Tag search on ‘EECE’
Equipment Name | Description & Use | Department | Contact |
Apple Mac Pro | Laptop | Electrical and Computer Engineering | rjdeaton@memphis.edu |
Model CHSPDM512-0532-PCle16- | A high-speed hardware interface | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
AxioCam MRm Rev.3 with FireWire | A digital camera with a firewire interface for microscopy | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
High End Imaging Workstation (12G | A special computer for technical or scientific applications | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
Dell, Latitude E6440 | Laptop | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
LNR50S-50 mm (1.97") TravelMax | High-speed linear translation stage | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
LNR50S-50 mm (1.97") TravelMax | High-speed linear translation stage | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
4108301766000000-Hamamatsu | A digital camera for super-resolution imaging | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
LBX-488-100-CSB-PP-Laser module, | Laser diode module | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
Complete nanopositioning system | A nanopositioner for accurate positioning of microscope objective | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
Monochrome Scientific Camera | A fast frame rate imager | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
Objective EC Plan-Neofluar 63x/0.9 | A super resolution and confocal microscopy | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cpreza@memphis.edu |
Dell-Mobile Precision M6800 | A business notebook, workstation | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Heidelberg ADV-1 Spectralis | An expandable diagnostic imaging platform that combines scanning laser fundus imaging with high-resolution optical coherence tomography | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
TonoLab Tonometer | A tonometer for rodent intraocular pressure measurement | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
210-AAYY-Mobile Precision | Ultrapowerful mobile workstation business laptop computer | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Animal Tattoo System | Provides lab animal identification for the life of the animal | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
HMsERG and Ex Vivo ERG for the | Handheld multi-species Electroretinography for screen animal patients prior to cataract surgery, and Ex Vivo ERG for recording electrical activity of retinal cells | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
71200-INTRECTORRTM Portable | Wireless portable intercom | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Precision T1700 P0184449 | Desktop workstation | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Precision T1700 P0184449 | Desktop workstation | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
13998215PM-13-998-134PM CU 1- | CO2 incubator | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
R532001FX-LRS-0532-PFM-00200- | Diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser for fluorescence excitation | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
13688008-BVC CONTROL | Fluid aspiration system | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
NC1182834-1300 A2 SS 1.2 8 120V | Biological safety cabinet package | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Dell Precision Tower 5810 | Workstation | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Fiberlite Rotor | Fiberlite fixed angle rotor | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Centrifuge | A device for separation based on density | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Nikon SMZ 800N, including | A versatile stereo microscope | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
0224-HEP-Heidelberg Edge | A perimeter for detecting visual field | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
US-200-01-Uniaxial tissue tester | A versatile uniaxial benchtop mechanical tester | Electrical and Computer Engineering | mblsbrmn@memphis.edu |
Nexus Optical Table with Sealed | An optical table with sealed holes | Electrical and Computer Engineering | adoblas@memphis.edu |
Zero Bias Detector (THz Sensor Lab) | Terahertz detector, a power sensor | Electrical and Computer Engineering | stgriffn@memphis.edu |
ALAR-200-LP-CT-AS-Unlimited | A direct-drive rotary stage | Electrical and Computer Engineering | stgriffn@memphis.edu |
2100E2 1400 VA power amplifier | An audio power amplifier to increase the magnitude of power of a signal | Electrical and Computer Engineering | stgriffn@memphis.edu |
Quantel BRIO/IR-SB, Wavelength: | A fiber laser | Electrical and Computer Engineering | stgriffn@memphis.edu |
IBM ThinkPad T Series T60p Laptop | Laptop | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
Life Modeler software | 6-axis motor driver for linear stage motion controller | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
Optical bench 16'long FY09 FIK- | Optical table | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
VDI Source-S016 Receiver S014 | A line receiver | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
VDI Detector/WR1.5 Diagonal Horn | Integrated diagonal horn fundamental mixer | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
FLIR Photon 640, NTSC, 21.55mm | Flir imaging camera | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
FLIR Photon 640, NTSC, 25mm lens | Longwave infrared thermal imaging camera | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
Relion 4708 server | Server for high performance computing and hyperscale data centers | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
UPS Power Supply Rack Mount | Rackmount uninterruptible power supply | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
Z0QP-MBP 13.3 MacBook Pro | Laptop | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
Apple iMac P0184658 | Desktop | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
Blackmagic Design UltraStudio 4K | Video converter | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
Relion 2904GT GPU Server | General purpose GPU server | Electrical and Computer Engineering | eljacobs@memphis.edu |
HP4192A Analyzer | Low frequency impedance analyzer | Electrical and Computer Engineering | bmorshed@memphis.edu |
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