Faculty and Staff Profiles

Shelly Stockton
Assoc Professor, College of Health Sciences
Email: mstocktn@memphis.edu
Office Location: 123b Elma Roane Fieldhouse
Office Hours: M-F 9-10

As a faculty member in the College of Health Sciences at the University of Memphis my professional mission is to foster student learning through actively uniting research, teaching, and service.  As today’s students face an increasingly complex and competitive world, it is imperative that we continue to provide diverse activities, innovative academic programs, and a dynamic mix of learning opportunities to position our students as tomorrow’s leaders. I have provided my students with experiential learning in the development, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion programs by involving them at various levels in my research (as focus group facilitators, health educators, program evaluators, data collectors, authors, presenters) and service initiatives (Midday Moves, Memphis Healthy U Initiatives, health behavior change workshops, community health fairs, walks and runs). I try to have a working partnership with students to promote research and other scholarship that mutually benefits the student, the community, and the university.

As an active member of the College of Health Sciences faculty, I continue to be engaged in a research agenda centered on the identification, prevention, and reduction of health risks.  My research  incorporates the design, implementation, and treatment fidelity of community-based health behavior interventions/programs specifically targeting obesity prevention at specific and multiple socio-ecologic levels. My research also involves identifying mediating and moderating variables that are intertwined in making successful health behavior changes.<

Additional Information

College of Health Sciences   


  • Ph.D. Educational Psychology and Research - University of Memphis - 2005
  • Masters Clinical Psychology - Mississippi State University - 1995
  • Bachelors of Science Psychology - Louisiana State University - 1992

Work Experience

  • Associate Professor, College of Health Sciences - University of Memphis - 2012-present
  • Assistant Professor, Health and Sport Sciences - University of Memphis - 2006 - 2012
  • Project Director, Center for Community Health - University of Memphis - 2004 - 2009
  • Project Coordinator II, Center for Community Health - University of Memphis - 1999 - 2004
  • Community-Based Program Manager, Operations - Youth Villages - 1997 - 1999
  • Family Counselor Supervisor, Intercept - Youth Villages - 1996 - 1997
  • Family Child Counselor, Intercept - Youth Villages - 1995 - 1996
  • Psychology Intern, Clinical Psychology - Mississippi State University - 1995
  • Family After Care Counselor, Clinical Psychology - MS Baptist Outpatient Chemical Dependency Center - 1994 - 1995
  • Psychology Intern, Clinical Psychology - Mississippi State University - 1994
  • Research Assistant, Clinical Psychology/ Rehabilitation, Research and Training Center for the Visually Impaired - Mississippi State University - 1994 - 1995
  • Primary Investigator, Clinical Psychology - Mississippi State University - 1994-1995

Teaching Experience

  • HLSC 4400 Statistics in Health Sciences - University of Memphis
  • HPRO 7950 Applied Project - University of Memphis
  • HPRO 7122 Current Readings - University of Memphis
  • HMSE 7010 Research in HSS - University of Memphis
  • HLSC 2100 Wellness Concepts - University of Memphis
  • HPRO 4999 Senior Project - University of Memphis
  • HPRO 4605 Internship - University of Memphis
  • HPRO 7790 Leading and Managing Health Promotion Programs - University of Memphis
  • PHED 1713 Intermediate Swim - University of Memphis
  • HLSC 3522 Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation - University of Memphis
  • HLSC 4520 Health Counseling and Lifestyle Management - University of Memphis
  • HPRO 7780 Counseling in Health Promotion - University of Memphis
  • EDPR 7523 Research Methodology and Statistics for HSS Majors - University of Memphis
  • EXSS3306 Elementary School Health and Wellness - University of Memphis
  • EDPR 7521 Introduction to Research Methodology - University of Memphis
  • EDPR 7/8541 Statistical Methods I Applied to Educaiton - University of Memphis
  • EDPR 7/8542 Statistical Methods II Applied to Educaton - University of Memphis
  • Project Management in Randomized Clinical Trials - University of Memphis
  • Behavioral Health Interventions and Theory - University of Tennessee-Memphis
  • EDPR 2111 Human Development Across the Lifespan - University of Memphis


