Nominate a Student for the Tennessee Governor's School

Governor's School for International Studies at University of Memphis

INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the student's name and email address and their parent/guardian's name and email address below. The student and their parent/guardian will each receive an email with information on how to complete and submit their portion of the application.

You can then continue on and enter the student's achievement information, or you may save your progress and return later.

All fields are required.


Student Information

Enter the student's last name.
Enter the student's first name.
Note: Please use the student's personal email address. Some school IT systems block emails from outside sources.
Enter a valid email for the student.

Parent Information

Enter the parent/guardian's name.
Enter a valid email for the parent/guardian.

School Information

Enter the school name.
Enter the district name if public school, or enter N/A.
Select the school type.
Enter the school address.
Enter the school city.
Enter the school zip.

Nominating Educator

Enter your name.
Enter your name.
Enter your phone number.
Enter a valid email.