Miriam van
Mersbergen is Assistant Professor in the School of Communicative Sciences and
Disorders at the University of Memphis. She began her academic career
studying music and communication arts at Calvin College. After a brief
career in music she returned to academia and studied speech language pathology
and vocology at The University of Iowa and continued with doctoral studies in
speech language hearing sciences and psychology at the University of
Minnesota. Her research areas include psychological influences in
voice production with an emphasis in emotional and cognitive processes.
She uses psychometric, behavioral, and psychophysiological methods to
investigate influences of affect and cognition on voice production. Additionally,
she has maintained an active clinical career specializing in performing voice
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders - University of Memphis - August 2016 - present
- Adjunct Professor, Otolaryngology Head and Neck Sugery - University of Tennessee Health Science Center - 2019-present
- Adjunct Professor, Orthodontics - University of Tennessee Health Science Center - 2019-present
Teaching Experience
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism - University of Memphis
- Voice Disorders - University of Memphis
- Dysphagia - University of Memphis
- Medical Speech Language Pathology - University of Memphis
- Endoscopy - University of Memphis
- Multimodal Signaling and Communication Analysis of World Leaders - National Science Foundation - $499.860 - 09/01/21-08/31/34
- Does wearing hearing aids impact the affective state of older adults with hearing loss in daily listening? - Hearing Industry Research Consortium - $125,000 - January 2020 - December 2021
- Automation Support using non-Invasive Measures of Operator Vocalization - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - $24,000 indirects - March 2017-March 2018
- Collaborative Research Network - Research and Innovation - $25,000 - 2020-2021
- Community of Research Scholars - Research and Innovation - $2,500 - 2019-2020
- Community of Research Scholars - Research and Innovation - $2500 - 2019-2020
- Faculty Research Grant - School of Communication Sciences and Disorders - $6,000 - 2019 - 2020
Books Published
- van Mersbergen M Research Approaches in the Intersection of Voice Disorders and Psychology. of Psychology of Voice Disorders. In Sataloff R, Rosen D, & Sataloff J. Psychology of Voice Disorders, 2nd Ed. Plural Publishing (2020).
van Mersbergen, M. & Patrick, C. Quantitative andrnPhysiological Measures in Language-Emotion Research. In Schiewer, GesinernLenore, Jeanette Altarriba & Bee Chin Ng (eds.). 2022. Languagernand Emotion. An International Handbook (Handbooks of Linguistics andrnCommunication Science/HSK). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. - van Mersbergen, M. (2019).
Jaw and Tongue exercises for non-traditional singing. The Vocal Athlete:
Application and Technique for the Hybrid Singer. Rosenberg, M. and LaBorgne,
W., eds. Plural Publishing Company, San Diego, CA.
- Petty B. E., van Mersbergen
M. (2019). The use of voice therapy in conjunction with minimal injection
medialization in the longitudinal treatment of dysphonia in an elite operatic
singer. Voice Therapy: Clinical Studies, 3rd ed. Stemple, J. and Hapner, E.,
eds. Plural Publishing Company, San Diego, CA.
Books Reviewed
- van Mersbergen, M., (2019). Book Review of Janet Baker's book, "Psychosocial Perspectives on the Management of Voice Disorders: Implications for Client, Options and Strategies for Clinicians." Journal of Voice. DOI:
Journal Articles
- Hyde, J., Feenaughty, L., & van Mersbergen, M. (2024). Does Vocalization Increase the Positive Valence of Emotion?. Journal of Voice.
- Nudelman, C., Bottalico, P, van Mersbergen, M., Nanjundeswaran, C. (in press). Toward Enhanced Voice-Related Self-Reports: Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Validity. Journal of Voice, x(x), xx-xx.
Cortez-Ayogi, M., Gufteson, E., Murphy, A., & van Mersbergen, M. (2023). A Measure of Swallow Effort Using the Borg Category Ratio 10 Perceived Exertion Scale. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 32(6), 2846–2857. - van Mersbergen, M., Marchetta, J., Foti, D., Pillow, E., Dasgupta, A., Cain, C., Morvant, S. (in review). Comparison of Aerosol Emissions during Specific Speech Tasks. Journal of Voice, volume 0, Issue 0. Published on-line July 7, 2023.
- Whiling, S., Botzum, H. M., van Mersbergen, M. R. ( in press). Degree of Breathiness in a Synthesized Voice Signal as it Differentiates Masculine versus Feminine Voices. Journal of Voice, volume 0, Issue 0. Published on-line July 7, 2023.
