Google Scholar Profile
I have been a community-engaged scholar and social work educator for more than 17 years. As a community engaged scholar my research agenda seeks to address disparities in all forms social, economic, racial, gender and health related -- that affect the Midsouth and the nation. Using ananti-oppressive practice framework and an intersectional perspective I use research as a tool to uncover and document social inequalities, increase awareness of social injustices and oppressions, and mobilize communities to take actions to advocate for social change. I have been successful in funding research in support of social justice and anti-oppressive practice and research.
2022 Excellencein Engaged Scholarship Award, University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences
Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, Co-Editor
Additional Information
Enforcement of HIV Criminalization in Tennessee
I am researching the effect of Tennessee’s HIV criminal laws on vulnerable and marginalized populations and the impact of these state-level HIV policies on people living with HIV. I am a member and co-founder of the Tennessee HIV Modernization Coalition which has the goal of updating Tennessee’s HIV criminal statues to reflect current science.
- PhD Social Work - University of Georgia - 2004
- MSW Social Work - University of South Florida - 1998
- BSW Social Work - University of South Florida - 1996
Work Experience
- Professor, School of Social Work - University of Memphis - 2023-present
- Associate Professor, School of Social Work - University of Memphis - 2016-2023
- Assistant Professor, School of Social Work - University of Memphis - 2010-2016
- Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work - East Tennessee State University - 2004-2010
- The Excellence in Engaged Scholarship Award - University of Memphis, Division of Research & Innovation - 2023
- Excellence in Engaged Scholarship Award - University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences - 2022
- Distinguished Service Award, Faculty Advisor - University of Memphis, Phi Alpha Honor Society - 2022
- Social Work Educator of the Year Award - National Association of Social Workers, Tennessee Chapter - 2020
- First Time Principal Investigator Recognition - University of Memphis - 2020
- Professional Development Award - University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences - 2019
- Nominated for Excellence in Engaged Scholarship Award - University of Memphis - 2018
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression Scholarship Award - Council on Social Work Education - 2015
- Nominated for Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award - University of Memphis - 2014
- Nominated for Thomas W. Briggs Excellence in Teaching Award - University of Memphis - 2013
- Outstanding Leadership Award - National Association of Social Workers, Tennessee Chapter - 2012
- Distinguished Service Award, Faculty Advisor - University of Memphis, Student Social Work Organization - 2012
- Certificate of Appreciation Award - University of Memphis, Families & Groups (SWRK 3904) Summer semester - 2011
- Community Service Award - World AIDS Day Committee, Johnson City, TN - 2009
- Distinguished Service Award, Faculty Advisor - East Tennessee State University, Student Social Work Association - 2005
Teaching Experience
- SWRK 2010: Social Work Profession and Practice - University of Memphis
- SWRK 2911: Social Response to Human Need - University of Memphis
- SWRK 3902: Human Behavior and the Social Environment - University of Memphis
- SWRK 3904: Social Work Practice II - University of Memphis
- SWRK 4060/6060: Social Work Practice in Integrated Health Care - University of Memphis
- SWRK 4940/6940: Grief & Loss - University of Memphis
- SWRK 7003: Groups - University of Memphis
- SWRK 7005: Psychopathology - University of Memphis
- SWRK 7019: Advanced Family Practice with Adults - University of Memphis
- SWRK 7021: Social Work Across the Lifespan - University of Memphis
- SOWK 5102 Human Behavior in the Social Environment - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5110 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Bioethical Issues - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5303 Advanced Social Work Practice with Individuals - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5306 Advanced Field Practicum I - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5313 Advanced Social Work Practice with Families - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5323 Advanced Social Work Practice with Groups - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5405 Rural Health Research & Practice - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5406 Advanced Field Practicum II - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5430 Psychopathology - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5817 Quality Improvement in Rural Health Care - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5957 Grief & Loss - East Tennessee State University
- SOWK 5957 Advanced Social Work Practice in Health Care - East Tennessee State University
- PMPR 7105 Interprofessional End-of-Life Clinical Care - East Tennessee State University
Student Advising/Mentoring
- DSW (Dissertation Chair) - Holden Brimhall - 2026
- DSW (Dissertation Chair) - Christy Hickman - 2024
- DSW (Dissertation Co-Chair) - Tracey Davis Moore - 2023
Creative Activities
- Media Interview: Already vulnerable, Tennessee HIV criminalization laws push Black Trans women to brink. - (2024, February 23). - Dionne N. Walker -
- Media Interview: HIV criminalisation in Tennessee. - (2022, September 12). - Mariah Wilberg - NAM aidsmap.
