Faculty and Staff Profiles

Assoc Professor, College of Health Sciences
Email: tsmith3@memphis.edu
Office Location: 161h Elma Neal Roan Fieldhouse

  Dr. Terra L. Smith, PhD, RD  is an associate professor in the School of Health Studies.  She has been on the faculty of the University of Memphis since 1997.  Her scholarship and service objective is to focus on the application of food science, product development, and food systems.  Dr. Smith holds degrees in Hotel and Restaurant Administration (CU); Food, Nutrition, and Institutional Administration; and Food Science from Cornell University (CU), and Oklahoma State University, respectively. Her professional attributes include a long-term interest in the Boyer scholarship model, thus viewing her academic work from the perspectives of research, teaching, service, and integration.  To that end, Dr. Smith seeks to view her scholarly  activities from multiple vantage points. 

  • B.S. Hotel and Restaurant Administration - Cornell University School of Hotel and Restaurant Adm. - 1985
  • M.S. Food, Nutrition & Institutional Administration - Oklahoma State University College of Human Environmental Sci. - 1991
  • Ph.D. Food Science (an interdisciplinary program) - Oklahoma State University College of Human Environmental Sci. - 1997

Work Experience

  • Teaching Assistant, Food Chemistry, School of Hotel Administration - Cornell University - 1/84-5/85
  • Research Assistant, Department of Food, Nutrition and Institutional Administration - Oklahoma State University - 9/86-9/88
  • Senior Dietitian, Department of Human Services - Hissom Memorial Center, Sand Springs, OK - 10/88-1/91
  • Graduate Teaching/ Research Associate, Department of Nutritional Sciences - Oklahoma State University - 1/91-8/97
  • Assistant Professor Associate Professor, Department of Consumer Science and Education Department of Health and Sport Sciences. - The University of Memphis - 8/97-03 8/03-Present
  • Certificate of Completion: Beginners Pedagogical Training Course - The University of Memphis - 2019
  • Distinguised Toastmasters (DTM) - Toastmasters International - August 5, 2013
  • Tradition Fellowship - Cornell University - 1984
  • Dean's Merit Scholarship - Cornell University - 1985
  • Oklahoma Doctoral Study Grant Recipient - Oklahoma State University - 1991-93
  • Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society -   - 1992
  • Southern Regional Educational Board Fellow -   - 1993-97
  • Phi Upsilon Omicron Honor Society -   - 1993
  • Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society -   - 1994
  • Member of Quality Assurance Executive Board - Institute of Food Technologists - 1996-97
  • Semi-finalist for the Phoenix Award - Oklahoma State University - 1997
  • Instructor - National Restaurants Association Education Foundation - 1998-Present

Teaching Experience

  • NUTR 7712, Cultural Nutrition and Foods (new prep 2021SP. -  
  • NUTR 7712 Cultural Foods and Nutrition (New Course Development, Fall 2020 for Spring 2021) - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 2202-On-line Course (Summer, Spring, Fall) - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 2202: Introduction to Nutrition (Interim 2013) - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 7722 Sustainable Food Systems (Fall 2014) New Course Development - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 2302 Introduction to Foods - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 2303 Introduction to Foods Lab - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 3502 Advanced Foods/Adv. Food Systems - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 4802 Experimental Foods - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 4803 Experimental Foods Lab - The University of Memphis
  • HMSE 4999004 Senior Projects - The University of Memphis
  • NCSI (U) Science of Food Preparation NCSI Starch Applications (G) - Oklahoma State University
  • NCSI Experimental Foods (U) -  
  • NCSI Basic Human Nutrition (U) -  
  • NCSI Medical Nutrition Therapy Lab (U) -  
  • CSED 2302 Principles of Food Preparation (U) CSED 4722/6722 Catering Internship (U/G) - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 2303 Introduction to Foods Lab - University of Memphis
  • CSED 3502 Advanced Foods/Food Systems (U) CSED 4702/6702 (U/G) -  
  • CSED 4212 Readings in Foods/Nutrition (U) -  
  • CSED 4332 Purchasing/Financial Mgmt (U)* -  
  • CSED 4802 Experimental Foods (U) CSED 6722 Catering Internship (G) -  
  • CSED 7433 Nutrition and Life Cycle II (G) -  
  • CSED 7300 Independent Study in CSED (G) ; CSED 7522 Advanced Food Systems Mage. (G) - The University of Memphis
  • HMSE 4999: Senior Project - The University of Memphis
  • NUTR 4332: Purchasing and Financial Mgt. - The University of Memphis
  • ACAD 1100: Introduction to the University - The University of Memphis

Student Advising/Mentoring

  • BS - Samantha Kaiser, Rise Against Hunger, Student Manager - Spring 2019
  • BS - Madison Fancher - 2019
  • BS - Racheal Speltz - 2018
  • MS - Laura Prince - 2018
  • BS - Penelope K. Ponthieu - 2017
  • MS - Christina Ralston (committee member) - 2016
  • MS - Alex Woo (committee member for Applied Project) - 2016
  • MS - Marcy Kaufman (chair) - 2016
  • MS - Hannah Hill - December 2015
  • MS - Veronica Hnatiuk - December 2015
  • MS - Liza Southerton - December 2015
  • M.S. - Michelle Miller - 2014
  • M.S. - Zachary DeBerry - 2013
  • M.S. - Laural Welborne - 2013
  • MS - David Harilla - 2012
  • MS - Taylor Burgmon - 2012
  • MS - Sarah J. Achelpohl - 2011
  • MS - Heather Johnson - 2011
  • MS - Sarah Bursi - 2010
  • MS - Janelle Meeks - 2010
  • MS - Lauren Byerley - 2010
  • MS - Christie Faccio - 2009
  • MS - Courtney Melton - 2008
  • MS - Dave Ferebee - 2007
  • Ms - Jacquelyn Scott - 2008
  • MS - Patricia Prince-Griffin - 2008
  • MS - Patrick Tucker - 2008
  • Undergraduate - Members, CSED & NUTR Undergraduate Student Research Society - 2003-Present
  • MS - Mary Beth Mann - 2003
  • MS - Kristi McClung - 2004
  • MS - Whitney Orth - 2004
  • MS - Kari Krank - 2005
  • MS - Caitlin Clark - 2007


