Tag search on ‘chromatograph’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
RF20A Fluorescence DetectorHigh performance liquid chromatography with world-class sensitivity and fast samplingBiomedical Engineeringjjnnings@memphis.edu
NC0915797-LPG-3400SD GradQuaternary Analytical Pump for analytical chromatographic techniquesBiomedical Engineeringjjnnings@memphis.edu
Gas ChromatographMeasures the content of various components in a sampleChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Gas Chromatograph Mass SpectrometerMeasures the content of various components in a sampleChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Gas chromatograph – mass spectrometerThis is a device used to separate complex mixtures of volatile compounds or compounds that can be made volatile. The mass spectrometer can then be used to identify the chemical compounds in the complex mixtureChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
InjectorThis device is used to separate complex mixtures of volatile compounds or compounds that can be made volatile. The electron capture detector can detect halogenated organic compounds in the complex mixtureChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Electron Capture DetectorThis is a device used to separate complex mixtures of volatile compounds or compounds that can be made volatile. The electron capture detector can detect halogenated organic compounds in the complex mixture.Chemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Liquid Chromatography-mass spectrometry systemAn analytical chemistry technique that combines capabilities of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometryChemistrydlbaker@memphis.edu
Shimadzu Prominence HPLC system, GPC optionGel Permeation Chromatography (GPC, SEC)Chemistrytfjiwara@memphis.edu
CombiFlash Rf200An instrument for organic compound purificationChemistryxzhao1@memphis.edu
Agilent 1100 DAD System HPLCA high performance liquid chromatography system with a photodiode array ultraviolet and visible light absorption detector. This instrument is ideal for analysis of non-volatiles in complex mixtures such as environmental samples or biochemical samples.Chemistrypsimone@memphis.edu
HPLC systemHPLC is a chromatographic method that is used to separate a mixture of compounds in fluids.School of Public Healthcjia@memphis.edu
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