- Media Interview: ‘This is not a death sentence’: Advocates want Tennessee to reexamine its HIV criminalization laws. - (2022, August 9). - This is Nashville. - WPLN - Nashville Public Radio.
- Media Interview: Enhancing community engagement through data, evaluation, and learning. - (2022, August 2). - John Meade - National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors.
- Media Interview: Tennessee’s HIV criminalization laws need to change with times, advocates say. - (2022, July 19). - Katie Riordan - WKNO.
- Media Interview: HIV criminalization in the United States still happens. - (2021, September 23). - Let’s Go There with Shira & Ryan. - Channel Q.
- Transform Tennessee. SERO Project AMP Grant - Tennessee HIV Modernization Coalition - $10,000 - 2022-2023
- Integrating Community Health Workers as part of the HIV Care team in rural and urban settings to improve viral suppression in Shelby County TN., Subaward PI - Providence/Boston CFAR, NIH GRANT 5P30AI042853-22. - $157,621 - 2020-2022
- Engaging Community Health Workers to Improve Viral Suppression and Self-Management among PLWH in Memphis TGA - Providence/Boston CFAR, NIH GRANT 2P30AI042853-21. - $98,757 - 2019-2020
- Community of Research Scholars (CoRS), HIV Disparities Group - University of Memphis - $2,500 - 2018-2019
- Women’s Empowerment Group Extension Award - University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences - $3,000 - 2016-2017
- Strengthening Communities Initiative, Capacity Building Grant - Friends For Life, Women’s Empowerment Group project - $18,500 - 2015-2016
- Students Helping Students Program: Response to Intervention in Higher Education - Tennessee Board of Regents, Faculty Research Grant - $40,000 - 2014-2015
- Ohio Valley Appalachia Regional Geriatric Center (OVAR/GEC) Grant - Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions - $300,000 - 2005-2009
- Quentin N. Burdick Rural Program for Interdisciplinary Training Grant - Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions - $242,895 - 2005-2006
- Travel Enrichment Award - University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences - $500 - 2022
- Travel Enrichment Award - University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences - $500 - 2016
- Travel Enrichment Award - University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences - $500 - 2011
- HIV Modernization Town Hall Meetings - Open to the public - 2019-present - Tennessee HIV Modernization Coalition
- The Tennessee HIV Modernization Coalition - Grassroots group of community members in support of evidence-based laws. - 2019-Present -
- Interprofessional Education Collaborative - Students in SWRK 7021 - 2021-2022 - University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- Interprofessional Education Collaborative - Students in SWRK 7005 - 2019-2020 - University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- Interprofessional Education Collaborative - Students in SWRK 7003 - 2017-2018 - University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- Women's Empowerment Group - An empowerment intervention for women living with HIV using photovoice - 2016-2017 - Friends For Life
- Wellness Retreat (for men and women living with HIV) - Students in SWRK 7019 - 2017 - Friends For Life
- Wellness Retreat (for men and women living with HIV) - Students in SWRK 3904 - 2016 - Friends For Life
- Women's Empowerment Forum (Conference for women living with HIV) - Students in SWRK 3904 - 2015 - Friends For Life
- Women's Empowerment Forum (Conference for women living with HIV) - Students in SWRK 3904 - 2014 - Friends For Life
- Women's Empowerment Forum (Conference for women living with HIV) - Students in SWRK 7060 - 2013 - Friends For Life
- Middle School Social Skills Groups (Service learning assignment) - Students in SWRK 3904 - 2017-2018 - Green Dot Schools
- Middle School Social Skills Groups (Service learning assignment) - Students in SWRK 3904 - 2012-2018 - Memphis City Schools
- Support Group Leader - POZ Support Group - 2005-2010 - HIV Network, Johnson City, TN
- Board President - 501c3 Non-profit Organization - 2005-2008 - HIV Network, Johnson City, TN
- Ethics Consultant - Ethics Committee - 2006-2009 - Mountain States Health Alliance, Johnson City, TN
- Support Group Leader - Women's HIV Support Group - 1998-2004 - Positive Impact, Atlanta, GA
