Faculty and Staff Profiles |
Susan Nordstrom |
Assoc Professor, Counsel Education Psych Research |
Email: snnrdstr@memphis.edu |
Office Location: 101 B Ball Hall |
Susan Naomi Nordstrom is an Associate Professor of Educational Research specializing in qualitative research methodologies with the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Research at The University of Memphis. Her research agenda includes the study of poststructural and post-humanist theories, Deleuze, new materialism, subject-object relations, onto-epistemology, and qualitative research methodology.
- PhD Language and Literacy Education - The University of Georgia - 2011
- The University of Georgia Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies Graduate Certificate   - The University of Georgia - 2011
- M.Ed. Elementary Education - University of Minnesota - 2004
- B.A. Spanish and Latin American Studies - University of Nebraska - Lincoln - 1999
Work Experience
- Associate Professor , Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research - University of Memphis - 2019-Present
- Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations and Leadership - Wayne State College - 2011-2013
- Earl Crader Award - University of Memphis - 2022
- Nominee for the University of Memphis Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award - University of Memphis Alumni Association - 2020
- Nominee for the University of Memphis Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award - University of Memphis Alumni Association - 2019
- Excellence in Research & Scholarship Award - University of Memphis - 2015
- Honorable Mention 2012 Illinois Distinguished Dissertation Award, Experimental Category - International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry - 2012
- Dissertation Completion Award - University of Georgia - 2010-2011
- Phi Kappa Phi - National Honor Society - 2012
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - University of Georgia - 2010
- Genelle Morain Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching - University of Georgia Language and Literacy Education Department - 2009
- Distinguished Service to the Education Profession Award - University of Georgia Kappa Delta Epsilon Educational Honor Society - 2007
Teaching Experience
- Qualitative Research Methodology - University of Memphis
- Language and Literacy Education - Wayne State College
Creative Activities
- The Book that Never had a Title I Liked - 2022 - Exhibited with #FEAS Unfinished Business, Edith Cowan University, Perth Australia. -  
- MLK50 - City of Memphis - $5,000 - 2017-2018 Academic Year
- Mid-South LGBTQ+ Archive - Community of Research Scholars - 2,500 - 2018
- Visiting Professor - University of Oulu, Finland - 2019 -  
- Object-Interviews Lecture - University of Arizona - 2019 -  
- Deleuze in Post-Qualitative Research Lecture - University of South Florida - 2019 -  
- Data Analysis in the Posts Lecture - University of Arizona - 2019 -  
- Doing Antimethodologies Workshop - Stockholm University - 2019 -  
- Becoming Antimethodologies - Stockholm University - 2019 -  
- (dis)placed bodies: A cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional project about intersectionality in Memphis - The Women and Gender Studies Brown Bag Lunch Series - 2018 -  
- Feminist Issues in the Media (Coordinator of Panel) - University of Memphis Women's History Month - 2016 -  
- Data Analysis in the Posts - Arizona State University - 2016 -  
- Poststructural Qualitative Inquiry - University of Tennessee-Knoxville - 2016 -  
- New Materialisms and Qualitative Inquiry - QUAL 8400, University of Georgia - 2015 -  
- A Data Assemblage - Dr. David Carlson’s Doctoral Student Group, Arizona State University - 2015 -  
- New Materialism and Qualitative Inquiry - EDPR Colloquium - 2013 -  
- University Council for Graduate Studies -   - 2018-
- Women’s and Gender Studies Advisory Board -   - 2017-
- Summer Institute for Online Instruction Faculty Fellow -   - 2020
- AERA Division D, Section C (Qualitative Methods) Co-Program Chair -   - 2023-
- AERA Foucault SIG Program Chair - 2021-2022 -  
- Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology Editorial Board Member -   - 2022-
- Qualitative Research Editorial Board Member -   - 2021-
- AERA Mentor for Methodological Quandries in Qualitative and Post-Qualitative Research - Qualitative Research SIG - 2018 - present
- AERA Qualitative SIG Proposal Forum Mentor - Qualitative Research SIG - 2016 - present
- AERA Division D Qualitative Research Graduate Mentoring Reception - AERA Division D - 2016 & 2019
- University of Memphis - EDPR Graduate School Handbook Author - 2015
- University of Memphis - Qualitative Research in Education Graduate Certificate Co-coordinator - 2013-present
- University of Memphis - Qualitative Inquiry Circle Co-faculty Advisor - 2013-present
- University of Memphis - Center for Research on Women - 2014-2016
