- University of Memphis
FCBE Undergraduate Acad Advisor
College Academic Advisor II (020371)
Alexis Dewey -
FCBE Student Professional Deve
CPCD Program Coordinator (022530)
Amina Farah -
FCBE Student Professional Deve
Internship and Program Coord (022396)
Donna LaRiviere -
FCBE Student Professional Deve
Asst Dir Student Prof Devl (020972)
April Mitchell -
FCBE Student Professional Deve
College Recruiter (023793)
Adriana White
FCBE Undergraduate Acad Advisor
College Academic Advisor II (002440)
Mark Alpuente -
FCBE Undergraduate Acad Advisor
College Academic Advisor II (009458)
Elizabeth Jasper -
College of Business Economics
College Academic Advisor I (011802)
Brittany Perez -
College of Business Economics
Scholarship and Recruit Coord (012095)
Felicia Roddy-Jackson -
FCBE Undergraduate Acad Advisor
Administrative Assistant I (007251)
Kiera Strickland -
FCBE Undergraduate Acad Advisor
College Academic Advisor I (020348)
Philip Twumasi Ankrah -
FCBE Undergraduate Acad Advisor
College Academic Advisor I (011804)
FCBE Masters Programs
Asst Dir Grad Prog Acad Adv (011914)
Anna Myers -
FCBE Academic Program
Administrative Associate II (004830)
Vacant -
College of Business Economics
Pre Award Coordinator (L20958)
College of Business Economics
Administrative Associate II (012675)
Dametria Brooks -
School of Accountancy
Asst Professor (016166)
Hannah Antinozzi -
School of Accountancy
Assoc Professor Teaching (016245)
Philip Babin -
School of Accountancy
Administrative Associate I (022368)
Jamie Buckhanan -
School of Accountancy
Assoc Professor (002501)
Nan Golden -
School of Accountancy
Assoc Professor Teaching (016250)
Rita Green -
School of Accountancy
Asst Professor (008286)
Philip Kunz -
School of Accountancy
Professor (001153)
Kenneth Lambert -
School of Accountancy
Holder of the Chair Excellence (003459)
Steve Lin -
School of Accountancy
Assoc Professor (001820)
James Lukawitz -
School of Accountancy
Professor (003092)
Peter McMickle -
School of Accountancy
Professor (003254)
Larry Moore -
School of Accountancy
Assoc Professor Teaching (016834)
Jeffrey Nevels -
School of Accountancy
Assoc Professor (002551)
Nirmalee Raddatz -
School of Accountancy
Holder of the Chair Excellence (001374)
Zabihollah Rezaee -
School of Accountancy
Assoc Professor (003201)
Katherine Sorensen -
School of Accountancy
Assoc Professor (002362)
Vacant -
School of Accountancy
Professor (016462)
FCBE Academic Administration
FCBE Video Producer (016579)
Skylar Sicilia -
FCBE Marketing & Communications
Mgr Mktg and Comm (022953)
Madison Stoks
Crews Venture Lab
Program Coordinator (018680)
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Assoc Professor (002692)
Jeffrey Black -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Asst Professor (002903)
Allen Carrion -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Asst Professor (002957)
Jan Hanousek -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Asst Professor Teaching (009152)
Shawn McFarland -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Assoc Professor Teaching (001839)
Napoleon Overton -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Asst Professor Teaching (016854)
Allison Potter -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Assoc Professor (003477)
Sepehr Roudini -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Holder of the Chair Excellence (001003)
Konstantin Sokolov -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Holder of the Chair Excellence (002117)
Mark Sunderman -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Asst Professor Teaching (001940)
Tzveta Vateva -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Assoc Professor (007350)
Qianying Xu -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Professor (002092)
Velma Zahirovic-Herbert -
Finance Insurance Real Estate
Visiting Asst Professor (L22128)
Holder of the Chair Excellence (002734)
Kristen Jones -
Lambuth Management
Asst Professor Teaching (012020)
Sana Ahmed -
Assoc Professor Teaching (016251)
Laura Alderson -
Assoc Professor (002970)
Frances Fabian -
Asst Professor (007949)
Dongwoo Kim -
College of Business Economics
Secretary (007188)
Assoc Professor (006680)
Stephen Lanivich -
Asst Professor (012021)
Alex Lindsey -
Assoc Professor Teaching (007898)
Kelly Mollica -
Assoc Professor (003100)
Caitlin Porter -
Asst Professor Teaching (005129)
Olivia Raine -
