Dr. Weiss received his doctorate in 1979 from the University of Georgia. His dissertation addressed sex differences in acute endogenous anabolic-androgenic steroid hormone responses to heavy-resistance lifting. Since that time, he has pursued parallel paths of research involving the examination of gross structural and functional characteristics associated with assorted heavy-resistance exercises/interventions. While at Georgia Southern College (University), the local hospital provided him with the opportunity to develop procedures using diagnostic ultrasound to obtain images of extremity skeletal muscle and subcutaneous fat and measure their respective thicknesses. Concurrently at the Georgia Southern campus, he focused on examining muscle-mechanical performance changes consequent to various heavy-resistance training interventions. After seven years, he moved to Memphis, TN and Memphis State University (University of Memphis). There he worked to develop a functional and cost-effective water displacement tank as an alternative approach to hydrostatic weighing for assessing total body composition. Although the prototype worked exceedingly well for inanimate objects, that was not the case for live human beings, so the endeavor was eventually abandoned. Parallel to this venture, he continued to develop testing protocols with emerging technology for assessing various strength parameters. He was especially interested in determining how best to enhance jumping ability since it is an integral aspect of many activities. Two major issues related to assessment/training tools were that typical strength tests were performed at slow velocities and/or utilized isolated single-joint lifts. Although he had worked at Georgia Southern with a single-joint isokinetic dynamometer that enabled him to more nearly emulate the relatively-fast movements occurring during jumping, he felt that aggregate muscle/joint actions might be more relevant to both jumping and other real-life applications. Fortunately, while at the University of Memphis, he gained access to a new tool that allowed him to perform velocity-spectrum isokinetic tests for multiple-joint resistance exercises. Since this equipment had not been in widespread use, he worked to develop new multiple-joint isokinetic testing protocols that were relevant to his specific research questions. He used this technology and the measurement protocols developed to investigate the effects of various training programs on both vertical jumping performance and predictors of it in young men and women. Since isokinetic (constant-velocity) joint actions are uncharacteristic of jumping and more technological innovations were emerging, he moved on to addressing these same issues using alternative technology that allows acceleration and/or deceleration to be monitored. Using such technology, investigators may manipulate loads (load-spectrum testing) while kinematic (velocity, acceleration, displacement), kinetic (mechanical power, force), and related factors may be directly measured or calculated via inverse dynamics. These approaches further enhance the emulation of natural movement patterns during testing. To date, he has been able to only partially explain jumping performance, and so has expanded his search for explanatory variables by examining structural measures such as various foot moment arms, lower-limb segment lengths and pelvic width, static and dynamic Q-angle, and body composition to see if they can explain more. Any relevant untrainable variables will likely be useful for talent identification. Professor Weiss founded and directs the Human Performance Laboratories. He directed one of its constituents, the Musculoskeletal Analysis Laboratory, from 1986-2019. In the College of Health Sciences, he also serves as the Director of Academic Programs, Director of Graduate Programs, Director of Undergraduate Programs, Coordinator for the M.S. program in Exercise Nutrition, and until fall 2023 was Coordinator for undergraduate and graduate programs in Exercise, Sport and Movement Sciences.
Additional Information
The College of Health Sciences
- B.S., cum laude Health and Physical Education - Old Dominion University - 1974
- M.Ed. Physical Education, Concentration in Exercise Science - The University of Georgia - 1975
- Ed.D. Physical Education, Concentration in Exercise Science - The University of Georgia - 1979
Work Experience
- Professor, College of Health Sciences - The University of Memphis - 1992-present
- Director of Academic Programs, College of Health Sciences - The University of Memphis - 2017-present
- Director of Graduate Programs, College of Health Sciences - The University of Memphis - 2009-present
- Director of Undergraduate Programs, College of Health Sciences - The University of Memphis - 2017-present
- Coordinator, Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences - The University of Memphis - 2015-2023
- Coordinator, Exercise Nutrition M.S. Program - University of Memphis - 2022-present
- Founder & Director, Human Performance Laboratories - The University of Memphis - 1993-present
- Founder & Director, Musculoskeletal Analysis Laboratory - The University of Memphis - 2014-2019
- Founder & Director, Musculoskeletal Dynamics Laboratory - The University of Memphis - 1986-2014
- Founder & Director, Body Composition Research Laboratory - The University of Memphis - 1993-2008
- Coordinator, Exercise & Sport Science - The University of Memphis - 2004-2008
- Coordinator, Exercise Science & Health Promotion - The University of Memphis - 1994-2004
- Clinical Associate Professor, Physical Therapy - University of Tennessee Health Science Center - 1994-2012
- Department Chair (Interim), Health, Physical Education & Recreation - The University of Memphis - 1992-93
- Chair, HPER Graduate Studies & Research Council - The University of Memphis - 1988-91
- Associate Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation - The University of Memphis - 1986-92
- Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education - Georgia Southern (College) University - 1986
- Director, Exercise Science Laboratory - Georgia Southern (College) University - 1979-86
- Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education - Georgia Southern (College) University - 1979-85
- Instructor, Continuing Education (Fitness Courses) - Georgia Southern (College) University - 1981-86
- Graduate Assistant, Physical Education Activity Program - The University of Georgia - 1977-79
- Graduate Assistant, Continuing Education (Fitness Courses) - The University of Georgia - 1976-78
- Instructor, Georgia Retardation Center - The University of Georgia - 1976-77
- Instructor, Alternative Opportunity Program - Warwick High School - 1975-76
