720 Alumni Avenue
Legal Studies MN 400G 3744 Alumni Avenue
Legislative / Administrative Intern Coordinator CL 437 3704 Walker Avenue
Libraries, University ML N/A 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Libraries, University - Hours ML N/A 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Library Systems ML 309 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Lipman Early Childhood School and Research Institute, Barbara K. LIP N/A 3771 Poplar Avenue
Literature - English PT 407 530 Patterson Street
Living Learning Complex Desk LLC N/A 446 Patterson Street
Loans and Grants WT 103 3675 Alumni Avenue
Local Service Provider - Arts and Sciences, College of SC 107 450 University
Local Technical Supporter II SM 204 3744 Walker Avenue
Lock Shop HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Mail Services K45 N/A 4075 Park Avenue
Maintenance - Physical Plant HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Management FAB 202 3675 Central Avenue
Management Information Systems FAB 300 3675 Central Avenue
Manager - Faculty Administrative Services AD 374 3720 Alumni Avenue
Manager - Parking Services PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Manager - Tiger Copy and Graphics BS N/A 506 University
Manager, Event Support and Services RTH 102 470 University
Marketing FAB 302 3675 Central Avenue
Marketing - (Media Relations) AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Marketing and Communications AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Department of FAB 302 3675 Central Avenue
Marketing Education MN 404 3744 Alumni Avenue
Marketing/Communications PT 401B 530 Patterson Street
Massage Therapy REC 159 624 Echles Street
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies MN N/A 3744 Alumni Avenue
Math Learning Center DH 143 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Mathematical Sciences, Department of DH 373 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Mathematical Tutoring DH 143 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Mathematics Coordinator DH N/A 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Mechanical Engineering ES 312 3815 Central Avenue
Media Room AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Meditation Room UC 224 499 University
Membership REC 100D 624 Echles Street
Memphis Moving Line TH 229 3745 Central Avenue
Memphis Room UC 340 499 University
Memphis Speech and Hearing Center CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Memphis Tiger Swim Coach REC 100A 624 Echles Street
Merchandising - Fashion MN 424 3744 Alumni Avenue
Merchandising - Home Furnishings MN 400D 3744 Alumni Avenue
Microbiology and Molecular Cell Sciences LS 201 3774 Walker Avenue
Micrographics Center BS 103 506 University
Mid-South Access Center for Technology (ACT) PT 119 530 Patterson Street
Mid-South Public Communications Foundation - WKNO K29 N/A 4050 South Park Loop
Mid-South Social Survey MC 300 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Military Science HH 123A 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Millington Center MIL N/A 6500 Navy Road
Moot Court Board DLS 309 1 North Front Street
Motor Behavior Laboratory FH 131 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Motor Pool HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Multicultural Affairs Student Organizations UC 218 499 University
Multicultural Affairs, Office of UC 223 499 University
Multimedia Arts, Center for FIT N/A 365 Fogelman Drive
Musculoskeletal Dynamics Laboratory FH 171 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Music Education CFA 108 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Music Industry CFA 106 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Music Library MU 115 3775 Central Avenue
Music, Rudi E. Scheidt School of MU 121 3775 Central Avenue
Muslim Student Association UC 235 499 University
Mynders Hall - Front Desk MY N/A 445 State Street
NAACP - U of M JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
National Pan-Hellenic Council UC 233 499 University
National Student Exchange HON N/A 425 Patterson Street
Naval ROTC HH 120A 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Network Operations Center JO 101 3706 Alumni Avenue
Network Services JO 101 3706 Alumni Avenue
Neuropercolation DH 300 3725 Norriswood Avenue
New Student Orientation WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Nursing Health Assessment Lab HC 300 3770 DeSoto Avenue
Nursing Simulation Lab HC 111 3770 DeSoto Avenue
Nursing Skills Lab HC 108 3770 DeSoto Avenue
Nursing, Loewenberg College of CHB 2502 4055 North Park Loop
Office Coordinator PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Olympic Sports - Men AOB 207 570 Normal Street
Olympic Sports - Women AOB 201 570 Normal Street
Oral History Research Office MI 213 3705 Alumni Avenue
