Tag search on ‘chamber’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
Environmental Incubator For TE300Chamber for culturing and imaging of live cells on an inverted microscopeBiomedical Engineeringjbmgrdnr@memphis.edu
Anechoic Chamber24’x24’x24’ Industrial Acoustics (IAC) anechoic chamber for precise acoustic and psychoacoustic testing. This facility is used for our auditory streaming/localization experiments. The room measures 1.5 stories within the Community Health Building. The inside chamber space is fully covered in Metadyne® acoustic wedges on its walls, ceiling, and (floating mesh) floor. A 36-channel circular array of Renkus-Heinz speakers is affixed to a pulley system that can be lowered to surround a participant seated in a swivel chair. A TDT RX8 Multi-I/O Processor coupled to 6 Focusrite and Ashley Ne8250 amplifiers with a RedNet Dante MADI interface are used to drive the multichannel speaker matrix. A Dell PC is used for response data collection.Communication Sciences and Disordersljrmlwcz@memphis.edu
Vacuum ChamberTurbomolecular pumpPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
Environment ChamberTo create the desired environmentPhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
UV CrosslinkerTreats samples under UV conditionPhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
ChamberTo create the environment inside the chamber to test the material propertiesPhysics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
Rat Operant Testing Chambers, 10 equipped for intravenous self-administrationLaboratory apparatusPsychologyrgfloyd@memphis.edu
Rat Open Field ChambersOpen field activity monitoring systemPsychologyrgfloyd@memphis.edu
Rat Conditioned Place Preference ChambersApparatus with two distinct chambersPsychologyrgfloyd@memphis.edu
Mouse Open Field ChambersOpen field activity monitoring systemPsychologyrgfloyd@memphis.edu
Mouse Operant Testing Chambers, 8 equipped with touch screensOperant conditioning chamber with touch screensPsychologyrgfloyd@memphis.edu
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