Tag search on ‘test’
Equipment Name | Description & Use | Department | Contact |
Universal Testing Machine | Soft tissue mechanical, uniaxial tensile testing system-which is in the process of receiving a new controller (in progress) | Biomedical Engineering | jlwllm17@memphis.edu |
Videoextensometer system + lenses | Used for measuring displacement with universal test frame | Biomedical Engineering | jlwllm17@memphis.edu |
DElsaNano C (Demo system): Zeta | High performance, versatile system for measuring particle and protein size, zeta potential, molecular weight, protein mobility and microrheology. | Biomedical Engineering | jlwllm17@memphis.edu |
Universal Testing machine | Soft tissue mechanical, uniaxial tensile testing system | Biomedical Engineering | glbowlin@memphis.edu |
RF20A Fluorescence Detector | High performance liquid chromatography with world-class sensitivity and fast sampling | Biomedical Engineering | jjnnings@memphis.edu |
Strain gage indicator | Measures mechanical strain on materials using strain gages | Biomedical Engineering | jbmgrdnr@memphis.edu |
Slug Test PVC | A type of aquifer test to determine the transmissivity/hydraulic conductivity and storativity of the material | Civil Engineering | bwaldron@memphis.edu |
Vestibular rotary chair, electronystagmography | Located in the Memphis Speech and Hearing Center. Equipped for adult and pediatric hearing testing, including calibrated audiometers, air and bone conduction, ear cuffs, tympanometry, and otoacoustic emission equipment. If a researcher needs auditory testing, it might make more sense to contract with us. | Communication Sciences and Disorders | ljrmlwcz@memphis.edu |
US-200-01-Uniaxial tissue tester | A versatile uniaxial benchtop mechanical tester | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Multiaxial servo-hydraulic fatigue testing machine | Instron multiaxial axial-torsion 8852 servo-hydraulic material testing system with 100 kN axial load and 1000 N.m torque capacities. With a precision aligned, high-stiffness twin-column frame, the 8850 series meets the challenging demands of a varied range of both static and dynamic biaxial testing requirements. Experiments can be done under static as well dynamic loading in force control, displacement control, or strain control mode. | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
Uniaxial servo-hydraulic fatigue testing machine | Two Instron uniaxial servo-hydraulic material testing systems, each load frame featuring the capacity of 10 kN and 50 kN. These systems provide uniaxial load on the specimen in an integrated uniaxial actuator. Experiments can be done under static as well dynamic loading in force control, displacement control, or strain control mode. | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
Surface Roughness Testing Machine | Mahr Pocket Surf PS1 is a compact roughness measuring instrument, with the maximum measuring range of 350 ?m. This system has the capability of measuring 24 different roughness values, including Ra, Rz, Rmax, Rp, Rt, … | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
Mechanical Testing System | Mechanical testing system (Shimadzu AGS-X 20kN) is 20kN frame that is capable of performing tension, compression, and bending experiments. The testing system has an integrated video extensometer (TRVIEW) that allows for performing tests at constant strain rate, stress rate, and combination of these. | Mechanical Engineering | easadi@memphis.edu |
Mouse Tail Suspension Tests | Experimental method for measuring stress | Psychology | rgfloyd@memphis.edu |
Mouse Forced Swim Test | A solution for mouse behavioral test | Psychology | rgfloyd@memphis.edu |
Mouse Acoustic Startle Tests | Tests for measuring startle response and reflex | Psychology | rgfloyd@memphis.edu |
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