Organization & Employee Development AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Orientation Services WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
P.O.D. Express TH N/A 3745 Central Avenue
Painting CFA 142 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Parking Accountant PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Parking and Transportation Services PG2 120 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Parking Garage PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Parking Garage PG1 N/A 340 Innovation Drive
Parking Office Cashier PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Parking Operations Supervisor PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Part-Time Placement - Off-Campus WT 400 3675 Alumni Avenue
Payroll AD 272 3720 Alumni Avenue
Periodicals / Microforms ML 200D 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Pest Control HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Ph.D. in Business Administration Program FAB 426 3675 Central Avenue
Philosophy, Department of CL 327 3704 Walker Avenue
Phonathons BMJ 200 633 Normal Street
Photography - Art Department MJ N/A 3711 Veterans Avenue
Photography - Marketing and Communications AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Physical Plant HB 208 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Physical Plant Buildings N/A A N/A
Physics, Department of MN 216 3744 Alumni Avenue
Pinch Journal PT 435 530 Patterson Street
Planned Giving AD 319 3720 Alumni Avenue
Plumbing Shop HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Police Services PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Police Services, Department of PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Political Science, Department of CL 437 3704 Walker Avenue
Pom Pon Squad FH 377 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Poplar Room UC 308 499 University
Pre-Health Advisor SC 107 450 University
Pre-Law Advisor SC 107 450 University
Presbyterian Place 7 N/A 449 Patterson Street
President - Student Activity Council (SAC) UC 275 499 University
President, Office of the AD 341 3720 Alumni Avenue
Printmaking JO N/A 3706 Alumni Avenue
Process Improvement JN 005 488 Patterson Street
Procurement and Contract Services AD 115 3720 Alumni Avenue
Professional and Continuing Education JWB 101 3669 Alumni Avenue
Professional Assessment and Development Enhancement Center K48 N/A 4111 South MSU-B Street
Professional Training - Professional and Continuing Education JWB 101 3669 Alumni Avenue
Professional Writing/WRTC PT 447 530 Patterson Street
Professor of Aerospace Studies HH 118C 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Project Memphis K48 N/A 4111 South MSU-B Street
Prometric Center JWB 111C 3669 Alumni Avenue
Property AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Provost, Office of the AD 360 3720 Alumni Avenue
Psychological Service Center PSY 126 400 Innovation Drive
Psychology, Department of PSY 202 400 Innovation Drive
Public Administration, MPA Program MC 134 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Public and Nonprofit Administration, Department of BR 213 3820 DeSoto Avenue
Public and Nonprofit Administration, Division of MC 136 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Public Earthquake Resource Center (PERC) EQ2 N/A 3890 Central Avenue
Public Health, School of ROB N/A 3825 DeSoto Avenue
Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) MJ 300 3711 Veterans Avenue
Public Safety Institute ROB 317 3825 DeSoto Avenue
Racquetball Team - Coach FH 377 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Racquetball Team Information REC 128 624 Echles Street
Radio Production Center (WUMR-FM) TH G13 3745 Central Avenue
Rawls Hall - Front Desk RH N/A 415 State Street
Reading Center K1 101 976 West Park Loop
Reading Education BH 406 3798 Walker Avenue
Readmissions - Graduate WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Readmissions - Undergraduate WT 201 3675 Alumni Avenue
Ready, Set, Grow! K48 101 4111 South MSU-B Street
Records - Law DLS 264 1 North Front Street
Records - Police Sevices PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Records and Forms Coordinator AD 367 3720 Alumni Avenue
Recreation Office REC 100A 624 Echles Street
Recreation Program Schedule REC 100A 624 Echles Street
Recreation Program, Fitness and Schedule Information REC 100A 624 Echles Street
Recreation Reservations REC 100A 624 Echles Street
Recreation, Leisure and Sport Sciences FH 204A 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Recruiting and Special Events - Student Relations WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Recruitment and Orientation Services, Office of WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Recruitment and Pre-enrollment - Lambuth Campus N/A N/A 705 Lambuth Blvd.
