Tag search on ‘spectrometer’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS)Determines the elemental composition, chemical and electronic states of a material.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Nitrogen LaserA gas laser using molecular nitrogen as gain mediumChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Atomic Absorption SpectrometerDetects and analyzes the concentration of elements in liquid or solid samplesChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Atomic Absorption SpectrometerDetects and analyzes the concentration of elements in liquid or solid samplesChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Uv Visible SpectrometerAnalyzes the chemical structure of a substance, measures the intensity of lightChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Nicolet SpectrometerBenchtop spectrometer for analysisChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Nitrogen LaserA gas laser using molecular nitrogen as gain medium in the ultraviolet rangeChemistrytburkey@memphis.edu
Circular Dichroism Spectrometer, AVIV Model 410SFAn absorption spectroscopy that uses corcularly polarized light to investigate structural aspects of optically active chiral mediaChemistryaparrill@memphis.edu
Gas chromatograph – mass spectrometerThis is a device used to separate complex mixtures of volatile compounds or compounds that can be made volatile. The mass spectrometer can then be used to identify the chemical compounds in the complex mixtureChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Saturn Turbo PumpSaturn 2000 series ion trap GS/MS system: mass spectrometerChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Nicolet 6700 - FTIR SpectrometerA FT-IR spectrometer for advanced research and routine analysis experimentsChemistrywlxnder2@memphis.edu
OCEAN HDX SpectrometerA UV-VIS spectrometerChemistrykclark17@memphis.edu
Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS)Quantitative material characterizationPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FT-IR)Infrared Spectrophotometer, qualitative analysisPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
HR4000 Composite-grating spectrometer, 200-1100 nmOcean Insight spectrometerPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
Horiba SpectrometerHigh resolution spectrometerPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
Raman MicroscopeRaman spectrometer to study the variation modes of the materialsPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
Raman SpectrometerTo study hyperfine parameters in the materialPhysics and Materials Sciencesrmishra@memphis.edu
Mossbauer Spectroscopy SystemTo study hyperfine parameters in the materialPhysics and Materials Sciencesrmishra@memphis.edu
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