  • The impact of a novel probiotic on stress, anxiety, cognition, and sleep quality in men and women. - Vidya Herbs (Investigator) - $203,394 - 2023-2024
  • Comparison study of aloe dose on immune function, microbiome, and related variables in men and women - Liquid IV (Investigator) - $204,714 - 2022-2023
  • Comparison study of Manapol and DaltonMax on immune function, microbiome, and related variables in men and women - Liquid IV (Investigator) - $156,551 - 2022-2023
  • A Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Semi Blind, Crossover Study to Evaluate the Effects of Two Novel Hydration Beverage Formulas on Rehydration in Healthy Adults - Mannatec Incorporated (Investigator) - $117,079 - 2022-2023
  • Randomized trial to assess the safety and tolerability of a novel amino-acid based hydration drink in healthy volunteers - Mannatec Incorporated (Investigator) - $79,574 - 2022-2023
  • Impact of Active Nutrition Program on Weight Loss and Associated Measures of Health in Overweight and Obese Men and Women - USANA Health Sciences (Co-Principal Investigator) - $200,537 - 2021-2022
  • Impact of Jump Start Nutrition Program on Weight Loss and Associated Measures of Health in Overweight and Obese Men and Women. USANA Health Sciences - USANA Health Sciences (Investigator) - $70,512 - 2021-2022
  • Effects of CharcoCaps on Intestinal Gas Production - DSE Healthcare Solutions LLC (Investigator) - $53,663 - 2021-2022
  • Effect of Yeahhh Baby Ointment on Joint Pain - Yeahhh Baby Products (Investigator) - $28,766 -  
  • Short-term Impact of Cyplexinol on Inflammatory Status and Joint Pain - ZyCal Bioceuticals Healthcare Company (Investigator) - $70,191 - 2020-2022
  • Project Diabetes: FitWizard - State of Tennessee (RFA 34351-16214) (Investigator) - $407,700 - 2013-2016
  • FitKids: A community-clinic linked interactive tool for pediatric obesity screening and intervention - The Tennessee Foundation (Advisory Board Consultant) - $825,000 - 2013-2016
  • Vitamin E Status and Intake in Children with Sickle Cell Disease - Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group (Co-Investigator) - $5,000 - 2012-2013
  • The Use of Community Based Paticipatory Research to Promote Activity-Friendly Neighborhoods - National Institutes of Health (NIEHS) (Co-Investigator) - $387,750 - 2009-2012
  • Developing a brief smoking cessation/relapse prevention intervention for disaster survivors. - American Legacy Foundation (Co-Investigator) - $99,063 - 2009 - 2011
  • Population-based Assessment of Post-Katrina Smoking Relapse - National Institute on Drug Abuse (Co-Investigator) - $383,625 - 2006-2009
  • Reducing Environmental Tobacco Exposure in the Homes of Low-Income Children - The Urban Child Institute (Principal Investigator) - $70,000 - 2005-2008
  • Increasing Physical Activity to Aid Smoking Cessation - NHLBI (Project Director) - $2,550,440 - 2004-2008
  • Girls health Enrichment Mulit-site Studies - NHLBI (Project Director) - $4,469,460 - 2002-2007
  • Smoking Cessation in the Elderly - NHLBI (Project Director) - $2,127,157 - 1998-2002
  • NRT and Behavioral Therapy in Primary Health Care Settings - NIH/NCI (Project Director) - $1,660,000 - 1995-1997
  • Capacity Building for Broader Impacts - Communities of Research Scholars (CoRS) University of Memphis - $2,500 - 2020-2021
  • U Charge: Solar-Powered Charging Stations - Green Fee Proposal - $24,083 - 2015
  • Park Green - Green Fee Proposal - $10,000 - 2015
  • Influences of Obesity in College Students - COE Research Mentoring Grant - $200 - 2011
  • Home-Based Weight Gain Prevention Intervention for 8- to 10-Year-Old Girls - Faculty Research Grant - $6,500 - 2007-2009
Journal Articles
  • Original Articles 
  • Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Hellenbrand, J., Davis, A., Davis, S., Stockton, M., & Martin, K.R. (2024). Randomized Trial to Assess the Safety and Tolerability of Daily Intake of an Allulose Amino Acid-Based Hydration Beverage in Men and Women. Nutrients16(11), 1766.
  • Stockton, M.B., Pence, J., Davis, A., Bloomer, R.J. (2024). The Impact of an Active Nutrition Program on Weight Loss and Metabolic Health in Overweight and Obese Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cureus, 16(10): e72545. doi:10.7759/cureus.72545

  • Okwumabua, O., Stockton, M., Paraham, F., Okwumabua, T.M., Dapremont, J. (2024) Physical Exercise Intervention with Severe and Persistent Mental Patients in Community-based Supportive Living Facilities: Pilot and Feasibility Study. International Journal of Creative Research and Studies, 8(10).

  • Kilmurray, C., Wilson, N., Vander Weg, M., Xichen M., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M. B., & Ward, K. D. (submitted). Weight concern as a predictor of smoking cessation in smokers participating in a community-based cessation program. Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B.S. (In progress). Engaged Scholarship: Health Counseling.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, R., Clark, S. (In progress). The Built Environment and Health: Participatory Practices Used to Enhance Interdisciplinary Efforts.

  • Kilmurray, C., Vander Weg, M., Wilson, N., Relyea, G., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M. B., & Ward, K. D. (2023). Determinants of smoking related weight-concern in smokers participating in a community-based cessation program. Eating Behaviors, 101809.
  • Stockton, M. B., Ward, K. D., McClanahan, B. S., Vander Weg, M. W., Coday, M., Wilson, N., ... & Johnson, K. C. (2023). The Efficacy of Individualized, Community-Based Physical Activity to Aid Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of smoking cessation, 2023.
  • Bloomer, R. J., Pence, J., Davis, A., & Stockton, M. (2023). Weight Loss and Improved Metabolic Health Measures Using a One-Week Active Nutrition Jumpstart Program in Overweight and Obese Men and Women. Health, 15(6), 640-653.
  • Pence, J., Stockton, M., & Bloomer, R. J. (2023). The dietary supplement Cyplexinol® alleviates joint pain in men and women. Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, 9(3), 212.
  • Bloomer, R. J., Pence, J., Morris Jr, R., B. Stockton, M., & Signaigo, A. (2022). A Topical Botanical Ointment for Self-Reported Hip and/or Knee Pain: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 27, 2515690X221138824.
  • Johnson, M. T., Williamson, R. L., Casey, L. B., Stockton, M., & Elswick, S. (2020). Sibling relationships when one sibling has ASD: A preliminary investigation to inform the field and strengthen the bond. Children and Youth Services Review, 116, 105190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105190
  • Alexander, A.C., Ward, K.D., Forde, D.R., Stockton, M., & Read, M. (2019). Do Current Smokers Use More Cigarettes and Become More Dependent on Nicotine Because of Psychological Distress after a Natural Disaster? Addictive Behavior. 93, 129-134. DOI:10.1016/j.addbeh.2019.01.030
  • Alexander, A.C., Ward, K.D., Forde, D.R., & Stockton, M. (2019). Are Posttraumatic Stress and Depressive Symptoms Pathways to Smoking Relapse after a Natural Disaster? Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 195, 178-185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.09.025
  • Vander Weg, M.W., Coday, M., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B., Relyea, G., Read, M.C., Wilson, N., Connelly, S., Richey, P., Johnson, K.C., & Ward, K.D. (2018). Community-based physical activity as adjunctive smoking cessation treatment: Rationale, design, and baseline data for the Lifestyle Enhancement Program (LEAP) randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 9, 50-59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conctc.2017.11.013
  • Bloomer, R. J., Butawan, M., Stockton, M. L., & Smith, N. J. (2018). Effects of a Single Dose of Teacrine®, Caffeine, or their Combination on Subjective Feelings, As Well as Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in Adults. Current Research in Complementary & Alternative Medicine, CRCAM-134. DOI:10.29011/ 2577-2201 /100034.
  • Williams-Hooker R, Smith K, Stockton MB. (2018). Vitamin E Status and Total Body Water in Children and Adolescents with Sickle Cell Anemia. Journal of Hematology Blood Transfusion Disorder 5:019. DOI: 10.24966/HBTD-2999/100019
  • Ali J., Farrell, A.S., Alexander, A., Forde, D.R., Stockton, M., Ward, K.D. (2017). Race Differences in Depression Vulnerability Following Hurricane Katrina. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 9(3), 317-324. DOI: 10.1037/tra0000217.
  • Alexander, A., Ali J., Bracken-Minor, K.L., McDevitt-Murphy M.E., Forde, D.R., Stockton, M., Read, M., Ward, K.D. (2017). Racial differences in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Vulnerability Following Hurricane Katrina among a Sample of Adult Cigarette Smokers from New Orleans. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Disparities. 4(1), 94-103. DOI 10.1007/s40615-015-0206-8. 
  • Casey, L.B., Miller, N.D., Stockton, M.B., Justice, W.V. (2016). Assessing Writing in Elementary Schools: Moving Away from a Focus on Mechanics. Language Assessment Quarterly. 13(1): 42-45.
  • Wagoner, O., Ahmed, A., Williams-Hooker R., Polly, D., Roach, R. Stockton, M. B. (2015). The relationship between dental health and nutrition risk factors in home bound senior citizens. Letter to the Editor. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
  • Bloomer, R. J., Harvey, I. C., Lee, S. R., & Stockton, M. B. (2015). Predicting postprandial oxidative stress using serum triglycerides following oral fat tolerance testing. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 5(12), 1514-1526.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M. B., Klesges, R.C., Slawson, D.L., Lanctot, J. Q., Klesges, L., & Relyea, G. (2015). Psychosocial correlates of physical activity in African American girls. Health Behavior and Policy Review.2(2): 100-109.

