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Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
-80C FreezerLong term safe low temperature storage for biological specimen.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Critical Point DryerDrying biological specimen without distortion as part of sample preparation for scanning electron microscopy.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Sputter coater and carbon evaporatorCoating of biological specimen with metal or carbon to make them conductive for scanning electron microscopy.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Bright field upright light microscope and wide field fluorescence microscopeLight microscopy of histology slide. Upright microscope fluorescence microscopy.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscope (inverted microscope)This microscope performs optical sectioning of fluorescently stained cells or tissues. Can image up to 4 fluorescence channels (blue, green, red-orange, far red). Can perform live cell imaging of fluorescently stained cells.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Resonant scan head for the confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopeThis microscope enables fast scanning with the confocal laser fluorescence microscope. Useful for live cell imaging.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
PMT array for the confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopeThis microscope enables the collection of light from wavelengths spaced by 10 nm or more. Useful to image close fluorescence emission peaks with the confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscope.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
37C incubation chamber for microscopeMaintains 37C, saturated humidity and 5% CO2 during light and fluorescence microscopy of live cells.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
UltramicrotomePreparation of ultrathin sections for transmission electron microscopy.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
CryostatMicrotome enabling the sectioning of frozen tissues.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Microtome for paraffin blocksMakes 5-10 micrometer sections from tissues embedded in paraffin.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Tissue processor for paraffin embeddingReplaces the water in formalin-fixed tissue by liquid paraffin.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Bright field, DIC, polarization, reflective, fluorescence and deconvolution microscope (upright microscope). Three channels (blue, green, red/orange) available for fluorescence.Performs various modalities of light microscopy including bright field, bright field EDS, polarization, DIC, reflective and fluorescence. Enable deconvolution for fluorescence imaging.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM)High resolution scanning electron microscopy of materials sciences and biology samples.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) ad-on for the FESEMAllows to use the scanning electron microscope to image small objects or ultra thin section, similar to transmission electron microscopy imaging.Biological Sciences
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) ad-on to FE-SEMUses the electron beam of the scanning electron microscope to perform elemental analysis and mapping of a sample.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
E-beam lithography ad-on to the FESEMUses the electron beam of the scanning electron microscope to creates patterns down to sub-10 nm onto substrates coated with an electron beam sensitive resist.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Class 1000 clean roomMaintains a dust free, environment for materials science projects and the sputter deposition unit.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Sputter deposition system. Instrument is located in a class 1000 clean roomVapor deposition method to deposit thin metal films by sputtering from a target source onto a substrate such as a silicon wafer.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS)Determines the elemental composition, chemical and electronic states of a material.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Wire bounder. Instrument is located in a class 1000 clean room.Makes interconnections to create integrated circuits or other semiconductor devices.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Spin coater. Instrument is located in a class 1000 clean room.Deposits uniform thin metallic films onto flat substrates.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
UV and visible spectrophotomerQuantitative measurement of substances based on their light absorption properties. Measure volumes as small as 1 microliter.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Biosafety cabinet for tissue cultureMaintains a sterile and safe environment to process and prepare cells for tissue culture.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
CO2 Tissue culture incubatorUsed to grow cell cultures in a temperature and CO2 concentration controlled, protected environment.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Nikon Eclipse inverted light microscope with phase contrastUsed to monitor the viability and observe the morphology of cells cultured in Petri dishes.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
BioRad Molecular Imager FXPhosphor Imager with laser upgradeBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Agilent BioanalyzerChip-on-chip bioanalyzerBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
BioRad iCyclerQPCR systemBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Thermo Fisher NanodropNano spectrophotometer for nucleic acid and protein quantificationBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Invitrogen QubitFluorometerBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Beckman DU640SpectrophotometerBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Cary EclipseFluorescence spectrophotometerBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
CovarisUltrasonicatorBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Supporting equipment including:Ultra- and high-speed centrifuges, speed-vac systems, gel dryerBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
FCGR Computer ClusterThe HPC computational resources include a dedicated FCGR computer cluster in addition to use of the HPC provided by ITS at the University of Memphis. The FCGR hardware includes an HP c7000 blade system and six HP Gen8 blades attached to an HP D6000 with GlusterFS configured on four blade servers and an array of 3TB size SAS drives. A local private 10Gig network provides connectivity between the ROCKS/Galaxy cluster and the GlusterFS file system. The FCGR cluster has numerous bioinformatics tools including a local Galaxy instance which submits computational jobs to the ROCKS cluster.Biological Scienceshpcadmins@memphis.edu
AMTTI Biomechanics Force PlatformUsed in the UTHSC gait labBiomedical Engineeringjlwllm17@memphis.edu
AMITTI Force plate OR-6 #2000Used in the UTHSC gait labBiomedical Engineeringjlwllm17@memphis.edu
8 Trackers/sensors with productFused sensor system for wireless motion captureBiomedical Engineeringjlwllm17@memphis.edu
KEI-K-Scan JOINTFor measuring contact pressure inside the knee jointBiomedical Engineeringjlwllm17@memphis.edu
SYSHEWLJ45AVCTO3-HNPComputers used for research and course instruction in the Reverse Engineering Computer LabBiomedical Engineeringjlwllm17@memphis.edu
Freezer/Mill 115V/60HZCryo millBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
i3-Quote LF90278R2: SectraMaxStandard micro-plate readerBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
STE2422005-STERILELITE 24L 120VAutoclaveBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
13261335-1300 A2 1.5 10LyophilizerBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
POROSIMETER PASCAL 140Mercury porosimeterBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
Bio-27600286 R3 Upright ClinicalLight and Fluorescent microscopeBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
Quote sea-141105-sh-1, microPycnometer for material density determinationBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
115-101-45 Wuote 080114-04-TNMercury porosimeterBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
Projet 1200 3D PrinterSmall scale, high resolution printerBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
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