Tag search on ‘oven’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
Isotemp Gravity OvenA gravity-flow convection oven for drying and heating applicationsBiomedical Engineeringtpirneni@memphis.edu
VWR SHELDON 1400E vacuum ovenOvenPhysics and Materials Sciencecpeng@memphis.edu
TVO2 Vacuum OvenMakes samples with the application of heatPhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
OvenDries samplesPhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
Stabil-ThermGravityOvenHeats the mixture in the process of making aerogelPhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
Fisher Scientific 100FS IsotempDry ovenSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
OvenThe oven has a maximum temperature of 232 degrees centigrade (450 Fahrenheit) and has a chamber volume of 1.27 cubic feet (19.8 liters).School of Public Healthcjia@memphis.edu
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