Tag search on ‘analysis’
Equipment Name | Description & Use | Department | Contact |
Audio-Recording Equipment | Audio-recording high quality speech samples direct to computer | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Lynda.Feenaughty@memphis.edu |
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) | Thermogravimetric analysis | Physics and Materials Science | gustav.borstad@memphis.edu |
Image analysis system | An image analysis technique | Psychology | rgfloyd@memphis.edu |
Parvo-Medics metabolic system | O2 and CO2 analysis system | School of Health Studies | rchdmbrm@memphis.edu |
Noraxon TeleMYO System | Noraxon TeleMYO System | School of Health Studies | mrpqette@memphis.edu |
C-Motion Visual3D Software | Biomechanical analysis software | School of Health Studies | mrpqette@memphis.edu |
Thermal Desorption Unit | TD unit is a highly versatile, sensitive and labor-saving sample preparation technique for the measurement of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOC and SVOC) in air and materials. | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
GC/MS System 1 | The instrument is coupled with TD unit for the measurement of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOC and SVOC) in air and materials. | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
Spectrophotometer | Produces a light beam containing wavelengths to measure the ratio of that beam's intensity as it enters and leaves a sample | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
Thermal Cycler | Amplify segments of DNA via polymerase chain reaction | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
EZ Imager | Yield publication-quality images of analyzed PCR results | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
Thermal Cycler | Amplify segments of DNA via polymerase chain reaction using smaller starting amounts of DNA and eliminates the post-amplification process | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
Incubator Shaker | Instruments incorporate oxygen and evenly distribute nutrients throughout the culture media, while providing stable temperature conditions, and using orbital agitation at variable speeds to affect the growth of cell cultures. | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
Incubator | Provide stable temperature conditions for cell cultures to grow in a stable environment | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
Stomacher | Extract and wash intact microbes into solution using paddle beating | School of Public Health | cjia@memphis.edu |
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