Tag search on ‘interface’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
AMTTI Biomechanics FPSTAIRS-OR60-Interfaced forUsed in the UTHSC gait labBiomedical Engineeringjlwllm17@memphis.edu
Levelogger App InterfaceUses Bluetooth wireless technology to connect a datalogger to smart devicesCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
Water Level Meter (Interface)Measures the depth and level of waterCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
Model CHSPDM512-0532-PCle16-A high-speed hardware interfaceElectrical and Computer Engineeringcpreza@memphis.edu
Picoharp300, Stand Alone USB interfacePicoharp 300 module for ultrafast time resolved measurementsPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
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