Tag search on ‘laser’
Equipment Name | Description & Use | Department | Contact |
Nitrogen Laser | A gas laser using molecular nitrogen as gain medium | Chemistry | gemmert@memphis.edu |
Dye Laser | A laser that uses dye as lasing medium | Chemistry | gemmert@memphis.edu |
Nitrogen Laser | A gas laser using molecular nitrogen as gain medium in the ultraviolet range | Chemistry | tburkey@memphis.edu |
Laser System | A laser device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation | Chemistry | xhuang4@memphis.edu |
Survey Rods/Laser | A control tool used in surveying and construction | Civil Engineering | bwaldron@memphis.edu |
LBX-488-100-CSB-PP-Laser module, | Laser diode module | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
R532001FX-LRS-0532-PFM-00200- | Diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser for fluorescence excitation | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Quantel BRIO/IR-SB, Wavelength: | A fiber laser | Electrical and Computer Engineering | stgriffn@memphis.edu |
Small Direct Metal Laser Sintering System | Small Direct Metal Laser Sintering System (EOS M100) that uses a 200 W Yb (Ytterbium) fiber laser with wavelength 900 – 1200 nm, 40 µm diameter of the laser beam in the building area, and 163 mm focal length of the F-Theta lens (flat plane optic). It operates a dual re-circulating filter system with F9 (pre-filter) and F13 (main filter). The minimum exposure diameter area is 100 mm with an exposure speed up to 7000 mm/s and the scanner position repeatability is < 22 ? rad. The machine can operate under Argon or Nitrogen inert gases and includes all the required software and validated process parameters for printing of bulk Steel 316L and Ti-6Al-4V metal. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Medium Direct Metal Laser Sintering System | Medium Direct Metal Laser Sintering System (EOS M290) that uses a 400 Watt Yb (Ytterbium) fiber laser with a wavelength of 1060-1100 nm and using an F-Theta focusing lens, the focal length of the F-Theta lens is 410 mm. The machine also contains self-cleaning filters. The minimum exposure area is 250 mm x 250 mm with an exposure speed up to 7000 mm/s and a scanner position repeatability of < 11 ? rad. The z-axis repeatability of positioning is ? ± 0.005 mm. EOS M290 uses am high-speed steel and ceramic blades with travel speed 40-500 mm/s. In addition, the integrated platform has a heating module capable of operating between approx. 40 to 200° C. The EOS M290 machine license includes a full academic license with validated parameters for bulk MS, MP, Ti-6Al-4V, AlSi10Mg, IN625, IN718, HX and 316L. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
CHAMELEON ULTRA II | Ultrafast pulsed laser (fs) for spectroscopy | Physics and Materials Science | tbhoang@memphis.edu |
Sapphire SF 488-50 CDRH USB Laser System | CW laser for fluorescence and Raman | Physics and Materials Science | tbhoang@memphis.edu |
Flare NX 515-0.6-2 Air Laser System | kHz laser for fluorescence and Raman | Physics and Materials Science | tbhoang@memphis.edu |
SHG: Harmonix: 680-1080nm Input Range: 1.3W: Manual | Second Harmonic generation for the Chameleon laser | Physics and Materials Science | tbhoang@memphis.edu |
FieldMaxII-TO and OP-2 VIS system | Coherent power meter to measure laser power | Physics and Materials Science | tbhoang@memphis.edu |
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