Tag search on ‘cabinet’
Equipment Name | Description & Use | Department | Contact |
22U DC Cabinet | Portable network equipment for storing devices and equipment | Chemistry | gemmert@memphis.edu |
NC1182834-1300 A2 SS 1.2 8 120V | Biological safety cabinet package | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Biological Safety Cabinet | A biological safety cabinet for safely working | Electrical and Computer Engineering | bmorshed@memphis.edu |
Thermo Scientific 1345 | Biosafety cabinet | School of Health Studies | rchdmbrm@memphis.edu |
Laminor Flow Cabinet/PCR Cabinet | A workspace enclosed on three sides, provides the space for doing amplification of DNAÂ used to prevent cross contamination between samples | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
Biosafety Cabinet | A workspace enclosed on three sides, provides the space for doing amplification of DNAÂ used to prevent cross contamination between samples and UV lights for sterilization | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
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