  • Tennessee SNAP Outreach - The University of Memphis, Dean of Students Office - $19, 296.99 - January 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020 (funded)
  • Terra Smith (PI) - SREB - $1,000 - March 2016-March 2017
  • Food Purchasing Habits of Participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Among Shelby County, Tennessee Residents, The Mid-South Food Bank, Co-investigator: Michelle Miller. $2,000. - The Mid-South Food Bank - $2,000 - 2014
  • Strengthening Communities Initiative: SVRS - Community Foundation of Greater Memphis - $18,000 - Start Date: May 19, 2008 (18-month period)
  • Smith, T. L. (PI), Characterizing the Process Control of Food Viscosities in a Nursing Home Setting (with Dr. William Janna and Ms. Maria Sun, MS, RD, LDN) - American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, WI - $10,000 (Funded) - Submitted 2/15/99
  • Smith, T. L. (PI), Maximizing the Use of Underutilized Food Resources of The Food Bank in Memphis, Tennessee - Memphis Area Nutrition Council - $ 1,334 (Funded) - Submitted 4/1/01
  • Smith, T. L. (PI), Determining Barriers of African Americans for Adequate Intake of Calcium Smith, T. L. (PI), Maximizing the Use of Food Resources of The (Memphis) Food Bank: Investigating the impact on cooked food characteristics of substituting infant formula for fluid milk - University of Memphis Faculty Research Grant University of Memphis Faculty Research Grant - $4,000 (Funded) $6,500 (Funded) - Submitted 1/29/99 Submitted 1/31/02
  • Food Safety Social Marketing Campaign - Rutgers University - 5,000 - December 2006- September 2007
  • Smith, T. L. (PI), Determining Barriers of African Americans for Adequate Intake of Calcium Smith, T. L. (PI), Maximizing the Use of Food Resources of The (Memphis) Food Bank: Investigating the impact on cooked food characteristics of substituting infant formula for fluid milk - University of Memphis Faculty Research Grant University of Memphis Faculty Research Grant - $4,000 (Funded) $6,500 (Funded) - Submitted 1/29/99 Submitted 1/31/02
  • TiGur Community Garden Project (Role: grant writter and committe member) - University of Memphis Green Fee Fund - $31,000 (funded) - Spring 2009-Spring 2010


  • COM, Commission on Ministry in the Diocese of West Tennessee Membership (Supports Professional and Graduate Education). -   - Six year appointment starting in 2021. - Diocese of West Tennessee
  •   -   -   -  
  • SNAP - Dean of Student Office, The University of Memphis - Fall 2019 -  
  • Committee Chair: Boy Scout Troop 364 - Michael Singleton Troop Leader - 2016 to 2018 - Balmoral Presbyterian Church, Memphis, Tennessee
  • Million Calorie Reduction Match Project - NUTR 3502 Service Learning Project - Spring 2013 - Connie Binkowitz/ Healthy Memphis/ Common Table
  • Food Policy Adisory Board/ Food Policy Council (Memphis, Tennessee) - Chris Peterson, Executive Director - December 2011-2015(?) - Grow Memphis
  • Home Canning Workshop - Members of Memphis Community - Fall 2010 & Summer 2010 - Mid-South Peace and Justice Center
  • Cultural Foods Project - NUTR 2302 Students and Campus School Children - Fall 2005, 2006 -  
  • Menu and Recipe Development Project - Food and Nutrition Professionals in SRVS - Spring '08, '09, '10 - SRVS
  • St. Peter's Home for Children - Kitchen Redesign - Deborah Slawson - Fall 1997-Spring 1998 -  
  • Channel 5 News - Turkey Hotline -   - November 1997 -  
  • Sensory Evaluation - Baptist Hospital - Carla Cartwright - Fall 1997 -  
  • Institute of Food Technologists, Mid-South Section: Food Science High School Recruitment Officer - Clark J. Brekke - Ongoing 1999-2005 -  
  • Service Learning Projects: Contacts: - Herbert Ann Krisle/ Vicki Thompson/ Diane Polly/ Joy Almond/ Loveday Nwobilor - 1998--2011 -  
  • Each-one-teach-one: Is it done yet ad NUTR 3502 service-learing project - NUTR 3502 Students - Spring 2006 - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) partnership
  • Catholic Diocese Menu Project - Undergraduate Students - Spring 2007 - Debrorah Slawson
  • Trinity Institute Planning Committee - Multi-institutional Committee - Fall 2009-Winter 2010 - Memphis Theological Seminary
  • College of Health Sciences - Participant, Food Insecurity in Tennessee Higher Education convocation. Sponsored by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. - November 15, 2022.
  • Dean of Student Office - Special Nutrition Related Services - Spring 2020
  • The University of Memphis - Dining Services RFP Committee - Spring 2019
  • SHS Rise Against Hunger Committee Chair & Coordinator -   - 2019
  • UCC Senate Faculty Liaison -   - 2018-Spring 2022
  • School of Health Studies - Nutrition Unit Coordinator - 2016 to 2019
  • University of Memphis - University Appeals Committee Co-Chair (The Office of Student Conduct) - January 2017 - 2022 (?)
  • University of Memphis - Institutional Review Board - Summer 2013-Present
  • University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Dining Services Committee - 2012-2016; 2018-2019
  • University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Library Committee - Spring 2012
  • Institutional Review Board - Review Committee - 2012 to Present
  • Unversity of Memphis Faculty Senate - Appeals Committee - 2010-2022 (?)
  • University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Faculty Policies Committee (Fall 2011) and Library Committee (Spring 2012) - 2011-2012
  • University of Memphis: Dept. of Health and Sport Sciences - Community Affairs Commitee - 2009
  • University of Memphis - Food Service Committee - 2007-2008
  • University of Memphis - Academic Appeals Committee - 2007-2022 (?)
  • Dept. of Consumer Sciences and Education - Junior Achievement Meeting Representative - July 22, 1998
  •   - Material Resource Committee - 1998-2000
  •   - Women's Research Forum Liason - 1998-2000
  •   - Honors and Awards Committee - 1998-2000
  •   - Undergraduate Curriculum Council - 1998-2005
  •   - Center for Urban Research and Extension Liaison - 1998-2000
  •   - Dietetic Internship Program Committee - 1999
  •   - NUTR Undergraduate Student Research Society, C - 2001-2019 (?)
  •   - Academic Women's Alliance, Steering Committee - 2003-2004
  •   - DHSS Undergraduate Curriculum Council - 2003-2008
  •   - DHSS/CHS Tenure and Promotion Committee - 2003-Present
  • College/School - Commencement Marshall - Fall 1998; Fall 2005
  •   - Center for Research in Educational Policy, Research Advisory Council - 1998-2000
  •   - Alumni Committee - 1998-2000
  •   - COE-IT Fluency Committee - 2004-2005
  •   - COE Tenure and Promotion Committee - 2004-2005
  • University - Faculty Cross-Disciplinary Writing Group - 1998-2003
  •   - Tennessee History Day Judge - 2/99
  •   - University Honors Program, Works-in-Progress Symposium Evaluator - 11/99 &00
  •   - Women's Research Forum - 2000-2001
  •   - Faculty Senate - 200-2002
  •   - African and African American Studies Advisory Committee - 2003-2008
  •   - SACS Core Req. 8 Committee & QEP Committee - 2003-2004
  •   - MIMSAC Executive Planning Committee - 2004-2008
  •   - Faculty Research Grant Evaluation Committee - 2006-2007
  • Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - Committee Appointment - 2019 to 2020
  • Toastmasters International: District 43 - VPE 2010-2011; Club Mentor 2011-2012; President 2011-2012; Area Governor C-4 2011-2012 -  
  • National Coaliation for Black Development in Family and Consumer Sciences - Executive Board Member and Chair of Hospitality Committee* - 2008-2010 and 2011*
  • Institute of Food Technologists, Mid-South Section - Executive Committee 1997-2005; Scholarship Committee 1998-2001; Executive Committee - Chair Elect 1999-2000; Executive Committee Chair 2000-2001; Executive Committee- Secretary 2001-2004 - 1997-2005
  • National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation - Instructor, Serving Safe Food Manager - 1998-2008
  • American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences - Res.Abstract Reviewer (2/2000); Program Director, Theses and Dissertation Project (2000-02); TAFCS District-A Chair Elect & Chair (02-04); TAFCS Vice President of Public Affairs (04-05); AAFCS Public Policy Co. (04-08); TAFCS President-Elect (05-08); AAFCS Annual Meeting Committee (08-09) - 2000-Present
  • Tennessee Educational Leadership Journal - Reviewer, Special Edition - Fall 2000
  • Journal of Food Science - Reviewer - 2002-2003
  • Dr. Smith was the PI for a corporate sensory evaluation training project for Sara Lee Foods that produced a training manual, training sessions, and two technical reports. The project was funded for $12,800. Contact: Al Cash, UT Extension. - Summer 2005
Books Reviewed
  • Angelika Hofmann’s Scientific Writing and Communication; Oxford University Press. (2016s)
  • Scheule B, Bennion M. Introductory Foods. New York: Pearson. (2015f)
  • McWilliams M. Foods: Experimental Perspectives. New York: Prentice Hall.
Journal Articles
  • Dr. Smith’s scholarship is focused on the application of the Boyer/Rice scholarship model  of teaching, research, service, and integration  in the context of foods and nutrition discipline with a focus on food safety and security subjects.  The central question that her scholarship addresses is how to construct a viable scholarship that engages all four types of scholarship.  For example, Dr. Smith has engaged undergraduate students via course work in food safety research activities and prepares students for food safety certification. Through her service work, Dr. Smith is seeking how to engage community agencies addressing local food security issues in a discussion of food safety challenges. Plus, she seeks out opportunities to use the research perspective to promote the understanding    of community-based food safety/security issues.  In short, Dr. Smith seeks to construct a meta-scholarship model with a developmental underpinning.
  • Williams R, EO George, Morgan C, Smith TL, Levy M, Bittle JB. Boys with autism have insufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D. Infant, Child and Adolescent Nutrition. April 2013, Vol 5(2), 113-117.
  • Smith, T.L.,  Scott, J.D., Carney, V., Stockton, M.  The perception of breastfeeding among pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers who participate in the WIC program. To be submitted. 
  • Barron J, Heard M, Hendry S, Holliday LK, Smith T. (2000). Students use creative approach to help solve community problem. Journal of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 92(1):73.  