- Volunteer - Support Services - 1996-1998 - Tampa AIDS Network, Tampa, FL
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Social Work Symposium, Co-Chair - 2024
- University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences - Tenure and Promotion Committee - 2017-2019; 2023-present
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Social Work Tenure and Promotion Committee - 2016-present
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Instructor/Coordinator Search Committee, Chair - 2021
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Assistant Professor Faculty Mentor - 2019-2023
- University of Memphis - Coalition of Black Social Workers, UofM Chapter, Sponsor of Barbara Lee Documentary - 2021-2022
- University of Memphis - Generation Action, Registered Student Group, Faculty Advisor - 2019-present
- University of Memphis, School of Urban Affairs & Public Policy - Student Engagement Award Committee - 2018-2022
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Scholarship Awards Committee, Chair - 2018-2022
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Interprofessional Education Collaborative, University of Tennessee Health Science Center - 2017-present
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - MSW Program Retention Committee - 2017-2020
- University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences - SUAPP Director Search Committee - 2017
- University of Memphis, College of Education - Faculty Research Grant Reviewer - 2017
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Clinical Assistant Professor at Lambuth Search Committee, Chair - 2017
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Assistant Professor Search Committee, Chair - 2016-2017
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Continuing Education Committee - 2013
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Lecturer Search Committee - 2013
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Lecturer Search Committee, Chair - 2012
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - CSWE Reaffirmation Committee for BASW Program - 2011-2013
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - MSW Field Director Search Committee - 2011-2012
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Phi Alpha Honor Society, Faculty Advisor - 2010-2022
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - BASW Student Success Committee - 2010-2016
- University of Memphis, College of Arts & Sciences - Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - 2010-2014
- University of Memphis, School of Social Work - Faculty Advisor for Student Social Work Organization - 2010-2013
- ETSU, College of Arts & Sciences - College Awards Committee - 2009-2010
- ETSU, Department of Social Work - Executive Aide Search Committee - 2007
- ETSU, Department of Social Work - Social Work Career Day, Co-chair - 2006-2007
- ETSU, College of Arts & Sciences - Educational Affairs Committee - 2005-2007
- ETSU, Department of Social Work - Community Advisory Committee - 2004-2010
- ETSU, Department of Social Work - MSW Field Education Committee - 2004-2010
- ETSU, Department of Social Work - Faculty Advisor for Student Social Workers Association - 2004-2005
- ETSU, Department of Social Work - MSW Program Committee - 2004-2010
- ETSU, Department of Social Work - Marketing, Recruitment & Technology Committee - 2004-2010
- ETSU, Department of Social Work - Library Committee - 2004-2010
- ETSU, Honors College - University Honors Scholars Program, Application Reviewer - 2009-2010
- ETSU - Ad Hoc Task Force for Interprofessional Education - 2008-2010
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -  
- National Association of Social Workers - NASW Specialty Practice Sections, Health Section Committee Member - 2024-present
- National Association of Social Workers - NASW Specialty Practice Sections, Health Section Committee Alternate - 2023-2024
- National Association of Social Workers - National Policy Statement Expert Panelist, Social Work Speaks, Healthcare Policy Statement - 2022-2023
- National Association of Social Workers - National Committee on Nominations & Leadership Identification (NCNLI), Region X Representative - 2018-2020
- National Association of Social Workers - National Committee on Nominations & Leadership Identification (NCNLI), Region VII Representative Alternate - 2016-2018
