Faculty and Staff Profiles |
Steven A. Knowlton |
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Office Location: |
- B.A. History - University of Michigan - 1994
- M.L.I.S. Library Science - Wayne State University - 2003
- M.A. History - University of Memphis - 2015 (Thesis: "Memphis Public Library Service to African Americans, 1903-1961")
Work Experience
- Interim Head, Collection Management Department - University of Memphis Libraries - November 2013-present
- Assistant Professor/Collection Development Librarian, University Libraries - University of Memphis - 2010-present
- Assistant Marketing Manager, Marketing - ProQuest - 2009-2010
- Library Holdings Consultant, Sales - ProQuest - 2005-2008
- Best Paper (with Anne M. Platoff) - 26th International Congress of Vexillology - 2015
- Fellow - Leading Change Institute - 2015
- Captain William Driver Award for Best Paper - North American Vexillological Association - 2012
- Wow! Award for Exceptional Customer Service - ProQuest - 2008
- Beta Phi Mu (Intl Library and Information Studies Honor Society) - Wayne State University - 2003
- Finalist, Employee of the Year Award - Washtenaw County - 1999
Student Advising/Mentoring
-   - Andrew Grissom - served library school practicum, 2015
-   - Iesha N. Williams - served as intern in Collection Management, 2011
- American Library Association - ALCTS Continuing Resources Section – Committee on Holdings Information - 2008-2010
- University of Memphis - University Libraries - Faculty Professional Development Committee (chair, 2012-2014) - 2010-2014
- University of Memphis - University Libraries - Faculty secretary - 2010-2011
- University of Memphis - University Libraries - Faculty chair - 2011-present
- University of Memphis - University Undergraduate Council - 2011-2013
- American Library Association/Association for Library Collections and Technical Services - Cataloging and Metadata Management Section – Subject Access Committee - 2011-2013
- American Library Association/Association for Library Collections and Technical Services - Library Resources and Technical Services Editorial Board - 2011-present
- North American Vexillological Association - Flag Research Quarterly Editorial Board - 2012-present
- Tennessee Library Association - Publications Advisory Board (Co-Chair) - 2013-2016
- Tennessee Library Association - Annual Conference Program Committee (Co-Chair) - 2013-2015
- North American Vexillological Association - Secretary - 2014-2015
- University of Memphis - E-Textbook Task Force - 2015
- University of Memphis - "Complete to Compete" initiative - champion for "Acquire Course Materials" - 2015-2016
Books Published
- Platoff, Anne M., and Steven A. Knowlton. "Old Flags, New Meanings." In: Proceedings of the 26th International Congress of Vexillology (2015), in press.
Books Reviewed
- O’Daniel, Patrick. (2010). Memphis and the super flood of 1937: High water blues. Charleston, SC: The History Press. 157 pages. ISBN 978-1-59629-530-8. Tennessee Libraries, 61(1), March 2011.
- Bales, Stephen Lyn. Ghost Birds: Jim Tanner and the quest for the ivory-billed woodpecker, 1935-1941. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2010. Tennessee Libraries, 61(3), September 2011.
- Dowdy, G. W. (2010). Crusades for Freedom: Memphis and the Political Transformation of the American South. Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, Tennessee Libraries 61(3), September 2011.
- Ossian, Lisa L. (2011). The forgotten generation: American children and World War II. Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press. Tennessee Libraries, 61(3), September 2011.
- The Papers of Andrew Jackson, Volume VIII, 1830. (2010) Edited by Daniel Feller, Thomas Coens, and Laura-Eve Moss. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. Tennessee Libraries, 61(3), September 2011.
- Kavanagh, J. & Leung, R. (2000) Tennessee
birds: An introduction to familiar species.
Phoenix, AZ: Waterford Press ; Kavanagh, J. & Leung, R. (2009) Tennessee
trees & wildflowers: An introduction to familiar species. Phoenix, AZ: Waterford Press; Kavanagh, J.
& Leung, R. (2011) Tennessee wildlife: An introduction to familiar
species. Phoenix, AZ: Waterford
Press. Tennessee
Libraries, 61(4), December 2011.