  • Williams-Hooker R,Ringwald Smith K, Hankins J, Shurley TA, Stockton MB. (2013). Evaluation of Hydration Status, Sodium and Fluid Intake in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia. Journal of Blood Disorders and Transfusion. 4(143). doi:10.4172/2155-9864.1000143.

  • Williams R, Stockton MB, Beck KB, Roach R, Levy M, et al. (2012).  A Culturally Tailored, Faith-Based Approach to Reducing Pediatric Obesity in Minority Families: Strong Me! Journal of Obesity & Weight loss Therapy,  2:122. doi:10.4172/2165-7904.1000122

  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B. S.,  Lanctot, J. Q., Klesges, R. C., & Beech, B. (2011). Application of Socio Ecologic Model to Increase Participation in Health Promotion Programs for Girls. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 33, 38-45. (IF 1.207)  
  • Klesges, R.C., Obarzanek, E., Kumanyika, S., Murray, D., Klesges, L.M., Relyea, G., Stockton, M., Lanctot, J.Q., Beech, B, McClanahan, B., Slawson, D. (2011). The Memphis Girls health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS):  An evaluation of the efficacy of a two-year obesity prevention intervention in African American girls. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 164 (11): 1007-1014. (IF 4.73) 
  • Dalton, W. T., III, Klesges, L. M., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., Stockton, M. B., Allen, S., & Klesges, R. C. (2011). Family context as it relates to weight-related behaviors in preadolescent African American girls. American Journal of Health Behavior, 35(3), 269-279. (IF 1.572) 
  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B.S., & Saffer, N. (2010). Influence of Physical and Sedentary Activity Preferences on Body Mass Index for Urban African American Youth. In J. K. Crennan (Ed.), Ethnicity, Cultural Roles, Spiritual Practices and Social Challenges (pp. 285-301).  Hauppauage, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 
  • Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J., McClanahan, B., & Klesges, L. M., Kumanyika, S., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., & Klesges, R. C. (2009). Self-perception and body image discrepancy associations with body mass index among 8- to 10-year-old African American girls. Journal of Pediatric Psychology,34(10), 1144-54. (IF 2.943)

  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, M.S., Relyea G., & Klesges, R.C. (2009).  Relationship between foot-to-foot bioelectrical impedance analysis and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) analysis of body composition in African American girls. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 26, 1-8. (IF 3.984)

  • Sherrill-Mittleman, D.A., Klesges, L.M., Lanctot, J.Q., Stockton, M.B., & Klesges, R.C. (2008). Measurement characteristics of dietary psychosocial scales in a weight gain prevention study with 8- to 10-year-old African-American girls.  Health Education Research. (IF 1.889)

  • Lanctot, J.Q., Klesges, R. C., Klesges, L. M. & Stockton, M.B. (2008). Prevalence and Predictors of Dietary Underreporting in Low Income African American Girls: The Girls health Enrichment Multisite Study (GEMs). Obesity Research, 16(6), 1407-12.  (IF 4.95) 
  • Wright, P. M., Stockton, M. B., & Hays, N. L.  (2008). The personal-social responsibility model: Exploring a novel approach to promoting gender equity and increasing relevance for adolescent females in physical education. In J. Coulter (Ed.), Progress in Exercise and Women’s Health Research (pp. 159-175). Hauppauage, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc
  • Maziak, W., Ward, K.D., & Stockton, M.B.(2008). Childhood obesity: the broad perspective.  Obesity Reviews. 9(1), 35-42. (IF 5.862)
  • Lanctot, J.Q., Stockton, M.B., Mzayek, F., Read, M., McDevitt-Murphy, M., & Ward, K.D. (2008). Effects of hurricane Katrina on smoking and relapse. American Journal of Health Education, 39, 91-94.
  • Klesges, R. C., Obarzanek, E., Klesges, L. M., Stockton, M B., Beech, B.M., Murray, D., Lanctot, J.Q., Sherrill-Mittleman, D.A. (2008) Girls Health Enrichment Multi-site Studies (GEMS), Phase 2:  Design and Baseline Characteristics. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 29, 42-55. (IF 1.207) 
  • Cooper, T. V., DeBon, M. W., Stockton, M., Klesges, R. C., Steenbergh, T.A., Sherrill-Mittleman, Jennings, L., Johnson, K. C.  (2004).  Correlates of adherence with transdermal nicotine.  Addictive Behaviors.  29(8), 1565-1578.  (IF 2.133) 
  • Berner, M. L., Fee, V. E., and Turner, A.D.  (2001). A multi-component social skills training program for pre-adolescent girls with few friends.  Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 23(2), 1-18.  (IF .35)  
  • Abstracts and Presentations

  • Stockton, M.B., Pence, J., Davis, A., & Bloomer, R.J. (2024). Impact of an Active Nutrition Program for Overweight and Obese Adults: 390. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 56(10S), 132-133. https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0001053644.95183.93

  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., & Vukadinovich, C. (2024). A Preliminary Investigation of the Relationship Between Triathlete Micronutrient Intake and Training Volume During A Competitive Season. Medicine &amp; Science in Sports &amp; Exercise, 56(10S), 496. https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0001056800.29436.da

  • Kilmurray, C., Wilson, N., Vander Weg, M., Xichen M., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M. B., & Ward, K. D. (2024). Weight concerns as a predictor for smoking cessation in smokers participating in a community-based cessation program. Presented to the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco: 2024 Annual Meeting.

