V. Lane Rawlins Service Court Facility (Bookstore)

506 University
Memphis, TN 38152

V. Lane Rawlins Service Court Facility (Bookstore)

Department Info Abbr Room Phone Fax
Auxiliary Services BS 212 901-678-5234 901-678-5632
Bookstore BS 100 901-678-2011 901-678-2665
Copier Vending BS 212 901-678-5234
Customer Service BS N/A 901-678-2838
Director - Tiger Copy and Graphics BS N/A 901-678-4568
Manager - Tiger Copy and Graphics BS N/A 901-678-2445
Micrographics Center BS 103 901-678-2987 901-678-5302
Tiger Copy & Graphics BS 210 901-678-2838 901-678-4104
Vending Machine Services BS 212 901-678-5234