Faculty and Staff Profiles |
Susan Neely-Barnes |
Professor Director Chair, Social Work |
Email: snlybrns@memphis.edu |
Office Location: |
Google Scholar
- Ph.D. Social Welfare - University of Washington - 2005
- MSW Social Work - Washington University - 1999
- BA Cultural Anthropology - Duke University - 1996
Work Experience
- Professor, School of Social Work - University of Memphis - 2016 to present
- Director & Chair, School of Social Work - University of Memphis - 2016 to present
- Research Foundation Professorship - University of Memphis - 2019-2021
- Eye of the Tiger - University of Memphis - 2018
- PI Millionaire - University of Memphis - 2018
- Distinguished Research Award in the Social Sciences - University of Memphis College of Arts & Sciences - 2017
- Engaged Scholarship Mentor - University of Memphis - 2015-2016
- Provost's Fellowship - University of Memphis - 2014
- Early Career Research Award - College of Arts & Sciences, University of Memphis - 2013
- Travel Enrichment Award - College of Arts & Sciences, University of Memphis - 2010
Teaching Experience
- SWRK 7060/8060: Developing Fundable Proposals - University of Memphis
- Social Work 2911: Social Response to Human Need - University of Memphis
- Social Work 4841: Integrated Seminar II - University of Memphis
- Social Work 2011: Writing for Social Work - University of Memphis
- SWRK 7025: Scientific Methods in Social Work - University of Memphis
- SWRK 7017: Advanced Family Child/Youth - University of Memphis
- SWRK 7011: Mental Health and Disabilities in Childhood - University of Memphis
- SUAP 7100: Public Policy Statistic - University of Memphis
- SWRK 7021: Human Behavior in the Social Environment - University of Memphis
- SWRK 3903: Social Work Practicum I - University of Memphis
Student Advising/Mentoring
- DSW - Mary Harris -  
- INTEGRATE (Interdisciplinary Teams Grounded in Apprenticeship, Telehealth, & Evidence) - Health Resources and Services Administration - $1,890,876 - 2021-2025
- Midsouth Social Work Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (MSW-SDS) - Health Resources and Services Administration - $3,187,554 - 2020-2025
- Midsouth Social Work Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (MSW-SDS) - Health Resources and Services Administration - 3,187,554 - July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2025
- Memphis Opioid Workforce Paraprofessional Expansion Program (MOW-PEP) - Health Resources and Services Administration - $897,342 - 2019-2022
- Scholarships for Social Work Students - Shelby County Community Services Agency - $90,000 - 2019
- Health, Education, and Access for Rural Tennesseans (HEART). - Health Resources and Services Administration - $2,045,082 - 2019-2023
- Midsouth Integrated Behavioral Health Training Initiative - Health Resources and Services Administration - $1,917,762 - 2017-21
- Free Lunch Graduates: What Happens When They Come to College? - Tennesee Board of Regents - $40,000 - 2016-17
- Midsouth Social Work Professional Development Initiative - Health Resources and Services Administration - $1,423,125 - September 30, 2014 - September 29, 2017
- Lifeplan and the Partnership for Educational Advocacy and Parity - Memphis Area Legal Services - $10,000 - April 2014 - March 2016
- Students Helping Students Program: Response to Intervention in Higher Education - Tennessee Board of Regents Faculty Development Grants - $40,000 - 2014-2015
- Volunteer grant writer for COVID-19 response - Constance Abbey - 2020 -  
- Tennessee Department of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Human Rights Committee -   - 2013 - 2018 -  
- Life Plan Survey -   - 2012-2013 -  
- Focus Groups for the Exceptional Foundation of West Tennessee -   - 2011-2012 -  
Books Published
- Neely-Barnes, S. & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2020). Quantitative Research. In L. Roussel, T.
Taylor-Overholts, & H. R. Hall (Eds), Evidence-based
practice: An integrative approach to research, administration, and practice (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
- Elswick, S., NeelyBarnes, S., Casey,
L., & Rudd, L. (2018). Chapter 24: Social Work. In R. D. Rieske
(Ed.), Handbook of Interdisciplinary Treatments for Autism Spectrum
Disorder (pages of chapter). Switzerland: Springer International
- Neely-Barnes, S. & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2016). Quantitative Research. In L. Roussel, T.
Taylor-Overholts, & H. R. Hall (Eds), Evidence-based
practice: An integrative approach to research, administration, and practice (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
- Neely-Barnes, S. (2015). Latent class models in
social work. In S. Bobones (Ed.), Latent
Variables and Factor Analysis, (pp. 169-181). London: Sage Publications
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Neely-Barnes, S. (2013). Quantitative Research. In L. Roussel, T.