  • Kilmurray, C., Lugemwa, T., Vander Weg, M., Wilson, N., Relyea, G., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M., Ward, K. (2021). Determinants of weight concerns among smokers in a physical activity (PA)-based cessation program. Submitted to the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.
  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B. S., & Tyner, N. J. (2020). Motivational Factors Associated with Physical Activity in Middle School Students: 1070 Board# 196 May 27 2: 30 PM-4: 00 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52(7S), 276.
  • McClanahan, B. S., Stockton, M. B., & Tyner, N. J. (2020). Physical Activity Preferences of Urban, Middle School Students: 1096 Board# 222 May 27 2: 30 PM-4: 00 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52(7S), 284.
  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B., & Vukadinovich, C. (2019). Relationships Among Coping Strategies And Training Intensity, Duration, And Frequency In Triathletes: 2625: Board# 289 May 31 9: 30 AM-11: 00 AM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51(6), 732.
  • McClanahan, B. S., Stockton, M. B., & Vukadinovich, C. M. (2019). Biometric, Dietary And Traininginfluences On Bone Mineral Content In Competitive Triathletes: 2474: Board# 138 May 31 11: 00 AM-12: 30 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51(6), 680.
  • Stockton, M.B., Mcclanahan, B., & Vukadinovich, C. (2018). Influence of Psychosocial Wellness Factors on Training Duration in Triathletes: 3209 Board# 78 June 28. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 50(5S), 790.
  • Mcclanahan, B.S., Stockton, M., & Vukadinovich, C. (2018). A Preliminary Investigation of the Relationship Between Training Volume and Body Fat in Triathletes: 3207 Board# 76 June 28. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 50(5S), 789-790.
  • Stockton, M.B., Ward, K.D., McClanahan, B.S., Vander Weg, M.W., Coday, M., Wilson, N., Relyea, G., Read, M.C., Connelly, S., & Johnson, K.C. (2017). Lifestyle Enhancement Program: Evaluation of a Community-based Physical Activity Smoking Cessation Program. American College of Sports Medicine 64th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 49:32-33 5 S. DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000516904.14611.3f
  • McClanahan, B. S., Vukadinovich, C., Stockton, M., Ward, K., & Slawson, D. (2017). Relationship between Training Volume and Dietary Status in Triathletes A Preliminary Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49(5S), 1059.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Vukadinovich, C.M., Slawson, D. L., Ward, K.D., & Stockton, M.B. (2016). Dietary Status of Male and Female Triathletes during a Competitive Season. American College of Sports Medicine 63rd Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 48:5 Suppl 1: 341. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000486036.99804.17
  • Stockton, M.B., Ullmann, G., Krull, K., Yli-Piipari, S., Martindale, T., McClanahan, B.S., & Ward, K.D. (2016). Formative Evaluation of a Web-Based Professional Development Program to Increase Physical Activity in K-12 Classrooms. American College of Sports Medicine 63rd Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 48 (5S Suppl 1). DOI:10.1249/01.mss.0000487309.28326.00
  • Gonzalez, M. L., Melgar, M., Matheu, L., Ramirez, R., Garcia, J., Antillon-Klussman, F., Stockton, M., Relyea, G., Caniza, M.A. (2016). An Internet-based Learning and Stage-matched Message Intervention to Improve Hand Hygiene Adherence Among Healthcare Workers in Guatemala. APIC 43rd Annual Educational Conference and International Meeting. Charlotte, NC. American Journal of Infection Control. Volume 44 (S28-S82). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2016.04.060
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan W.R., & Chambliss H.O (2015) Building activity friendly environments: community based participatory research leads to adoption of activity friendly policy. American College of Sports Medicine 62nd Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 47:5 S
  • Stockton, M.B., Levy, M., De Fouw, J., McClanahan, B.S. (2015). Midday Moves: Health Trend Outcomes of a Physical Activity Initiative in an Urban University. American College of Sports Medicine 62nd Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 47:5 S.
  • Stockton, M.B., Levy, M., De Fouw, J., McClanahan, B.S. (2015). Midday Moves: Health Trend Outcomes of a Physical Activity Initiative in an Urban University. American College of Sports Medicine 62nd Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 47:5 S.
  • Stockton, M.B., Levy, M., McClanahan, B.S. Hopkins, R., Vest, J., Ellis, J., Varnum, M., Bingham, R.P. (2014). Midday Moves: Initiative to Promote Activity in an Urban University. American College of Sports Medicine 61st Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 46:5 S.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., & McClanahan, R. (2014). Evaluation of Community Based Participatory Research in Building Active Community Environments. American College of Sports Medicine 61st Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 46:5 S.
  • Levy M, Royne M, Stockton M, Hopkins R, Perry M. Supporting Healthy Lifestyles at an Urban University- Memphis Healthy U. Accepted for presentation to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2014 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, Atlanta, GA. October 2014.
  • Williams-Hooker R, Stockton M.B. (2013).  Predictors of Successful Passing of the Registered Dietitian Exam.  Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  A-15. 113(3).
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, W.R., Clayborn, S. (2013).  Participatory Methods Facilitate Policy Reform to Support Complete Streets. 23rd Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference. Hilton Head, South Carolina.
  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, Overacker, T. (2013). The Relationship among Neighborhood Environment and Child Physical and Sedentary Activity Levels. 23rd Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference. Hilton Head, South Carolina.
  • Ringwald-Smith, K., Williams-Hooker, R., Stockton, M., Shurley, T.A. (2012). Pilot Study to Identify the Feasibility of Measuring Hydration Status Utilizing Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B.S., Overacker, T. (2012). Girls Learning Interrelated Techniques Targeting Environmental Risks: Feasibility of a Pilot Obesity Intervention. American College of Sports Medicine 59th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., Clark, S.E., & McClanahan, W.R. (2012). Partnership for Active Community Environments: Translating Research into Action. American College of Sports Medicine 59th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, W.R., Clark, S. E., (2012).  Participatory Methods Promote Active Living Policy Review and Action. 22nd Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference. San Diego, CA.
