Tag search on ‘EEG’

Equipment Name Description & Use Department Contact
64 ch Neuroscan EEG/ERP System with Curry7/8 Analysis Suite (128 ch total)Multichannel human EEG, cortical and brainstem ERPsCommunication Sciences and Disordersg.bidelman@memphis.edu
BESA Neuroimaging Suite, BESA statistics, BESA MRIAnalysis of functional neuroimaging data (M/EEG, time-frequency (neural oscillation) analysis, source reconstruction, MRI segmentation and co-registration with EEG)Communication Sciences and Disordersg.bidelman@memphis.edu
Brain Vision ActiCHamp 64 channel EEG systemEEG system integrated with peripheral physiological measures (cardiac, electrodermal, electromyographic) and voice measures (electroglottography, accelerometry, high resolution recording). Used to simultaneously measures vocal behavior, physiological responses, and cortical activity. The system is integrated so that all measures are time-locked.Communication Sciences and DisordersMiriam.van.Mersbergen@memphis.edu
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