Tag search on ‘camera’
Equipment Name | Description & Use | Department | Contact |
Digital camera | Digital camera for the Eclipse 800 light microscope. | Biological Sciences | oskalli@memphis.edu |
Color camera, 5MP, 2.7M US | Used with stereomicroscope brought from InMotion | Biomedical Engineering | jlwllm17@memphis.edu |
Olympus-DP72 Camera, IR Cut Filter Removed per RFQ-2 | A 12.5 megapixel cooled digital color camera | Chemistry | xhuang4@memphis.edu |
CAM 101 Digital Video Camera | A device that captures motion picture information and encodes it into data | Chemistry | wlxnder2@memphis.edu |
FLIR Thermal Imager | A forward-looking infrared camera that uses a thermographic camera that senses infrared radiation | Civil Engineering | bwaldron@memphis.edu |
GoPro Camera | Hands-free, point-of-view rerecord camera | Civil Engineering | bwaldron@memphis.edu |
Trail Camera | A remote camera | Civil Engineering | bwaldron@memphis.edu |
AxioCam MRm Rev.3 with FireWire | A digital camera with a firewire interface for microscopy | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
4108301766000000-Hamamatsu | A digital camera for super-resolution imaging | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
Monochrome Scientific Camera | A fast frame rate imager | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
FLIR Photon 640, NTSC, 21.55mm | Flir imaging camera | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
FLIR Photon 640, NTSC, 25mm lens | Longwave infrared thermal imaging camera | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
Digital Microscope | This 2.0 megapixel digital microscope camera is capable of 10-230x optical zoom levels which is fitted with an adjustable polarizing light filter | Mechanical Engineering | afatemi@memphis.edu |
Horiba Synapse Camera | High resolution camera for spectroscopy applications | Physics and Materials Science | tbhoang@memphis.edu |
Fi3 Camera | High dynamic imaging camera | Physics and Materials Science | tbhoang@memphis.edu |
AmScope | A 5-megapixel color digital camera for a microscope | Physics and Materials Science | fsabri@memphis.edu |
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