- Graduate Assistant, Physical Education Activity Program - The University of Georgia - 1974-75
- Instructor, NCAA National Youth Sports Program - Old Dominion University - 1973,75,76
- Most Valuable Professor - College of Health Sciences, The University of Memphis - 2021
- Excellence in Service Award - College of Education, Health & Human Sciences, The University of Memphis - 2014
- Excellence in Research Award - College of Education, The University of Memphis - 2011
- Charter Fellow (FNSCA) - National Strength and Conditioning Association - 2007-present
- Outstanding Sport Scientist Award - National Strength & Conditioning Association - 2003
- Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Recertified with Distinction - National Strength & Conditioning Association - 2000,2003,2006,2009,2012,2015,2018,2021,2024
- Editorial Excellence Award - Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research - 1998
- Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist - National Strength & Conditioning Association - 1994,1997
- Fellow (RFSA) - Research Consortium, Society of Health & Physical Educators - 1991-present
- Fellow (FACSM) - American College of Sports Medicine - 1986-present
- Sigma Beta Tau Academic Honor Society - Old Dominion University - 1973
- Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities - Old Dominion University - 1973
Teaching Experience
- (G) Physiology of Exercise: Musculoskeletal Aspects - The University of Memphis
- (G) Morphological Foundations of Strength Development - The University of Memphis
- (U) Internship in Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences - The University of Memphis
- (U) Advanced Methods of Strength & Conditioning - The University of Memphis
- (U) Resistance & Aerobic Training Applications - The University of Memphis
- (G) Analysis of Muscle Function - The University of Memphis
- (G) Advanced Kinesiology - The University of Memphis
- (G) Applied Educational Research - The University of Memphis
- (G) Problem Identification & Research Planning Seminar - The University of Memphis
- (G) Research Seminar in Exercise & Sport Science - The University of Memphis
- (U) Exercise Physiology I - The University of Memphis
- (U) Anatomic Kinesiology - The University of Memphis
- (U) Physiological Bases of Strength Conditioning - The University of Memphis
- (U) Exercise Physiology Introduction - The University of Memphis
- (G) Research Seminar in Health Promotion - The University of Memphis
- (G) Measurement & Evaluation - The University of Memphis
- (U) Weight Training - The University of Memphis
- (G) Applied Musculoskeletal Physiology - University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- (G) Wellness & Exercise - University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- (U) Freshman Seminar - The University of Memphis
- (U) Resistance Training Applications - The University of Memphis
Student Advising/Mentoring
- PhD - Hailey B. Fong - 2025
- MS, DPT - Hailey James Daugherty - 2019
- MS - Lindsey Allison - 2017
- PhD - Johnpaul Caia - 2015
- MS - Bradley A. DeForest - 2013
- MS - Christina Feldmann - 2011
- MS - Lucas C. Ferreira - 2009
- MS - Andrea Creasy - 2007
- MS - Lesley Tschume - 2007
- MS - David Ferebee - 2007
- MD - Saurabh Kumar - 2006
- MD - Hayden Smith - 2005
- MS - Christopher Moore - 2005
- MS - Michael Criqui - 2004
- MD - Bharat Magu - 2004
- MS - Keegan Buchannan - 2002
- MS - Barry Bondurant - 2002
- MS - Amy Friedman - 1999
- MS - Travis Ireland - 1998
- MS - Larry Wood - 1997
- MS, DPT - Lisa Liebschwager - 1994
- PhD - Susan Appling - 1992
- PhD - Candi Ashley - 1991
- Weiss, L. (PI) and C. Moore. Acute effects of augmented eccentric loading on jump squat performance. - National. Strength & Conditioning Assoc - $2,500 - FY04
- Li, Y. (PI), L. Weiss, M. Fry. Using technology to teach critical thinking through a multilevel approach in the exercise sciences. - Information Technology Grant - $5,985 - FY05
- Fed Ex Institute of Technology Musculoskeletal Conference - Memphis-area researchers, clinicians, and businesses pertaining to a spectrum of musculoskeletal structures and functions - ongoing -  
- CHS - Director of Academic Programs [C] - 2017-present
- CHS - Director, Graduate Programs [C] - 2015-present
- CHS - Director, Undergraduate Programs [C] - 2004-2006, 2017-present
- CHS - Promotion & Tenure Committee [C] - 2015-present
- CHS - Strategic Planning Committee - 2023- present
- CHS - DPT Faculty Search Committee - Spring 2024
- UNIV - College Directors Council, Graduate School - 2015-present
- UNIV - University Council for Graduate Studies - 2002-04; 2005-present
- UNIV - University Graduate Appeals Committee for Grade and Academic Performance Retention [C] - 1990-93; 2003; 2005-present
- UNIV - College Directors Council, University Undergraduate Programs - 2017-present
- UNIV - University Undergraduate Council - 2017-present
- UNIV - SACSCOC Institutional Effectiveness Council - 2020-present
- UNIV - Generative AI-for-all Subcommittee - 2024-25
- UNIV - Graduate Course Sharing Guidelines Subcommittee - 2024
- UNIV - Graduate Recruitment & Enrollment Advisory Board - 2024-present
- CHS - Academic Coordinator, Exercise, Sport and Movement Sciences Programs (ESMS) [C] - 2015-2023
- CHS - Academic Coordinator, M.S. Program in Exercise Nutrition [C] - 2022-present
- CHS - Acting Director of CHS Internships [C] - Spring 2023
- CHS - Faculty Search Committee/ Assistant Professor of Teaching in Health Sciences Statistics - 2023
- CHS - Faculty Search Committee- Clinical Assistant Professor [C] - 2022
- CHS - SACSCOC CHS Liaison - 2015-present
- CHS - Strategic Plan Development Group - 2023
- UNIV - UCGS Student Recruitment & Enrollment Task Force - 2023
- UNIV - UCGS Student Admissions Task Force - 2023
- CHS - Surgical Technology Program Advisory Committee - 2020-present
- CHS - Founder & Director: Human Performance Laboratories [C] - 1992-present
- CHS - Director: Musculoskeletal Analysis Laboratory [C] - 1986-2019
- CHS - NSCA Educational Recognition Undergraduate Program Director [C] - 2003-present
- CHS - NSCA Educational Recognition Graduate Program Director [C] - 2006-present
- CHS - Humphreys Student Research Prize Committee [C] - 2009-present
- UNIV - Graduate Faculty Task Force - 2018-19
- UNIV - Graduate School Strategic Plan Task Force - 2019
- UNIV - Grad School ABM Task Force - 2019
- CHS - PhD Program Development Task Force [C] - 2017-2021
- UNIV - Undergraduate Credit-by-Exam Task Force - 2017-2019
- UNIV - Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Task Force - 2017
- HSS - Graduate Coordinator [C] - 2009-2015
- CEHHS - Graduate Studies Council - 2002-04; 2005-2015
- CEHHS - Research Travel Grant Committee [C] - 2009-2015
- HSS - Ad Hoc Committee - Accelerated Bachelors-to-Masters Program in EXSS [C] - 2012-13
