• University of Memphis
    • Office of President
      President (001000)
      Bill Hardgrave
      • Office of President
        Chief of Staff (001569)
        Stephanie Beasley
      • Chief Financial Officer
        Exec VP COO and CFO (001001)
        Rene Bustamante
      • Vice President Research
        Exec VP Research Innovation (018358)
        Jasbir Dhaliwal
      • University Mktg and Communication
        Sr VP Chief Mktg and Comm Offr (012616)
        Dianne Ehrhart
      • Office of University Advancement
        Sr VP Advancement UM Found (011071)
        Tara Jones
      • Government and Community Relations
        Exec Dir Govt and Comm Affairs (024173)
        Kenneth Moody
      • University Counsel
        University Counsel (005150)
        Melanie Murry
      • Internal Audit
        Assoc VP and Chief Audit Exec (001886)
        Angela Ross
      • Provost Office
        Exec VP Acad Aff and Provost (001083)
        David Russomanno
      • Athletic Administration
        Sr VP Dir Intercoll Athletics (003146)
        Edward Scott