Tag search on ‘stage’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
LNR50S-50 mm (1.97") TravelMaxHigh-speed linear translation stageElectrical and Computer Engineeringcpreza@memphis.edu
LNR50S-50 mm (1.97") TravelMaxHigh-speed linear translation stageElectrical and Computer Engineeringcpreza@memphis.edu
ALAR-200-LP-CT-AS-UnlimitedA direct-drive rotary stageElectrical and Computer Engineeringstgriffn@memphis.edu
Life Modeler software6-axis motor driver for linear stage motion controllerElectrical and Computer Engineeringeljacobs@memphis.edu
Motorized Gothic-Arch Bearing Stage30 nm translation stagePhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
Linkam L-PE120 hot stage and controller to control the liquid crystal phaseHot stagePhysics and Materials Sciencecpeng@memphis.edu
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