Departmental Directory
All Departments Starting With N
Department | URI | Abbr | Room | Address |
NAACP - U of M | JWB | 102 | 3669 Alumni Avenue | |
National Pan-Hellenic Council | UC | 233 | 499 University | |
National Student Exchange | HON | N/A | 425 Patterson Street | |
Naval ROTC | HH | 120A | 3795 DeSoto Avenue | |
Network Operations Center | JO | 101 | 3706 Alumni Avenue | |
Network Services | JO | 101 | 3706 Alumni Avenue | |
Neuropercolation | DH | 300 | 3725 Norriswood Avenue | |
New Student Orientation | WT | 101 | 3675 Alumni Avenue | |
Nursing Health Assessment Lab | HC | 300 | 3770 DeSoto Avenue | |
Nursing Simulation Lab | HC | 111 | 3770 DeSoto Avenue | |
Nursing Skills Lab | HC | 108 | 3770 DeSoto Avenue | |
Nursing, Loewenberg College of | CHB | 2502 | 4055 North Park Loop |