Pointer, N. F., van Mersbergen, M. R., Nanjundeswaran, C. D. (in press). Listeners’ Attitudes Towards Young Women with Glottal Fry. Journal of Voice. - Harper, S., Hazelton, K., van Mersbergen, M. (2022). Pregnancy and the Singing Voice: A Survey of What Singers Report. Journal of Voice. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2022.03.019. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35637057.
- Gartling, G. J., van Mersbergen, M., Crow, K., Lewandowski, A., Smith, L. J., & Gartner-Schmidt, J. L. (2021) The Patient Experience: The Relationship Between Vocal Handicap, Congruency, Perceived Present Control, and Mood Across Four Voice Disorders. Journal of Voice, 3:S0892-1997(21)00282-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2021.08.007 [Epub ahead of print]
- Welch, B., van Mersbergen, M.R., Helou, L. B. (2021) Listeners’ Perceptions of Speaker Personality Traits Based on Speech. Journal of Speech Language Hearing Research,64, 4762-4771. doi: 10.1044/2021_JSLHR-20-00582
- Baker, J., Barnett, C., Cavalli, L., Dietrich, M., Dixon, L., Duffy, J. R., Elias, A., Fraser, D. E., Freeburn, J. L., Gregory, C., McKenzie, K., Miller, N., Patterson, J., Roth, C., Roy, N., Short, J., Utianski, R., van Mersbergen, M., Vertigan, A., Carson, A., Stone , J., & McWhirter, L. (2021). Management of functional communication, swallowing, cough and related disorders: consensus recommendations for speech and language therapy. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 92(10), 1112-1125. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2021-326767
- Kolker Rychel, A., & van Mersbergen, M. (2021). The Voice Range Profile: A Shortened Protocol Pilot Study. Journal of Voice, 0,00. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2021.04.010 [Epub ahead of print]
- Berardi, M.., van Mersbergen, M.., & Hunter, E. J. (2021). Relationship between Tasked Vocal Effort Levels and Measures of Vocal Intensity. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Researcc, 64, 1829-1840. doi: 10.1044/2021_JSLHR-20-00465
- Nanjundeswaran, C., van Mersbergen, M., Banks, R., & Hunter, E. J. (2021) Vocal Fatigue Index in Teachers using Mokken Analysis Journal of Voice, 0,00. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2020.12.053
- van Mersbergen, M. & Payne, A. (2021). Cognitive, Emotional, And Social Influences on Voice Production Elicited by Three Different Stroop Tasks. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica,73(4),326-334. doi: 10.1159/000508572
- Lawrence, T & van Mersbergen, M. (2021). The Relation Between Eating Disorders and Voice Disorders. Journal of Voice, 35(5):753-764. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2020.01.011
- van Mersbergen, M., Beckham, B., & Hunter, E. J. (2020). Do We Need a Measure of Vocal Effort? Clinician’s report of vocal effort in voice patients. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(1), 69-79.
- Hunter, E.J., Cantor-Cutiva, L.C., van Leer, E., van Mersbergen, M., Nanjundeswaran, C., Bottalico, P., Sandage, M.J., & Whitling, S, (2020). Towards a consensus description of Vocal Effort, Vocal Load, Vocal Loading, and Vocal Fatigue. Journal of Speech Language Hearing Research, 63(2), 509-532. doi: 10.1044/2019_JSLHR-19-00057
- Crow, K., van Mersbergen, M., & Payne, A. (2020). Vocal Congruence: The Voice and The Self Measured by Interoceptive Awareness. Journal of Voice, 35(2):324.e15-324.e28. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2019.08.027
- van Mersbergen M., Vinney, L., & Payne, A. (2019) Cognitive Influences on Perceived Phonatory Exertion using the Borg CR 10. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 45(3),123-133. doi: 10.1080/14015439.2019.1617895
- van Mersbergen M. & Lanza E. (2018) Modulation of Relative Fundamental Frequency During Transient Emotional States. Journal of Voice, 33(6), 894-899. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2018.07.020
- Nanjundeswaran, C., van Mersbergen, M., Morgan, K. (2018). Restructuring the Vocal Fatigue Index Using Mokken Scaling: Insights into the Complex Nature of Vocal Fatigue. Journal of Voice, 33(1), 110-114. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2017.09.008.
