Tag search on ‘microscope’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
Confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscope (inverted microscope)This microscope performs optical sectioning of fluorescently stained cells or tissues. Can image up to 4 fluorescence channels (blue, green, red-orange, far red). Can perform live cell imaging of fluorescently stained cells.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Resonant scan head for the confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopeThis microscope enables fast scanning with the confocal laser fluorescence microscope. Useful for live cell imaging.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
PMT array for the confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopeThis microscope enables the collection of light from wavelengths spaced by 10 nm or more. Useful to image close fluorescence emission peaks with the confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscope.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
37C incubation chamber for microscopeMaintains 37C, saturated humidity and 5% CO2 during light and fluorescence microscopy of live cells.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
UltramicrotomePreparation of ultrathin sections for transmission electron microscopy.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Bio-27600286 R3 Upright ClinicalLight and Fluorescent microscopeBiomedical Engineeringglbowlin@memphis.edu
AMG Evos FL baseLED based fluorescence microscopyBiomedical Engineeringjjnnings@memphis.edu
AmE-3206- Flide Stage invertedDigital inverted microscopeBiomedical Engineeringjjnnings@memphis.edu
ASI-XY High Resolution XY motorized stage for microscopeMotorized programable stage for inverted microscopeBiomedical Engineeringjjnnings@memphis.edu
Environmental Incubator For TE300Chamber for culturing and imaging of live cells on an inverted microscopeBiomedical Engineeringjbmgrdnr@memphis.edu
inverted microscopeInverted phase microscope with fluorescent imaging, 10, 20 and 40X magBiomedical Engineeringjbmgrdnr@memphis.edu
NanoSight LM10 with high sensitivity cameraA conventional optical microscope with a high sensitivity sCMOS cameraChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Atomic Force Microscope with VI-2011 Vibration Isolation CabA very-high-resolution type of scanning probe microscopyChemistrytfjiwara@memphis.edu
Laser SystemA laser device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiationChemistryxhuang4@memphis.edu
Olympus Microscope 1X71A microscope with an optical and digital camera to show interior viewsChemistryxhuang4@memphis.edu
Enway-ProRaman-L-A2-785 High Performance LaboratoryHigh performance Raman system for laboratory experimentsChemistryxhuang4@memphis.edu
MicroscopeA biological microscope setChemistryxhuang4@memphis.edu
EasyScan STM packageScanning tunneling microscopeChemistrywlxnder2@memphis.edu
AxioCam MRm Rev.3 with FireWireA digital camera with a firewire interface for microscopyElectrical and Computer Engineeringcpreza@memphis.edu
Nikon SMZ 800N, includingA versatile stereo microscopeElectrical and Computer Engineeringmblsbrmn@memphis.edu
Digital MicroscopeThis 2.0 megapixel digital microscope camera is capable of 10-230x optical zoom levels which is fitted with an adjustable polarizing light filterMechanical Engineeringafatemi@memphis.edu
Optical MicroscopeThis optical microscope which is equipped with an Amscope Mu1003 camera is capable of up to 1000x optical zoom levelsMechanical Engineeringafatemi@memphis.edu
Digital MicroscopeDigital Microscope (Keyence VHX-6000) allows imaging an area of up to 40 mm by 40 mm, depth of field up to 34 ?m and automatic 2D and 3D stitching of these images with high quality (20k by 20k pixels). Its camera has a maximum frame rate of 50 F/s, normal resolution of 600 (H) × 1200 (V) and dynamic range of 16-bit intensity range through RGB data from each pixel. The machine also has a motorized XY stage with 1 ?m resolution, ±20 mm range, and ±90° ? manual rotation angle. The motorized z-stage has 400 mm range with 0.1 ?m resolution. One 20x – 200x and one 500x-5000x high resolution lens for Brightfield, Darkfield, Partial, DIC capabilities as well as polarized capability are included with the digital microscope.Mechanical Engineeringeasadi@memphis.edu
Field Emission- scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM)Ultra-high resolution 2D Characterization and ImagingPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)3D surface analysis tool, topography and morphology measurementPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)2D Characterization and ImagingPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
Nikon microscopeMicroscope for optical imaging of single nanostructuresPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
Raman MicroscopeRaman spectrometer to study the variation modes of the materialsPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
Am scope 50X-1000X Advanced Upright Polarized-light imaging systemMicroscopePhysics and Materials Sciencecpeng@memphis.edu
Olympus BX-51 optical microscopeMicroscopePhysics and Materials Sciencecpeng@memphis.edu
Amscope 40X-1000X Upright Fluorescence Microscope with Rotating Multi-filter Turret40X-1000X Upright Fluorescence Microscope with Rotating Multi-filter TurretPhysics and Materials Sciencecpeng@memphis.edu
MicroscopeTo see the details of the samples by magnifying itPhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
AmScopeA 5-megapixel color digital camera for a microscopePhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
Inverted microscopeUsed for basic microscopy and fluorescencePhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
Olympus Optical binocular microscopesOptical microscopes with two eyepiecesPsychologyrgfloyd@memphis.edu
Zeiss Axio Imager M2Upright fluorescence research microscopeSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
Olympus CKX31Inverted microscopeSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
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