  • Smith, TL (2000). Research across the curriculum: Effective integration of community-based reserach into the undergraduate curriculum. In: 2000 Summit: Best Practices in Dietetics Education. Denver, CO: American Dietetic Association, 42-43.   
  • Smith T (2000). Meaningful food education: Exploring multicultural, international, and global food experiences. Tenneessee Eduational Leadership Journal, 27(1); 50-54. 
  • Smith TL, Barron-Krog JB (2001). An overview of the theses and dissertations completed in family and consciences: 2000. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 30(2): 271-278. 
  • Smith TL, Fullerton AR (2001). A listing of theses and dissertations completed in family and consumer sciences: 2000.  Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 30(2); 279-318. 
  • Smith TL (2001) Research across the curriculum: Integration of research into 3 undergraduate foods courses. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 101(12); 1470-1472. 
  • Smith TL, Haga A, Janna WA (2002). Determining a method to evaluate food viscosity in a nursing home setting. Conference Proceedings (full-text # 1408), Montreal, Canada, June 16-19, 2002.  American Association for Engineering Educations. 
  • Smith T, Knight S. (2002). Nutrient availability from a high protein, high calcium pasta.  Journal of Applied Gerontology, 21(4): 407-420. 
  • Smith TL. (2002). The scholarship of service: Student project aids local food bank. Journal of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 94(3): 60-62. 
  • Smith TL, Hunter A (2002). An overview of the theses and dissertations completed in family and consumer sciences: 2001.  Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 31(2):206-213. 
  • Smith TL, Noah J. (2002). A listing of theses and dissertations completed in family and consumer sciences: 2001.  Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 31(2):214-244. 
  • Smith TL, Janna WS. (2003). Reflections on scholarship of integration as a model for problem-based learning in undergraduate engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 19(5): 730-733. 
  • Smith TL. (2003). Letter to the Editor: It's a qesution of scholarship. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 103(7): 823-824.
  • Smith TL. (2003). The application of RE-CIPE pedagogical values: A practitioner's reflective guide. IN BL Stewart, RS Purnell, RP Lovingood, eds. Research Applications in Family and Consumer Sciences. Alexandria, VA: American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 68-81. 
  • Smith TL. (2003). Documenting the New American Scholarship: Tenure and Promotion dossier Narrative. U.S. Tennessee No. of Pages: 57. Accession No.: ED475428 (ERIC database). 
  • Smith TL, Giudice S, Smith MA, Clemens LJ, Polly DK. (2003). Determining barriers to and effective strategies for improving calcium intake among elderly African Americans: A pilot study. Family Economics and Nutrition Review (lead article of a special issue on the elderly) 15(1):3-14. 
  • Smith TL, Sun M, Pippin J. (2004). Characterizing process control of fluid viscosity and identitying food thickening-related training needs in long-term care facilities. Journal of the American Dietetic Assocation.  
  • Smith TL (2005). It's a question of scholarship. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 
  • Wallick, A.M., Scott, J., Brown, K., Fienup, K., Hillilard, L., Seward, M. Smith, T.L. (Faculty Research Mentor). Development of food bars for antioxidant repletion. National Conference of Undergraduation Research Conference Proceedings 2007.

