Faculty and Staff Profiles

Professor, Counsel Education Psych Research
Email: yehhsueh@memphis.edu
Office Location: 100 Ball Hall
Office Hours: Appointment by email

I have been teaching courses on child development and education since 1996. As a developmental researcher, I am interested in children's, parents' and teachers' experiences in their living context. I have conducted research in areas of comparative early childhood education, professional development of preschool teachers, and the learning and development of young children. My research projects shared a common feature in examining development, education, socialization, acculturation in the context of the changing society. This effort has been influenced by my study of the history of Jean Piaget's work being introduced into psychology, education and other intellectual areas in the United States. I have worked as a senior consultant for Sesame Workshop, the producer of Sesame Street, in education content, research and outreach activities in China. This international engagement underlies much of my recent research on children and media, cultural processes, and cross-cultural understandings in the age of globalization. One of my current research projects is to learn how Chinese rural preschool stakeholders experience the dramatic change of being uplifted from poverty in a complex societal change.

Additional Information

For information on Preschool in Three Cultures, visit my colleague's website: http://joetobin.net/

  • Ed.D. Learning and Teaching - Harvard University - 1997
  • Ed.M. Human Development - Harvard University - 1989
  • B.A English and Literature - Beijing Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics - 1982

Work Experience

  • Professor, Counseling, Educational Psychology & Research - University of Memphis - 2000-now
  • Senior Consultant, Global Education/China - Sesame Workshop - 1998-2020
  • Research Associate, Teacher Education Program - Harvard University - 1999-2000
  • Resident Researcher, Archives Jean Piaget - University of Geneva - 1998
  • "Excellent Paper in Empirical Education Research," - National Center for Empirical Education Research Awards, Shanghai, China - 2023

Teaching Experience

  • Early Childhood Development (G) - University of Memphis
  • Social Development of Children (G) - University of Memphis
  • Introduction to Jean Piaget (G) - University of Memphis
  • Interviewing Children for Research Purposes (G) - University of Memphis
  • Childhood development in the digital age - University of Memphis
  • Understanding Research on Respect: An interdisciplinary approach (G) - University of Memphis
  • Jean Piaget Society - Dissertation Prize Committee - 2013-2017
  • Hong Kong Institute of Education (aka HKUE) - Programme External Examiner - 2011, 2012, 2016, 2019
  • Sesame Workshop - 1998-2020
Journal Articles
  • Hsueh, Y., Hao, J., & Zhang, H. (2016). The needs and difficulties in socializing the young in contemporary China: Early childhood education experts’ perspectives. The Global Teacher and Researcher: Policy, Theory and Practice, a special issue in Policy Futures in Education, 14(1), 123-138. https://doi.org/10.1177/1478210315612655
  • Hsueh, Y. (2010). Respecting children in Chinese early childhood education. Early Childhood Education: Educational Sciences (Chinese) 2010(493), 5-9.
  • Cahan, E. D. & Hsueh, Y. (2007). Sheldon Harold White. American Psychologist, 62. 600-600.   
  • Hsueh, Y. (2015, November). “Preschool in Three Cultures” and preschool teachers’ professional development. Annual conference of the China National Society of Early Childhood Education. Fuzhou, China.
  • Hsueh, Y., Hao, J., & Cheng, M. (2015, June). Chinese preschoolers’ preferences for the images of Sesame Street’s Muppets. Presented at the symposium on “Education media from young children's perspectives.” Jean Piaget Society annual conference, Toronto, Canada.
  • Hsueh, Y. (2014). The Circle of Sciences and a Contemporary Need in Developmental Science. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Jean Piaget Society: Discussion Session 3: Piaget’s “Circle of Sciences”: Explanations in logicomathematics, biology, psychology and socieology. San Francisco, CA.
  • Hsueh, Y. (2013, Feburary). The urgent needs of Chinese preschool-aged children: Early childhood education experts’ perspectives. Seminar on International Research in Early Childhood. Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway. http://www.hib.no/aktuelt/konferanse/2013/international_research_in_early_childhood.asp
  • Hsueh, Y. (2012, June). Piaget, complex theory and morality. Discussion topic presented in the symposium on Piaget’s developmental epistemology as a complex system theory: An open interdisciplinary debate at the annual meeting of Jean Piaget Society. Toronto, Canada.
  • Hsueh, Y. (2011, June). Reconsidering Piaget's pedagogical ideas in light of the Preschool in Three Cultures studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Jean Piaget Society. Berkeley, CA.