  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B.S., Clark, S., & McClanahan, W.R. (2012). Active Community Environments: Translating Research into Practice. 22nd Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference. San Diego, CA.
  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B., Clark, S., McClanahan, W.R. (2011). Activity friendly communities: participatory approach for maximizing partnerships.  29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Obesity Society, Orlando, FL.  Obesity: A Research Journal. (19 (1), S146. 
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, W.R., & S. Clark. (2011). Interdisciplinary stakeholders identify supports and barriers to building activity friendly environments. 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Obesity Society. Orlando, FL. Obesity: A Research Journal. 19(1), S125. 
  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B.S., & Clark, S. (2011). Enhancement of Health Counseling Skills through Applied Experiential Learning. 21st Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference. Colorado Springs, CO.
  • Stockton, M.B., Algea, C., McClanahan, B., & Narowetz, L. (2011). Process and Outcome Evaluation of a Faith-Based Program to Increase Lifestyle Physical Activity. American College of Sports Medicine 58th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • Ward, K.D., DeBon, M., Stockton, M.B., Maziak, W., McDevitt-Murphy, M. E., Read, M. (2011). Integrating tobacco cessation into disaster response services. World Conference on Tobacco or Health. Singapore. 
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., Schilling, L.P., & Beech, B.M. (2011).  Influence of Self-Administered Dance Video vs Teacher Led Class on Physical Activity Participation. American College of Sports Medicine 58th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
  • Van Justice, W., Casey, L., Bicard, D., Bicard, S.C., Stockton, M.  (2011). Words Per T-Units: A Pure Measure of Written Expression. American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.
  • McClanahan, B.S., & Stockton, M.B., (2011).  Engaged Scholarship: Participatory Practices Enhance Outcomes. 21st Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.
  • Beck, K., Williams, R., Stockton M, Roach R., Pride-Boone J.  A family-oriented culturally tailored, faith based weigh loss intervention for overweight children.  Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 110(9)S: A-101, 2010.
  • Rago, D; White, M; Williams, R; Stockton, M., Knight, T., Roach, R, Marciel, KK, Stokes, DC. (2010) Using a Cystic Fibrosis Knowledge of Disease Management Questionnaire in Adolescents to Improve BMI. 24th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Stockton, M.B., Heegel, M., & McClanahan, B. (2010).  Individual, Familial and Environmental Associations of BMI in Girls.  American Academy of Health Behaviors Annual Meeting.  Clearwater, FL.
  • McClanahan, B. Parks, N., Frazier, R., & Stockton, M.B., (2010).  Process Evaluation of Community-Engagement: Healthy Memphis Common Table.  American Academy of Health Behaviors Annual Meeting.  Clearwater, FL.
  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B., Ward, K. D., Coday, M., & Read, M. Influence of Smoking Behaviors, Attitudes, and Beliefs on Body Mass Index.  The Obesity Society 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington D.C.   
  • McClanahan, B., Stockton, M. B., Ward, K. D., Coday, M., & Read, M. Physical and Health Characteristics Related to Maximum Time on Exercise Electrocariogram for Smokers. The Obesity Society 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington D.C.   
  • Stockton, M., Overacker, T., & Ward, K. (2009).  Reducing Environmental Tobacco Exposure in the Homes of Low-Income Children. American Academy of Health Behaviors. 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.  
  • McClanahan, B., Overacker, T., Stockton, M., Trammel, R., & Irwin, C. (2009).  Increasing physical activity in children enrolled in afterschool programs:  Activate Memphis.  American Academy of Health Behaviors. 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.
  • Overacker, T., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M., Trammel, R., & Irwin, C. (2009).  Process evaluation of a community-wide interdisciplinary.  American Academy of Health Behaviors. 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.    
  • Bracken, K. L., McDevitt-Murphy, M. E., Ward, K., Stockton, M., Lanctot, J., Relyea, G., Mzayek, F., Forde, D., & Read, M. (2009). Ethnic differences in exposure to Hurricane Katrina and resulting PTSD symptoms. Annual meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.
  • Forde, D.R., Ward, K.D., McDevitt-Murphy, M.E., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Relyea, G., Mzayek, F., & Read, M.C. (2008, November).  Construction Fraud Victimization after Hurricane Katrina.  Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Saint Louis, Missouri.
  • McClanahan, B., Stockton, M., & Narowetz, L. (2008). Influence of Religious Practices on Body Mass Index in College Students. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.   
  • Stockton, M.B, McClanahan, B., & Saffer, N. (2008). Influence of Activity Preferences on Body Mass Index: A Comparison between Preadolescent and Adolescent African American Children. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.   
  • Lanctot, J.Q., Klesges, L.M., Stockton, M.B., Deborah A. Sherrill-Mittleman, Kumanyika, S., Klesges, R.C.  Dietary Composition and Quality Related to Fast Food Consumption in Preadolescent African American Girls, (2008).  7th Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.  Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  • Klesges, R.C., Oberzanek, E., Klesges, L.M., Beech, B., Kumanyika, S., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M., Lanctot, J.Q., Relyea, G., Murray, D., Slawson, D., Mitleman, D. (2007). The Memphis Girls health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS):  An evaluation of the long-term efficacy of a weight gain prevention intervention in African American girls. American Heart Association, 2007 Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL.
  • Ward, K.D., Relyea, G., Stockton M.B., Forde D.R.,  Lanctot J.Q., McDevitt-Murphy, M. E., Read, M. C, Mzayek, F. (2007). Effects of Hurricane Katrina on use of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana, American Academy of Health Behavior, 8th Annual Meeting, Oxnard, CA.