    Series Nutrition in a Bag: Lunchtime Savvy.  Lipman Life. The University of Memphis, 1998-2000.  Topics include Bread and Cereals; Fruits and Vegetables; Milk and Dairy Foods; Water; Meats and Protein Foods; Food Safety, and Cooking Temperatures. Invited co-authors includes: G. Pratt, CSED Graduate Student.

  •  Final Project Reports
  •  Determining barriers to and effective strategies for improving calcium intake among elderly African Americans in urban congregate meal sites.  A master's thesis completed by S. J. Giudice (May 2000).  Report submitted to Faculty Research  Grant administration.  The University of Memphis.   A logical extension of my dissertation (please see Smith and Knight), this project explores the state of calcium nutriture among African Americans.  First, I sought funding to develop ethnically appropriate high calcium foods for African Americans (i.e., wrote an unfunded USDA proposal).  However, the  dialogue with USDA led to three questions: 1) What are the barriers to calcium consumption among African Americans (i. e., quantitative methodology?; 2) Are culturally appropriate calcium nutrition intervention methods effective?; 3) Are culturally appropriate high calcium foods needed and, if so, which foods should be enriched?  Exploring the calcium
    nutrition question among African Americans is a valid question because of the severity of osteoporosis among older African American women and because the problem, if a nutrient deficiency disease among African Americans, may be easily corrected.
  • Characterizing process control of fluid viscosities in nursing homes.  Prepared by T. L. Smith (May 2001).  Report submitted to the American Society of Quality, Research Fellowship Grant Program, Milwaukee, WI.  Thus far, the work has yielded four presentations and two manuscripts, accepted for publication or accepted with revisions.  Two manuscripts and one presentation are in process.
  •  Dr. Smith was the PI for a corporate sensory evaluation training project for Sara Lee Foods that produced a training manual, training sessions, and two technical reports. The project was funded for $12,800.  Contact: Al Cash, UT Extension.  
  • Wallick, AM, Scott J, Brown K, Fienup K, Hillilard L, Seward M. (Faculty mentor: Smith TL). Development of food bars for antioxidant repletion. National Conference of Undergraduate Reserach. 2006 Conference Proceedings Publication. Published in 2006 conference proceedings.
  • Food Safety Socail Marketing Campaign Final Report. Sponsors: The University of Rutgers and the USDA.  Sumbitted June 2008.  
  •  Smith, T.L. (2006-2008). Newsletter artilcles published in the Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Newsletter.   
  •  Miller, R. (Faculty Mentor Terra L. Smith). INVESTIGATING CULTURALLY ACCEPTABLE GELATIN SUBSTITUTES. The 2008 National Conference of Undergradutae Research. (Conference Proceeding: Published).    
  •  Kapadia C.,  Ratliff, M. (Faculty Mentor Terra L. Smith). ACCEPTABILITY OF ETHNIC SAVORY SNACK BARS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS. The 2008 National Conference of Undergradutae Research Conference Proceedings. (Published).
  •  Smith, T.L. Conference evaluation report.  19th Annual Memphis in May Conference: An Academic Affairs-Student Affairs Partnership. The Unversity of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee. May 2007.
  •  Smith, T.L. Conference evaluation report.  18th Annual Memphis in May Conference: An Academic Affairs-Student Affairs Partnership. The Unversity of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee. May 2006.
  • Smith, T.L. Conference evaluation report. 19th Annual Memphis in May Conference: An Academic Affairs-Student Affairs Partnership. The Unversity of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee. May 2008.
  • Smith TL. Discussion Forum Generator: The Process. Winter Summit Teaching & Learning Showcase Presented by UM3D, The University of Memphis, Feb 23, 2024 (Accepted).

  • Smith TL, Nwobilor, LE. RESPECT: What Does It Mean to Us! Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics  2024 Annual Meeting, April 26, 2024. Knoxville, TN. (Submitted) 

  • Smith TL. Having Our Say: Constructing Essential Questions. Empowered Educator Online Conference 2024. February 14-15, 2024. (Submitted 10/2024, Not accepted). 

  • Smith TL, Nwobilor LE. An Ethic in Action Case Study: Accessing the eTextbook Platform in an Asynchronous-Online-Undergraduate Nutrition [Course]. Tennessee Academy of Science Meeting at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. (Accepted and Presented). 

  • Smith TL, Nwobilor LE. An Ethics of Action Case Study: First-Day Access to Introduction to Nutrition Course Resources. Tennessee Annual Meeting, March 31, 2023, Jackson, TN. (Accepted and Presented)