Recycling HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Reference ML 110 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Reformed University Fellowship N/A N/A 159 Windover Road
Refreshment Lounge UC 227 499 University
Regional Economic Development Center MC 208 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Registrar (Law) DLS 264 1 North Front Street
Registrar Dept Computer Lab WT 001 3675 Alumni Avenue
Registrar's Helpline WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Registrar, Office of the WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Registration Info - Microbiology and Molecular Cell Sciences LS 201 3774 Walker Avenue
Registration Information EH 103 3700 Walker Avenue
Registration Services WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Registration Unit - Professional and Continuing Education JWB 100 3669 Alumni Avenue
Rehabilitation and Employment Research, Center for PT 113 530 Patterson Street
Religious Life Staff 2 N/A 409 Patterson Street
Rental Property HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Request Line TH N/A 3745 Central Avenue
Research in Educational Policy / Center of Excellence, Center for NH 201 610 Goodman Street
Research Initiatives and Strategies for the Communicatively Impaired, Center for CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Research on Women (CROW), Center for CL 339 3704 Walker Avenue
Research Support Services, Office of AD 315 3720 Alumni Avenue
Residence Halls CP 175 3615 Central Avenue
Residence Life / Student Activities - Lambuth Campus N/A N/A 705 Lambuth Blvd.
Residence Life and Dining Services, Department of CP 175 3615 Central Avenue
Residency Classification - Graduate WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Residency Classification - Undergraduate WT 201 3675 Alumni Avenue
ResNet Support CP 135 3615 Central Avenue
Restructuring for Inclusive School Environments (R.I.S.E.) K48 N/A 4111 South MSU-B Street
Retirement / Faculty and Staff AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Rifle Team AOB 207 570 Normal Street
River City Writers' Series PT 416 530 Patterson Street
River Room UC 300 499 University
River Studies, Center for ES 104 3815 Central Avenue
Russian Department JO 108H 3706 Alumni Avenue
Safety Net Organizations UC 237 499 University
Safety Officer AD 291 3720 Alumni Avenue
Safety Specialist HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Sales FIT 228 365 Fogelman Drive
Sales RTH N/A 470 University
Scheduling / Facilities REC 153B 624 Echles Street
Scheduling Office REC 100E 624 Echles Street
Scholarship Agreements AC N/A 635 Normal Street
Scholarships - Financial Aid WT 201 3675 Alumni Avenue
Scholarships - Military Science HH 123A 3795 DeSoto Avenue
School of Health Studies FH 106 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Science Learning Center MI 217 3705 Alumni Avenue
Sculpture AB 103 3700 DeSoto Avenue
Secondary Education BH 406 3798 Walker Avenue
Secretary - Police Services PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Secretary - Records HH 123E 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Security Supervisor and Equipment Technician REC 147 624 Echles Street
Senate Chamber UC 261 499 University
Service Desk ML 100 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Service Desk AD 100 3720 Alumni Avenue
SGA Cabinet and Election Commission UC 214 499 University
SGA Exec. Advisor AD 235 3720 Alumni Avenue
Shared Services Center AD 192 3720 Alumni Avenue
Shelby Room UC 342 499 University
Shift Supervisors PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Signage HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Smart Classroom EH 111 3700 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom EA 102 3795 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom ES 114 3815 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom ES 116 3815 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom AB 127 3700 DeSoto Avenue
Smart Classroom ES 308 3815 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom ES 311 3815 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 351 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 249 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 231 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 233 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 225 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 203 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 207 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 119 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 123 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 124 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 129 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom FH 110 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Smart Classroom ES 326 3815 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom ET 238 3806 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom ET 302 3806 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom FIT 226 365 Fogelman Drive
Smart Classroom FIT 227 365 Fogelman Drive
Smart Classroom FH 170 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Smart Classroom FH 339 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Smart Classroom FH 341 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Smart Classroom FH 343 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Smart Classroom CHB 2506 4055 North Park Loop