  • McDevitt-Murphy, M. E., Ward, K. D., Stockton, M. B., Lanctot, J.Q., Mzayek, F., Forde, D. R., Read, M. C. (2007). Symptoms of PTSD among ever-smokers surviving hurricane Katrina. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, 41st Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Stockton, M.B., Klesges, L.M., McClanahan, B.M., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., Lanctot, J.Q., & Klesges, R. (2007). Validity of psychosocial activity measures with objectively measured physical activity in African American girls. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Obesity Research, 15 (9), A68.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Relyea, G., Klesges, R.C., Slawson, D.L., & Schilling, L.P. (2007). Relationship between foot-to-foot BIA and DEXA in African American girls. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Obesity Research, 15 (9), A127.
  • Lanctot, J.Q., Klesges, L.M., Stockton, M.B., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., Kumanyika, S.K., & Klesges, R.C. (2007). Relationship of fast food intake and dietary quality in pre-adolescent African American girls. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (Oral Presentation) Obesity Research, 15 (9), A38.
  • Sherrill-Mittleman, D., Klesges, L.M., Lanctot, J.Q., Stockton, M.B., & Klesges, R.C. (2007). Measurement characteristics of dietary psychosocial scales in a weight gain prevention study with 8- 10-year-old African American girls. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Obesity Research, 15 (9), A70.
  • Klesges, L.M., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., McClanahan, B.M., & Klesges, R.C. (2007). Social desirability response bias in self-reported physical activity and dietary behaviors in 8- 10-year-old African American girls. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Obesity Research, 15 (9), A66.
  • Klesges, L.M., Lanctot, J.Q., Stockton, M., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., & Klesges, R., (2007). Validity of a population-based nutrition behaviors monitoring survey for obesity prevention. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Obesity Research, 15 (9), A104.
  • Klesges, L., Lanctot, J.Q., Slawson, D., Beech, B., Kumanyika, S.K., Relyea, G., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., Stockton, M., & Klesges, R. (2007). Associations between family eating environment and body mass index of 8- 10-year-old African American girls. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Obesity Research, 15 (9), A108.
  • Stockton, M., McClanahan, B., Lanctot, J., Klesges, R. C., & Klesges, L. M. (2007). The predictors of body dissatisfaction in 8- to10- year old African American girls. American College of Sports Medicine 54th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39 (5) S410.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Slawson, D.L., Klesges, R.C., & Relya, G.  (2007). The Relationship Between Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Body Composition in African American Girls. American College of Sports Medicine 54th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39 (5) S410.
  • McClanahan, B., Lanctot, J., Stockton, M., Klesges, R., Klesges, L., & Slawson, D. (2006). Calcium intake and body composition in African American girls. North American Association for the Study of Obesity 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting. Boston, MA. Obesity Research, 14 (6), A179.
  • Stockton, M, Klesges, R., Lanctot, J., Beech, B. (2006). Recruitment and retention of low-income 8 to 10 year old African American girls in a two year weight gain prevention program. North American Association for the Study of Obesity 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting. Boston, MA. Obesity Research, 14 (6), A186.
  • Lanctot, J., Klesges, R., Klesges, L., Stockton, M. (2006). Prevalence and predictors of dietary underreporting in pre-adolescent African American girls.  North American Association for the Study of Obesity 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting. Boston, MA. Obesity Research, 14 (6), A186.
  • Stockton, M, Ward, K. D., Mzayek, F., Rastam, S., Asfar, T., Fouad, F., Hammal, F., Maziak, W. (2006). Associations of cigarette and waterpipe smoking with body weight in the Aleppo Household Survey.  13th World Conference on Tobacco and Health, Washington, D.C.
  • Lanctot, J.Q., Stockton, M.B., Read, M.C., Ward, K.D. & Mzayek, F. (2006). Effects of hurricane Katrina on smoking and relapse.  13th World Conference on Tobacco and Health, Washington, D.C.
  • Stockton, M., Lanctot, J., McClanahan, B., Klesges, R. C., & Klesges, L. M. (2006).  Self-perception profiles among preadolescent African American girls as related to body mass index. American College of Sports Medicine 53rd Annual Meeting; Denver, Colorado. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38 (5) S380.
  • Lanctot, J., Stockton, M., McClanahan, B., Klesges, L. M., & Klesges, R. C. (2006).  The Effects of Parental Encouragement on Physical Activity Levels of Preadolescent African American Females. American College of Sports Medicine 53rd Annual Meeting; Denver, Colorado.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38 (5) S380.
  • McClanahan, B., Lanctot, J., Stockton, M., Slawson, D., Klesges, R., Klesges, L. & Relyea, G.  (2006). Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors in African American girls.  American College of Sports Medicine 53rd Annual Meeting; Denver, Colorado.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38 (5) S380.
  • Klesges, L. M., Stockton, M., Lanctot, J., McClanahan, B., Slawson, D., & Klesges, R. C. (2006).  Response bias in self-reported physical activity and dietary behaviours related to social desirability and weight status in African-American girls.  6th International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods; Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • McClanahan, B., Lanctot, J., Stockton, M., Reylea, G., Slawson, D., Klesges, L., & Klesges, B. (2005). Predictors of physical activity in African American girls. North American Association for the Study of Obesity 2005 Annual Scientific Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Obesity Research, 13.
  • Stockton, M.  (2005, April).  Predictors of smoking cessation in older smokers.  Presented at the 26th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Stockton, M.(2005).  An examination of Pascarella’s model of student learning and cognitive development. 17th Annual Student Research Forum, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
  • Stockton, M., DeBon, M. W., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., Klesges, R. C., Steenbergh, T., Johnson, K. C.  (2004, April).  Physician Versus Patient Recall of Physician Delivered Smoking Cessation Advice.  Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Cooper, T.V., Jennings, L., DeBon, M., Stockton, M., Steenbergh, T.A., Klesges, R.C. (2001, March). Compliance with Transdermal Nicotine based on Level of Income.   Presented at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, Washington.
