Tag search on ‘spectroscopy’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) ad-on to FE-SEMUses the electron beam of the scanning electron microscope to perform elemental analysis and mapping of a sample.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
UV and visible spectrophotomerQuantitative measurement of substances based on their light absorption properties. Measure volumes as small as 1 microliter.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Frontier MIR + Spectrum 10 STD, FrontierSupports advanced FT-IR analysisChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Circular Dichroism Spectrometer, AVIV Model 410SFAn absorption spectroscopy that uses corcularly polarized light to investigate structural aspects of optically active chiral mediaChemistryaparrill@memphis.edu
CHAMELEON ULTRA IIUltrafast pulsed laser (fs) for spectroscopyPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
SHG: Harmonix: 680-1080nm Input Range: 1.3W: ManualSecond Harmonic generation for the Chameleon laserPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
HR4000 Composite-grating spectrometer, 200-1100 nmOcean Insight spectrometerPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
Horiba Synapse CameraHigh resolution camera for spectroscopy applicationsPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
Thermogravimetric analyzerVibrational and rotational transitions in molecules that can be used for detailed chemical analysis of solids, powders, liquids, and gasesPhysics and Materials Sciencesrmishra@memphis.edu
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