- National Association of Social Workers - Tennessee Chapter, Board of Directors, Professional Issues Representative - 2012-2014
- National Association of Social Workers - Tennessee Chapter, Annual Mentor Dinner Organizer - 2011-2022
- National Association of Social Workers - Tennessee Chapter, West Branch Steering Committee, Chair - 2011-2022
- National Association of Social Workers - Tennessee Chapter, Board of Directors, President - 2010-2012
- National Association of Social Workers - Tennessee Chapter, Board of Directors, President-Elect - 2009-2010
- National Association of Social Workers - Tennessee Chapter, Northeast Branch Co-chair - 2005 to 2010
- Professional Association of Social Workers in HIV/AIDS - Member - 2019-present
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -  
- Council on Social Work Education - Annual Program Meeting, Abstract Reviewer - 2018-2019
- Council on Social Work Education - Trained Site Visitor - 2011-present
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -  
- Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services - Co-Editor - 2023-present
- Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services - Manuscript Reviewer - 2018-present
- Health & Social Work - Consulting Editor - 2020-present
- Progress in Community Health Partnerships - Manuscript Reviewer - 2020-present
- Social Work in Health Care - Manuscript Reviewer - 2018-present
- AIDS & Behavior - Manuscript Reviewer - 2015-present
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -  
- Memphis Area Prevention Coalition & University of Washington - Community Advisory Board - 2023-present
- HIV Equity Coalition Shelby County - Memphis, TN - 2023-present
- Connect2Protect Memphis Coalition (C2P) - Memphis, TN - 2022-present
- Shelby County Ending the HIV Epidemic Committee - Policy Subcommittee - 2020-2021
Journal Articles
Lennon-Dearing, R., & Hickman, C. (2024). Criminalization of sex workers living with HIV. Social Work.
Lennon-Dearing, R. (2024). Criminalization of HIV in the United States. Nursing Clinics, 59(2), 201-217. - Lennon-Dearing, R., Morris, K., Rajabiun,S., & Hirschi, M. (2023). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on community health workers from HIV care organizations in the mid-south. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2023). HIV
criminal laws are legal tools of discrimination. Health & Social Work, 48(2), 149-151.
- Kodweis, K. R.,
Hall, E. A., Renfro, C. P., Thomas-Gosain, N., Lennon-Dearing, R.,
Walker, J. K., & Kiles, T. M. (2022). Successful development and
implementation of a large virtual interprofessional education activity applying
the social determinants of health. Pharmacy, 10(6), 157.
- Rajabiun, S., Killion,
K., Lennon-Dearing, R., Williams, B., & Hirschi, M. (2022). Using
implementation science to promote integration and sustainability of
the community health worker in the HIV workforce. Journal of
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 90(S1), S65-S73.
- Lennon-Dearing, R.
(2022). “HIV is a gift”: Posttraumatic growth in women with HIV. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 30(2) 224–239.
- Rajabiun, S., Lennon-Dearing, R., Hirschi, M., Williams, B., &
Sprague-Martinez, L. (2021). Ending the HIV epidemic: One southern community
speaks. Social Work in Public Health, 36(6), 647-664.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., Hirschi, M., Dill, S., & Gore, K. (2021). “We all
deserve justice”: The experience of being arrested for aggravated prostitution.
Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 20(3), 183-208.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R., & Hirschi, M. (2019). A photovoice empowerment intervention for women living with HIV. Journal of
HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 18(4), 347-366.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Price, J. (2018).
Women living with HIV tell their stories with photovoice. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 28(5), 588-601.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R., Elswick, S., Neely-Barnes, S., Snipes, K., Williams, M., Carter, A., &
Gray, A. (2018). The Students Helping Students Program: Improving academic and social-emotional skills in bachelor of social work students. Journal of
Baccalaureate Social Work, 23(1), 173-196.