- University of Memphis - Women's History Month Executive Committee - 2014-2017
- University of Memphis - Critical Conversations - 2015-2018
- University of Memphis - CEPR Library Liaison - 2013-2022
- International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2016-present
- Arts, Research, Education: Connections and Directions - Book Chapter Reviewer - 2016
- American Educational Research Association - Division D, Section 3 Reviewer - 2007 and 2017- present
- International Review of Qualitative Research - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2016- present
- Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2017-present
- Gender and Education - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2016-present
- Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2016-present
- Digital Creativity - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2018
- Springer Book Publishers - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2016-present
- International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Collaborating Sites Network - Collaborating Site Coordinator - 2014-present
- Interventions: School and Clinic - Editorial Board - 2013-present
- Qualitative Inquiry - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2015-present
- Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies - Reviewer - 2015-present
- Qualitative Research - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2014-present
- Southeastern Philosophy of Education Society (SEPES) - Conference Site Coordinator - 2014-2015
- International Journal of Social Research Methodology - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2015
- Policy Futures in Education - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2015
- The Humanistic Psychologist - Ad Hoc Reviewer - 2013
- American Educational Research Association (Qualitative Research SIG) - Proposal Reviewer - 2013-present
- EDPR Colloquia Co-Advisor - University of Memphis - 2014-2015
Books Reviewed
- Nordstrom, S. (2015). Deleuze and Research Methodologies. Qualitative Research 15(1), 128-129. DOI: 10.1177/1077800413479559
- Nordstrom, S. (2010). Dynamic
literacy practices of Appalachian women. Mind,
Culture and Activity 17(1), 84-87.
- Nordstrom, S. (2009). Side
by side learning: Exemplary literacy practice for English language learners and English speakers in the
mainstream classroom. [Book]. Education Review, April 2009, http://edrev.asu.edu/brief/apr09.html
- Nordstrom, S. (2008). Inside
the writer’s-reader’s notebook: A workshop essential.
[Book]. Education Review, July 2008, http://edrev.asu.edu/brief/july08.html
- Nordstrom, S. (2007). Narrative
writing: Learning a new model for teaching.
[Book]. Education Review, October 2007, http://edrev.asu.edu/brief/oct07.html
- Nordstrom, S. (2007). Micro-lessons
in writing. [Book]. Education Review,
July 2007, http://edrev.asu.edu/brief/july07.html
Journal Articles
- Nordstrom, S. (2024). Practices of Care with the Anthropocene: Scenes from the 2019 Nebraska Flood. In Wallace, M.F.G., Bazzul, J., & Higgins, M. (Eds.). Reimagining Science Education in the Anthropocene. (pp. 227-244). Palgrave MacMillan.
- Nordstrom, S. (2023). Past, Present, futures of assembling object-interviews. In K. Roulston (Ed.). Quests for questioners: Inventive approaches to qualitative interviews.(pp. 127-144). Myers Education Press.
Nordstrom, S. (2023). Because it was Never Just Words. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 12(2), 73-78. Nordstrom, S. (2023). Good, Bad, and Hopefully Not the God Trick: Technological Systems in Qualitative Inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry 29(10), 1002-1011. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778004231163501 - Andersen, C. & Nordstrom, S. (2022). Nick-storying and the body’s immersion and participation in the world: Forming aggregates for early childhood education. In T.K. Aslanian & C. Blyth (Eds). Children and the power of stories: Posthuman and autoethnographic perspectives in early childhood education. (pp. 109-124). Springer
- Nordstrom, S. (2022). String figure mentoring: Relational mentoring in flat ontology. In K. Guyotte, & J. Wolgemuth (Eds). Philosophical mentoring in qualitative research: Collaborating and inquiring together. (pp. 188-206). Routledge.
- Nordstrom, S. (2021).Long Live L’Enfant Terrible. Educational Philosophy and Theory.https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2021.2009340
- Nordstrom, S. (2021). Plural Pasts, Presents, and Futures of Post Qualitative Inquiry: Two Questions for the Field. Qualitative Inquiry 27(2), 247-248
- Nordstrom, S. (2020). (Un)Disciplined: What is the terrain of my thinking? In C. Taylor, C. Hughes, & J. Ulmer (Eds.). Transdisciplinary Feminist Research Practices. London, UK: Routledge.
- The Collective. (2020). She embodied: A materialized collective. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 11(2), 34-57.