- HSS - Coordinator: Exercise & Sport Science [C] - 2004-2008
- HSS - Coordinator: Exercise Science and Health Promotion [C] - 1994-2004
- HSS - Body Composition Research Laboratory [C] - 1994-2008
- UNIV - Electronic Theses & Dissertations Committee - 2008-2012
- COE - Doctoral Program Task Force/Implementation Team [co-C] - 1993-94; 1996-99 [C]; 2004-2008 [co-C]
- Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research - Senior Editor - 2013-present
- National Strength & Conditioning Association - Thematic Poster Moderator for Annual Conference - 2016-17
- National Strength & Conditioning Association - Research Abstract Reviewer for Annual Conference - 2002-present
- National Strength & Conditioning Association - Grant Reviewer - 2002-present
- National Strength & Conditioning Association - Research Consortium - 2002-present
- American College of Sports Medicine Strength & Conditioning Interest Group - Administrative Council [C-2009-2012] - 2006-present
- National Strength and Conditioning Foundation - Vice President - 2006-2008
- National Strength & Conditioning Association - Fellow Selection Committee - 2008-2013
- Sports Biomechanics - Reviewer - 2013-present
- Strength & Conditioning Journal - Reviewer - 2004-present
- Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research - Associate Editor - 2002-2012
- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise - Reviewer - 2003-05, 2008
- Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal - Reviewer - 2007-2009
- National Strength & Conditioning Association - Elected Member of Research Committee - 2002-07
- American College of Sports Medicine - Membership Recruitment Coordinator for Tennessee - 2002-03
- American College of Sports Medicine - Liaison to National Strength & Conditioning Association - 2002-2007
- Society of Health & Physical Educators (SHAPE America) - Abstract Reviewer for national conference - 2004
- National Strength & Conditioning Association - Outstanding Student Presentation Award Com - 2005, 2006, 2014
- National Strength and Conditioning Association - Strategic Planning Group - 2007
- National Strength & Conditioning Association - Research Section Moderator at NSCA Annual Conference - 2002-04, 2014
- East Tennessee State University- Sport Science & Coach Education M.S. Program Review - March 2022
- Florida Atlantic University- Dept. of Exercise Science & Health Promotion Review - Feb 2016
- University of Wisconsin @ La Crosse- Reviewed Graduate Program in Human Performance - Nov 2009
Books Reviewed
- Weiss, Lawrence. Reviewed Human Body Composition. Heymsfield, S., T. Lohman, Z. Wang, and S. Going (Eds.). American Journal of Human Biology, 18:, 2006.
Journal Articles
- Refereed Papers
- Daugherty, H., L. Weiss, M. Paquette, D. Powell, L. Allison. Potential predictors of vertical jump performance: Lower extremity dimensions and alignment, relative body fat, and kinetic variables. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 35(3):616-625, 2021.
- Majaj, R., D. Powell, L. Weiss, and M. Paquette. Ankle kinetics and plantarflexor morphology in older runners with different lifetime running exposures. HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE, 72:102660, 2020.
- Smith, R., M. Paquette, J. Harry, D. Powell, and L. Weiss. Footwear and sex differences in performance and joint kinetics during maximal vertical jumping. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH. 2018.
- Swearingen,
J., L. Weiss, W. Smith, M. Stephenson, and B. Schilling. Potential utility of a loaded treadmill protocol for tactical athletes. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND
- Sterczala,
A., A. Fry, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, L.
Weiss, and J. Nicoll.
Beta2-adrenergic receptor maladaptations to high power resistance
exercise overreaching. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, 43:446-454, 2017.
- Caia, J., L. Weiss, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, and M.
Paquette. Consistency of lower-body dimensions using surface landmarks and
simple measurement tools. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 30:2600-2608, 2016.
- Caia, J., L. Weiss, L., Chiu, B. Schilling, and M.
Paquette. Do lower-body dimensions and body composition explain vertical jump ability? JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 30:3073-3083, 2016.
- Davis, M.R., R. Easter, J. Carlock, L.W. Weiss, E.A. Longo, L.M. Smith, and B.K. Schilling. Self-reported physical tasks and exercise training in special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 30:3242-3248, 2016.
- Irwin, C.C.,Y. Li, E. Bene, A. Rach, B. Baughman, B., and L. Weiss. Test-retest reliability of selected NeuroCom(R) postural stability assessments. RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT, 86(S-2), A15-A16, 2015.
- Harry, J.R., M.R. Paquette, J. Caia, R.J.
Townsend, R.J., L.W. Weiss, and B.K. Schilling. Effects of footwear
condition on maximal jumping performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 29:1657–1665, 2015.
- Andre, M.J., A.C. Fry, E. McLellan, L.W. Weiss, and C.M. Moore. Acute effects of static stretching on bench press power and velocity in adolescent male athletes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING.9:1145-1152, 2014.
- McAllister,
M., K. Hammond, B. Schilling, L. Ferreria, J. Reed, and L.Weiss. Muscle activation during various hamstring exercises. JOURNAL
- Weiss, L., B. DeForest, K. Hammond, B. Schilling, and L.
Ferreira. Reliability of
goniometry-based Q-angle. PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 5:763-768, 2013.
- McAllister
M., B. Schilling, K. Hamond, L. Weiss, and T. Farney. Effect of grip width on
electromyographic activity during the upright row. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND
CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 27:181-187, 2013.
- Feldmann,
C., L. Weiss, B. Schilling, and Z.
Murlasits. Association of drop vertical
jump displacement with select performance variables. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING
RESEARCH, 26:1215-1225, 2012.
- Ferreira, L., B. Schilling, L. Weiss, Andrew Fry, and L. Chiu. Reach height and jump displacement: implications for standardization of reach determination. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 24:1596-1601, 2010.
- Ferreira, L., L. Weiss, K. Hammond, and B. Schilling. Structural and functional predictors of drop vertical jump. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 24:2456-2467, 2010.
- Schilling, B., R. Karlage, M. LeDoux, R. Pfeiffer, L. Weiss, and M. Falvo. Impaired leg extensor strength in individual with Parkinson Disease and relatedness to functional mobility. PARKINSONISM AND RELATED DISORDERS, 15:776-780, 2009.