- van Leer, E. & van Mersbergen, M. (2016). Using the Borg CR10 Physical Exertion Scale as an Outcome Measure to Capture Patient-Perceived Vocal Effort. Journal of Voice, 31(3), 389-e19-389-e25. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2016.09.023
- van Mersbergen, M., Lyons, P., & Riegler, D. (2015). Vocal responses in heighted states of arousal. Journal of Voice, 31(1):127. e 13-127 e19. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2015.12.011
- Doherty, M. L., & van Mersbergen, M. (2015). Personal and Professional Characteristics of Music Educators: One size Does Not Fit All. Journal of Voice, 31(1):128.e7-128.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2015.12.008
- Vinney, L., van Mersbergen, M., Connor, N., & Turkstra, L. (2015). Vocal Control: Is it Susceptible to the Negative Effects of Self-regulatory Depletion? Journal of Voice, 30(5), 638.e21-638.e31. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2015.07.016.
- van Mersbergen M. (2018). Introductory Chapter to the Journal
of Voice’s Special Collection: Voice and Psychology. Collection to be available May 2018.
- Ford Baldner, E., Doll, E., & van Mersbergen, M. (2015). A review of measures of vocal effort with a preliminary study on the establishment of a proposed vocal effort measure. Journal of Voice, 29(5), 530-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2014.08.017
- Johns Fiedler, H. & & van Mersbergen, M. (2015). The prevalence of voice disorders in 9-1-1 emergency telecommunicators. Journal of Voice, 29(3), 389 e1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2014.08.008.
- van Mersbergen, M. (2014). Viva La Vagus. Choral Journal, 55(3), 61-67.
- Deeter, A. & van Mersbergen, M. (2014). The Real Scoop on Tea. Journal of Singing, 70(3), 309-319.
- van Mersbergen, M. & Delany, M. (2013). Vocal Responses to Emotional Picture Viewing. Logopedicas Phoniatrics Vocology. 39(3), 99-107. doi: 10.3109/14015439.2013.777108.
- van Mersbergen, M. R., (2011). Voice disorders and personality: Understanding their interactions. Perspectives on Voice and Voice Disorders, 21(1), 31-38.
- van Mersbergen, M. R., Patrick, C. J. & Glaze, L. E. (2008). Functional Dysphonia During Mental Imagery: Testing the Trait Theory of Voice Disorders. Journal of Speech Language Hearing Research, 51(6), 1405-1450. doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2008/06-0216)
- Solomon, N., Glaze, L., Arnold, R., & van Mersbergen, M. (2003). Effects of a vocally fatiguing task and systemic hydration on men's voices. Journal of Voice, 17(1), 31-46. doi: 10.1016/s0892-1997(03)00029-8, 31-46.
- Verdolini, K., Min, Y., Titze, I. R., Lemke, J., Brown, K., van Mersbergen, M., Jiang, J., & Fisher, K. (2002). Biological mechanisms underlying voice changes due to dehydration. Journal of Speech and Hearing Science,45(2), 268-281. doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2002/021)i>268-281.
- van Mersbergen, M., Ostrem, J., Titze, I.R., (2001). Preparation of the voice speech-language pathologist: An educational survey. Journal of Voice, 15(2), 237-50. doi: 10.1016/S0892-1997(01)00024-8 15(2), 237-50.
- van Mersbergen, M., Verdolini, K., Titze, I.R., (1999). Time of day effect on voice range profiles in vocally untrained females. Journal of Voice, 13(4), 518-28. doi: 10.1016/s0892-1997(99)80007-1
- van
Mersbergen, M., (2011). What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine? The
Voice, 15(4), 2-4.
- How Does Our Voice Reflect Who We Are? Different Ways Of Relating To The Voice And The Self Using Implicit Association Tests. Presented by Audrey Tucker. Fall Voice Conference, October 2023, Washington DC. - poster
- Emotion Regulation Strategy’s Effect on Glottal Contact Quotient. Presented by Charles Ratcliff. 52nd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June 2023, Philadelphia, PA - poster
- A Bad Night at the PROM – Assessment and Implementation of Patient Reported Outcome Measures. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen and Karen Quigley. 1-hour presentation 2023 ASHA Convention, November 2023, Boston, MA.
