Departmental Directory
All Departments Starting With C

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[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

All Departments

Department URI Abbr Room Address
C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa N/A N/A 1987 Indian Village Drive
Cadet Group Headquarters HH 207 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Cafeteria JOC N/A 3718 Alumni Avenue
Calendar and Reservations UC 255 499 University
Campus Card Office (ID Cards) WT 115 3675 Alumni Avenue
Campus Elementary School, Cafeteria CS 127 535 Zach H Curlin Street
Campus Elementary School, Office CS 102 535 Zach H Curlin Street
Campus Information System AD 134 3720 Alumni Avenue
Campus Landscape HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Campus Planning and Design HB 309 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Campus Postal Station UC 259 499 University
Campus Recreation REC 100A 624 Echles Street
Campus Recreation Intramural Services (CRIS) REC 100 624 Echles Street
Campus School CS N/A 535 Zach H Curlin Street
Campus School Lab BH 314 3798 Walker Avenue
Cardiorespiratory / Metabolic Laboratory FH 171 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Career Services WT 400 3675 Alumni Avenue
Career Services, Law DLS 236 1 North Front Street
CARES Dept Computer Lab WT 500 3675 Alumni Avenue
Carpenter Complex CSH N/A 3875 Tiger Paw South
Carpenter Shop HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Cashier's Office WT 115 3675 Alumni Avenue
Cataloging ML 303 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Catering Office JOC N/A 3718 Alumni Avenue
Center for Regional Economic Enrichment (CREE) FIT 201 365 Fogelman Drive
Center for Service Learning and Volunteerism UC 243 499 University
Central Receiving N/A E N/A
Ceramics AB 107 3700 DeSoto Avenue
Chair and Main Office - English PT 467 530 Patterson Street
Chairman - Anthropology MN 316 3744 Alumni Avenue
Chairman - Biology EH 201 3700 Walker Avenue
Chairman - Chemistry SM 210 3744 Walker Avenue
Chairman - History MI 219 3705 Alumni Avenue
Chairman - Human Movement Sciences and Eduction FH 106 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Chairman - Journalism MJ 300 3711 Veterans Avenue
Chairman - Mathematical Sciences DH 373 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Chairman - Microbiology and Molecular Cell Science LS 201 3774 Walker Avenue
Chairman - Military Science HH 223D 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Chairman - Physics MN 216 3744 Alumni Avenue
Chairman - Political Science CL 437 3704 Walker Avenue
Chairman - Psychology PSY 202 400 Innovation Drive
CHAMPS Life Skills Program AOB 111 570 Normal Street
Cheerleaders FH 375 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Chemistry SM 317 3744 Walker Avenue
Chemistry, Department of SM 213 3744 Walker Avenue
Chief Financial Officer - Business and Finance AD 367 3720 Alumni Avenue
Chief Instructor HH 223A 3795 DeSoto Avenue
Child Care Center CSH N/A 3875 Tiger Paw South
Chinese Department JO 215 3706 Alumni Avenue
Chinese Student Association JWB 102 3669 Alumni Avenue
Christian Faculty / Staff Fellowship LS 319 3774 Walker Avenue
Circulation ML N/A 3785 Norriswood Avenue
City and Regional Planning MC 208 3790 DeSoto Avenue
City and Regional Planning, Department Of BR 107 3820 DeSoto Avenue
Civil Engineering, Department of ES 104 3815 Central Avenue
Class Scheduling WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Classic Languages JO 108I 3706 Alumni Avenue
Classroom ML 226 3785 Norriswood Avenue
Classroom Scheduling WT 003 3675 Alumni Avenue
Client Support Services AD 112 3720 Alumni Avenue
Clinical Nutrition Program FH 161 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Club Sports REC 153E 624 Echles Street
Co-op Undergraduate EA 202B 3795 Central Avenue
Collection Department ML N/A 3785 Norriswood Avenue
College Level Advisor and Graduation Analyst - Commmunication and Fine Arts CFA 232 3750 Norriswood Avenue
College Media Advisors Office MJ 334A 3711 Veterans Avenue
College Republicans UC 234 499 University
College Vocabulary MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
Collierville Center N/A N/A 215 W. Poplar Avenue
Commander - Administration PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Commander - Uniformed Patrol PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Commencement Office JWB 101 3669 Alumni Avenue
