Psychology Building

400 Innovation Drive
Memphis, TN 38152-3230

Psychology Building

Department Info Abbr Room Phone Fax
Applied Psychological Research, Center for PSY 202 901-678-4213
Asst. to Chair - Psychology PSY 201 901-678-4699
Behavioral Neuroscience PSY 412 901-678-4213
Chairman - Psychology PSY 202 901-678-2146
Computer Lab PSY 102
Graduate Programs: Director - Clinical Programs PSY 352 901-678-5489
Graduate Programs: Director - Experimental Program PSY 418 901-678-1560
Graduate Programs: Director - School Psychology Program PSY 115 901-678-4676
Graduate Programs: General Master's Program Advisors PSY 368 901-678-2741
Psychological Service Center PSY 126 901-678-2147
Psychology, Department of PSY 202 901-678-2145 901-678-2579
Smart Classroom / Lab PSY 103
Smart Classroom / Lab PSY 219
Smart Lab PSY 145
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Residence Life PSY 200 901-678-8888
TigerLAN Smart Classroom - Residence Life PSY 200 901-678-3535
Undergraduate Advising Appointments PSY 205 901-678-2543