Taylor-Overholts, & H. R. Hall, Evidence-based
practice: An integrative approach to research, administration, and practice.
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Journal Articles
- Brasfield, R. M., Taylor, L., Pirkey, A. P., Neely-Barnes,
S., Zanskas, S., & Delavega, M. (2022). Reflective supervision training
model: Impact on supervisory working alliance. Field Educator, 12(2),
1-18. https://fieldeducator.simmons.edu/article/reflective-supervision-training-model-impact-on-the-supervisory-working-alliance/
- Neely-Barnes, S. L., Malone, C., C., Hirschi, M.,
& Delavega, E. (2022) Mental health impacts of COVID-19: Views of social
service managers. Best Practices in Mental Health, 18, 1-17.
- Hirschi, M., Hunter,
A.L., Neely-Barnes, S.L., Malone, C.C., Meiman, J., & Delavega, E. (2022).
COVID-19 and the rapid expansion of telehealth in social and behavioral health
services. Advances in Social Work, 22, 91-109. https://doi.org/10.18060/25088
- Zanskas, S., Brasfield, M., Landry, M., Taylor, L.
Delavega, E., & Neely-Barnes, S. (2022). Interprofessional training:
Graduate counseling and social work student preparation for integrated
behavioral healthcare. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 19, 314-330.
- Delavega, E., Meiman, J., Malone, C.C., Hirschi, M.,
Hunter, A.L., & Neely-Barnes, S.L. (2022). The Two pandemics: Social work
and response to the K-shaped crisis. Journal of Policy Practice and Research,
3, 36-51. http://doi.10.1007/s42972-022-00048-3
- Neely-Barnes, S. L., Hunter, A. L., Meiman, J. C.,
Malone, C. C., Hirschi, M., & Delavega, E. (2021). Leaning into the crisis:
Managing COVID-19 in social services and behavioral health agencies. Human
Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, & Governance, 45, 293-306.
- Neely-Barnes, S. L., Kirk, B. G., Elswick, S. E., Taylor, L. C., Delavega, M., Pettet, F., & Landry, M. (2020). Training second year MSW students to improve cultural and linguistic competence. Research on Social Work Practice, 30, 392-398. http://doi:10.1177/1049731519874397
- Taylor,
L.C., Delavega, E., Jin, S.W., Neely-Barnes, S.L., & Elswick, S. E. (2019).
The prevalence and correlates of food insecurity among students at a
multi-campus university. Journal of Poverty,
23, 621-633. doi: 10.1080/10875549.2019.165141
- Delavega,
E, Neely-Barnes, S.L., Elswick, S.E., Taylor, L.C., Pettet, F.L., & Landry,
M. (2019). Preparing social work students for interprofessional team practice
in health care settings. Research on Social Work Practice, 29, 555-561. doi:10.1177/1049731518804880
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. Elswick, S., Neely-Barnes, S, Snipes,
K., Williams, M., Carter, A., Gray, A. and Washington, G. (2018). The Students
Helping Students Program: Response to Intervention in Higher Education. Journal of Baccalaureate
Social Work, 23, 173-196. doi:
- Simmons,
L., Taylor, L., Anderson, K., & Neely-Barnes, S. (2018). Comparing first
generation and continuing generation social work students. Journal of Social
Work Education, 54, 480-491. doi: 10.1080/10437797.2018.1434436
- Wingate, S. E., Postlewaite, R. R.,
Mena, R. M., Neely-Barnes, S. L., & Elswick, S. E. (2018). Parent Knowledge
of and Experiences with Response to Intervention (RtI). Children & Schools, 40, 163-172. doi: 10.1093/cs/cdy010
- Delavega,
E., Neely-Barnes,
S., Lennon-Dearing, R., Soifer, S, & Crawford, C. (2017). Engaged scholarship: A signature research
methodology for social work. Journal of Social Work Education, 53, 568-576.
DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2016.1269703
- Neely-Barnes,
S.L., Zanskas, S., Lustig, D., Duerr, R., Zhao, M. (2016). Falling through the
cracks: Caregivers’ experiences with choice of providers. Rehabilitation Education: Research, policy, & education, 30,
338-352. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/2168-6653.30.4.338
- Neely-Barnes,
S. L. & Elswick, S. E. (2016). Inclusion for people with developmental
disabilities: Measuring an elusive construct. Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1536710X.2016.1162122
- Neely-Barnes,
S.L., McCabe, H., & Barnes, C. P. (2014). Seven rules to live by:
Accommodations in social work education and field. Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, 13, 279-296. DOI:10.1080/1536710X.2014.961113
- Neely-Barnes,
S. L., Krcek, T., Zanskas, S., & Delavega, E. (2014). Parenting with a
disability and child mental health: A propensity score analysis. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation,
13, 226-246.