- Graham, Alison, & Monteith, Sharon (Eds.) (2011). The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Volume 18: Media. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Tennessee Libraries, 62(3), September 2012.
Journal Articles
- Knowlton, Steven A. “Three Decades Since Prejudices and Antipathies: A Study of Changes in the Library of Congress Subject Headings.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 40, no. 2 (2005):123-45.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “A Preview of the New Cataloging Code.” MLA Forum (Michigan Library Association) 4 no. 1 (2006).
- Knowlton, Steven A. “Continuing Use of Print-Only Information by Researchers.” Journal of the Medical Library Association 95, no. 1 (2007): 83-88.
- Knowlton, Steven A., Mike Diaz, Kate Jashari, Katherine M. Ratliff, and Karen P. Smith. “Microforms in a Linked World: Using OPACs and Other Web Applications to Improve Access to Content in Microform.” Microform and Imaging Review 36 no. 3 (2007): 121-26.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “Criticism of Cataloging Code Reform, as Seen in the Pages of LRTS (1957-1966).” Library Resources and Technical Services 53 no. 1 (2009): 15-24.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “How the Current Draft of RDA Addresses Cataloging of Reproductions, Facsimiles and Microforms.” Library Resources and Technical Services 53 no. 3 (2009): 159-65.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “Applying Sebeok’s Typology of Signs to the Study of Flags.” Raven: A Journal of Vexillology 19 (2012): 57-97.
- Knowlton, Steven A., and Laureen P. Cantwell. "Armorial Banners for U.S. States: A Proposal for Flag Designs." Flag Research Quarterly 2 (2013): 1-7.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “Explaining the Black Freedom Struggle in Memphis: Selected Reviews.” Tuckasegee Valley Historical Review 19 (2013): 85-103.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “Evocation and Figurative Thought in Tennessee Flag Culture.” Raven: A Journal of Vexillology 20 (2013): 23-54.
- Knowlton, Steven A., Adam C. Sales and Kevin W. Merriman. “A Comparison of Faculty and Bibliometric Valuation of Serials Subscriptions at an Academic Research Library,” Serials Review 40, no.1 (2014): 28-39.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “Power and Change in the U.S. Cataloging Community: The Case of William E. Studwell’s Campaign for a Subject Cataloging Code.” Library Resources and Technical Services 58, no. 2 (April 2014): 111-26.
- Knowlton, Jessica A., and Steven A. Knowlton. “A National Flag Quilt: Its Origins and Appeal.” NAVA News 222 (June-July 2014): 3, 6.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “Print, Electronic, or Both? How Libraries Choose a Format When Purchasing Books.” Tennessee Libraries 64, no. 2 (2014).
- Knowlton, Steven A., Iulia Kristanciuk, and Matthew J. Jabaily. “Spilling Out of the Funnel: How Serials Cancellations Affect Interlibrary Loan Use and Patron Access to Materials.” Library Resources and Technical Services 59, no. 1 (February 2015): 4-12.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “Contested Symbolism in the Flags of New World Slave Risings.” Raven: A Journal of Vexillology 21 (2014): 71-94.
- Knowlton, Steven A. “‘A Democrat for All the People’: The Historic Election of Harold E. Ford, Sr., to the United States House of Representatives.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 73, no. 4 (Winter 2014): 280-311.
- Knowlton, Steven A., and Lauren N. Hackert. “Value Added: Book Covers Provide Additional Impetus for Academic Library Patrons to Check Out Books.” Library Resources and Technical Services 59, no.3 (2015): 112-119.
- Robinson, Bess, Perveen Rustomfram, and Steven A. Knowlton. “Everyone Has a Place at the Table – Now What? Making the Best of the Meetings You Lead and Attend.” Tennessee Libraries 65, no. 3 (2015).
- Knowlton, Steven A. “A Two-Step Model for Assessing Relative Interest in E-books Compared to Print.” College and Research Libraries 77, no. 1 (2016): 20-33.
- Knowlton, Steven A., and Adam C. Sales. "Artistic Unity within Displays of Multiple Flags." Flag Research Quarterly, in press.
