Tag search on ‘laptop’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
Computers MacBookAirLaptopChemistrytfjiwara@memphis.edu
Cash Reimbursement - ThinkPad T450sLaptopChemistryxzhao1@memphis.edu
ToughbookLaptopCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
Apple Mac ProLaptopElectrical and Computer Engineeringrjdeaton@memphis.edu
Dell, Latitude E6440LaptopElectrical and Computer Engineeringcpreza@memphis.edu
IBM ThinkPad T Series T60p LaptopLaptopElectrical and Computer Engineeringeljacobs@memphis.edu
Z0QP-MBP 13.3 MacBook ProLaptopElectrical and Computer Engineeringeljacobs@memphis.edu
Apple iMac P0184658DesktopElectrical and Computer Engineeringeljacobs@memphis.edu
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