- Delavega, M. E.,
Lennon-Dearing, R., Neely-Barnes, S., Soifer, S. & Crawford, C. (2017). Engaged scholarship: A signature research methodology for social work. Journal of Social Work Education,
53(3), 568-576.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Harper, F. (2016). An empowerment forum for women living with HIV. Journal of Sociology and Social Work, 4(2), 98-109.
- McAdory,
T., Elswick, S. E., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2016). Embracing life:
The Gift of a Day Program. Illness, Crisis, & Loss, 24(2), 59 -72.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Delavega, M. E. (2016). Do social workers apply “love thy neighbor as thyself” to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transpersons in the South? Journal
of Homosexuality, 63(9), 1171-1193.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Delavega, M. E. (2015).
Policies discriminatory of the LGBT community: Do social workers endorse respect for the NASW Code of Ethics? Journal of
Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 27(4),
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2015). A teaching model for group work through service learning in a baccalaureate program. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35(5), 544-556.
- Delavega, E., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2015). Differences in housing, health, and wellbeing among HIV positive women living in poverty. Social Work in Public Health, 30(3),
- Lennon-Dearing, R., Whitted, K. S., & Delavega, M. E. (2013). Child welfare and juvenile justice: Understanding the unique mental health needs of girls. Journal of Family Social Work, 16(2), 131-147.
- Whitted, K., Delavega, E., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2013). The youngest victims of violence: Examining the mental health needs of young children who are involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 30(3), 181-195.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., Florence, J., Halvorson, H., & Pollard, J. (2012). An interprofessional educational approach to teaching spiritual assessment. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, 18(3-4), 121-132.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., Lowry, L., Ross, C., & Dyer, A. (2009). An interprofessional course
in bioethics: Training for real-world dilemmas. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23(6), 574-585.
- Lennon-Dearing, R.,
Florence, J., Garrett, L., Click, I., & Abercrombie, S. (2008). A rural
community-based interdisciplinary curriculum: A social work perspective. Social Work in Health Care, 47(2),
- Lennon-Dearing, R.
(2008). The benefits of women-only HIV support groups. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 7(1), 27-45.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lynn, V., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2024). Putting people first: The power of inclusive language. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2024, July 5). People living with HIV are not dangerous criminals. Daily Memphian.
- Cisneros,
N., Sears, B., Lennon-Dearing, R. (2022, June). Enforcement of HIV
criminalization in Tennessee. The Williams Institute.
- Lennon-Dearing,
(2023, Spring/Summer). HIV criminal laws: What do social workers need to know? NASW Social Work & The Courts Section
- Lennon-Dearing,
& Cisneros, N. (2022, July 17). State’s HIV criminal laws create
disparities in Black communities. The Commercial Appeal.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2021, September 22). Spreading
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is against the law in 37 states – with
penalties ranging up to life in prison. The Conversation.</
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2021, July 8). HIV is a public health issue and not a criminal one. Daily Memphian.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2020, January 13). Ending the HIV epidemic: Are
we doing all we can? Daily Memphian.
- Rajabiun, S.,
Lennon-Dearing, R., Hirschi, M., Sprague-Martinez, L., & Williams, B.
(2019). Engaging community health workers to improve viral suppression and
self-management among people living with HIV in Shelby County, Tennessee.
Unpublished report.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2015, Summer). Activities can provide emotional support for terminally ill
NASW Aging Section Connection, 2-5.
- Lennon-Dearing,
(2015). Evaluation of the third annual
women’s empowerment forum. Unpublished report.
- Lennon-Dearing,
(2014). Evaluation of the second annual
women’s empowerment forum. Unpublished report.
- Lennon-Dearing,
(2013). Evaluation of the first annual
women’s empowerment forum. Unpublished report.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2013, Winter). Health literacy for social workers: A cross-cultural approach.
NASW Health Section Connection, 8-10.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Neely-Barnes, S. (2013). Quantitative Research. In H. R. Hall & L. A. Roussel (Eds.), Evidence-based practice: An integrative approach to research, administration, and practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
- Delavega, E., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2012). 2011-2012 Friends For Life Impact Report: Demographics and Outcome Variables and the Effects Of Housing. Memphis, TN: Friends For Life.
