Tag search on ‘cabinet’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
22U DC CabinetPortable network equipment for storing devices and equipmentChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
NC1182834-1300 A2 SS 1.2 8 120VBiological safety cabinet packageElectrical and Computer Engineeringmblsbrmn@memphis.edu
Biological Safety CabinetA biological safety cabinet for safely workingElectrical and Computer Engineeringbmorshed@memphis.edu
Thermo Scientific 1345Biosafety cabinetSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
Laminor Flow Cabinet/PCR CabinetA workspace enclosed on three sides, provides the space for doing amplification of DNA used to prevent cross contamination between samplesSchool of Public Healthcjia@memphis.edu
Biosafety CabinetA workspace enclosed on three sides, provides the space for doing amplification of DNA used to prevent cross contamination between samples and UV lights for sterilizationSchool of Public Healthcjia@memphis.edu
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