  • Smith TL, Nwobilor LE. An ethic of action case study: First-day access to Introduction to Nutrition course resources. Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting, Jackson, Tennessee, March 31, 2023 (submitted).
  • T.L. Smith and L.E. Nwobilor. Guiding Lights: Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching Can Undergird ACEND’s Tips for Strategies to Improve Registration Exam Pass Rates. Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2022 Annual Meeting (Online).
  • Smith TL, Nwobilor LE. Perceptions of eTextbook platform experiences: Development of a student survey. 131st Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Sciences, November 6, 2021, Tennessee Technological University.
  • Smith TL, Nwobilor LE. Anticipating the needs of introductory nutrition students and faculty learning through an etextbook platform: A literature review. Tennessee Academy of Science Annual Meeting Hosted Virtually by East Tennessee State University, November 21, 2020.
  • Smith TS, Nwobilor LE. Who is caring for the college students? Revisiting food pantry programs on Tennessee's public campuses. Tennessee Academy of Science's 129th Meeting. Columbia State Community College, Columbia, Tennessee. November 22, 2019.
  • Smith TS. Faces of Food Insecurity Among College Students (and those who care). The University of Memphis's McWherther Library. November 14, 2019.
  • Smith TL, Nwobilor LE. Investigating the nature of key terms in dietetic professional codes. Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, February 26, 2019.
  • Smith TL. Classical Discussions: How Shakespeare Promotes Dialogues about Food Systems Sustainability. Foodservice Systems Management Education Council Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, March 10-12, 2019. (Accepted).
  • Smith TL, Nwobilor LE. Investigating the Moral Compass of the Dietetics Profession. 128th Tennessee Academy of Science Annual Meeting,Clarkville, Tennessee, November 17, 2018.
  • Smith T. Shakespeare's King Lear as a Prism through which to View Food Sustainability. Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2018 Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, TN, April 17, 2018.
  • Marcy Kaufman and Terra L. Smith. Students, faculty, and staff feedback concerning campus dining for vegetarians. Tennessee Academy of Science Annual Meeting, University of Tennessee, Martin, Tennessee, November 18, 2017.
  • R. Speltz (Dr. T.L. Smith faculty mentor). , "Is It Possible to Create a Low Fat, High Nutritional Value, and Allergen Free Cupcake?" NCUR 2018 National Conference on Undergraduate Research. University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma. April 4-7, 2018.
  • M. Kaufman and T. Smith. Perception of Vegetarian Dining by College Students in a University Setting. Monday, October 23, 2017. FNCE 2017 Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo. McCormick Place West, Chicago, IL October 21-24, 2017.
  • Smith T, Abounassif R. (2017). Back to Galen: Investigations into Culinary Medicine. The 2017 Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting. Nashville, Tennessee March 20, 2017.
  • Corinna Rankin, Yvonne Gibbs, and Tarakka Sexton. “Homemade Vegan and Gluten-Free Breakfast Bars”. NCUR 2016, Asheville, NC, April 7-9, 2016. (Faculty Mentor).
  • Penelope Ponthieu. Improving Women's Reproductive Health via Cereal Bars. 2017 National Conference on Undergraduate (NCUR), The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, April 6-8, 2017. (Faculty Advisor: T.L. Smith). (Accepted)
  • Corinna Rankin, Yvonne Gibbs, and Tarakka Sexton. “Homemade Vegan and Gluten-Free Breakfast Bars”. 126th Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science, November 19, 2016. Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee. (Faculty Mentor).
  • Smith TL, Ralston CA, Ewing C. Divergent Dialogues with Otherness in a Health Care Educational Setting. TAND 2016, Nashville, TN. March 21, 2016.
  • Smith TL, Ralston CA, Ewing C. Confronting otherness in a health care educational setting. 126th Tennessee Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Austin Peay State University, Clarkville, Tennessee, November 19, 2016.
  • Smith TL. (10/05/2016). ABC's of Nutrition Assessment. Professor Program, Smith Hall, The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee. Contact Person: Ms. Kearisha Goodman.
  • Smith TL. (10/19/2016). ABC's of Nutrition Assessment. Professor Program, Rawls Hall, The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee. Contact Person: Ms. Julia White.
  • Corinna Rankin, Yvonne Gibbs, and Tarakka Sexton. “Homemade Vegan and Gluten-Free Breakfast Bars” of three SHS undergraduate students. 2016 National Conference on Undergraduate (NCUR), University of North Carolina, Asheville from Thursday, April 07, 2016 - Saturday, April 09, 2016. (Faculty Advisor: T.L. Smith).
  • Smith TL, CA Ralston, C Ewing. Divergent dialogues with otherness in an health care educational setting. TAND 2016.
  • Smith TL. Regional Food Pantries: Operating Hours May Be a Barrier to Food Access. TAS 2015, Murfreesboro, TN. November 20, 2015.
  • Smith TL. Survey of the operating hours of regional food panties. TAND 2015, Nashvile, TN. March 23, 2015.
  • Nicole Reed, Candace Michelle Teerman and Tiffany Amber Sedinger. "Making the Right Choice Easier: Homemade, High Fiber Snacks On Par with Commercially Available Products," NCUR 2015, April 16-18th at the Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington. (Faculty Advisor: Dr. T.L. Smith). (Presented).
  • M.A. Miller. T.L. Smith, E.O. George, E. Mayhue-Greer. Food Purchasing Habits of Participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Among Shelby County, Tennessee Residents. University of Memphis, Memphis, TN. (Accepted for presentation at FNCE 2015, Nashville, TN November 8-10.
  • Smith TL, Welborne LA, Meindl J, Wallace L (2014). Assessment of parents educational needs and the availability of resources for feeding children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The University of Memphis.Memphis, Tennessee. TAN 124th Annual Conference, November 21 , 2014, Walters State Community College,Morristown, Tennessee.
  • Quality Improvement: Feasibility of Including Taste and Smell Evaluations in the Nutrition Assessment of Children Diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Claussen J, Edwards K, Mandrell B, Ringwald-Smith K, Mosby TT, Yuan Y, Williams-Hooker R, Roach R, Smith TL. FNCE 2015, Nashville, TN. (In process)
  • N. Reed, C. Teerman, T. Sedinger, (Faculty Advisor: TL Smith). Making the Right Choice Easier: Homemade, High Fiber Snacks On Par with Commercially Available Products. 29th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington, April 16 - 18, 2015 (Accepted).
