Departmental Directory
All Departments Starting With F

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[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

All Departments

Department URI Abbr Room Address
Facilities Operations HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Faculty Administrative Services AD 374 3720 Alumni Avenue
Faculty Renaissance Center EH 101 3700 Walker Avenue
Faculty Senate AD 154 3720 Alumni Avenue
Faculty Senate President AD 154 3720 Alumni Avenue
Family and Consumer Sciences MN 404 3744 Alumni Avenue
FedEx Institute of Technology (FIT) FIT 303 365 Fogelman Drive
FedExPark N/A T N/A
Finance, Department of AD 276 3720 Alumni Avenue
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate, Department of FAB 402 3675 Central Avenue
Financial Planning AD 151 3720 Alumni Avenue
Financial Reporting AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Financial Services PT 401C 530 Patterson Street
Fire Administration JWB 218 3669 Alumni Avenue
First Scholars® Program MI 301 3705 Alumni Avenue
Fitness and Nutritional Assessments FH 171 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Fitness Assessment REC 201 624 Echles Street
Focus on Finance AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Fogelman Executive Conference Center - Conference Services FEC 211 330 Innovation Drive
Fogelman Executive Conference Center - Reception FEC 206 330 Innovation Drive
Fogelman Executive Conference Center - Sales FEC 206 330 Innovation Drive
Food Hotline JOC N/A 3718 Alumni Avenue
Food Systems Management FH N/A 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Football AOB 130 570 Normal Street
Foreign Language Tutoring MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
Foundation, The University of Memphis AC 108 635 Normal Street
Fountain View Suite UC 350 499 University
French Department JO 253C 3706 Alumni Avenue
Freshman Admissions WT 201 3675 Alumni Avenue
Freshman Orientation Program WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
Friends of Libraries ML 126 3785 Norriswood Avenue