Tag search on ‘centrifuge’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
Supporting equipment including:Ultra- and high-speed centrifuges, speed-vac systems, gel dryerBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Sorvall Legend CentrifugeUses centrifugal force to separate liquids into different weightsBiomedical Engineeringjjnnings@memphis.edu
B38621-Avanti JXN 30 CentrifugeSeparates fluids, gases or liquid based on densityChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Fiberlite RotorFiberlite fixed angle rotorElectrical and Computer Engineeringmblsbrmn@memphis.edu
CentrifugeA device for separation based on densityElectrical and Computer Engineeringmblsbrmn@memphis.edu
CentrifugeSeparate mixtures into components, rotation speed of 13500 revolutions per minute (rpm)Physics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
Eppendorf MiniSpinHigh speed centrifuge for solution separationPhysics and Materials Sciencetbhoang@memphis.edu
VWR CLINICAL 100 laboratory centrifugeCentrifugePhysics and Materials Sciencecpeng@memphis.edu
MicrocentrifugeA microcentrifuge to spin small liquid samples at high speedPsychologyrgfloyd@memphis.edu
Sorvall refrigerated RC-5B superspeed centrifugeA device to spinPsychologyrgfloyd@memphis.edu
Reliable Scientific Model 55Rocking shakerSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
Thermo IEC-CL31RRefrigerated centrifuge with tube and plate swing rotorsSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
Baxter Biofuge 17RRefrigerated centrifuge with fixed rotorSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
IEC Centra-8Non-refrigerated centrifugeSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
Fisher Scientific Accuspin microRRefrigerated microcentrifugeSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
Eppendorf 5415RRefrigerated microcentrifugeSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
LW Scientific ZipocritHematocrit centrifugeSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
Daigger 100-VACMicrocentrifugeSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
CentrifugeApplies centrifugal force to its contents, typically to separate fluids of different densities, for larger samples up to 50 mLSchool of Public Healthcjia@memphis.edu
CentrifugeApplies centrifugal force to its contents, typically to separate fluids of different densities, for smaller samples up to 2 mLSchool of Public Healthcjia@memphis.edu
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