  • Berner, M.  and Gear, S.  (1998, August).  Multi-systemic Therapy and Re-ED: Making the Paradigm Shift.  Presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of the RE-Education Association, Virginia Beach, VA.
  • Berner, M., Williamson, S., Thomas, A.  (1996, August).  Multi-systemic Therapy in Residential Treatment.  Presented at the 8th Biennial Conference of the RE-Education Association, Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Berner, M. L. and Fee, V. E. (1995, March). A Multi-Component Social Skills Training Program for Pre-Adolescent Girls with Few Friends.  Poster session presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Symposia
  • Levy, M., Finch, L., Stockton, M., DeFouw, J. (2012). Environmental Support for Healthy Lifestyles at an Urban University: Memphis Healthy U. American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. 
  • Klesges, L.K., Klesges, R.C., Obarzanek E., Kumanyika, S., Beech, B., McClanahan, B.,  Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Relyea, G., Murray, D., Slawson, D., Sherrill-Mittleman, D.  Outcomes and Behavioral Mediators of An Obesity Prevention Intervention For African American Girls: The Memphis GEMS, (2008).  7th Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.  Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  • Kumanyika, S., Beech, B.M., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Slawson, D., Klesges, L.M., Klesges, R.C. Development of the Family-Based Obesity Prevention Program for Pre-Adolescent African-American Girls in the Memphis Girls Health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS), (2008).  7th Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.  Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  • Stockton, M.B., Klesges, R.C., Lanctot, J.Q., Beech, B.M., McClanahan, B., Klesges, L.M., Kumanyika, S., Slawson, D. Recruitment and Retention Methods for African-American Girls Participating In The Memphis Girls Health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS), (2008).  7th Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.  Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  • Obarzanek, E., Klesges, R.C., Klesges, L.M., Kumanyika, S, Stockton, M.B., Beech, B.M. Lanctot, J.Q., Murray, D. Background and Design of the Girls health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS) and the Memphis GEMS Trial of Obesity Prevention in Pre-Adolescent African-American Girls (2008).  7th Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.  Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  • McClanahan, B. S. & Stockton, M.B. (2017). Creating a Culture of Innovation. Memphis Business Group on Health. 2017 Annual Conference. Memphis, TN. August 2017.
  • McClanahan, B. S. & Stockton, M.B. (2016). Invited Presentation: Full Engagement: Harnessing the Power of Participation. Memphis Business Group on Health. 2016 Annual Conference. Memphis, TN. August 2016.
  • Stockton, M.B., Essary, A., Halford, L., and Jackson, K. (2016). FitWizard Presentation. Collierville Schools: District Learning Day. February 2016.
  • McClanahan, B. S. & Stockton, M.B. (2015). Invited Presentation: Wellness: Programming for a Balanced Lifestyle. Memphis Business Group on Health. 2015 Annual Conference. Memphis, TN. August 2015.
  • McClanahan, B. S. & Stockton, M.B. Invited Presentation: Changing the Course toward a Culture of Health. Memphis Business Group on Health. 2014 Annual Conference. Memphis, TN. August 2014.
  • Stockton, M.B. (2012 &2013) Join the Resolution…MHU Kickoff. Memphis Healthy U, Memphis, TN.
  • Stockton, M.B. (2012 & 2013). Careers and Opportunities in Health Promotion. Health Promotion Student Association, Memphis, TN.
  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B. M., Clark, S. (2010). Great Streets…Healthy Communities. Partnership for Active Community Environments, Memphis, TN.   
  • Stockton, M. (2009). Research Methodology and Helping Patients Quit Smoking. University of Tennessee, Family Practice Jackson, TN. 
  • Stockton, M. (2009). Anthropometric and Physical Measurement Training: Train the Trainer. University of Tennessee, Family Practice Jackson, TN. 
  • Stockton, M. Goetz, D., Cooper, S., Zorzoli, J., Blalack, G., Morris, R. (March 3, 2008). Public Policy Forum: The Future of Smoking: Tennessee, Taxes, and Tobacco. War Memorial Auditorium, Nashville TN. 
  • Stockton, M. (2008). Multi-systemic family based intervention for pediatric obesity. Center for Community Health Research Forum. 
  • Stockton, M. & Read, M. (2007).  Smoking Cessation: Prevalence, Consequences, and Intervention.  Baker Donelson Law Firm. 
  • Stockton, M. & Read, M. (2007).  Community Health: Smoking Cessation and Obesity Prevention.  “I” on Memphis, Karadiva Television Productions. 
  • Stockton, M. & Read, M. (2006). Smoking Cessation Seminar. Memphis Women’s Prison targeting Smoke Free Prisons. 
  • Stockton, M. (2006).  Pediatric Obesity: Prevalence, Consequences, and Prevention. Expanding Our Boundaries, Embracing Our Communities.  University of Memphis, Health Promotion Colloquium.   
  • Stockton, M. (2005).  GEMS Behavioral Assessment Development.  Graduate Students and Faculty in Health and Sports Science, Sponsored by University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS.  
  • Stockton, M. & Lanctot, J. (2004).  GEMS Intervention in Action.  Health Care Professionals Symposium, Sponsored by Southeast Arkansas Rural Interdisciplinary Training Grant, Pine Bluff, AR. 
  • Stockton, M. (2004)  The Girls Health Enrichment Multi-site Study (GEMS) Project: Intervention in Action.  Interdisciplinary Leadership Training in Obesity Prevention and Intervention for Children with Special Health Care Needs, Memphis, TN.  Sponsored by University of Tennessee, College of Medicine, Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities. 
  • Beech, B., Stockton, M., &  Lanctot, J. (2004). Pediatric obesity in minority populations.  Presented at Cummings Street Church, Memphis, TN. 
  • Stockton, M. (2003).  The Girls Health Enrichment Multi-site Study (GEMS) Project: Intervention in Action.  Interdisciplinary Leadership Training in Obesity Prevention and Intervention for Children with Special Health Care Needs, Memphis, TN.  Sponsored by University of Tennessee, College of Medicine, Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities. 
  • Stockton, M. (2002)  Research Presentation of Multiple Clinical Trials- GEMS, SITE, NRT.  Mississippi State University, Psychology Department, Starkville, MS. 
  • Stockton, M. (2002)  Guest Speaker at the Mississippi State University Psi Chi Honor Society Pledge Meeting.  Mississippi State University, Psychology Department, Starkville, MS. 
  • Stockton, M. & Jennings, L.  (2000).  Smoking:  A Medical Problem that Requires Medical Treatment.  Guest Speaker at the Veteran’s Administration Hospital.  Memphis, TN. 
  • Stockton, M ., DeBon, M.,.Ayers, M.  (2001).  Successful quitting from assessment to relapse prevention.  Guest Speaker at the American Nephrology Nurses’ Association Meeting, Memphis, TN. 