- Jabaily, Matthew J., James R. Rodgers, and Steven A. Knowlton. “Leveraging Use-by-Publication-Age Data in Serials Collection Decisions.” In Where Do We Go from Here? Proceedings of the 2015 Charleston Conference, in press.
- Oct. 17, 2003: “The JELIS Indexing Project” (lecture, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.)
- May 5, 2006: “Continuing
use of print-only information by health sciences researchers: A study of impact
factor as one measure, 1993-2003.” Poster session, North American Serials Interest Group Annual
Conference, Denver, Colo. Reported in Serials Librarian 52 no. 3-4 (2007): 349-350.*
- Nov. 28, 2006: Participated in a panel discussion on indexing careers, Wayne State University Library and Information Science Program, Detroit, Mich.
- June 28, 2008: “How the Current Draft of RDA Addresses Cataloging of Reproductions, Facsimiles and Microforms.” Continuing Resources Section – Research Libraries Discussion Group (ALA Annual Conference), Anaheim, Calif.*
- Nov. 6, 2008: “How to Make the Most of Your Microform Collection” (with Tinker Massey), Charleston Conference, Charleston, S.C.*
- July 11, 2009: “How ProQuest Handles Original Data Provided by the Publishers and How They Present It In the Full-Text Aggregator’s Database,” Continuing Resources Section -- Committee on Holdings Information Holdings Update Forum (ALA Annual Conference), Chicago, Ill.*
- June 9, 2012: “Comparison of Faculty Valuations and Bibliometric Valuations of Journals.” Poster session, North American Serials Interest Group Annual
Conference, Nashville, Tenn.* Reported in Serials Librarian 64, no. 1-4 (2013): 308-309.
- June 13, 2012: "From Curiosity to Concept: Developing a Research Plan from Everyday Library Issues." Part 2 of Assn for Library Collections and Technical Services Virtual Preconference "The How and Why of Research: What is the Rock in Your Shoe?"
- October 6, 2012: "Pragmatic Unity and Visual Synecdoche in Tennessee Flag Culture." North American Vexillological Assn, Columbus, O. (Winner of Captain William Driver Award for Best Paper.)*
- May 24, 2013: Part of panel discussion on Strategic Collection Responses to Budgetary Concerns, WeTALC Workshop on Collections Development and Management, Memphis, Tenn.
- October 12, 2013. “Flags of New World Slave Risings.” Paper presented at the 47th Annual Conference of the North American Vexillological Association, Salt Lake City, Utah.*
- May 2, 2014: “Print, Electronic, or Both? How Libraries Choose a Format When Purchasing Books.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Tennessee Library Association, Murfreesboro.*
- September 26, 2014: “A Model for Assessing Relative Interest in E-books Compared to Print.” Paper presented at Tenn-Share Fall Conference, Nashville, Tenn.*
- October 4, 2014: “Flag Proportions: Thoughts on Flag Families and Artistic Unity.” Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the North American Vexillological Association, New Orleans, La.*
- April 23, 2015: “Southern Librarianship and Race during the Early Twentieth Century” (with Shane Hand and Matthew Griffis). Panel presentation at the Annual Conference of the Tennessee Library Association, Memphis.*
- April 24, 2015: “Everyone Has a Place at the Table. Now What?” (with Bess Robinson and Perveen Rustomfram). Panel presentation at the Annual Conference of the Tennessee Library Association, Memphis.*
- June 18, 2015: “Dust Jackets: An Important Way to Boost Circulation.” Paper presented at the 11th Annual Circulation Conference, Memphis.*
- August 31, 2015: “Old Flags, New Meanings” (with Anne M. Platoff). Paper presented at the 26th International Congress of Vexillology (read by Platoff), Sydney, N.S.W.*
- October 18, 2015: “Flags for the Fallen.” Paper presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA), Ottawa, Ont.
- November 6, 2015. “Leveraging Use-by-Publication-Age Data in Serials Collection Decisions” (with Matthew J. Jabaily and James R. Rodgers.) Paper presented at the Charleston Conference, Charleston, S.C.
- November 19, 2015: “Slaying the Dragon with the Long Tail: University of Memphis Libraries’ Decision to Break the Big Deal with Elsevier.” Presented at the ASERL Fall Membership Meeting, New Orleans.