- Schilling, B., M. Falvo, R. Karlage, L. Weiss, C. Lohnes, and L. Chiu. Effects of unstable surface training on measures of balance in older adults. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 23:1211-1216, 2009.
- Jones R.M., A. Fry, L. Weiss, and S. Kinzey. Kinetic comparison of free weight and machine power cleans. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 22:1785-1789, 2008.
- Moore, C., L. Weiss, B. Schilling, A. Fry, & Y. Li. Acute effects of augmented eccentric loading on jump squat performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 21(2):372-377, 2007.
- Barnes, J.L., B.K. Schilling, M.J. Falvo, L.W. Weiss, A.K. Creasy, and A.C. Fry. Force-time measures during jumping and agility performance in female volleyball athletes. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 21:1192-1196, 2007.
- Keller, G., Y. Li, L. Weiss, and G. Relyea. Contextual interference effect on acquisition and retention of pistol shooting skills. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 103:241-252,2006.
- Fry, A., B. Schilling, L. Weiss, and L. Chiu. Beta2-Adrenergic receptor downregulation and performance decrements during high-intensity resistance exercise overtraining. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 101:1664-1672, 2006.
- Fry, A., R. Bloomer, M. Falvo, C. Moore, B. Schilling, and L. Weiss. Effect of a liquid multi-vitamin/mineral supplement on anaerobic exercise performance. RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 14(1):53-64, 2006.
- Falvo, M., B. Schilling, and L. Weiss. Techniques and considerations for determining upper-body isoinertial power. SPORTS BIOMECHANICS, 5:293-311, 2006.
- Schilling, B., A. Fry, L. Chiu, and L. Weiss. Myosin heavy chain isoforms expression and in-vivo isometric performance: A regression model. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19:270-275, 2005.
- Bloomer, R., A. Fry, B.K. Schilling, L.Z. Chiu, and L. Weiss. Astaxanthin supplementation does not attenuate markers of muscle injury following eccentric exercise in resistance trained men. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION AND EXERCISE METABOLISM, 15:401-412, 2005.
- Schilling, B., A. Fry, L. Weiss, and L. Chiu. Myosin heavy chain isoforms expression: Influence on isoinertial and isometric performance. RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE, 12:301-316, 2005.
- Chiu, L., B. Schilling, A. Fry, and L. Weiss. Measurement of resistance exercise force expression. JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMECHANICS, 20:204-212, 2004.
- Weiss L., L. Wood, A. Fry, R. Kreider, G. Relyea, D. Bullen, P. Grindstaff. Strength/power augmentation subsequent to short-term training abstinence. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 18:765-770, 2004.
- Chiu, L., B. Schilling, A. Fry, J. Johnson, and L. Weiss. Neuromuscular fatigue and potentiation following two successive high intensity resistance exercise sessions. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 92:385-392, 2004.
- Fry, A., B. Schilling, L. Chiu, N. Hori, and L. Weiss. Fiber type-specific responses to perceptions of delayed onset muscle soreness with astaxanthin supplementation. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36:S175, 2004.
- Weiss, L., A. Fry, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, K. Buchanan, B. Bondurant, B. Magu, and C. Scates. Reliability of knee extension mechanical power across a load-spectrum. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36:S352, 2004.
- Matuszak, M., A. Fry, L. Weiss, T. Ireland, and M. McKnight. Effect of rest interval length on repeated one repetition maximum back squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17:634-637, 2003.
- Chiu, L., A. Fry, L. Weiss, B. Schilling, L. Brown, and S. Smith. Postactivation potentiation response in athletic and recreationally trained individuals. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17:671-677, 2003.
- Harber M., A. Fry, M. Rubin, J. Smith, and L. Weiss. Skeletal muscle and hormonal adaptations to circuit weight training in untrained men. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS, 13:1-10, 2003
- Fry, A., J. Webber, L. Weiss, M. Harber, M. Vaczi, and N.Pattison. Muscle fiber characteristics and performance correlates of elite power lifters. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17:402-410, 2003.
- Weiss L., H. Coney, and F. Clark. Optimal post-training abstinence for maximal strength expression. RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 11:145-155, 2003.
- Fry, A., B. Schilling, L. Chiu, L. Weiss, R. Kreider, and C. Rasmussen. Muscle fiber and performance adaptations to resistance exercise with MyoVive, colostrum or casein and whey supplementation. RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 11:109-128, 2003.
- Weiss L., A. Fry, and G. Relyea. Explosive strength deficit as a predictor of vertical jumping performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 16:83-86, 2002.
- Weiss L. and G. Relyea. Multiple-joint velocity-spectrum strength/power development consequent to repetition manipulation. THE JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE & PHYSICAL FITNESS, 41:39-45, 2001.
- Chiu L., L. Weiss, and A. Fry. Post-training massage: a review for strength and power athletes. STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING JOURNAL, 23:65-69, 2001.
- Smith, J.C., A.C. Fry, L.W. Weiss, Y. Li, and S.J. Kinzey. The effects of high-intensity exercise on a 10-second sprint cycle test, JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 15(3): 344-348, 2001.
- Weiss L., T. Ireland, A. Friedman, A. Fry, and Y. Li. Functional submersion technique for assessing volume. MEASUREMENT IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND EXERCISE SCIENCE, 4:199-213, 2000.
- Fry A., J. Webber, L. Weiss, and Y. Li. Impaired performance after excessive high relative intensity free weight training. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 14: 54-61, 2000.
- Weiss L. Multiple-joint velocity-spectrum performance (pp 197-208). In: Brown, L. (ed.) ISOKINETICS IN HUMAN PERFORMANCE. Human Kinetics Publishers, 2000.
- Weiss L., H. Coney, and F. Clark. Gross measures of exercise-induced muscular hypertrophy. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY, 30:143-148, 2000.
- Weiss L., A. Fry, L. Wood, G. Relyea, and C. Melton. Comparative effects of deep versus shallow squat and leg press training on vertical jumping ability and related factors. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 14:241-247, 2000.
- Weiss L., H. Coney, and F. Clark. Differential functional adaptations to short-term low, moderate, and high repetition weight training. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH & CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 13:236-241, 1999.
