Tag search on ‘detection’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
NC0915891-FLD-3400RS FLUORESHigh-sensitivity fluorescence detectorBiomedical Engineeringjjnnings@memphis.edu
NC0915803-DAD-3000 DIODERapid Separation Diode Array DetectorBiomedical Engineeringjjnnings@memphis.edu
Electron Capture DetectorThis is a device used to separate complex mixtures of volatile compounds or compounds that can be made volatile. The electron capture detector can detect halogenated organic compounds in the complex mixture.Chemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Electron Capture Detector, 5 milliCurie,Detects atoms and molecules in a gas through the attachment of electrons via electron capture ionizationChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Snap-ID system (antibody application) with vacuumProtein detection system with vacuumPsychologyrgfloyd@memphis.edu
GC/MS System 2The instrument is coupled with 7693 Autosampler for detection of organic compounds.School of Public Healthcjia@memphis.edu
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