- Lennon-Dearing, R.
(2006). Committed facilitators are key to successful HIV support groups. NASW Health Section Connection, 2, 1-4.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rajabiun, S., Wiggins, N., Smack, A., Zhang, X., Williams, B., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (under review). Moving beyond viral suppression: Strengthening the community HIV workforce to improve empowerment and reduce stigma in the Memphis Transitional Grant Area. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. Presentations
- Lennon-Dearing, R. & Lynn, V. (2024, May). Bridging research and practice: A forum to foster communication among HIV social workers and reduce stigma in language. The National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Orlando, FL.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2023, May). How can social workers engage in social and political action to modernize HIV criminal laws? The National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Washington, DC.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2022, May). How can social workers engage in social and political
action to modernize HIV criminal laws? The National Conference on
Social Work and HIV/AIDS. New Orleans, LA.
- Lennon-Dearing, R.
(2022, May). Training and supporting a community health workforce for people
with HIV in the South. The National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS.
New Orleans, LA.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., Rajabiun, S., Williams,
B., & Hirschi, M. (2022, April). Creating a community health workforce
to improve viral suppression for people with HIV in the Memphis TGA.
Tennessee Department of Health Statewide HIV Annual Conference, Virtual.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., Hirschi, M.,
Tsaki, J., & Murrell, D. (2021, March). Living with the pain of HIV criminalization
in Tennessee. Panel Presentation at the Tennessee Department of Health
Statewide HIV Annual Conference, Virtual.
- Lennon-Dearing, R.,
& Rajabiun, S. (2021, May). Community collaboration to address HIV
disparities in an African American community in the South. The National
Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Virtual.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2020, May). The impact of HIV criminalization laws in Tennessee.
The National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Virtual.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2019, April). The Impact of HIV Criminalization Laws in
Tennessee. Seventh Social Work Symposium, University of Memphis, Memphis,
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2018, November). An empowerment
intervention for women living with HIV. Annual Program Meeting of the
Council on Social Work Education. Orlando, FL.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R., & Price, J. (2017, October). Women
living with HIV tell their stories with Photovoice. Annual Program Meeting
of the Council on Social Work Education. Dallas, TX.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2017, April). An empowerment intervention for women
living with HIV. Fifth Social Work Symposium, University of Memphis,
Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2016, June). Social workers’ attitudes toward legislation
discriminatory of the LGBT community. 2016 National Association of Social
Workers Conference. Washington, DC.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2015, October). Social workers’ attitudes toward legislation
discriminatory of the LGBT community. Annual Program Meeting of the Council
on Social Work Education. Denver, CO.
- Carter, A.,
Williams, M., Elswick, S., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2015, October). Mentoring from the masters: Students helping
students. Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education.
Denver, CO.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2014, October). Social workers’ perspective on proposed
legislation that discriminates against LGBT equality. Annual Program
Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. Tampa, FL. Accepted, did not
- Lennon-Dearing, R., Delavega, E.
& Harper, F. (2014, July). Effects of
housing on health and wellbeing in HIV positive women. 2014 National
Association of Social Workers Conference. Washington, DC.
- Delavega, E.,
& Lennon-Dearing, R. (2014, July). Social workers’ perspective on proposed legislation that discriminates
against LGBT equality. 2014 National Association of Social Workers
Conference. Washington, DC.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2014, April). Tennessee social workers and future social
workers’ attitudes towards the LGBT population. Second Social Work
Symposium, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2014, January). Effects of
housing on health and wellbeing in HIV positive women. Annual Conference of
the Society for Social Work and Research. San Antonio, TX.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R., & Delavega, E. (2013, September). Effects of housing on health and wellbeing in HIV positive women.
North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit VII. Montréal, Canada.
- Delavega,
E., Shelton, M., Edwards, C., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2012, November).