Do individuals with benign vocal fold lesions communicate differently compared to a healthy control group?”. Presented by Samantha Powell. Fall Voice Conference, October 2023, Washington DC. Voicing’s Effect on Emotional Processing. Presented by Joshua Hyde. 52nd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June 2023, Philadelphia, PA. Breath Manipulation's Effect on Emotional and Cognitive Processing in Voice Therapy. Presented by Kiley Hazelton. 52nd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June 2023, Philadelphia, PA. - Designing a Yoga Intervention for pMTD: Practical Considerations. Presented by Anuja Chhabra. American Speech Language Hearing Convention Annual Conference, November 2022, New Orleans, LA.
The Ins and Outs of Manual Treatment for Voice. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen and Claudio Milstein. Master Class 2022 ASHA Convention, November 2022, New Orleans, LA. –Invited Mind, Body, Voice. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen with Rene Fleming and Zak Orzo. Music and the Mind Initiative, September 2022, Memphis, TN. – Invited - The Patient Experience: The Relationship Between Vocal Handicap, Congruency, Perceived Present Control and Mood Across Four Voice Disorders. Presented by Karen Crow and Miriam van Mersbergen. American Speech Language Hearing Convention Annual Conference, November 2021, Washington, D.C.
- The Patient Experience: The Relationship Between Vocal Handicap, Congruency, Perceived Present Control and Mood Across Four Voice Disorders. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 2021 Fall Voice Conference, October 2021, Virtual and Miami, FL.
- Say it, Don’t Spray It – The Impact of Personality Type and Vocal Endurance on Particulate Emissions. Presented by Sandra Stinnett. 2021 Fall Voice Conference, October 2021, Virtual and Miami, FL.
- Glottal parameters contributing to properties of particulate emission during speech, singing, and breathing. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. The 14th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, June 2021, Virtual.
- Cortical Responses to Vocal Errors: What are people thinking? Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen Pan American Vocology Association, August, 2020 Virtual.
- Affective Neuroscience and Behavior. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. Cognitive Science Seminar, Spring 2020, Memphis, TN
- Voice Science and Experimental Psychology: Shall We Dance? Panel Discussion by Feuer S, Helou L, Mont E, van Mersbergen M, Dietrich M, Misono S. Presented at The Voice Foundation’s 48th Annual Symposium: Care of The Professional Voice, June 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- The Relation between Eating Disorders and Voice Disorders. Presented by Taylor Lawrence. 48th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Accuracy and Effort Listening to Hoarse Voices. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 48th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- The Voice and the Self: Does interoceptive awareness predict voice congruence.Presented by Karen Crow PAVA/VASTA conference, August 2018, Seattle, Washington.
- Acoustic Effects of Cognitive Load in Adult Speakers. Eichorn, N, van Mersbergen, M., 2018 ASHA Convention November 15-17, 2018
at the Boston,
- Cognitive, Emotional, And Social Influences On Voice
Production Elicited By Three Different Stroop Tasks, Pan European Voice Conference,
August, 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
- Using the Borg CR10 Physical Exertion Scale as an Outcome Measure to Capture Patient-Perceived Vocal Effort. Presented by Eva van Leer. 45th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Modulation of Relative Fundamental Frequency during Transient Emotion States. Presented by Elizabeth Lanza. 45th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Let's Talk:
Teacher's Voices in Illinois. Presented
by Mary Lynn Doherty. 2016 Illinois Music Teacher Association, Peoria, Illinois
January 2016.
- Variables
Predicting Vocal Impairment in the Music Teacher. Presented by Mary Lynn Doherty. 4th
International Occupational Voice Symposium, London, England, April 2015.
- Voice Use
Patterns of Working Mothers. Presented
by Miriam van Mersbergen. 4th International Occupational Voice
Symposium, London, England, April 2015.
- Self-Regulation
& Vocal Behavior: The Challenges of Consciously Controlling the Voice. Presented by Lisa Vinney, Miriam van Mersbergen,
Nadine Connor, Lyn Turkstra. American Speech Language Hearing Convention Annual
Conference, November, 2014, Orlando, Florida.
- The Prevalence of Voice
Disorders in 9-1-1 Emergency Telecommunicators. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 43rd Annual
Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2014, Philadelphia,
- Self-Regulation
and Vocal Behavior: The challenges of Consciously Controlling the Voice. Presented by Lisa Vinney, Miriam van Mersbergen,
Nadine Connor, Lyn Turkstra. 42nd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional
Voice, June, 2013, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Vocal
Responses to Sudden Noises: A View into the Emotional Voice. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 41st Annual
Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2012, Philadelphia,
- Can You Hear
Me Now? The Effectiveness of a District-wide Voice Amplification System. Presented by Sharon Morrow. 41st Annual Symposium:
Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Therapalooza.
