UoM Global
Student Advocate Scholar Spec (022281)
Nancy Bennett
UoM Global
Asst Professor Teaching Coord (022363)
Kerri French-Nelson
UoM Global
Coord UofM Global Grad Enroll (020710)
Rebecca Horowitz
UoM Global
Coord UofM Global Data Mgmt (L24004)
Lorie Hutson
UoM Global
Coord Acad Innov UOM Global (016020)
Angela Kuykendoll
Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Student Advocate Specialist (018298)
Angela Martin
UoM Global
Coord Global Transfer Student (007937)
Yolanda Mathews
UoM Global
Undergrad Admiss Analyst I (L20616)
Emily Ray
UoM Global
Stud Advoc and Adms Spec (020711)
Amanda Rike
UoM Global
Stud Advoc Enroll Spec (L24021)
Katherine Saunders
UoM Global
Student Advocate Specialist (016721)
ShaRhonda Williams
UoM Global
Student Advocate Specialist (007749)