  • Berner, M. & Holbrook, R.  (1998)  No Whiners Allowed: Managing Your Own Morale.  Youth Villages 1998 Annual Conference, Memphis, TN 
  • Berner, MMultisystemic Therapy in Multiple Treatment Settings. Youth Villages 1998 Annual Conference, Memphis, TN 
Appendix D - Support
  • Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Stockton, M.B., van der Merwe, M. (2023-2024). The impact of a novel probiotic on stress, anxiety, cognition, and sleep quality in men and women. $203,394. (Investigator).
  • Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Stockton, M.B., van der Merwe, M. (2022-2023). Comparison study of aloe dose on immune function, microbiome, and related variables in men and women. $204,714. (Investigator).
  • Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Stockton, M.B., van der Merwe, M. (2022-2023). Comparison study of Manapol and DaltonMax on immune function, microbiome, and related variables in men and women. $156,551. (Investigator).
  • Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Stockton M.B. (2022-2023). A Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Semi Blind, Crossover Study to Evaluate the Effects of Two Novel Hydration Beverage Formulas on Rehydration in Healthy Adults. $117,079. (Investigator).
  • Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Stockton, M.B. (2022-2023). Randomized trial to assess the safety and tolerability of a novel amino-acid based hydration drink in healthy volunteers. $79,574. (Investigator).
  • Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Stockton, M. (2020-2021). Effect of Yeahhh Baby Ointment on Joint Pain. Yeahhh Baby Products. $28,766. (Investigator).
  • Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Stockton, M. (2021-2022). Effects of CharcoCaps on Intestinal Gas Production. DSE Healthcare Solutions LLC. $53,663. (Investigator).
  • Pence, J., Bloomer, R.J., Stockton M.B. (2021-2022). Impact of Jump Start Nutrition Program on Weight Loss and Associated Measures of Health in Overweight and Obese Men and Women. USANA Health Sciences. $70,512. (Investigator).
  • Stockton, M.B., Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Martin, K. (2021-2022). Impact of Active Nutrition Program on Weight Loss and Associated Measures of Health in Overweight and Obese Men and Women. USANA Health Sciences. $200,537. (Principal Investigator).
  • Bloomer, R.J., Pence, J., Stockton, M. (2020-2021). Short-term Impact of Cyplexinol on Inflammatory Status and Joint Pain. ZyCal Bioceuticals Healthcare Company. $70,191. (Investigator).
  • Rugless, F. et al. (2020). Capacity Building for Broader Impacts. Communities of Research Scholars (CoRS). $2500.00 total costs. (Co-Investigator).
  • Stockton, M.B. & McClanahan, B.S. (2019). Project Diabetes: #FitFoods. Tennessee Department of Health RFA 34347-52419. $28,956.00 total costs. (Principal Investigator).
  • Jiang, X. et al. (2018). Exploration of the Contributing Mechanisms to Sustainable Health Behaviors in Adolescents. Community of Research Scholars (CoRS). $2500.00 total costs. (Co-Investigator).
  • McClanahan, B. S. & Stockton, M. (2018). Step It Up. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Pioneering Ideas. $121,276.00 (Co-Investigator).
  • McClanahan, B. S. & Stockton, M. (2018). Active Community Environments (ACE). AETNA: Cultivating Healthy communities Stage 1 Application. $173,286.00. (Co-Investigator).
  • Stockton, M.B. & McClanahan, B.S. (2018). #GoodSnacks. Sprouts Health Communities Foundation Grant Proposal. $7200.00 total costs. (Principal Investigator).
  • Process and outcome evaluation of an academic-retail initiative to promote physical activity. (2016). School of Health Studies. $7452.00 total costs. (Co-Investigator).
  • The effect of Vitamin E supplementation on Vitamin E status, pain crises, and quality of life in children with sickle cell anemia. (2016). School of Health Studies. $4790.00 total costs. (Co-Investigator).
  • Park Green. (Nov 2014). Green Fee Proposal. $13,250. (Co- Investigator).
  • U Charge: Solar-Powered Charging Stations. (Nov 2014). Green Fee Proposal. $8,461. (Principal Investigator).
  • The establishment of an academic health insurance collaborative focusing on the development and dissemination of a family-based obesity intervention. (2013). State of TN Project Diabetes. RFA 34351-16214.  $316,818. (Principal Investigator).
  • The development and dissemination of teacher and classroom friendly physical activity DVDs for use in traditional elementary school classrooms. (2013). State of TN Project Diabetes. RFA 34351-16214.  $300,931. (Co-Investigator).
  • FitKids: A community-clinic linked interactive tool for pediatric obesity screening andintervention.  The Tennessee Foundation.  2013-2016, $825,000 total costs. (Advisory Board Consultant).
  • Project Diabetes: FitWizard. State of Tennessee RFA 34351-16214. Aug 2013- June 2016, $407,700. (Co-Investigator).
  • Activity Friendly Campus: Bike Docking Stations. (Green Fee Proposal), February 2013. ($10,000). (Principal Investigator).
  • Vitamin E Status and Intake in Children with Sickle Cell Disease. Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group.  July 2012- June 2013, $5,000. (Co-Investigator).
  • School-based Childhood Obesity Prevention Program. (University Alumni Funding Sponsor), August 2011. ($25,000). (Principal Investigator).
  • Memphis Healthy U. (Green Fee Proposal), February 2012. ($12,800). (Co-Principal Investigator).
  • Memphis Beatz: Development and Distribution of Fitness DVDs for Boys and Girls. (Assisi Foundation), February 2011. ($394,031). (Co-Principal Investigator).
  •  Play Zone: Lifestyle Intervention for Childhood Overweight and Obesity Prevention.  (American Dietetic Association Foundation RFP), July 2010. ($35,000). (Co-Investigator).
  • Parnership for Active Community Environments II. (NIH). December, 2009. $999,850. (Co-Investigator). 
  • Reducing Childhood Environmental Tobacco Exposure.  FAMRI Young Clinical Scientist Award, Feb 2009, $294,631.  (Principal Investigator).
  • Home-Based Weight Gain Prevention Intervention for 8- to 10-Year-Old Girls.  General Mills  Foundation, Feb 2009, $10,000.  (Principal Investigator).
  • Home-Based Weight Gain Prevention Intervention for 8- to 10-Year-Old Girls.  Obesity Society New Investigator Grant, Jun 2008, $25,000.  (Principal Investigator).
  • PREP Use, Oxidative Stress, and Associated Biomarkers. NIH R01 CA129314-01 February 2008. (Co-Investigator).
  • Smoking Rate Reduction to Promote Cessation in Childhood Cancer Survivors. NIH R01. Nov 2008, $2,436,353. (Co-Principal Investigator). 
  • Preventing post-cessation weight gain in smokers at risk for diabetes. NIDDK R01. $2,355,439. (Co-Investigator) 
  • Spread and Multilevel Determinants of Obesity in Memphis Middle School Students. NIH R21. Feb 2007, $381,650. (Co-Investigator).