- Jokinen, P. & Nordstrom, S. (2020, online first). In the Performative Friction of Dissenting Ontologies: The Emergence of Queer Cyborgian Ethnographer. Qualitative Inquiry
- Nordstrom, S. (2020). Makers-Philosophers-Researchers: Experimentations with (Dis)placements. Special Issue Introduction. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 11(1), 1-4.
- Nordstrom, S. & Somerville, M. (2020). Waste as the Artful Excess of Natural Selection. TABOO: Journal of Culture and Education 19(3), 75-88.
- Nordstrom, S. (2020). Guilty of loving you: A multi-species narrative. Qualitative Inquiry 26 (10), 1233-1240.
- Nordstrom, S. (2019). Losing my religion: Bodily confessions of an organism trying to make a body without organs. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 10(3), 191-207.
- Salem, W., Tarbett, L.B., Nordstrom, S. (2019). A Hijab, A Dog, and Many Histories: Wonders of Intersectional Assemblage in Memphis. Journal of Public Pedagogies 4, 241-246.
- Nordstrom, S. (2019). Ensembles of Life: Developing an Affirmative and Intensive Concept in Educational Research. Educational Research for Social Change 8(1), 14-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/2221-4070/2018/v8i1a3
- Nordstrom, S. (2018). Versions-to-Come. Educational Philosophy and Theory 51(4), 1595-1596. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2018.1462456.
- Nordstrom, S. (2018). Her Words Read Me Like I Read Her Words. In S. Bridges-Rhoads, H.E. Hughes, & J.Van Cleave (Eds.). Readings that Rock Our Worlds. Qualitative Inquiry 24(10), 817-837. DOI: 10.1177/1077800418767202
- Nordstrom, S., Anderson, C., Lorvik-Waterhous, AH., Osgood, J., Otterstad, A.M., Jensen, M., (In Press, Anticipated September 2018) Alice’s Adventures: Reconfiguring early childhood education through data events. In D.R. Cole & J.P.N. Bradley (Eds). Principles of transversality in globalisation and education. New York, NY: Springer.
- Nordstrom, S. (2018). Anti-methodology. Qualitative Inquiry 28(4), 215-226. DOI: 10.1177/107780041770446946
- Nordstrom, S. (2017). Experimenting with spectral data. In M. Koro-Ljungberg, T.
L?yt?nen, & M. Tesar (Eds.). Data Encounters. New York City, NY: Peter Lang.
- Nordstrom, S. & Plascencia, O.G. (2017). Walking With. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 8(1), 14-16. Available: https://journals.hioa.no/index.php/rerm/article/view/2143/1936
- Nordstrom, S. & Ulmer, J. (Eds.). (2017). Postqualitative Curations and Creations (2017). Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 8(3). 8 manuscripts. https://journals.hioa.no/index.php/rerm/issue/view/281
- Nordstrom, S. & Ulmer, J. (2017). Curations, creations, and other postqualitative possibilities. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 8(3), 1-15.
- Ulmer, J., Nordstrom, S. & Tesar, M. (2017). E(scapes). Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 8(3), 66-78.
- Constantino, C., Manning, W., & Nordstrom, S.N. (2017). Passing as fluent: Practices of the self. Journal of Fluency Disorders 53, 26-40. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfludis.2017.06.001?
- Wolgemurth, J.R., Rautio, P., Koro-Ljungberg, M., Marm, T., Nordstroms, S. & Clark, A.(2017). Work/Think/Play/Birth/Death/Terror/Qualitative/Research.
Qualitative Inquiry. (1-9). doi: 110.1177/1077800417735860 0
- Higgins, M., Madden, B., Bérard, M.-F., Lenz Kothe, E., and Nordstrom, S. (2017). Patchworking with theory: Within, against, and beyond the tailoring of methodology through de/signing research. Educational Studies 43(1), 16-39. DOI: 10.1080/03055698.2016.1237867
- Nordstrom, S.N. & Happel, A. (2016). Methodological drag: Subversive performances of qualitative methodologist and pedagogical practices. Qualitative Inquiry 22(2), 149-153. DOI: 10.1177/1077800415620221
- Nordstrom, S. (2015). A data assemblage. International Review of Qualitative Research 8(2), 166-193. DOI: 10.1525/irqr.2015.8.2.166.