- Hall, H. R., Neely-Barnes, S., Graff, C., Krcek, T., Roberts, R., &
Hankins, J. (2012). Parental Stress in
Families of Children with a Genetic Disorder/Disability and the Resiliency
Model of Family Stress, Adjustment, and Adaptation. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 35, 24-44.
- Egan, M., Neely-Barnes, S. L., &
Combs-Orme, T. (2011). Integrating neuroscience knowledge into social work
education: A case-based approach. Journal
of Social Work Education, 47, 269-282
- Neely-Barnes, S. L., Hall, H. R.,
Roberts, R. J., & Graff, J. C. (2011). Parenting a child with an autism
spectrum disorder: Public perceptions and parental conceptualizations. Journal of Family Social Work, 14, 208-225.
- Neely-Barnes, S. L. & Graff, J. C.
(2011). Are their adverse mental health affects to being a sibling of a person
with a disability? A propensity score analysis. Family Relations, 60, 331-341.
- Neely-Barnes, S. L. (2010) Latent
class models in social work: Research note. Social
Work Research.
- Whitted, K. S. & Neely-Barnes, S. L. (2011). Examining the
social, emotional and behavioral needs of youth involved in the child welfare
and juvenile justice systems. Journal of Health and Human Services
Administration, 34, 206-238.
- Neely-Barnes, S.L., Graff, J.C.,
Roberts, R.J., Hall, H.R., & Hankins, J.S. (2010). “It’s our job”: A
qualitative study and theoretical model of parent and sibling responses to
ableism. Intellectual & Developmental
Disabilities, 48, 245-258.
- Neely-Barnes, S.L., Graff, J.C., &
Washington, G. (2010). The health related quality of life of custodial
grandparents. Health & Social Work,
35, 87-97.
- Graff, J.C., Hankins, J.S., Hardy,
B.T., Hall, H.R., Roberts, R.J., Neely-Barnes, S.L. (2010). Exploring
parent-sibling communication in families of children with sickle cell disease. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric
Nursing, 33, 101-123.
- Graff, J.C., Neely-Barnes, S.L.,
Smith, H. (2008). Theoretical and methodological issues in sibling research. International Review of Research in Mental
Retardation, 36, 233-280.
- Neely-Barnes, S. L. & Dia, D. A.
(2008). Families of children with disabilities: A review of research and
recommendations for intervention. Journal
of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 5, 93-107
- Neely-Barnes, S.L., Graff, J.C.,
Marcenko, M.O. & Weber, L.A.
(2008) Family decision-making: Benefits to persons with DD and their family
members. Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities, 46, 93-105.
- Neely-Barnes, S.L.. Marcenko, M.O.,
& Weber, L.A.
(2008). Community-based, consumer-directed services: Differential experiences
of people with mild and severe intellectual disabilities. Social Work Research, 32, 55-64.
- Neely-Barnes, S.L., Marcenko, M.O.
& Weber, L.A.
(2008). Does choice influence quality of life for persons with developmental
disabilities? Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities, 46, 12-26.
- Neely-Barnes, S.L. & Marcenko,
M.O. (2004). Predicting impact of childhood disability on families: Results
from the 1995 National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement. Mental Retardation, 42, 284-293.
- Pandey, S.,
Zhan, M., Neely-Barnes, S., & Menon, N. (2000). The higher education option
for poor women with children. Journal of
Sociology and Social Welfare, 27, 109-170.
- Neely-Barnes,
S.L. (1999). Parent involvement: A needs assessment. The School Social Work Journal, 24, 29-43.
- Taylor, L., C., Neely-Barnes, S. L., Brasfield, M., Pirkey, P., Delavega, E., Zanskas, S., & Landry, M. (2022, November). Evaluation of an interdisciplinary reflective supervision training. Poster Presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Anaheim, CA.
- Neely-Barnes,
S. L., Bonifas, R., & McCallion, P. (2022, April). Accommodations vs.
Competencies: Addressing Disability and Aging Issues in Social Work.
Presentation at the National Association of Deans & Directors of Schools of
Social Work, Tampa, FL.
