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Patent Title Description Patent Number
Mitigation of Adverse Effects of Geomagnetically Induced Currents on TransformersGeomagnetically induced currents (GIC) are quasi-dc currents and consequently cause saturation of transformers which may be overheated and, in the worst case, be permanently damaged. Therefore, the mitigation of GIC effects on power transformers is very important. Conventional approaches to mitigate the GIC are expensive and have no sophisticated control mechanism. This invention proposes to design a novel and cost-efective methof of mitigating the adverse effects of geomanetic induced current (GIC) on power transformers by using fuzzy logic controlled variable resistor to be connected at the neutral of the transformers. Another advantage of the proposed method is that it can minimize the zero sequence current flowing through the neural of transformers during any unbalanced faults in the power network.10530144
Mitigation of Adverse Effects of Geomagnetically Induced Currents on TransformersGeomagnetically induced currents (GIC) are quasi-dc currents and consequently cause saturation of transformers which may be overheated and, in the worst case, be permanently damaged. Therefore, the mitigation of GIC effects on power transformers is very important. Conventional approaches to mitigate the GIC are expensive and have no sophisticated control mechanism. This invention proposes to design a novel and cost-efective methof of mitigating the adverse effects of geomanetic induced current (GIC) on power transformers by using fuzzy logic controlled variable resistor to be connected at the neutral of the transformers. Another advantage of the proposed method is that it can minimize the zero sequence current flowing through the neural of transformers during any unbalanced faults in the power network.10243346
Wind Generator System With Multiple TurbinesCombination of low weight and small size multiple wind turbines that harness wind energy resulting in greater electricity at lower wind speeds.9599092