Making policy real: Experiential-learning
policy practice for the social work curriculum. Annual Program Meeting of
the Council on Social Work Education. Washington, D.C.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2012, July). Examining the mental health needs of girls
involved in the child welfare system. 2012 National Association of Social
Workers Conference. Washington, DC.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R., & Whitted, K. S. (2011, October). The youngest victims of
violence: Examining the mental health needs of young children who are involved
in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Annual Program Meeting of the Council
on Social Work Education. Atlanta, GA.
- Whitted,
K. S., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2011, October). Child welfare and juvenile
justice: Examining the unique mental health needs of girls. Annual
Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. Atlanta, GA.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2009, November). An
interprofessional course in bioethics: Training for real-world dilemmas.
Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. San Antonio,
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2008, October). The efficacy of women-only
HIV support groups. Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work
Education. Philadelphia, PA.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2007, October). Evaluating a rural
community-based interdisciplinary curriculum: A social work perspective.
Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. San Francisco,
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Florence,
J. (2006, September). Exploring health
literacy in northeast Tennessee. Third Annual Primary Care Research Day,
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2006, May). The efficacy of women-only HIV support
groups. HIV/AIDS 2006: The Social Work Response Conference. Miami, FL.
- Cecil, D., & Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2006, April). Form and substance:
A motivating model for implementing outcome measurement. Tennessee
Conference on Social Welfare, Nashville, TN.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2024, February). HIV criminal laws. University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2023, March 30). Speak Out – Dispelling Myths & Outdated Laws on HIV. Panel presenter. Change the Pattern. Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation, Halloran Centre.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2023, February 2). Tennessee HIV Modernization Coalition. Nashville Ending the HIV Epidemic Advisory Council. Virtual.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Hirschi, M. (2022, December). Increasing the effectiveness of the community health worker workforce in Shelby County to support clients with ART adherence to become virally suppressed. EndHIV901 Community Advisory Board Meeting. Virtual. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2022, August). Tennessee
blues: Exploring HIV criminalization in Tennessee. Positive Women’s Network.
Online webinar.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Murrell, D.
(2022, August). HIV Criminalization in Tennessee. Connect to
Protect (C2P). Virtual. Memphis, TN.
- Rajabiun, S., Lennon-Dearing,
R., Hirschi, M., Wren, T., & Williams, B. (2021, October). Integrating
community health workers as part of the HIV Care team in rural and urban
settings to improve viral suppression in Shelby County TN. Connect to
Protect (C2P). Virtual. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2021, October). Transitions
of care. Department of Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science
Center. Virtual. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2021, August). Helping
seniors stay in the community. Department of Occupational Therapy,
University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Virtual. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., Rajabiun, S.
& Williams, B. (2020, September). Integrating community health workers
as part of the HIV Care team in rural and urban settings to improve viral
suppression in Shelby County TN. Ryan White HIV-Care and Prevention Group
(H-CAP). Virtual. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2020, August). Helping
seniors stay in the community. Department of Occupational Therapy, University
of Tennessee Health Science Center. Virtual. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2020, August). The
experience of being arrested for aggravated prostitution in Tennessee: Why the
state laws must be modernized now.
Statewide HIV/AIDS Virtual Conference.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Rajabiun, S. (2020, April). Training community health workers and their supervisors: Lessons learned and future directions. Connect 2 Protect Meeting. St. Jude’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2018, November). The impact of HIV criminalization laws in Tennessee. NASW-TN West Branch Meeting. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R.
(2017, February). The ethics of surrogate
decision-making. Professional Network on Aging Conference. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R.
(2017, January). An empowerment
intervention for women living with HIV. NASW-TN West Branch Meeting.
Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2015, March). Health literacy: What
do your clients understand? HelpCare Homemaker Services Plus, Inc.
In-Service. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2014, December). Health literacy for social workers: A cross-cultural approach. NASW-TN West Branch Meeting. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2015, January). Health
literacy for social workers: A cross-cultural approach. NASW Wisconsin
Chapter. Online webinar.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2014, May). Family issues for patients living with HIV.
Department of Psychiatry, University of Tennessee Health Science Center.
Memphis, TN.
