Keyword search on ‘imaging’

Patent Title Description Patent Number
Spatially-Selective Reflector Structures, Reflector Disks, and Systems and Methods For Use ThereofThe invention provides a spatially-selective reflective structure for the detection of submillimeter electromagnetic waves and systems and methods incorporating spatially-selective reflective structures9297693
Spatially-Selective Disks, Submillimeter Imaging Devices, Methods of Submillimeter Imaging, Profiling Scanner, Spectrometry Devices, and Methods of SpectrometryThe invention consists of a spatially selective mask device for submillimeter waves and of the methods used to reconstruct the desired information from measurement made with the help of the device and a single pixel submillimeter wave detector.8780345
Spatially-Selective Reflector Structures, Reflector Disks, and Systems and Methods For Use ThereofThe invention provides a spatially-selective reflective structure for the detection of submillimeter electromagnetic waves and systems and methods incorporating spatially-selective reflective structures.8508592
Multi-Focal Light-Sheet Structured Illumination Fluorescence Microscopy System This invention is related to a multi focal light-sheet structured illumination fluorescent microscopy system for integration in a commercial microscope. The illumination of this microscope is provided by a Wollaston prism which is illuminated by the light emerging from a set of equidistance parallel incoherent slits. The Wollaston prism generates actually localized structured patterns in a sequence of multi-focal planes of the sample that completely scan the sample to produce high resolution images of the three-dimensional structure of the specimen without scanning.20190004301