Tag search on ‘mechanical’
Equipment Name | Description & Use | Department | Contact |
Strain gage indicator | Measures mechanical strain on materials using strain gages | Biomedical Engineering | jbmgrdnr@memphis.edu |
US-200-01-Uniaxial tissue tester | A versatile uniaxial benchtop mechanical tester | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Multiaxial servo-hydraulic fatigue testing machine | Instron multiaxial axial-torsion 8852 servo-hydraulic material testing system with 100 kN axial load and 1000 N.m torque capacities. With a precision aligned, high-stiffness twin-column frame, the 8850 series meets the challenging demands of a varied range of both static and dynamic biaxial testing requirements. Experiments can be done under static as well dynamic loading in force control, displacement control, or strain control mode. | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
Uniaxial servo-hydraulic fatigue testing machine | Two Instron uniaxial servo-hydraulic material testing systems, each load frame featuring the capacity of 10 kN and 50 kN. These systems provide uniaxial load on the specimen in an integrated uniaxial actuator. Experiments can be done under static as well dynamic loading in force control, displacement control, or strain control mode. | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
ARAMIS 3D Digital Correlation (DIC) System | ARAMIS 3D Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and 3D Point Tracking (photogrammetry) system is another powerful system located at this laboratory. This system is the most capable non-contact and material-independent strain and displacement measurement system on the market for the mechanical testing applications, providing an optical replacement for strain gage, extensometers, and most other contact deformation measurement systems. The system performs high-precision measurements with a 3D measurement resolution in the sub-micrometer range, regardless of the specimen’s geometry and temperature. | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
Surface Roughness Testing Machine | Mahr Pocket Surf PS1 is a compact roughness measuring instrument, with the maximum measuring range of 350 ?m. This system has the capability of measuring 24 different roughness values, including Ra, Rz, Rmax, Rp, Rt, … | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
Digital Microscope | This 2.0 megapixel digital microscope camera is capable of 10-230x optical zoom levels which is fitted with an adjustable polarizing light filter | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
Optical Microscope | This optical microscope which is equipped with an Amscope Mu1003 camera is capable of up to 1000x optical zoom levels | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
Small Direct Metal Laser Sintering System | Small Direct Metal Laser Sintering System (EOS M100) that uses a 200 W Yb (Ytterbium) fiber laser with wavelength 900 – 1200 nm, 40 µm diameter of the laser beam in the building area, and 163 mm focal length of the F-Theta lens (flat plane optic). It operates a dual re-circulating filter system with F9 (pre-filter) and F13 (main filter). The minimum exposure diameter area is 100 mm with an exposure speed up to 7000 mm/s and the scanner position repeatability is < 22 ? rad. The machine can operate under Argon or Nitrogen inert gases and includes all the required software and validated process parameters for printing of bulk Steel 316L and Ti-6Al-4V metal. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Medium Direct Metal Laser Sintering System | Medium Direct Metal Laser Sintering System (EOS M290) that uses a 400 Watt Yb (Ytterbium) fiber laser with a wavelength of 1060-1100 nm and using an F-Theta focusing lens, the focal length of the F-Theta lens is 410 mm. The machine also contains self-cleaning filters. The minimum exposure area is 250 mm x 250 mm with an exposure speed up to 7000 mm/s and a scanner position repeatability of < 11 ? rad. The z-axis repeatability of positioning is ? ± 0.005 mm. EOS M290 uses am high-speed steel and ceramic blades with travel speed 40-500 mm/s. In addition, the integrated platform has a heating module capable of operating between approx. 40 to 200° C. The EOS M290 machine license includes a full academic license with validated parameters for bulk MS, MP, Ti-6Al-4V, AlSi10Mg, IN625, IN718, HX and 316L. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Formlabs Form 2 SLA printer | A stereolithography (SLA) 3D printer | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Markforge Onyx Series Printer | A 3D printer | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
High-End Melt –Extraction Analyzer | High-End Melt –Extraction Analyzer (Bruker G8-GALILEO) is used for determination of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen in metals. It contains a dual IR detector for Oxygen and thermal conductivity cell for Nitrogen and Hydrogen with high resolution and reproducibility. It can regulate temperatures up to 2500° C and contains an automatic furnace cleaning and crucible removal. Furthermore, it has a built-in internal connector for mass spectroscopy for Argon and diffusible Hydrogen detection. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
High Performance carbon and Sulfur Analyzer | High performance carbon and sulfur analyzer (Bruker G4-ICARUS) is used for simultaneous detection of Carbon and Sulfur in metals. It uses a combustion method with high-frequency furnace and IR detection with an automatic furnace cleaning feature. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Mechanical Testing System | Mechanical testing system (Shimadzu AGS-X 20kN) is 20kN frame that is capable of performing tension, compression, and bending experiments. The testing system has an integrated video extensometer (TRVIEW) that allows for performing tests at constant strain rate, stress rate, and combination of these. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Fully Automatic Microhardness | Fully Automatic Microhardness (Shimadzu HMV-G-FA) is capable of X-Y-Z automatic stage movement, pattern testing, and creation of a complete object picture, sample edge detection, and automated depth of hardening testing. It is also capable of both Knoob and Vickers indentations and is capable of automatic switching between 5x, 10x and 40x lenses for the appropriate detection of indentations with various sizes. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Gilsonic ultrasonic sieving machine | The MAML houses a Gilsonic ultrasonic sieving machine with meshes varying from 15 µm to 60 µm for powder size characterizations. A QUALTECH Hall flowmeter, a QUALTECH tap density meter, and ultrasonic bath are the other equipment dealing with powder physical characterizations. https://www.globalgilson.com/gilsonic-8-inch-ultrasiever | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Digital Microscope | Digital Microscope (Keyence VHX-6000) allows imaging an area of up to 40 mm by 40 mm, depth of field up to 34 ?m and automatic 2D and 3D stitching of these images with high quality (20k by 20k pixels). Its camera has a maximum frame rate of 50 F/s, normal resolution of 600 (H) × 1200 (V) and dynamic range of 16-bit intensity range through RGB data from each pixel. The machine also has a motorized XY stage with 1 ?m resolution, ±20 mm range, and ±90° ? manual rotation angle. The motorized z-stage has 400 mm range with 0.1 ?m resolution. One 20x – 200x and one 500x-5000x high resolution lens for Brightfield, Darkfield, Partial, DIC capabilities as well as polarized capability are included with the digital microscope. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Wire Electric Discharge Machining | Wire Electric Discharge Machining (Mitsubishi MV2400S) is an auto wire treating an advanced wire EDM with M800 control that has axes travel range of X-23.6" x Y-15.7" x Z-12.2". It can achieve finish surfaces of 12µ" Ra that provides cutting and sectioning with minimal thermal and mechanical effect. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Argon-purged vacuumed sintering furnace | Argon-purged vacuumed sintering furnace offers a true oxygen-free heat treatment and sintering environment for operation temperatures of up to 1500° C. This furnace will be used for all the residual stress relieving and annealing of additively manufactured metal parts. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
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