- Delavega, E., & Lennon-Dearing, R. (2014, May). Evaluation of grant funded programs. Mid-South Regional Conference, Grant Professionals Association. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2013, September). Schizophrenia spectrum and psychotic disorders, bipolar
and related disorders, and depressive disorders. DSM-5: What social workers need to know. University of Memphis. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2011, May). What’s your story? Using a narrative approach. NASW-TN West Branch Meeting. Memphis, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2010, March). Whose decision is it?
The ethics of surrogate decision-making. Social Work Career Day. East Tennessee State University. Johnson City, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R., & Hess, R. (2010, January). Health literacy: Training for medical residents. Quillen College of Medicine, Department of Family
Medicine. East Tennessee State University. Johnson City, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R., & Hodski, M. (2008,
November). How to treat people with HIV. Northeast Tennessee Conference on Social
Welfare. Johnson City, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2009, February). Using
the NASW Code of Ethics to discuss ethical concerns
with case scenarios.
Northeast NASW-TN Branch Meeting, Johnson City, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2008, April). Facilitating HIV support groups. Veteran’s Affairs
Medical Center. Mountain Home, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2008, March). Group work: Mechanisms
of change. Social Work Career Day. East Tennessee State University. Johnson City, TN
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2007, October). Who chooses? Advanced
directives for empowerment. Clinical Ethics
Conference, Mountain States Health Alliance. Johnson City, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2007, March). Help your patients
understand. NASW-TN Northeast Branch Meeting. Johnson City, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2006, August). Women-only HIV support
groups. NASW-TN Northeast Branch Meeting. Johnson City, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing, R. (2006, April). Assessment issues in transitions of care. Ohio Valley Appalachia Regional Geriatric Center (OVAR/GEC) “Interdisciplinary
Transitions in Responsibility of Aging Care” workshop. East Tennessee
State University. Johnson City, TN.
- Lennon-Dearing,
R. (2005, September). Empowering clients
through group process. Fall Conference of Social Workers of the Lakeway
Area. Morristown, TN.
Appendix D - Support
- Grant proposals submitted,
but not funded.
Developing and pilot-testing a Photovoice intervention to address stigma and optimize HIV prevention and care continuum outcomes. National Institute of Mental Health. Formative and Pilot Intervention Research to Optimize HIV Prevention and Care Continuum Outcomes (R34 Clinical Trial Optional). Subaward PI, 2023-2026, $71,443 (Not funded) - MISSION HIV:
Living Positively in the Memphis TGA. National Institutes of Health.
Formative and Pilot Intervention Research for
Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS (R34 Clinical Trial Optional). 2023-2025,
$559,325 (Not funded)
- Substance Abuse and HIV Prevention Navigator Program. Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. Role: Project Evaluator. 2022-2027, $1,283,040 (Not funded)
- Community
Opportunities for Substance Use, Mental Health and Other Social Support
(Project COSMOSS) to Improve Rapid Linkage to Care in Memphis TGA. National
Institutes of Health (NIH) Multidisciplinary Treatment Approaches to End the
HIV Epidemic. 2022-2027, $3,474,847 (Not funded, scored 58)
- Community-Opportunities for Substance Use, Mental Health, and Other
Social Support in the Memphis Transitional Grant Area (Project COSMOSS), NIH
GRANT 13006723, University of Massachusetts Lowell. University of Memphis,
Subaward PI, 2020-2025, $872,621 (Not funded)
- Social
Work HEALS Scholarships, Council on Social Work Education and the National
Association of Social Workers, 2015-2020, $110,000 (Not funded)
- Innovative
Teaching in Social Work Education, SAGE/CSWE Award, (2014), $1500 (Not funded)
- Empowered
Community Grant (2013). In collaboration with Friends For Life, grant
submitted to AIDS United to fund a Women’s Empowerment Network. $23,115 (Not funded)
- Center
for Integrated Health Solutions (2013). In collaboration with Christ
Community Health Services, grant submitted to the Council on Social Work
Education to fund an integrated care field placement. $10,000 (Not funded)
Appendix E - Outreach