Smart Classroom DH 101 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 103 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 107 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom DH 109 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom CHB 2010 4055 North Park Loop
Smart Classroom CHB 2014 4055 North Park Loop
Smart Classroom CHB 1610 4055 North Park Loop
Smart Classroom CFA 105 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom CFA 203 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 301 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 209 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 210 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 201 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 203 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom MU 101 3775 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom MU 103 3775 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom MU 107 3775 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom MU 109 3775 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom MU 113 3775 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 124 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom MU 286 3775 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom MU G6 3775 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 107 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 109 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 110 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom BH 111 3798 Walker Avenue
Smart Classroom MJ 212 3711 Veterans Avenue
Smart Classroom MJ 106 3711 Veterans Avenue
Smart Classroom MJ 112 3711 Veterans Avenue
Smart Classroom ML 225 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Classroom JO 407 3706 Alumni Avenue
Smart Classroom JO 301 3706 Alumni Avenue
Smart Classroom JO 303 3706 Alumni Avenue
Smart Classroom JO 307 3706 Alumni Avenue
Smart Classroom TH G25 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom ACB 247 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom ACB 250 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom ACB 301 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom ACB 312 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom ACB 314 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 237A 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 201 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 207 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 209 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 215 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 101 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 103 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 107 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 109 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 113 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom TH 115 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Classroom / Lab PSY 103 400 Innovation Drive
Smart Classroom / Lab PSY 219 400 Innovation Drive
Smart Classrooms - CSD CHB 2009 4055 North Park Loop
Smart Lab N/A 117 215 W. Poplar Avenue
Smart Lab CHB 2507 4055 North Park Loop
Smart Lab N/A 115 215 W. Poplar Avenue
Smart Lab CL 217 3704 Walker Avenue
Smart Lab CL 219 3704 Walker Avenue
Smart Lab ET 227 3806 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Lab FCB 377 3665 Central Avenue
Smart Lab PSY 145 400 Innovation Drive
Smart Lab MC 216 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Smart Lab TH 216 3745 Central Avenue
Smart Lab SM 414 3744 Walker Avenue
Smart Lab SM 110 3744 Walker Avenue
Smart Lab ACB 35 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Lab ACB 54 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Lab ACB 31 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Lab ACB 150 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Lab ACB 152 3715 Central Avenue
Smart Lab JO 309 3706 Alumni Avenue
Smart Lab JO 311 3706 Alumni Avenue
Smart Lab JN 219 488 Patterson Street
Smart Lab MJ 212 3711 Veterans Avenue
Smart Lab MJ 202 3711 Veterans Avenue
Smart Lab MJ 206 3711 Veterans Avenue
Smart Lab MJ 208 3711 Veterans Avenue
Smart Lab MU 102 3775 Central Avenue
Smart Lab MIL 122 6500 Navy Road
Smart Lab - Mathematical Sciences DH 207 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Lab - Mathematical Sciences DH 118 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Smart Technology Services (STS) IC 104 384 Patterson Street
Smith Hall - Front Desk SH N/A 416 Patterson Street
SMP Coordinator HH N/A 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Soccer - Men AOB 207 570 Normal Street
Soccer - Women AOB 201 570 Normal Street
Social Work, Division of MC 114 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Social Work, School of MC 208 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Sociology, Department of CL 207 3704 Walker Avenue
Soma Memphis 4 3611 Midland Avenue
South Hall - Cafeteria SO N/A 3825 Southern Avenue
South Hall - Front Desk SO N/A 3825 Southern Avenue
Southern Journal of Philosophy CL 329 3704 Walker Avenue
Space Planning and Utilization, Office of AD 382 3720 Alumni Avenue
Space Scheduling REC 153B 624 Echles Street
Spanish - Graduate JO 259 3706 Alumni Avenue