- Nordstrom, S.N. (2015). Not so innocent anymore: Making recording devices matter in qualitative inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry 21(4), 388-401. DOI: 1077800414563804
- Nordstrom, S.N. (2015). Notes toward a politics of response data: An affective passageway of layered response data. In A.B. Reinersten & A.M. Otterstad (Eds.). Metodefest og øyeblikksrealisme (Methodfestival and Realism of the Moment) Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.
- Nordstrom, S.
(2013). A conversation about spectral data. Cultural
StudiesóCritical Methodologies.
Special issue “Provocations: (Re)visioning data in qualitative research.
13(4), 316-341. DOI: 10.1177/1532708613487879
- Nordstrom, S. (2013). Object-Interviews: Folding, Unfolding,
and Refolding Perceptions of
Objects. International Journal of
Qualitative Methods 12, 237-257.
- Nordstrom, S. (2010). “Learning to Live with Grandmother
Naomie’s Ghost: Longing for an
Impossible Presence with Objects.” In K. Haworth, J. Hogue, L. G. Sbrocchi (Eds.), Semiotics 2009: The semiotics of time. (pp. 616-622). Legas: New York.
- Nordstrom, S. (2009). Poststructuralism. The SAGE Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Ed. Larry
Sullivan). Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
- Nordstrom, S. (2009). Reflexivity. The SAGE Glossary of the Social and
Behavioral Sciences (Ed. Larry
Sullivan). Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Fann, C. & Nordstrom, S. (2023). Entangled verbs: Feminist transdisciplinary multi-modal art-making. Paper presented at the Nineteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana – Champaign, IL. Nordstrom, S. (2023). Unfinished, fragmented, shifting, and folding slips toward the political possibilities of response data. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Chicago. Nordstrom, S. (2022). The Stack of Books that Do Not Make the Reference List. Paper Presented at the Eighteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Virtual. Nordstrom, S. (2021). Ten Years of Objects: Following the Trajectories of Object-Interviews. Paper Presented at the Seventeenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana- Champaign, IL. Virtual. Andersen, C.A. & Nordstrom, S. (2021). Storying in Early Childhood Education: Forming Aggregates to Invent Ways to Live. The IX Conference of Childhood Studies. Tampere University, Tampere, Finland. Virtual. Nordstrom, S. (2021). I’m Nebraskan Compost, Not Posthuman. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Virtual. Nordstrom, S. (2020). Ten Years of Objects: Following the Trajectories of Object-Interviews. Paper to presented at the Sixteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL. [Conference Canceled] Nordstrom, S. (2020). String Figure Mentoring: Relational Mentoring in a Flat Ontology. Paper to presented at the Sixteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL. [Conference Canceled] - Nordstrom, S. (2019). Multi-species Inquiry: Politics, Theory, and Practice. Paper presented at the Fifteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
- Somerville, M. & Nordstrom, S. (2019). The artful proliferation of waste. Paper presented at the Fifteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
- Nordstrom, S. (2019). Trolls and speculative feminist speculative ethical practices in higher education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ont.
- Nordstrom, S., Bailey-Tarbett, L., King, R., & Salem, W. (2019). A thousand Mondays: Reading toward smooth methodological spaces. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ont.
- Bhattacharya, K., Evans-Winters, V., Nordstrom, S., & Ulmer, J. (2018). Rejecting the master’s tools and the whole house: Mentoring students to conduct critical qualitative research. Presented at the Fourteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
- Benozzo, A., Bridges-Rhodes, S., Denzin, N., Koro-Ljungberg, M., L?yt?nen, T., Nordstrom, S. Rouhanien, L, & Tesar, M. (2018). Disrupting Data. Presented at the Fourteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
- Nordstrom, S. (2018). Discussant. Writing Intensions in Post-Qualitative Educational Research. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY.
- Nordstrom, S. & Somerville, M. (2018). Meetings of the Waters: Death and the Global Materialities of Litter. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY.
- Andersen, C., Jensen, M., Nordstrom, S.N., Osgood, J., Otterstad, A.M., & Lorvik Waterhouse, A. (2018). Mutliple becomings with Alice(s): Nomadic movements in the anthropocene. Workshop presented at the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Lueven, Belgium.
- Nordstrom, S. (2018). Losing My Religion: Bodily Confessions of an Organism trying to Make a Body without Organs. Presented at PhEmaterialism2: Matter-realising Pedagogical/Methodological Interferences into Terror and Violence. London, UK.