- Weiss L., G. Relyea, C. Ashley, and R. Propst. Predicting depth vertical jumping distance. ISOKINETICS & EXERCISE SCIENCE, 7:151-159, 1998.
- Weiss L., A. Fry, E. Gossick, J. Webber, and E. Barrow. Reliability of bench press velocity-spectrum testing. MEASUREMENT IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION & EXERCISE SCIENCE, 2:243-252, 1998.
- Weiss, L. and G. Relyea. Velocity-spectrum testing using a closed kinetic chain. ISOKINETICS AND EXERCISE SCIENCE, 6:197-202, 1997.
- Weiss, L., G. Relyea, C. Ashley, and R. Propst. Using velocity-spectrum squats and body composition to predict standing vertical jump ability. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 11:14-20, 1997.
- Weiss, L., G. Relyea, C. Ashley, and R. Propst. Reliability of selected measures of musculoskeletal function obtained during closed-kinetic-chain exercises performed at multiple velocities. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 10:45-50, 1996.
- Ashley, C. and L. Weiss. Vertical jump performance and select functional and structural attributes in women. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 8:5-11, 1994.
- Weiss, L. The obtuse nature of muscular strength: the contribution of rest to its development and expression. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORTS SCIENCE RESEARCH, 5:219-227, 1991.
- Weiss, L., F. Clark and D. Howard. Effects of heavy-resistance triceps surae muscle training on strength and muscularity of men and women. PHYSICAL THERAPY, 68:208-213, 1988.
- Weiss, L. and F. Clark. Subcutaneous fat measurements of the leg using three protocols. JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, 27:437-442, 1987.
- Weiss, L. and F. Clark. Ultrasonic measurement of upper-arm skeletal muscle thickness. JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, 27:128-133, 1987.
- Weiss, L. and F. Clark. Three protocols for measuring subcutaneous fat thickness on the upper extremities. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 54:217-221, 1987.
- Weiss, L. Upper extremity assessment of muscularity in young children. THE JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY, 8:397-401, 1987.
- Weiss, L. Two assessments of upper-extremity subcutaneous fat in young children. RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT, 57:265-267, 1986.
- Weiss, L. and F. Clark. Ultrasonic protocols for separately measuring subcutaneous fat and skeletal-muscle thickness in the calf area. PHYSICAL THERAPY, 65:477-481, 1985.
- Weiss, L. and F. Clark. The use of B-mode ultrasound for measuring subcutaneous fat thickness on the upper arms. RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT, 56:77-81, 1985.
- Weiss, L. The use of B-mode ultrasound for measuring the thickness of skeletal muscle at two upper leg sites. THE JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY, 6:163-167, 1984.
- Weiss, L. Ultrasonic assessment of subcutaneous fat on the upper leg. AMERICAN CORRECTIVE THERAPY JOURNAL, 38:40-43, 1984.
- Weiss, L., K. Cureton and F. Thompson. Comparisons of serum testosterone and androstenedione responses to weight lifting in men and women. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 50:413-419, 1983.
- Weiss, L. Anabolic-androgenic steroid supplementation and heavy-resistance exercise. GAHPER JOURNAL, 12:20-21, 1983.
Refereed Conference Abstracts/Presentations - Weiss, L., D. Powell, S. Senatore, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Association of vertical jump displacement with multiple indices of rate of force development. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 38 (online): 2024.
Weiss, L., D. Powell, S. Senatore, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Intercorrelations of multiple indices of rate of force development during vertical jumping. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 38 (online): 2024. - Weiss, L., D. Powell, S. Senatore, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Reliability and precision of different iterations of rate of force development. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 56 (online): 2024.
Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Reliability and precision of eccentric rate of force development during countermovement vertical jumping. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH & CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 37 (online): 2023. Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Association of vertical jumping performance with eccentric rate of force development. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH & CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 37 (online): 2023. - Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Intercorrelations of vertical jump and absolute and normalized force expressions. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 36 (online): 2022.
- Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Association of static Q-angle with thigh length in young adults. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 36 (online): 2022.
- Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Allison, H. Daugherty. Models predicting vertical jump displacement using structural and kinetic variables. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 35 (online): 2021.
- Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Allison, H. Daugherty. Vertical jump kinetic predictors not associated with normalized peak power. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 35 (online): 2021.
- Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, M. Paquette, D. Powell, L. Allison. Association of vertical jump with static and dynamic Q-angle measures. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 34 (online): 2020.
- Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Allison. Reliability and precision of static and dynamic Q-angle measures. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 34 (online): 2020.
- Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, M. Paquette, D.
Powell, L. Allison. Association of vertical jump displacement with
frontal-plane knee alignment. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING
RESEARCH, 33 (online): 2019.
- Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Allison. Reliability and precision of frontal-plane knee angulation measures during vertical jumping. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 33 (online): 2019.
- Weiss, L., L. Allison, H. Daugherty, M. Paquette, D. Powell. Are foot longitudinal dimensions related to jump ability in men and women? JOURNAL OF STRENGTH
- Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, D. Powell, L. Allison, M. Paquette. Are easily-measured longitudinal arch characteristics related to vertical jump ability?
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Combining men and women in
prediction models of vertical jump: Is this problematic? JOURNAL OF STRENGTH
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Are laterality-based
moment arms useful in explaining vertical jump performance? JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING
RESEARCH, 31 (online): 2017.
- Smith, R., LD. Powell,
J. Harry, L. Weiss, M. Paquette. Footwear differences in lower limb
joint power generation during maximal vertical jumping. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
BIOMECHANICS Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO, 2017.
- James, H., L. Allison,
D. Powell, L. Weiss, M. Paquette. Implications of added body mass on
lower limb joint kinetics during vertical jumping. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
BIOMECHANICS Annual Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, 2017.
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Stability reliability and
precision of laterality-based foot moment arms under three different loading
conditions. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH & CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 30 (online): 2016.
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Association of vertical
jump displacement with laterality-based foot moment arms. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH & CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 30 (online): 2016.
- Weiss, L. Jumping proficiency: Identifying those pesky explanatory variables. Annual Basic Science Lecture, SOUTHEAST CHAPTER, AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE. Greenville, South Carolina, 2016.
