Departmental Directory
All Departments Starting With I

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[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

All Departments

Department URI Abbr Room Address
ID (Staff) Office WT 115 3675 Alumni Avenue
Indian Student Association UC 239 499 University
Individual Gifts AD 319 3720 Alumni Avenue
Industry / University Center for Biosurfaces (IUCB) MN 216 3744 Alumni Avenue
Information Assurance, Center for FIT 335A 365 Fogelman Drive
Information Desk - Conference & Event Services UC 175 499 University
Information Desk - Nursing CHB 2502 4055 North Park Loop
Information Technology Services (ITS) AD 377 3720 Alumni Avenue
Injury Reports - Human Resources AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Institute for Intelligent Systems FIT N/A 365 Fogelman Drive
Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology CFA 213 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Institutional Equity Officer AD 156 3720 Alumni Avenue
Institutional Equity, Office for AD 156 3720 Alumni Avenue
Institutional Research AD 216A 3720 Alumni Avenue
Instruction and Curriculum Leadership (ICL) BH 406 3798 Walker Avenue
Instructional Design and Technology BH 421B 3798 Walker Avenue
Insurance / Faculty and Staff AD 165 3720 Alumni Avenue
Insurance / Students HC N/A 3770 DeSoto Avenue
Integrated Microscopy Center (IMC) LS 101 3774 Walker Avenue
Inter-Library Loan ML 204 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Interactive Video JWB 200 3669 Alumni Avenue
Interdisciplinary Studies SC 107 450 University
Interior Architecture - Architecture JO 404 3706 Alumni Avenue
Interior Design HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Intermodal Freight Transportation Studies (CIFTS), Center for EA 302 3795 Central Avenue
Internal Audit AD 271 3720 Alumni Avenue
International Admissions - Graduate WT 101 3675 Alumni Avenue
International Admissions - Undergraduate WT 201 3675 Alumni Avenue
International Business - IMBA FEC 220 330 Innovation Drive
International Business - Undergraduate FEC 220 330 Innovation Drive
International Business Program (Undergraduate) FAB 114 3675 Central Avenue
International Exchange JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Programs and Services (CIPS), Center for JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Student Services JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Students Advisor JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Students Association JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
International Studies SC 107 450 University
International Trade Center K1 104 976 West Park Loop
Internet2 AD 112 3720 Alumni Avenue
Internship Program - Undergraduate FAB 208 3675 Central Avenue
Intramural / Recreation Program REC 128 624 Echles Street
Intramural Office REC 128 624 Echles Street
Intramural Program and Schedule Information REC 128 624 Echles Street
Investigations PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Iris Room UC 338 499 University
Italian Department JO 108J 3706 Alumni Avenue