  • TL Smith, LA Welborne, J Meindl, L Wallace. (2014). Assessment of parents educational needs and the availability of resources for feeding children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Tennessee Academy of Science 124th Annual Meeting.
  • Smith TL. (2014). Food safety across the curriculum: Helping university students master food safety knowledge.  2014 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference,  Arllington, VA, on December 4-5. (No accepted).
  • Smith TL, Miller M. (2014). Who is caring for the college students? Food pantry programs on Teennessee's campuses. TAND Annual Meeting. March 24, 2014. Nashville, TN.   
  •  Lauren Boggs, Michael Muchmore, Selina Ribnick, and Jasmine Turner (Faculty Advisor: Dr. Terra Smith). Protein Shakes for Muscle Rehabilitation). National Conference of Undergraduate Research, April 3 to April 5, 2014, Lexington, KY.
  • Smith, TL, Meeks, JM, Roach, RR, George, EO. (2013). Effect of a weight loss intervention in a faith-based environment with overweight-obsess African American women: A pilot study.  123rd Tennessee Academy of Science Program. Nov. 15, 2013. Motlow State Community College, Lynch, Tennessee.
  •  Achelpohl SL, Smith TL,  De Fouw JG, Stockton ML.  Reported Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Body Composition in Urban Southern College Students: A Pilot Study. Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,  2013 Annual Meeting, Poster Session – March 7, 2013.
  • Taylor H, Tobey E. (Faculty Mentor: Smith TL). The best kept secrets: Battling childhood obesity. 27th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, April 11-13, 2013 (Accepted).
  • Bursi SL, Smith TL, Egan BM, Roach RR. Implementing a point-of-purchase messaging program at an urban university food court. 122nd Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Nashville, Tennessee, November 16, 2012.  
  • Smith TL. Reflections on research in an undergraduate program: Lessoned Learned. 122nd Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science. Nashville, Tennessee, November 16, 2012.  
  •   Canale SB, Smith TL, Egan BM, Roach RR. A Point-of-Purchase Messaging Program Increases Sales of Identified Healthy Items in a University Food Court. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo,  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 6-9, 2012.
  • Meeks JM, Smith TL, Roach RR, George EO. (2012). A Faith-based Weight Loss Intervention Program: Lessons Learned. Translating Research into Practice Innovations, Tennessee Dietetic Assocation's Annual Meeting, April 19-20, 2012. 
  •  Smith, T. L. (2011). Seventeen years of Service: A review of what RD's and DTR's have said about soup kitchens?  Tennessee Dietetic Association's 2011 Annual Meeting. March 3, 2011.  
  • Smith, T.L. Speaker. NCBDFCS Annual Banquet held during The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Convention. Cleveland, Ohio, June 2010.  
  • R. Williams, C. Faccio, J. Bittle, T. Smith (2010). Calcium and Vitamin D Intak in Boys with Autism. 2010 Food and Nutrition Conference, The American Dietetic Assocation. 
  • Smith, T. L.  Member of a Panel Discussion for the Introduction to College Learning course. July 21, 2010. Victory University (formerly Crichton College), Memphis, TN.
  •  Smith, T.L. (2010). Canning fruits and vegetables. Mid-South Peace and Justice Center. July 2010. 
  •  Smith, T.L. (2009). Canning fruits and vegetables. Mid-South Peace and Justice Center. September 2009. 
  • Scott, J.D., Smith, T.L., Carney, V., Stockton, M. (2010). The perception of breastfeeding among pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers who participate in the WIC program. 2010 Food and Nutrition Conference, The American Dietetic Association.
  • Smith, T. (2010). Soups Up: Do cooperative extension services have food safety programs and resources developed for soup kitchen volunteers?  Tennessee Dietetic Association's 2010 Annual Meeting. April 22, 2010. 
  •  Smith, T. (2010). University Students Making the Case for Food Safety. 2010 USDA Food Safety Education Conference. Atlanta, GA, March 25, 2010.
  • Owensby, Jennifer. (Faculty Mentor: Terra Smith) Flaxseed smoothies are beneficial to diabetic patients with gastroparesis in meeting the RDA's for macronutrients. NCUR, April 17, 2009. (Accepted).
  • Miller, Rebecca (Faculty Mentor: Terra Smith). Implementing a hydrocolloid-based gelatin product in clinical diet therapy among a culturally and religious diverse population. NCUR, April 17, 2009. (Accepted)
  • Campbell, Wayne. (Faculty Mentor: Terra Smith) Veggie Pops: A Healthy Alternative to Traditional Popsicles. NCUR, April 17, 2009. (Accepted).
  • Smith, T.L. The Good Life: Experience and Discuss Vygotsky's Social Development Theory of Learning as Applied in an Undergraduate Curriculum. Memphis in May Student Affairs Conference 2008, May 9, 2008.  
  • Duncan, G.S., Meeks, J.M., Miller, R., Smith, T.L. Promoting good will to good health: Service Projects of dietetic students. Living, working, and playing in a diverse global society: The Department of Health and Sport Sciences Open House. March 12, 2008. 
  • Smith, T.L. Undergraduate scholarship. University of Memphis Health Promotion Program: Expanding our boundaries; Embracing our community. The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, November 20, 2006.   
  •  Smith, T.L., Duncan, G.S. Undergraduate Dietetic Students Disseminate Food Safety Information Across Campus: Program Evaluation. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, The American Dietetic Association , Chicago, Illinois,  October 25-28, 2008. 
  • Smith, T.L. Integrating undergraduate scholarship into the curriculum. Tenneessee Colligate Honors Council Annual Meeting, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, February, 16-17, 2007.  
  • Duncan, G.S., Smith, T.L. A campaign for food safety among college students (student worker perspective). The Tenneessee Dietetic Association 2008 Leadership Institutue. David Lipscomb University, Nashville, Tennessee, February 28, 2008.   
  • Smith, T.L. Faculty perceptions of college student feedback concerning the use of web-based electronic files for distribution of course materials. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference & Expo, June 19-22, 2008. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.    
  •  Miller, R. (Faculty Mentor Terra L. Smith). INVESTIGATING CULTURALLY ACCEPTABLE GELATIN SUBSTITUTES. The National Conference of Undergradutae Research. April 10-12, 2008. Salisbury University, Salisbury, Maryland.   
  •   Kapadia C.,  Ratliff, M. (Faculty Mentor Terra L. Smith). ACCEPTABILITY OF ETHNIC SAVORY SNACK BARS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS. The National Conference of Undergradutae Research. April 10-12, 2008. Salisbury University, Salisbury, Maryland.   
  • Smith, TL. (November 16, 2007). Nutrition in College: Eating on the run. Adult Student Association. The University of Memphis.   