- Peel,
S., M. Paquette, B. Schilling, L. Weiss.
Effects of pitch repetition on knee joint kinetics in collegiate baseball
pitchers. Annual Conference of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BIOMECHANICS. Raleigh,
North Carolina, 2016.
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Association of vertical
jump performance with foot moment arms without and with ratio normalization. JOURNAL
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, M. Paquette. Foot moment arm lengths
during bilateral- and unilateral-standing in young men and women: Does ratio
normalizing impact reliability and precision? JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND
CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 28 (online): 2015.
- Weiss, L.,
J. Caia, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, M. Paquette. Normalizing foot moment arm
lengths in men and women: effect on reliability and precision. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, J. Harry, L. Chiu,
B. Schilling, M. Paquette. Reliability and precision of anthropometric measures
of the feet that influence moment arm length of reaction forces. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 27 (online): 2014.
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, J. Harry, L. Chiu,
B. Schilling, M. Paquette. Preliminary investigation into the association of
longitudinal foot dimensions with countermovement vertical jump displacement. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 27 (online): 2014.
- Irwin,
C., Y. Li, E. Bene, B. Baughman, B. Schilling, L. Weiss. Popular concussion assessments’ reliability using high
school and collegiate athletes. Annual
Missouri, 2014.
- Schilling, B., J. Harry, M.
Paquette, L. Weiss, D. Peterson.
Footwear-dependent correlations between vertical and standing long jumps. 3rd
International Congress on Soldier's Physical Performance. Boston, MA, 2014.
- Weiss, L., B. DeForest, S. Nichols, B. Schilling, M.
Paquette. Comparative goniometry-derived
Q-angles for relaxed vs. contracted quadriceps femoris muscles. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 26 (online): 2013.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, L. Ferreira, C. Feldmann, K.
Hammond. Association of jump squat rate
of force development with vertical jump displacement.
- Bene,
E., Y. Li, C. Irwin, B. Baughman, A. Rach, J. Bravo, B. Schilling, L. Weiss. Pre- and post-season concussion screening of
student athletes: test-retest reliability of the updated ImpPACT Battery
Version2.1. Annual Conference of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San
Diego, California, 2013.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, L. Ferreira,
K. Hammond, C. Feldmann. Association
of accelerometry-derived average rate of
dynamic force development with force, velocity, and power.
- Weiss, L., K. Hammond, B. Schilling, L. Ferreira. Efficacy of
goniometry-based Q-angle for measuring change. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 44:S , 2012.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Congruency of velocity output from dual, non-centered accelerometers during barbell jump squats. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 43:S, 2011.
- Feldmann, C., L. Weiss, B. Schilling, P. Whitehead. Association of drop vertical jump displacement and select jumping performance indices. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 25 (online): 2011.
- Feldmann, C., L. Weiss, B. Schilling, P. Whitehead. Stability reliability and precision of select jumping performance variables and indices. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 25 (online): 2011.
- Weiss, L., C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, L. Ferreira, K. Hammond. Does average rate of dynamic force development reflect either peak force, velocity, or power? JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 25 (online): 2011.
- Weiss, L., C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, L. Ferreira, K. Hammond. Stability reliability and precision of average rate of eccentric force development during load-spectrum countermovement jump squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 25 (online): 2011.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Criterion validity of accelerometer-derived peak velocity during jump squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 24 (online): 2010.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Association of accelerometer-derived jump squat power with drop vertical jump displacement. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 24 (online): 2010.
- Feldmann, C., L. Weiss, L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Association of accelerometer-derived squat peak velocity with drop vertical jump displacement. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 24 (online): 2010.
- Feldmann, C., L. Weiss, L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Reactive strength index and ground contact time: Reliability, precision, and association with drop vertical jump. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 24 (online): 2010.
- Feldmann, C., Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Criterion validity of accelerometer-derived peak power obtained during jump squats. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 42:S59, 2010.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, C. Feldmann, K. Hammond. Stability reliability, precision, and association of measures of average rate of dynamic force development. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 42:S59, 2010.
- Hammond, K., B. Schilling, M. LeDoux, R. Pfeiffer, L. Weiss. Central Vs. peripheral manifestations of neuromuscular force in persons with Parkinson’s Disease. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 24 (online): 2010.
- Hammond, K., B. Schilling, A. Weber, R. Bloomer, L. Weiss, L. Ferreria. Power and muscular endurance repeatability with 48 hours rest. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 23 (online): 2009.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond, J. Trepanowski, D. Landrum, M. Grindle. Comparative force outputs from non-centered accelerometers during loaded barbell jump squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 23 (online): 2009.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, A. Fry, L. Chiu, C. Moore. Expressions of strength and average rate of dynamic force development: Are these measures related? MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 41:S535, 2009.
- Fry, A., B. Schilling, L. Chiu, L. Weiss, J. Eckerson. Training experience alters myosin heavy chain relationships with performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 23 (online): 2009.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond, J. Trepanowski, D. Landrum, M. Grindle. Validity of accelerometer-derived peak force output during loaded jump squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 23 (online): 2009.
- Karlage, R., B. Schilling, M. Ledoux, R. Pfeiffer, L. Weiss, M. Falvo. Leg strength, balance and functional mobility in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: A cross-sectional study. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 22 (online): 2008.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, J. Barnes, A. Wilson. Force Assessment during bench press throws: Do measurement tools make a difference? JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 22 (online): 2008.
- Wilson, A., L. Weiss, B. Schilling. Variables associated with optimal drop vertical jump starting height. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 22 (online): 2008.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, A. Wilson, J. Barnes. Validity of power measurements during load-spectrum bench press throws. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 22 (online): 2008.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, J. Barnes, A. Wilson. Assessment of two velocity measurement approaches during load-spectrum bench press throws. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40: S216, 2008.
- Fry, A., C. Moore, D. Thomason, B. Schilling, L. Weiss, L. Chiu, A. Galpin. Resting p-38 MAPK Activation and high intensity resistance exercise overtraining. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40: S77, 2008.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, A. Creasy, J. Barnes. Effects of bench press throw familiarization on reliability/precision of power estimates using a linear velocity transducer. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 21 (online): 2007.