Spanish - Undergraduate JO 108H 3706 Alumni Avenue
Spanish Tutoring MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
Sparks Bureau of Business and Economic Research (SBBER) FEC 221 330 Innovation Drive
Sparks Bureau of Business and Economic Research (SBBER) - Center for Manpower Studies FEC 221 330 Innovation Drive
Sparks Bureau of Business and Economic Research (SBBER) - Center for Real Estate Research FEC 221 330 Innovation Drive
Sparks Bureau of Business and Economic Research (SBBER) - State Data Center FEC 221 330 Innovation Drive
Speaker's Bureau AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Special Collections ML 404 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Special Education (ICL) BH 406 3798 Walker Avenue
Special Education Institute K48 102 4111 South MSU-B Street
Special Events AD 306 3720 Alumni Avenue
Sponsored Project Officers AD 315 3720 Alumni Avenue
Sport and Exercise Psychology Laboratory FH 158 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Sport and Leisure Commerce, Bureau of FH 204 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Sport Performance and Health Consulting Center (SPAHCC) FH 161 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Sports Information AOB 203 570 Normal Street
Staff Architect HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Statistics DH 373 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Statistics Coordinator DH N/A 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Stonewall Tigers UC 236 499 University
Storage and Surplus K29 N/A 4050 South Park Loop
Storage and Surplus N/A F N/A
Storage and Surplus N/A L N/A
Storage and Surplus N/A M N/A
Storeroom, Chemistry SM 003 3744 Walker Avenue
Student Academic Success / Enrollment Services AD 235 3720 Alumni Avenue
Student Academic Success, Division of AD 235 3720 Alumni Avenue
Student Accountability, Outreach and Support, Office of UC 359 499 University
Student Accounts WT 115 3675 Alumni Avenue
Student Activities Council (SAC) UC 275 499 University
Student Aid Office WT 103 3675 Alumni Avenue
Student Alumni Association AC N/A 635 Normal Street
Student Ambassador Board AD 323 3720 Alumni Avenue
Student and Faculty Services WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Student Bar Association DLS 062 1 North Front Street
Student Employment Office WT 103 3675 Alumni Avenue
Student Family Housing - Residence Life N/A C N/A
Student Financial Aid, Office of WT 103 3675 Alumni Avenue
Student Government Association UC 214 499 University
Student Health Services HC 200 3770 DeSoto Avenue
Student Housing - Residence Life CSH N/A 3875 Tiger Paw South
Student Leadership and Involvement, Office of UC 211 499 University
Student Self Service WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Student Social Work Organization UC 234 499 University
Student Success Programs (SSP) JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
Student Teaching BH 200 3798 Walker Avenue
Student Ticket Information UC 175 499 University
Student Traffic Court WT 900 3675 Alumni Avenue
Study Abroad Program IC 104 384 Patterson Street
Study Skills for the Serious Student MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
Study Strategies for College Students DH 145 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Subway Café JOC N/A 3718 Alumni Avenue
Super Lab ML 400 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Super Lab ML 300 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Super Lab ML 110 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Super Lab ML 107 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Super Lab ML 200 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Supplemental Instruction MI 217 3705 Alumni Avenue
Supply - Military Science HH N/A 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Supply and Central Receiving - Physical Plant HB 230 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Suzuki String Building K2 N/A 935 West Park Loop
Swim Team REC 155 624 Echles Street
Swimming Pool - Indoor N/A U N/A
Swimming Pool Schedule REC 100A 624 Echles Street
Systems Development - Business and Finance Support Services, Office of AD 151 3720 Alumni Avenue
Systems Help Desk ML 309 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Teacher Certification and Graduation Analyst BH 202 3798 Walker Avenue
Teacher Education and Student Services BH 202 3798 Walker Avenue
Teacher Licensure BH 202 3798 Walker Avenue
Technology Administrator SC 107 450 University
Technology and Energy Center K1 N/A 976 West Park Loop
Technology Hub UC 265 499 University
Telecommunications JO 101 3706 Alumni Avenue
Tennis - Men AOB 207 570 Normal Street
Tennis - Women AOB 201 570 Normal Street
TESOL/Applied Linguistics PT 409 530 Patterson Street
Test Preparation MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
Testing Center JWB 112 3669 Alumni Avenue
The Daily Helmsman (Newspaper) MJ 113 3711 Veterans Avenue
The Martha and Robert Fogelman Galleries of Contemporary Art ACB 200 3715 Central Avenue
The National Society of Black Engineers MN 216 3744 Alumni Avenue
Theatre - University Center UC 145 499 University
Theatre and Dance, Department of TH 144 3745 Central Avenue
This Week e-Newsletter AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Ticket Office - Athletics AOB 124 570 Normal Street
Ticket Office - Theatre and Dance TH 147 3745 Central Avenue