    Smith TL. (2002). The scholarship of service: Opportunties for students and faculty. 93rd Annual Meeting and Exposition, Shaping Viable Communities for a Sustainable Society. American Association for Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting, Dallas, TN, June 22-25.  

  • Smith, Terra (Presiding Officer).  C. Sealey-Potts and  J. Pegues (Speakers). African Americans' Dietary Lifestyles: Health Implications, Community Intervention and Outcomes. ADA Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo. Chicago, IL, October 25-28, 2008.  
  • Smith TL. (Program Planner & Speaker), Sun MM, Ettinger E, Eady C. (2002).  Strategies for productive research and scholarship: Perspective from practitioners, educators, and researchers. American Dietetic Association, Food & Nutrition Conference & Exhibition, Philadephia, October 19-22. 
  • Stewart BL (organizer); Panelists: Alexander KL, Crase D, Kandiah J, Kato S, Scjedulz PA, Smith TL, and Thompson N. (2003). Using the AAFCS Monograph Research Applications in Family and Consumer Sciences: The Authors Speak. American Association for Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., June 28-July 1. 
  • National Coalition for Black Development in Family and Consumer Sciences 2007-2008 Board. How has technology affected the life cycle stages of African-American families? American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) 99th Annual Conference & Expo, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 19-22, 2008.   
  • Smith TL et al. Public Policy Edudational Session. American Association of Family and Sciences and Education 2007 Annual Conference and Exposition, Reno, Nevada, June 2007. (submitted). 
  • Smith, T. (1993). The sensory evaluation of the Meal-On-The-Go food bar supplemented with vitamins and minerals or corn bran. So. Assn. of Agri. Sci. Proc., Tulsa, OK, February 3, Abst. 33, paper session.
  • Smith, T. , Knight, S. (1994). Nutrient availability from a high protein, high calcium pasta. So. Assn. of Agri. Sci. Proc. (SAAS), Nashville, TN February 9, Abst. 44, paper session.
  • Smith, T. and Knight, S. (1996). The effect of protein level on bone density of rats fed a high-protein, high-calcium pasta diet. So. Assn. of Agri. Sci. Proc. (SAAS). Greensboro, NC, February 5, Abst. A-4, paper session.
  • Smith, T. and Knight, S. (1996). Fortified food for the elderly: Nutrient availability from a high-protein, high-calcium pasta. So. Gerontol. Soc. (SGS), Little Rock, AR, April 26, poster.
  • Smith, T. , Knight, S. (1996). Nutrient availability from a high-protein, high-calcium pasta (carcass analysis). American Dietetic Association (ADA), San Antonio, TX, Oct. 21-24, poster.
  • Smith, T., Knight, S. (1997). Nutrient availability from a high-protein, high-calcium pasta (bone mineral levels). S. Assn. of Agri. Sci. Proc. (SAAS), Birmingham, AL. Feb. 3, Abst. 17, paper session.
  • Smith, T. , Knight, S. (1998). Nutrient availability from a high-protein, high-calcium pasta (bone strength studies). So. Assn. of Agri. Sci. Proc. (SAAS). Chattanooga, TN, April 16-19, poster.
  • Smith, T. , Takauchi, M.S. (1998). A comparison of nutritional practices of early childcare facilities in Memphis, Tennessee and in Nishinomiya City, Japan. Tennessee Dietetic Association (TDA), Nashville, November 7 and American Dietetic Association (ADA), Atlanta, GA, October 1999, poster.
  • Smith, T. (1999). Maximizing the use of recovered foods to increase the efficiency of feeding the hungry in Memphis, TN. S. Assn. of Agri. Sci. Proc. (SAAS), Memphis, TN, Feb. 2, Speaker.
  • Smith, T., Takauchi, M.S. , Crase, D. (1999). Comparison of health care practices and attitudes of personnel in early
  • Childcare facilities in Nishinomiya City, Japan and Memphis, Tennessee. The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS), Seattle, WA, June 1999, poster.
  • Smith, T. (2000). Research Across the Curriculum. American Dietetic Association (ADA). Denver, CO, October 16-19,Speaker.
  • Giudice, S.J., Smith, T.L., Smith, M.A., Clemens, L. H. (2000). Determining barriers to and effective strategies for improving calcium intake among elderly African Americans in urban congregate meal sites. American DieteticAssociation (ADA), Denver, CO, October 16-19. poster. 
  • Smith, T. L. , Sun, M., Janna, W. S. (2001). Characterizing process control of fluid viscosity and identifyingfood thickening-related training needs in long-term care facilities. American Dietetic Association (ADA). St. Louis, MO, October 20-23.
  • Nwobilor, L. E. , Smith, T. L. (2001). Investigating food viscosity training needs of direct care staff of individuals with dysphagia. Nutrition for Children with Special Health Care Needs in Managed Care Using Telecommunications: An Interdisciplinary Nutrition short course. Sponsored by University of Cincinnati Center for Development Disorders, Children's Hospital Medical Center, The University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, September 27-29. 
  • Dudley, J., Clemens, L. H., Smith, T. L., Ward, K. (2001). Comparing restrained eating in African-American and Caucasian women at varying body mass indexes. American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition, St. Louis, MO, October 23, poster.
  • Harmon, J. J., Clemens, L. H., Smith, M. A., Smith, T. L. (2002). Reimbursement for Nutrition Services: Survey of third party payers and registered dietitians in Tennessee and comparison with reimbursement practices in Tennessee in 1991. American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA, October 18-22, 2002.
  • Blair, L. W., Smith, T. L. (2003). Investigating the undergraduate student's perceptions of university research opportunities and faculty's pedagogical values for undergraduate research. National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2003. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 13-15.
  • Coffey, C, Cunningham, M., George, A., Noah, J., Smith, T.L. (2003) Investigating Food Attribute Changes Due to Substitution of Infant Formula for Milk. National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2003. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 13-15.
  • Smith, T. L., Sun, M. M., Nwobilor, L. E. (2003). Development of a knowledge-based food thickener questionnaire. American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, October 24-28.
  • Smith, T. L., Williams, S. P. (2003). Barriers to dietary calcium intake of African American mothers participating in an urban WIC program: A pilot study. American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, October 24-28.
  • Mann, M.B., Tylavsky, F.A., Clemens, L.H., Smith, T.L. (2003). Energy expenditure form physical activity and bone mass among adolescents. American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, October 24-28.
  • Hunter, A.E., Clemens, L.H., Slawson, D.L., Smith, T.L. (2003). Employing focused interviews as a means to investigate factors that influence validity and reliability of dietary assessment tools. American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, October 24-28.
  • Guess, J., Long, A., Skeen, A., & Smith, TL. (2004). Maximizing the use of leftover oatmeal. 18th National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Indianapolis, Indiana, April 15-17, 2004.
  • Smith, T.L. (2004) Promoting opportunities to participate in undergraduate foods research throughout the curriculum. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo, July 12-16, Las Vegas, Nevada. (unable to attend to do finances.)
  • McClung, K.M., Clemens, L.H., Smith, T.L., Nwobilor, L.E. (2004). Effect of Benefiber on the occurrence of constipation and use of laxative agents. American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition,, Anahein, CA, October 2-5, 2004.
  • Smith, T.L. (2005) Promoting opportunities to participate in undergraduate foods research throughout the curriculum. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 2005 Annual Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota June 2005.
  • Smith TL. Exploring the use of informal cognitive assessment skills in Family and Consumer Sciences Professional Literature.  The American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences 2006 Annual Conference & Expo, Charlotte, NC, June 22-25, 2006.
  • Smith TL. Each-one-teach-one: Transporting food safety education from the university classroom into the local community. 2006 Food Safety Education Conference: Reaching at-risk audiences and today's other food safety challenges. Denver, CO, September 27-29, 2006.
  • Smith TL. What's going on: Reviewing and discussing integrative learning.  Memphis in May Student Affairs Conference. May 19, 2006, Memphis, Tennessee.  
  • Smith TL. Supporting the integration of service learning ans research into undergraduate curriculum. National Conference of Undergraduate Research. University of North Carolina at Asheville, April 6-8, 2006. 
  • Wallick AM, Scott J, Brown K, Fienup K, Hillilard L, Seward M. (Faculty mentor: Smith TL). Development of food bars for antioxidant repletion. National Conference of Undergraduate Research. University of North Carolina at Asheville, April 6-8, 2006. (accepted). Student Research Forum, The University of Memphis, April 11, 2006.
  • State Conventions:
  • Amunrud, E., Mitchell, C.O., Smith, T., Sun, M. (1999). Acceptability and health effects of commercially prepared pureed foods in nursing home residents. The Tennessee Dietetic Association, Paris Landing, TN, April 16.
  • Barron, J.C., Pearson, C., Smith, T. (1999). Recovered bagels used as bread substitute in meatball recipe.
  • The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, March 26; The Tennessee Dietetic Association, Paris Landing, TN, April 16.
  • Hendry, S., Holliday, K.L., Fletcher, L., Smith, T. (1999). Sensory differences in standard versus bagel spinach product. The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, March 26; The Tennessee Dietetic Association, Paris Landing, TN, April 16.
  • Mahaffey, L., Roach, R., Smith, T., Kedia, S., Williams, R. (1999). Nutritional practices of women in families with human immunodeficiency virus. The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, March 26; The Tennessee Dietetic Association, Paris Landing, TN, April 16.
  • Pratt, G., Heard, M., Buttermore, J., Rone, R., Smith, T. (1999). Standard and recovered bagels meatloaf found to be similar. The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, March 26; The Tennessee Dietetic Association, Paris Landing, TN, April 16.
  • Kent, A., Smith, T. (2000). The acceptability of weaning foods made with infant formula as a milk substitute. The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, March 27; The Tennessee Dietetic Association, Nashville, TN, April 17.
  • Smith, T.L., Janna, W., Sun, M. (2001). Strategies for Success: Partnering among consumer science faculty, engineering faculty, and a clinical dietitian. The Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences,Murfreesboro, TN, March 38-30.
  • Smith, T.L. , Janna, W., & Sun, M. Memphis, TN (2001). The use of statistical process control techniques to characterize the viscosities of fluids in long-term care facilities. The 3rd Annual Area Engineering and Science Conference, Memphis, TN, May 11.
  • Smith, T. L. (2001). RE-CIPE: A research group methodology encouraging relationship, community, individual voice, personal experience, and empowerment. Tennessee Academy of Sciences, Murfreesboro, TN, November 8-11.
  • Smith, T.L. & Kuykendall, E.R. (2004) Exploring the integration of intellectual development technology into professional practice: A reflective process. Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Paris Landing State Park, Buchanan, TN, March 31-April 2.
  • Smith, T.L. (2005) There and Back Again: A professor tells of adventures into the student affairs domain of informal assessment of student cognitive development. Memphis in May Student Affairs Conference, May 20, Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Smith, T.L. (2005). In search of my students' gardens: A journey toward informal cognitive assessment of undergraduate dietetic students. Tennessee Dietetic Association Annual Conference, April 15, Jackson, Tennessee.
  • Stampley, D., Kesler, E., Smith, T.L. Development of acceptable gluten-free products. Tennessee Dietetic Association Annual Conference, April 15, 2005, Jackson, Tennessee .
  • Krank, KJ, Clemens, LH, Smith, TL, Stevens, PM. (2005). A study to determine if education and exposure to a new product increases acceptance in peanut allergic families. Tennessee Academy of Sciences. November 18, Jackson, Tennessee.
  • Presented talk on the nutritional care of people with developmental disabilities for Department of Human Services Case Managers with the Wellness Center, Oklahoma State University, 1991.
  • Presented talk at an Oklahoma Dietetic Association sponsored seminar on the nutritional care of people with developmental disabilities, 1992.
  • Smith, TL.  Title of presentation: A literature review of the use of informal cognitive assessment skills among food and nutrition professionals. 2006 Annual Meeting for the Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
  • Smith, T.L. (2006). What's going on: A review and discussion of integrative learning. The Academic Affairs-Student Affairs Partnership. Implementing integrative learning: Pathways that retain student for success. 18th Annual Memphis in May Conference The University of Memphis, May 19, 2006.
  • OTHER:

    Invited Speaker, Promoting a Healthy Head Start Conference. Oklahoma State University, University Extension and Development, Memphis, TN, 9/30/98. 

  • Girsch, L., Webb, C., Bolton, R., Johnson, A., Owen., Richmond, A., and Smith, T.L. Tennessee Academy of Sciences. November 17, 2006. Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee. 
  • Invited Key Speaker, Topic: Community-based Research: An Opportunity for Professors and Students. Sponsored by the Women's Research Forum. The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 3/4/00.
  • Invited Speaker, Topic: Health care services and nutritional practices of licensed child care centers in Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis Association for the Education of Young Children spring Conference. The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 4/28/01.
  • Invited Speaker, Topic: Maximizing the use of underutilized food resources of The Food Bank in Memphis, TN - A progress report. The Memphis Area Nutrition Council, 6/8/2002.
  • Invited Speaker, Topic: Cultural aspects of foods: Rural Nigerian Women. HIST4853 African American Women. 1/30/03.
  • Smith, T.L. (organizer and keynote speaker) , Sun, M., Cartwright, C, Burnett, M., & Suiter, D. (May 2004) The New Guidelines for the Dysphagia: Diet: A cross disciplinary panel discussion. Memphis District Dietetic Association. St Jude Children's Research Hospital.
  • Invited Panel Member/Speaker (10/23/04), Topic: On Reaching Tenure: Reflections from the First Group of Graduating Compact Scholars. The 11th Annual Institute on Teaching and Mentoring. October 21-24, 2004 Omni Hotel at CNN Center, Atlanta, GA. Sponsored by The Compact for Faculty Diversity. Conducted by the Southern Regional Educational Board, Atlanta, GA; New England Board of Higher Education, Boston, MS; Western Interstate Commission of Higher Education, Boulder, CO.
  • Invited Speaker: Recognizing the role of women professions that address family well-being. Tennessee Economic Summit for Women: October 17, 2005, Nashville, TN

Appendix A - Teaching Experience

  • NUTR 3502 - Advanced Foods/Food Systems Management
  • HMSE 4999.004 - Senior Project
  • HMSE 4999 - Senior Project
  • NUTR 4802 - Experimental Foods
  • NUTR 2302 - Introduction to Foods
  • NUTR 3502 - Advanced Foods/Food Systems Management
  • HMSE 4999 Section 00 - Senior Project
  • NUTR 2302 - Introduction to Foods
  • NUTR 2303 101 - Introduction to Foods Lab
  • NUTR 2303 102 - Introduction to Foods Lab
  • HMSE 4999 Section 00 - Senior Project
  • NUTR 4802 - Experimental Foods