- Galpin, A., A. Fry, C. Moore, D. Thomason, B. Schilling, L. Weiss, L. Chiu. Resting JNK activation in response to high intensity resistance exercise overtraining. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 21 (online): 2007.
- Lohnes, C., B. Schilling, A. Fry, L. Weiss. Mechanical comparison of a rotational inertial resistance device and free weights. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 21 (online): 2007.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, C. Lohnes, T. Liggins, A. Creasy, J. Barnes. Familiarization effects on velocity measurements obtained using a linear velocity transducer during bench press throws. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 21 (online): 2007.
- Lohnes, C., A. Fry, B. Schilling, L. Weiss. Kinetic comparison between various resistance settings on the Versa-Pulley training system. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 39:S , 2007
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, J. Barnes, A. Creasy. Familiarization and reliability of dynamic force measures from load-spectrum bench press throws. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 39:S , 2007.
- Schilling, B., R. Karlage, M. Falvo, L. Weiss. Effects of unstable surface training on various measures of balance and function in older adults. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 39:S , 2007.
- Karlage, R., M. Falvo, B. Schilling, L. Weiss, C. Lohnes. Association of strength with balance and functional performance in older adults. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 39:S , 2007.
- Falvo, M., B. Schilling, R. Karlage, L. Weiss, C. Lohnes. Test-retest reliability of center of pressure measures in older adults. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 39:S , 2007.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, J. Barnes, A. Creasy. Bench press throws: reliability and precision of force measures obtained using a linear velocity transducer. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 20 (online): 2006.
- Weiss, L., C. Moore, B. Schilling, R. Ermert, A. Fry, L. Chiu, M. Falvo, M. Wendell. Efficacy of hang power clean, parallel jump squat, and body composition variables as predictors of standing- and drop-vertical jump. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38:S295, 2006.
- Falvo, M., B. Schilling, R. Bloomer, W. Smith, A. Creasy, C. Leatherwood, L. Weiss. Reliability of selected kinetic variables obtained from bench press throws. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38:S400, 2006.
- Barnes, J., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, C. Moore, A. Creasy, L. Weiss. Reliability of force/time variables during agility performance. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38:S515, 2006.
- Schilling, B.K., J.L. Barnes, M.J. Falvo, C.A. Moore, A.K. Creasy, L.W. Weiss. Reliability and precision measures of force/time variables during vertical jumps. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38:S397, 2006.
- Smith, H., M. Fry, Y. Li, L. Weiss. The relationship of anxiety and self-confidence to treadmill exercise tolerance tests performance by sedentary obese women. Annual Conference of the ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, Miami, Florida, 2006.
- Moore, C., R. Lucero, A. Fry, C. LeRoux, L. Weiss. The relationship between squatting strength and Olympic weightlifting performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 20 (online): 2006.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, J. Barnes, A. Creasy. Reliability and precision of power measures obtained via simple dynamometry during bench press throws. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 20 (online): 2006.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, J. Barnes, A. Creasy. Bench press throws: reliability and precision of force measures obtained using a linear velocity transducer. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 20 (online): 2006.
- Fry, A., R. Bloomer, B. Schilling, C. Moore, M. Falvo, L. Weiss. Anaerobic performance effects of a liquid multi-vitamin supplement. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (online): 2005.
- Weiss, L., C. Moore, B. Schilling, R. Ermert, A. Fry, L. Chiu, M. Wendell, S. Kumar, C. LeRoux. Do hang power clean, jump squat, and body composition variables predict restricted- and non-countermovement-style vertical jump displacement? JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (online): 2005.
- Bloomer, R., A. Fry, C. Moore, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, L. Weiss. Resistance exercise overreaching does not increase resting protein oxidation. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (online): 2005.
- Moore, C., L. Weiss, B. Schilling, A. Fry, Y. Li. Stability reliability of jump squats performed with augmented eccentric loads. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (online): 2005.
- Bidne, J.S., A.C. Fry, R.J. Bloomer, B.K. Schilling, C.A. Moore, M.J. Falvo, L.W. Weiss. Reliability of the Memphis Squat Test. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (online): 2005.
- Moore, C., L. Weiss, B. Schilling, A. Fry, Y. Li. Acute effects of augmented eccentric loading on jump squat performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (online): 2005.
- Schilling, B., L. Weiss, K. Haneishi, C. Moore, M. Falvo, A. Fry. Reliability and validity of velocity and power obtained using a simple resistance exercise dynamometer. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (online): 2005.
- Weiss, L., C. Moore, B. Schilling, R. Ermert, A. Fry, L. Chiu, M. Wendell, C. LeRoux. Reliability and precision of multiple expressions of hang power clean bar velocity. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (online): 2005.
- Falvo, M., L. Weiss, Chris Moore, B. Schilling, R. Ermert, A. Fry, M. Wendell, L. Chiu, S. Kumar, C. LeRoux. Reliability and precision of force, power, and velocity measures obtained during jump squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (online): 2005.
- Eckerson, J., A. Fry, B. Schilling, L. Weiss, C. Moore, A. Bull. Fast myosin heavy chain expression is correlated to vertical jump performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 19 (on-line): 2005.
- Bloomer, R., A. Fry, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, L. Weiss. No effect of astaxanthin supplementation on markers of skeletal muscle injury following eccentric loading. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37:S316, 2005.
- Schilling, B., L. Weiss, C. Moore, A. Fry, L. Chiu, M. Wendell, S. Kumar, C. LeRoux. Association of power measures obtained during hang power cleans and jump squats. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37:S119, 2005.
- Weiss, L., C. Moore, B. Schilling, A. Fry, L. Chiu, M. Wendell, C. LeRoux, S. Kumar. Association of vertical jump performance to jump squat power expressions. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37:S260, 2005.
- Li, Y., S. Sun, L. Weiss. Hip joint abduction range of motion during Tai Chi exercise. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37:S104, 2005.
- Moore, C., L. Weiss, B. Schilling, A. Fry, M. Wendell, L. Chiu, S. Kumar, C. LeRoux. Association between vertical jump displacement and jump squat force expressions. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37:S265, 2005.
- Barnes, J., L. Weiss, C. Moore, B. Schilling, A. Fry, L. Chiu, M. Wendell, C. LeRoux. Reliability and precision of multiple expressions of hang power clean external force. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37:S261, 2005.