Presented by Sherri Zelazny, Miriam
van Mersbergen, Eva van Leer, and Kate DeVore. ASHA Annual Convention 2011,
November, 2011, San Diego, California
- Research
Writing: Goals and Methodology. Presented by Miriam van
Mersbergen, Dudley Knight, Jeff Morrison, Daydrie Hague, and Lynn Watson. VASTA
Conference, July, 2011, Chicago, Illinois.
- Breathing Therapy and Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement. Presented by Miriam van
Mersbergen and Elizabeth Platt. Symposium on Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Voice
Therapy and Diagnostic Techniques, July, 2011, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Profile of
Music Teachers: One size Does Not Fit All. Presented by Mary Lynne Doherty. 40th Annual Symposium: Care of the
Professional Voice, June, 2011, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Assessment and Treatment. Presented
by Elizabeth Platt and Miriam van Mersbergen. Annual Convention of the Illinois
Speech-Language-Hearing Association, February, 2011, Rosemont, Illinois.
- Validation of
Vocal Effort Ratings Using the Borg CR-10, a Preliminary Study. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 37th Annual
Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2008, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- A Useful Way
to Elicit a Voice Range Profile for the Voice Clinic and the Voice Studio. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 2007 Shanghai International
Voice Conference, November, 2007, Shanghai,
- From the
Bridging the Gap Between the Voice Clinic and the Voice Studio. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 2007 Shanghai International
Voice Conference, November, 2007, Shanghai,
- Pediatric
Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus (PANDAS)
initially presenting as Vocal Cord Dysfunction. Presented by Miriam van
Mersbergen. National Jewish 3rd National
Conference on Vocal Cord Dysfunction/Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion, July, 2007, Denver, Colorado.
- The Human Voice: An Instrumental Perspective. Presented
by Miriam van Mersbergen. Madison Area Church Musician’s Association,
October, 2006 Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
- Where Voice
Therapy Really Helps. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 2005 Otolaryngology Update,
November, 2005, San Francisco, California.
- Functional
Dysphonia During Mental Imagery: Exploring the Sources of Anxiety. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 33rd Annual
Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Temporal
Mandibular Joint Dysfunction and Voice Training. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. Voice and Speech
Trainers Association, June, 2004, Philadelphia,
- Affective
Orienting Response: A Novelty P3 Study with Emotional Pictures. Presented by Edward Bernat,
Christopher Patrick, Meredith Cadwallader, Miriam van Mersbergen, and
Dongju Seo. Society for Psychophysiological Research, October, 2002, Montreal, Quebec.
- Effects of a
vocally fatiguing task and systemic hydration on men's voices. Presented by Nancy Solomon, Leslie
Glaze, Robert Arnold, and Miriam van Mersbergen. 31rst Annual
Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- What a Singing
Background Brings to Voice Therapy. Presented by Carol Rue, Deirdre
Michael, Anita Kozan, and Miriam van Mersbergen. Twin Cities Clinical Speech
Language Pathology Association, May, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Preparation
of the Voice-Speech-Language Pathologist: An Educational Survey. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 24th Annual
Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June, 1995,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Maintaining
Vocal Health in Choral Rehearsals.
Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. Illinois
Music Educators Association Conference, January, 1998, Peoria, Illinois.
- Time of Day
Effect on Voice Range Profiles. Presented
by Miriam van Mersbergen. 23rd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional
Voice, June, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Personality and the voice. Presented by Christopher Patrick, Miriam van Mersbergen (What's Personality Got To Do with Voice Disorders? Uncovering Neurobiological Mechanisms), Maria Dietrich, Nelson Roy, Leah Helou. Chaired by Nancy Solomon. The Voice Foundation 50th Anniversary Symposium Friday Morning Special Session, June 2021, Virtual.
- Speech Signals of Dominance. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. Cognitive Science Seminar, Fall 2019, Memphis, Tennessee.
- Role of the
Speech Pathologist in a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Team. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. Chicago
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Association, October, 1996, Chicago, Illinois.
- Effort Scaling: Challenges and Considerations When Applied
To Vocal Production. 11th International Conference on Voice Physiology and
Biomechanics Preconference: Vocal Effort, Vocal Fatigue, And Vocal Load: What,
How and Where. July, 2018, East Lansing,
- Re-Acquainting Yourself With Voice Treatment Strategies.
Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 47th
Annual Mid-South Conference on Communicative Disorders, February 2017, Memphis,
- Re-Acquainting Yourself With Voice Treatment Strategies.
Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen.
Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, February
2016, Rosemont, Illinois.
- Muscle Tension What? Presented by Amanda Gillespie, Leah Helou, Miriam van
Mersbergen, Maggie Kuhn and Deborah Gillman.
Fall Voice Conference, October, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- The Research/Clinic
Relationship: Boxing or Dancing? Presented
by Miriam van Mersbergen and Lisa Vinney. Wisconsin Speech Language Hearing
Association Annual Convention, February, 2015, Appleton, Wisconsin.
- Massage Therapy Techniques for the Face and Neck. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 13th Bi-Annual
Phonosurgery Conference, July, 2014, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Profile of a School Music Teacher and Vocal Health. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen and Mary Lynn
Doherty. DuPage County Music Institute, March,
2012, Addison, Illinois.
- Massage Therapy Techniques for the Face and Neck. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 12th Bi-Annual
Phonosurgery Conference, July, 2012, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Vocal Responses
to Emotion Induction. Presented by
Miriam van Mersbergen. Fall Voice Conference at UCSF and the International
Association of Phonosurgery, November, 2011, San Francisco, California.
- When and How
to do Voice Therapy. Presented by
Miriam van Mersbergen. Calvin College Continuing Education Seminars, October,
2011, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- Vocal Responses to Emotional Pictures. Presented
by Miriam van Mersbergen. 9th Annual Pan European Voice Conference,
September, 2011, Marseilles, France.
- Psychological Perspectives in Voice Therapy. Presented
by Miriam van Mersbergen and Deb Gough. American Speech Language Hearing
Convention Annual Conference, November 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Voice Fold Dysfunction. Presented by Miriam van
Mersbergen and Elizabeth Platt. Chicago Chapter of the Voice Foundation, July,
2010, Evanston, Illinois.
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Voice Treatment. Presented by Miriam van Mersbergen. 11th Bi-Annual Phonosurgery Conference, July, 2010, Madison, Wisconsin.
Kolker, A. (2016). Practical Elicitation Methods for the Voice Range
Profile. Fall Voice Conference, Phoenix,
- POSTER Ford Baldner, E., Doll, E.,
& van Mersbergen (2014). A review of measures of vocal effort with a
preliminary study on the establishment of a proposed vocal effort measure. Fall Voice Conference, San Antonia, Texas.
Ford Baldner, E. & van Mersbergen (2014). A review of measures of vocal effort with a preliminary
study on the establishment of a proposed vocal effort measure. 2014 Graduate Research Day, Northern Illinois University. DeKalb, Illinois.
Johns Fiedler, H. &
& van Mersbergen (2014). The prevalence of voice disorders in 9-1-1
emergency telecommunicators. 2014 Graduate Research Day,
Northern Illinois University. DeKalb, Illinois.
Lyons, P., Janowiak, D., Natanova, I., Jelaizkova, S.
& van Mersbergen, M. (2012). Vocal Responses to
Acoustic Startle. 2012 Undergraduate Research Day, Northern Illinois
University. DeKalb, Illinois.
Vaishampanyan, I. Binder, M., & van Mersbergen, M. (2012).
The Effects of Aerodynamic Measure Sue to Different Emotional Reponses. 2012 Undergraduate Research Day, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois.
Johns-Feidler, H., van Mersbergen, M., & Hildner, C.(2012). Comfortable Oral Hygiene for Patients at Risk for Aspiration. 2012 Undergraduate Research Day, Northern Illinois University.
DeKalb, Illinois.
Kurilla, E., van Mersbergen, M., & Hildner, C. (2011). Swallowing Effort’s Contribution to Quality-of-Life in Patients With Dysphagia – A Pilot Study. 2011 Illinois Speech Language Hearing
Convention, Rosemont, Illinois.
Murphy, A., van Mersbergen, M., & Hildner, C. (2011). Age-related effects and Quality Quality-of-Life in Patients With Dysphagia 2011 Illinois Speech Language
Hearing Convention, Rosemont, Illinois.
van Mersbergen, M., Patrick, C., & Glaze, L. (2006) Functional Dysphonia During
Mental imagery: Exploring the Sources of Anxiety. Society for
Psychophysiological Research, Lisbon, Portugal.