- Delavega,
M., Neely-Barnes, S., Hirschi, M., & Malone, C. (2022, January). Implications
of COVID-19 for Social Services and Behavioral Health. Poster Presentation at
the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Neely-Barnes,
S., & Hirschi, M. (2021, November). Leaning into the Crisis: Managing COVID-19
in Behavioral Health and Social Services. Poster Presentation at the Council on
Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
- Hirschi,
M., & Neely-Barnes, S. (2021, November). COVID-19 and the Rapid Expansion
of Telehealth: Social Work Impact and Implications. Poster Presentation at the
Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
- Neely-Barnes,
S., Hirschi, M., Malone, C., Delavega, E., Meiman, J., & Hunter, A. (2021,
April). COVID-19 and its impact on the social and behavioral health services of
the Midsouth. Presentation at the virtual 9th Annual Social Work
Symposium of the University of Memphis.
- Landry, M.
A., Delavega, M., & Neely-Barnes, S. L. (2020, November). Student attitudes
towards professional roles on interdisciplinary teams: Where do I fit? Poster
presentation at the virtual Council on Social Work Education Annual Program
- Neely-Barnes,
S. L. & Delavega, M. (2020, January). Training second-year MSW students to
improve cultural competency. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work
& Research, Washington, DC.
- Delavega, E.,
Landry, M. A., Neely-Barnes, S., & Taylor, L. (2019, October). Evaluating
supervision in an interdisciplinary behavioral health training program. Poster
presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting,
Denver, CO.
- Neely-Barnes,
S. L. (2019, April). Alternative “advanced standing” – co-opting “other”
professionals into social work. Roundtable presentation at the National
Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work spring meeting.
- Malone, C.
C., Taylor, L., Delavega, M., & Neely-Barnes, S. L. (2018, November). The
challenges in designing training for field supervisors in interdisciplinary
programming. Poster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual
Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
- Delavega,
M. E., & Neely-Barnes, S. L. (2017, October). Educating social workers to
meet 21st century challenges in healthcare: Interprofessional
education. Poster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual
Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
- Elswick, S.
E. & Neely-Barnes, S. L. (2017, October). Response to intervention: An
investigation of parent knowledge. Poster presentation at the Council on Social
Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
- McAllister,
C., Neely-Barnes, S., & Odgen, L. P. (2016, November). Assessment of
integration of disability content into social work education. Poster
presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting,
Atlanta, GA.
- Simmons, L.
D., Anderson, K., Neely-Barnes, S. L., & Taylor, L. (2016, November).
Comparative experiences of first-generation and continuing-generation social
work students. Poster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education
Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- Perlman,
S., Barnes, C., Walker, L., & Neely-Barnes, S. (2016, April). The LifePlan
Project. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Social Work Symposium,
University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
- Pettet, F.,
Delavega, E., Elswick, S., & Neely-Barnes, S. (2016, January). Assessing
student outcomes of a behavioral health training program in social work. Poster
presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting,
Washington, DC.
- Neely-Barnes,
S., McRoy, R., Jones, J., Sanchez Mayers, R., & Davis, L. (2015, October).
How to recruit and retain faculty from historically underrepresented groups.
Leadership development institute at the Annual Program Meeting of the Council
on Social Work Education, Denver, CO.
- Brewer, R.
& Neely-Barnes, S. (2015, October). Teaching social work students how to
engage as advocates in special education. Poster presentation at the Annual
Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO.
- Simmons,
L., Anderson, K., Lovins, S., & Neely-Barnes, S. (2015, October).
Strategies for promoting academic success among first-generation social work
students. Think tank at the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social
Work Education, Denver, CO.
- Albert,
W., Neely-Barnes, S. L., Barnes, C., Mayham, J., & Gibson, R. (2014, October).
Improving parent and professional knowledge of special education law: An
evaluation study. Poster Presentation at the Annual Program Meeting of the
Council on Social Work Education, Tampa, FL.
- Neely-Barnes,
S. L., Linton, K. F., & Algood, C. L. (2014, October). Race, class, and
disability: Implications for families. Connect Session Presentation at the
Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Tampa, FL.
- Neely-Barnes,
S. L. & Trawver, K. (2014, October). How to succeed in reaffirmation or
candidacy: Tips and strategies. Roundtable Presentation at the Annual Program
Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Tampa, FL.
- Neely-Barnes, S. (2014, January). Community inclusion for people with
developmental disabilities: Measuring an elusive construct. Poster presentation
at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- Duerr, R., Neely-Barnes, S., Zanskas, S., & Lustig, D. (2013,
November). Transition to adulthood in a fragmented service system for youth
with disabilities. Poster presentation at the Annual Program Meeting of the
Council on Social Work Education, Dallas, TX.
- McCabe, H., Neely-Barnes, S., & Trawver, K. (2013, November). Social
work students with disabilities: Tips and strategies for administrators.
Workshop presented at the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work
Education, Dallas, TX.