Tiger Catering, Chartwells UC 108 499 University
Tiger Clubs AOB 119 570 Normal Street
Tiger Copy & Graphics BS 210 506 University
Tiger Dining Services JOC N/A 3718 Alumni Avenue
Tiger Pantry UC 343 499 University
Tiger Patrol PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Tiger Swimming REC 145 624 Echles Street
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Accountancy FCB 267 3665 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Adaptive Technology ML 300 3785 Norriswood Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Arts and Sciences MN 407 3744 Alumni Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Arts and Sciences MN 214 3744 Alumni Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Arts and Sciences JN 219 488 Patterson Street
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Business FCB 265 3665 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Business FCB 361 3665 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Business FCB 373 3665 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Business WS 148 3700 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Communication and Fine Arts MJ 320 3711 Veterans Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Communication Sciences and Disorders N/A 100 N/A
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Education BH 312 3798 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Engineering ES 229 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Engineering ET 216 3806 Norriswood Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Engineering ET 312 3806 Norriswood Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Engineering ET 236 3806 Norriswood Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Honors HON N/A 425 Patterson Street
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Law Clinic (Downtown) N/A N/A N/A
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Law Library DLS N/A 1 North Front Street
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Law School DLS N/A 1 North Front Street
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Political Science CL 217 3704 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Computer Lab - Sociology CL 219 3704 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Multimedia Classroom SM 110 3744 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom SM 110 3744 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Arts and Sciences MI 200 3705 Alumni Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Arts and Sciences MN 201 3744 Alumni Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Arts and Sciences MN 318 3744 Alumni Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Arts and Sciences LS 207 3774 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Arts and Sciences MN 417 3744 Alumni Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Arts and Sciences EH 100 3700 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Arts and Sciences JN 110 488 Patterson Street
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Business FCB 118 3665 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Business FCB 128 3665 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Education BH 205 3798 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Education BH 309 3798 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ES 229 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ES 233 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ES 218 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ES 220 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ES 222 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ES 200 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering EA 203 3795 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ET 233 3806 Norriswood Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ES 335 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ET 200 3806 Norriswood Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ES 317 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Engineering ES 324 3815 Central Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Law DLS N/A 1 North Front Street
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Provost N/A 116 215 W. Poplar Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Provost N/A 118 215 W. Poplar Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Provost N/A 120 215 W. Poplar Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Provost N/A 122 215 W. Poplar Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Provost N/A 124 215 W. Poplar Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Provost N/A 126 215 W. Poplar Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Provost N/A 130 215 W. Poplar Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Provost N/A 132 215 W. Poplar Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Provost N/A 133 215 W. Poplar Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Residence Life CL 317 3704 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Residence Life SM 304 3744 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Residence Life SM 102 3744 Walker Avenue
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Residence Life PSY 200 400 Innovation Drive
TigerLAN Superlab ML 100 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Tigers Of Memphis Restaurant, Chartwells UC 167 499 University
