Tag search on ‘coater’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
Spin coater. Instrument is located in a class 1000 clean room.Deposits uniform thin metallic films onto flat substrates.Biological Sciencesoskalli@memphis.edu
Blade CoaterFilm DepositionPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
Sputter CoaterSmall-scale, simple sputteringPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
Laurell WS-400-6NPPSpin coaterPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
Laurell WS-400-6NPP-LITE spincoater to spin-coat photo-patterning materialsSpincoaterPhysics and Materials Sciencecpeng@memphis.edu
SpincoaterCoats the sample with different substancesPhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
Sputter CoaterTo coat the samples with gold or platinumPhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
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