Tag search on ‘GPS’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
GPS RhinoNavigatorCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS TrimbleA radio-navigation system to calculate positionsCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble (Geo 7x)Handheld global navigation satellite systemCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble (NetR5 Base Station)A multi-channel, multi-frequency global navigation satellite system receiver as a stand-alone reference stationCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble (R2 Case)Transport caseCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble (R2 GNSS)Integrated GNSS receiver/systemCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble (R8 GNSS)Integrated GNSS systemCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble (Ranger 7)A 7-inch, fully-rugged field handheld computerCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble (Zephir Geodetic 2 Antenna)Tracking and receiving current and near-future GNSS signalsCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble AccessoriesAccessories for GNSS systemCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble R2 Battery ChargerBattery charger for Trimble R2 GNSS systemCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
GPS Trimble Rover RodAn accessory for GNSS systemCivil Engineeringbwaldron@memphis.edu
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