Tag search on ‘detector’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
Fish FinderLocates fish underwater by detecting reflected pulses of sound energyCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
Metal DetectorAn electronic instrument to detect the presence of metal nearbyCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
Zero Bias Detector (THz Sensor Lab)Terahertz detector, a power sensorElectrical and Computer Engineeringstgriffn@memphis.edu
VDI Detector/WR1.5 Diagonal HornIntegrated diagonal horn fundamental mixerElectrical and Computer Engineeringeljacobs@memphis.edu
Single Photon Avalanche DiodesPDM single photon detector for single photon measurementsPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
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