Time Management MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
Track - Men AOB 207 570 Normal Street
Track - Women AOB 201 570 Normal Street
Traffic Appeals - Faculty and Staff PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Traffic Appeals - Students WT 900 3675 Alumni Avenue
Trainer - Men FRF N/A 624 Echles Street
Trainer - Murphy Complex N/A N/A N/A
Trainer - Women FH 135 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Training HH 223B 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Training Center ML 225 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Transcripts WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Transfer Students WT 201 3675 Alumni Avenue
Transitional Academic Studies WT 212 3675 Alumni Avenue
Travel Authorizations AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Tutor Training MI 217 3705 Alumni Avenue
Tutor: Individuals and Groups MI 217 3705 Alumni Avenue
Tutoring for Accounting, Statistics, and Finance FCB 256 3665 Central Avenue
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service N/A I N/A
U.S. Geological Survey EQ5 N/A 3918 Central Avenue
Undergraduate Academic Coordinator FH 108B1 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Undergraduate Academic Services WT 200 3675 Alumni Avenue
Undergraduate Admissions - Enrollment Services WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Undergraduate Advising SC 107 450 University
Undergraduate Advising - English PT 471 530 Patterson Street
Undergraduate Advising - ICL BH 406 3798 Walker Avenue
Undergraduate Advising Appointments PSY 205 400 Innovation Drive
Undergraduate Advisor - Physics MN 216 3744 Alumni Avenue
Undergraduate Advisor - Sociology CL 229A 3704 Walker Avenue
Undergraduate Student Services - Business FAB N/A 3675 Central Avenue
Union Food Court, Chartwells UC 100 499 University
University & Student Business Services WT 115 3675 Alumni Avenue
University Benefits Administration - Educational Assistance - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
University Benefits Administration - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
University Benefits Administration - Insurance - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
University Benefits Administration - Other Benefits - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
University Benefits Administration - Retirement - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
University Catholic Center 3 N/A 3625 Mynders Avenue
University of Memphis Association of Retirees (UMAR) AC N/A 635 Normal Street
University of Memphis Bands CFA 116 3750 Norriswood Avenue
University of Memphis Magazine AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
University Operator JO 101 3706 Alumni Avenue
Update Newsletter AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Urban Affairs and Public Policy, School of (SUAPP) BR 3820 DeSoto Avenue
Urban Research and Extension (CURE), Center for MC 325 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Urban School Leadership (CUSL), Center for K48 140 4111 South MSU-B Street
Urban Youth Wellness Institute FH 275 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Vending Machine Services BS 212 506 University
Veterans and Military Student Services, Office of UC 222 499 University
Veterans Educational Benefits and Certification WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Vice President - Communications, Public Relations and Marketing AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Vice President - Student Academic Success AD 235 3720 Alumni Avenue
Vice Provost - Academic Affairs AD 323 3720 Alumni Avenue
Vice Provost - Assessment, Institutional Research and Reporting AD 217 3720 Alumni Avenue
Vice Provost - Enrollment Services WT 106 3675 Alumni Avenue
Vice Provost - Graduate Programs AD 215 3720 Alumni Avenue
Vice Provost - Undergraduate Programs AD 231 3720 Alumni Avenue
Vice Provost / CIO - Information Technology AD 377 3720 Alumni Avenue
Vice Provost's Office - Lambuth Campus N/A N/A 705 Lambuth Blvd.
Vietnamese Student Association UC 243 499 University
Visual Resources Foundations JO 220 3706 Alumni Avenue
Volleyball - Women AOB 201 570 Normal Street
Voluntary Action Research, Center for MN 319 3744 Alumni Avenue
Web and Mobile Services SC 309 450 University
Web Coordinator AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Web Payment System WT N/A 3675 Alumni Avenue
WebDev - Web Developers SC 309 450 University
Weight Room N/A N/A N/A
Wesley Foundation United Methodist Campus Ministry 8 N/A 3625 Midland Avenue
Withdrawal Information WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Withdrawals (Law) DLS 264 1 North Front Street
WKNO-FM and TV K29 N/A 4050 South Park Loop
Women's Athletics AOB 201 570 Normal Street
Women's Studies SC 107 450 University
Work Control Desk HB 218 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Work Order Request Query System (WORQ) HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Workforce Management - Employment - Staff - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Workforce Management - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
World Languages and Literatures, Department of JO 108 3706 Alumni Avenue
WUMR The Jazz Lover U92 FM TH G13 3745 Central Avenue
WUMR Underwriting TH G13 3745 Central Avenue