- *Bhattacharya, K., Evans-Winters, V., Nordstrom, S., & Ulmer, J. (2018). Rejecting the Master’s Tools and the Whole House: Mentoring Students to Conduct Critical Qualitative Research. To be presented at the Fourteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
- *Benozzo, A., Bridges-Rhodes, S., Denzin, N., Koro-Ljungberg, M., Loytonen, T., Nordstrom, S. Rouhanien, L, & Tesar, M. (2018). Disrupting Data. To be presented at the Fourteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2018). Discussant. Writing Intensions in Post-Qualitative Educational Research. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York City, NY.
- *Nordstrom, S. & Somerville, M. (2018). Meetings of the Waters: Death and the Global Materialities of Litter. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York City, NY.
- Nordstrom, S. (2016). “Walking the Thresholds of Habits and Concepts.” Summer Institute of Antipodes. Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia.
- Nordstrom, S. (2016). Possibilities for Thinking and Doing Otherwise: Community-Based Research-Creations. Visiting Scholar Keynote for the Queensland University of Technology Childhoods in Changing Contexts Research Group. Brsibane Australia.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2016). Discussant. Post-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments I: Curations. Presented at the Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2016). Discussant. Post-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments II: Creations. Presented at the Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2016). Discussant. Post-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments III: Writings. Presented at the Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2016). Discussant. Post-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments IV: Doings. Presented at the Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2016). Discussant. Making Sense of Stories: Putting Theory to work in Narrative Inquiry. Presented at the Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. & Dunn, J. (2016). A Duet: Singers-Researchers Modulating through Ascesis. Presented at the Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S., Tesar, M., Ulmer, J. & Bogdanish, J. (2016). A Methodology of Cityscapes: Escaping Conventional Qualitative Research and Dominant Discourses about Urban Places." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2016). Discussant. Reconfiguring early childhood solidarity/ies through research performances. Presented at the Nordic Educational Research Association, Helsinki Finland.
- *Nordstrom, S. & Johansson, L. (2016). “Methodological entanglements of unlearning and new possibilities of research practices: Post qualitative research through challenged concepts.” Presented at the Nordic Educational Research Association, Helsinki Finland.
- *Nordstrom, S. & Andersen, C. (2016). “Posthuman entanglements of solidarity in educational research.” Presented at the Nordic Educational Research Association, Helsinki Finland.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2015). “Ensembles of Life: A Feminist Counter Historical Practice.” Paper presented at American Educational Studies Association Conference, San Antonio TX.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2015). “Anti-methodology: A Delightfully Monstrous Daughter.” Presented at the Deleuze Studies International Conference, Stockholm Sweden.
- Nordstrom, S. (2015). Thinking with Deleuze & Guattari Across Territories. Pedagogy for the 21st Century Workshop. Oslo University
College, Oslo Norway.
- *Nordstrom, S.. (2015) Panel Chair and Discussant for “Doctoral Students Earning Their Theories: Plugging Theory(ies) into Methodology.” Presented at the Eleventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S.& Happel, A.A. (2015). “Methodological Drag: Performances of Conflicting Epistemologies and Theories in Qualitative Research.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2015). “Not So Innocent Anymore: Making Recording Devices Matter in Qualitative Interviews.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2015). Discussant. “Research De/sign: theory as a Thimble for Tailoring Methodological Excess.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- *Jamerson, H. & Nordstrom, S. (2015). The Politics of Space: Identity, Memory, and Planning. Paper presented at the Urban Affairs Association Conference, Miami, FL.
- *Nordstrom, S. & Happel, A. (2014). Methodological Drag: Performances of Conflicting Epistemologies.” Presented at the International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2014). Participant in panel Reconceptualizing Data Session I and Session II. Presented at the International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2014). “A Conversation about Spectral Data.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2014). “Simondon’s Transduction: An Alternative to the Deductive/Inductive Binary. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- *Nordstrom, S. & Happel, A. (2014). Methodological Drag: Performances of Conflicting Epistemologies.” Presented at the Southeast Philosophy of Education Society. Decatur, GA.
- *Nordstrom, S.
(2013). “The Ensemble of Life:
Creating Concepts in Post Qualitative Research.” Paper presented at the
International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S.
(2013). “Meditations on Deleuze’s
A Life.” Paper presented at the International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry.
Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S.
(2013). “Generative folds: Rethinking data as a motley crew of conventional and
unconventional data.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
- *Nordstrom, S.
(2013). PDS is Action Research. Paper presented at the National Professional
Development Schools Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2012). “Resisting Representation: What Else to Do with Data? Paper presented at International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2011). “Writing with Objects?” Paper
presented at the Seventh International
Congress on Qualitative Inquiry.
Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2011).
“Object Interviews: Folding,
Unfolding, and Refolding Mosaics of
Objects and Subjects.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New
Orleans, LA.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2010). “Spectral data: Speaking, writing, and
acting with specters.” Paper presented at
the Sixth International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2009). “Learning to Live with Grandmother
Naomie’s Ghost: Longing for an Impossible Presence with Objects.” Paper presented at the 34th
Annual Semiotics Society of America
Conference. Cincinnati, OH.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2009). “My Sofa Speaks.” Paper presented at
the Fifth International Congress
on Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2008). “Not Better, Just Different: The
Uneasy Relationship of Deleuze and
Guattari’s Royal Science and Nomadic Science in Qualitative Inquiry” Paper presented at the Fourth International
Congress on Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign/Urbana,
- *Nordstrom, S. (2008). “Rhizoanalysis: A Methodological Tool
for Living and Thinking with/in/around
Complexity.” Paper presented at the Fourth International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry.
Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2008). “Oh the Places You’ll Go:
Poststructural (Re)imaginations of Place.”
Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research. Bloomington, IN.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2007). “Going Home to Become: Exploring Time,
Place, and Becoming.” Paper presented at
the Third International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign/Urbana, IL.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2007). “Writing Your Writing Autobiography.”
Paper presented at the 37th
Annual Children’s Literature Conference. Athens, GA.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2007). “Rhizomatic Case Studies.” Paper
presented at the 20th QUIG Conference
on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies, Athens, GA.
- *Nordstrom, S. (2007). “Interview as Assemblage.” Paper
presented at the 20th QUIG Conference
on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies, Athens, GA.
- *Nordstrom,
S. (2007). “Fragments of the nutshell:
Lessons learned with deconstruction.”
Paper Presented at the 2007 Qualitative Inquiry
- *Nordstrom S. (2006). “Preparing Educational Researchers
After Scientifically Based Research.”
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Creative/Artistic Works
- Plascencia, O.G. & Nordstrom, S.N. (2017-2018) (Dis)Placed Bodies, Project between Memphis College of Art and University of Memphis. Sponsored by City of Memphis MLK 50 and the National Civil Rights Museum.
• Co-taught a special topics course Fall 2017 with students from both institutions.
• Co-curated an art exhibition created from class hosted at Memphis College of Art (January 2018)
• Catalog of exhibition (2018)
• Two panels of scholarship (seven papers) from the class presented at the Fourteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana Illinois (May 2018)
- Nordstrom, S.N. (2018). Precarious (Dis)Placements. Found sculptures. Exhibited with (Dis)Placed Bodies, Memphis College of Art.
- Nordstrom, S.N., Villa, Y., Rives, R. Qualy, E., Peña, C. (2017). What is Normal? Public Art Installation part of the Beyond Normal: Collaboratory II. Exhibited at Art Museum of University of Memphis.
- Nordstrom, S. (2016). Thresholds. Hamilton Perambulatory Unit Strata Walk in Memphis. http://walkinglab.org/hpu-strata-walks-memphis-thresholds/
- Nordstrom, S., Lawson, L., & Lewis, D. (2016). “Feminist Sculpture for Strolling” part of the “Do It” exhibition. Exhibited at the Art Museum of the University of Memphis.
- Nordstrom, S. & Reeves, T. (2015). Women Walking in Memphis. http://walkinglab.org/women-walking-in-memphis/
- Producer and Interview Consultant. “In the Middle.” A short documentary about 6 international Memphian women living in Memphis and the objects they brought with them from their home countries. Director: Annie Hunter. Screened at the Art Museum of the University of Memphis from March 20-June 2015.
- Book. 50 Pounds or Less. A 40 page book published in conjunction with the “What I Kept” exhibit and “In the Middle” documentary about international Memphian women living in Memphis and the objects they brought with them from their home countries. Art Museum of the University of Memphis.
Appendix A - Teaching Experience
- EDPR 7/8561 - Introduction to Qualitative Research in Education
- EDPR 7/8562 - Designing Qualitative Research
- EDPR 7/8563 - Applied Qualitative Theories and Methodologies
- EDPR 7/8565 - Qualitative Methods and Analysis
- EDPR 7/8001 - Feminist Research Methods in Education
- EDPR 7/8005 - Community-Based and Arts-Based Research