Commencement Office - Information Hotline JWB N/A 3669 Alumni Avenue
Commercial Music CFA 106 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Communication and Fine Arts, College of CFA 232 3750 Norriswood Avenue
Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Communication, Department of ACB 212 3715 Central Avenue
Communications Services AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Communications Services (Media Relations) AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Compass Placement Testing JWB 112 3669 Alumni Avenue
Compliance Office - Athletics AOB 109 570 Normal Street
Computational Neurodynamics DH 310 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Lab CHB 4004 4055 North Park Loop
Computer Lab FH 162 495 Zach H Curlin Street
Computer Lab FCB 100 3665 Central Avenue
Computer Lab ACB 142 3715 Central Avenue
Computer Lab ACB 303 3715 Central Avenue
Computer Lab BH 310 3798 Walker Avenue
Computer Lab BH 316 3798 Walker Avenue
Computer Lab MIL 106 6500 Navy Road
Computer Lab PSY 102 400 Innovation Drive
Computer Lab RH 100 415 State Street
Computer Lab SM 112 3744 Walker Avenue
Computer Lab JO 220 3706 Alumni Avenue
Computer Lab LS 237 3774 Walker Avenue
Computer Lab MN 407 3744 Alumni Avenue
Computer Lab MN 430 3744 Alumni Avenue
Computer Lab MN 432 3744 Alumni Avenue
Computer Lab MJ 220C 3711 Veterans Avenue
Computer Lab - Computer Science DH 208 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Lab - Computer Science DH 230 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Lab - Computer Science DH 234 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Lab - CSD CHB 2015 4055 North Park Loop
Computer Lab - Ground Water Institute EA N/A 3795 Central Avenue
Computer Lab Coordinator - Sociology CL 229A 3704 Walker Avenue
Computer Science DH 307 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Computer Support - Business and Economics FCB 372 3665 Central Avenue
Computer Support - Nursing CHB N/A 4055 North Park Loop
Computer Systems Support AD 192 3720 Alumni Avenue
Computer Technician PG2 N/A 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Concert and Facilities Scheduling MU N/A 3775 Central Avenue
Conference and Event Services UC 255 499 University
Conference Room UC 201 499 University
Conference Room UC 203 499 University
Conference Room UC 208 499 University
Conference Room UC 212 499 University
Construction Coordinator HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Construction Inspection HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Consumer Science and Education MN 404 3744 Alumni Avenue
Contract Learning - University College JWB 218 3669 Alumni Avenue
Controller, Office of AD 275 3720 Alumni Avenue
Coordinator - Computer Science DH 347 3725 Norriswood Avenue
Coordinator - Graduate Studies CL 207 3704 Walker Avenue
Coordinator - Integrated Microscopy Center LS 101 3774 Walker Avenue
Coordinator - Veterans and Military Student Services UC 222 499 University
Coordinator, Community Engagement and Campus Partnerships UC 211 499 University
Coordinator, Fraternity and Sorority Life UC 211 499 University
Coordinator, Student Outreach and Support UC 211 499 University
Copier Vending BS 212 506 University
Core AB 120 3700 DeSoto Avenue
Corporate and Foundation Giving AD 319 3720 Alumni Avenue
Cotton Institute FIT 303 365 Fogelman Drive
Counseling Center WT 211 3675 Alumni Avenue
Counseling Services WT 211 3675 Alumni Avenue
Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research (CEPR) BH 100 3798 Walker Avenue
Counseling, Tutoring and Testing WT 206 3675 Alumni Avenue
Creative Services, (Publications) AD 303 3720 Alumni Avenue
Creative Writing PT 429 530 Patterson Street
Crews Center for Entrepreneurship CCE N/A 3618 Walker Avenue
Crime Prevention Coordinator PG2 100 505 Zach H Curlin Street
Criminology and Criminal Justice, Department of BR 3820 DeSoto Avenue
Crisis Intervention Team Center (CIT) MC 309 3790 DeSoto Avenue
Critical Thinking / Reading MI 207 3705 Alumni Avenue
CTL Training Room IC 100 384 Patterson Street
Custodial Services UC 290 499 University
Custodial Services Supervisors HB N/A 3750 DeSoto Avenue
Customer Service BS N/A 506 University
Cyber Café FIT N/A 365 Fogelman Drive