Tag search on ‘Spectrophotometer’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
Thermo Fisher NanodropNano spectrophotometer for nucleic acid and protein quantificationBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Beckman DU640SpectrophotometerBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Cary EclipseFluorescence spectrophotometerBiological Sciencestsutter@memphis.edu
Synergy H1 Mono RDRMicroplate reader with monochromator-base opticsBiomedical Engineeringjjnnings@memphis.edu
Flame Chem. UV VIS Flam. Chem.SpectrophotometerBiomedical Engineeringelindner@memphis.edu
SpectrophotometerMeasures the intensity of light that has been absorbed by a materialChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Visible Double Beam SpectrophotometerA UV-visible double-beam spectrophotometer for biotechnological applications measuring small sample volumesChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
GENESYS 10S UV-VIS SpectrophotometerA spectrophotometer with a high-intensity xeon lamp and dual-beam optical geometryChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
SPECTRONIC 200 SPEC, SpectrophotometerA spectrophotometer for teaching laboratory, simple to useChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
SPECTRONIC 200 SPEC, SpectrophotometerA spectrophotometer for teaching laboratory, simple to useChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
SPECTRONIC 200 SPEC, SpectrophotometerA spectrophotometer for teaching laboratory, simple to useChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
SPECTRONIC 200 SPEC, SpectrophotometerA spectrophotometer for teaching laboratory, simple to useChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
SPECTRONIC 200 SPEC, SpectrophotometerA spectrophotometer for teaching laboratory, simple to useChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
SPECTRONIC 200 SPEC, SpectrophotometerA spectrophotometer for teaching laboratory, simple to useChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
GENESYS 10S UV-VIS SpectrophotometerA spectrophotometer with a high-intensity xeon lamp and dual-beam optical geometryChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
Thermo UV-spectrophotometerA spectrophotometer with xenon lamp that adds sensitivityChemistrygemmert@memphis.edu
SpectrophotometerAn optical instrument for measuring the intensity of light relative to wavelengthChemistryxzhao1@memphis.edu
Fluorescence SpectrophotometerMaterial characterization, 250 - 850 nm, 0.3 nm resolutionPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
SpectrophotometerDisplay characterizationPhysics and Materials Sciencegustav.borstad@memphis.edu
UV-Visible SpectrophotometersTo see the optica properties of the sample such as absorbance, transmittance etc.Physics and Materials Sciencefsabri@memphis.edu
Thermo Fisher Nanodrop LiteNanospectrophotometer for nucleic acid and protein quantificationSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
BioTek Powerwave 340Microplate spectrophotometerSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
Eppendorf BiophotometerCuvette spectrophotometerSchool of Health Studiesrchdmbrm@memphis.edu
SpectrophotometerProduces a light beam containing wavelengths to measure the ratio of that beam's intensity as it enters and leaves a sampleSchool of Public Healthcjia@memphis.edu
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