Lambuth Management
Assoc Professor Teaching (016253)
Martha Robinson -
Asst Professor Teaching (016254)
Wendy Torres -
Assoc Professor Teaching (016252)
Kathy Tuberville -
Holder of the Chair Excellence (021400)
James Vardaman -
Assoc Professor (001775)
Robert Wiggins -
Assoc Professor (003176)
Ji Hae You
FCBE Academic Administration
Administrative Associate I (020467)
Tarranda Silas
Marketing Supply Management
Professor (002899)
Mohammad Amini -
Marketing Supply Management
Assoc Professor (L10312)
Gregory Boller -
Marketing Supply Management
Assoc Professor Teaching (008567)
Michael Cervetti -
Marketing Supply Management
Asst Professor (001960)
Punya Chatterjee -
Marketing Supply Management
Asst Professor Teaching Coord (001325)
John Cicala -
Marketing Supply Management
Asst Professor Teaching (005088)
David Cook -
Marketing Supply Management
Assoc Professor Teaching (016680)
Tracy Cosenza -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor (002925)
Polina Durneva -
Marketing Supply Management
Asst Professor (002277)
Maria Susana Echeverri -
Marketing Supply Management
Asst Professor Teaching (007897)
David Gagnon -
Marketing Supply Management
Assoc Professor (001533)
Subhash Jha -
Marketing Supply Management
Assoc Professor Teaching (016255)
Dale Kehr -
Marketing Supply Management
Assoc Professor (003426)
Gensheng Liu -
Marketing Supply Management
Asst Professor (007335)
Rahul Pandey -
Marketing Supply Management
Professor (010312)
Rajiv Grover
Marketing Supply Management
Assoc Professor (001008)
Robert Thieme -
Marketing Supply Management
Visiting Asst Professor (001509)
Vacant -
Marketing Supply Management
Visiting Res Asst Professor (L24109)
Vacant -
Chair of Excellence Finance
Administrative Secretary (008033)
Vacant -
Marketing Supply Management
Asst Professor (022873)
Ganga Urumutta Hewage
Marketing Supply Management
Assoc Professor (L24216)
College of Business Economics
Mgr Facilities and Equipment (022620)
James Barthol -
College of Business Economics
Mgr Operations (024027)
Ashley Rose -
College of Business Economics
Coord Assessment (L24028)
Mary Smith -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor (002563)
Srikanth Venkatesan
Administrative Associate I (022376)
Fallon Durant -
Assoc Professor (008305)
Andrew Hussey -
Post Doctoral Fellow (L22139)
Assoc Professor (002136)
Joonhyung Lee -
Assoc Professor (003448)
Jose Lopez -
Professor (001018)
Albert Okunade -
Asst Professor Teaching (008566)
Jake Organ -
Asst Professor (001978)
Grace Phillips -
Assoc Professor (006681)
Jamin Speer -
Asst Professor (003172)
Han Yu -
FCBE Masters Programs
Academic Services Coord II (004869)
April Jones -
FCBE Masters Programs
Academic Services Coord II (012423)
Emily Smith -
FCBE Masters Programs
Administrative Associate I (L24029)
Ava Smith
Post Doctoral Fellow (L22110)
Vacant -
Visiting Asst Professor (L20849)
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor (002588)
Ali Adeli -
Management Information Systems
Visiting Asst Professor (L22309)
Vladimir Ambartsoumian -
Marketing Supply Management
Administrative Associate I (022375)
Kimberly Womack
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor Teaching (008643)
Carole Belton -
Management Information Systems
Professor (007334)
Mark Gillenson -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor (001600)
Hui Hao -
Management Information Systems
Professor (003025)
Brian Janz -
Management Information Systems
Assoc Professor (008279)
Euntae Lee -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor (001142)
Pavankumar Mulgund
Management Information Systems
Holder of the Chair Excellence (021399)
Huigang Liang -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor Teaching (L22051)
Avanti Pandit -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor Teaching (L22661)
Robert Rose -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor Teaching (002380)
Sandeford Schaeffer -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor Teaching (022908)
Aaron Smith -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor Teaching (008609)
Scott Vann -
Management Information Systems
Assoc Professor (009745)
Srikar Velichety -
Management Information Systems
Asst Professor (022893)
Yuan Zhang -
Management Information Systems
Post Doctoral Fellow (L22109)
Vacant -
Management Information Systems
Post Doctoral Fellow (L22159)