- Weiss, L., L. Chiu, B. Schilling, A. Fry, K. Buchanan, C. Scates, B. Bondurant, B. Magu. External loads eliciting maximum concentric force and power during non-countermovement knee extensions. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 18 (online): 2004.
- Fry, A., B. Schilling, L. Chiu, L. Weiss, M. Bressler, E. Bernard. Skeletal muscle B2 receptor maladaptations to high intensity resistance exercise overtraining. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 18 (online): 2004.
- Schilling, B., A. Fry, L. Weiss, L.F. Chiu. Correlations between isometric and DCER performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 18 (on-line): 2004.
- Chiu, L., A. Fry, B. Schilling, E. Johnson, C. Moore, L. Weiss. Post-activation potentiation correlates to muscle contractile protein expression. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 18 (on-line): 2004.
- Weiss, L., B. Bondurant, B. Schilling, K. Buchanan, L. Chiu, A. Fry, C. Scates, B. Magu. Stability reliability and precision of knee extension velocity during load-spectrum testing. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 18 (on-line): 2004.
- Moore, C., A. Fry, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, L. Weiss, M. Bressler, E. Bernard, J. Barnes. Muscle performance maladaptations to high intensity resistance exercise overtraining. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 18 (on-line): 2004.
- Fry, A., L. Chiu, B. Schilling, L. Weiss. Effect of a dietary supplement on skeletal muscle â2 receptor adaptations to high power resistance exercise overreaching. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 18 (on-line): 2004.
- Moore, C., A. Fry, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, L. Weiss, J. Barnes. Effect of a dietary supplement on muscle performance adaptations to high power resistance exercise overreaching. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 18 (on-line): 2004.
- Weiss, L., A. Fry, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, K. Buchanan, B. Bondurant, B. Magu, C. Scates. Reliability of knee extension mechanical power across a load-spectrum. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36:S352, 2004.
- Fry, A., B. Schilling, L. Chiu, N. Hori, L. Weiss. Fiber type-specific responses to perceptions of delayed onset muscle soreness with astaxanthin supplementation. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36:S175, 2004.
- Weiss, L., L. Chiu, B. Schilling, A. Fry, K. Buchanan, B. Magu, B. Bondurant, C. Scates. Predicting vertical jumping displacement via load-spectrum squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17 (online): 2003.
- Criqui, M., L. Weiss, A. Fry, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, B. Magu, K. Buchanan, B. Bondurant, C. Scates. Association between vertical jumping displacement and DCER knee extension power. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17 (online): 2003.
- Moore, C., A. Fry, A. Melton, L. Weiss, F. Rosato. Power production for different relative intensities for the hang power clean exercise. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17 (online): 2003.
- Kumar, S., L. Weiss, A. Fry, B. Magu, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, K. Buchanan, C. Scates, B. Bondurant. Association between vertical jumping displacement and external force produced during load-spectrum knee extensions. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17 (online): 2003.
- Schilling, B., A. Fry, L. Chiu, L. Weiss, C. Rasmussen. A statistical model for examining the relationship between MHC isoform expression and in-vivo performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17 (online): 2003.
- Fry, A., B. Schilling, L. Chiu, L. Weiss, R. Kreider, C. Ransmussen. Cellular and performance adaptations to resistance exercise with Myovive™ and colostrum supplementation. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17 (online): 2003.
- Belzer, S., L. Chiu, E. Johnson, M. Wendell, A. Fry, B. Schilling, C. Richey, C. Moore, L. Weiss. High power training results in acute neuromuscular deficit. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17 (online): 2003.
- Chiu, L., A. Fry, L. Weiss, B. Schilling, L. Brown, S. Smith, L. McCarty, E. Johnson, K. Buchanan, C. Scates. Differential post-activation potentiation response in athletes and recreationally-trained individuals. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17 (online): 2003.
- Wendell, M., L. Chiu, E. Johnson, A. Fry, B. Schilling, L. Weiss, C. Moore, C. Richey, J. Barnes, B. Miles, M. Malone. Changes in exercise intensity during high power resistance exercise performed not-to-failure. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 17 (online): 2003.
- Fry, A., E. McLellan, L. Weiss, F. Rosato. The effects of static stretching on power and velocity during the bench press exercise. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 35:S264, 2003.
- Weiss, L., A. Fry, B. Magu, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, K. Buchanan, B. Bondurant, C. Scates. Predicting vertical jumping displacement via load-spectrum knee extensions. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 35:S273, 2003.
- Li, Y., L. Weiss, A. Fry, K. Buchanan, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, B. Magu, B. Bondurant, C. Scates. Reliability of force measures during load-spectrum knee extensions. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 35:S272, 2003.
- Weiss, L., A. Fry, B. Magu, L. Chiu, K. Buchanan, C. Scates, B. Bondurant, B. Schilling, S. Henderson. Relative external loads eliciting maximum concentric force and power during non-countermovement squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 16 (online):17, 2002.
- Fry, A., B. Schilling, L. Chiu, S. Belzer, L. Weiss. Correlations between myosin heavy chain expression and voluntary muscle performance in moderately resistance-trained males. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 16 (online):6, 2002.
- Schilling, B., A. Fry, L. Chiu, E. Bernard, S. Belzer, L. Weiss. Muscle and performance adaptations to high intensity resistance exercise overtraining. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 16 (online):15, 2002.
- Chiu, L., A. Fry, B. Schilling, L. Weiss. Construction of a low-cost biomechanical measurement system. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 16 (online):3, 2002.
- Belzer, S., L. Weiss, B. Magu, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, A. Fry, K. Buchanan, B. Bondurant, C. Scates. Reliability of force measures during load-spectrum squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 16 (online): 1-2, 2002.
- Magu, B., L. Weiss, A. Fry, B. Bondurant, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, K. Buchanan, C. Scates. Association between vertical jumping distance and DCER squatting peak power. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 34:S277, 2002.
- Li, Y., S. Martines, A. Zucker-Levin, P. Head, X. Xiong, T. Krugger, L. Weiss. A preliminary study of effects of Tai Chi on gait and functional performances for individuals who have had total hip arthroplasty. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 34:S122, 2002.
- Buchanan, K., L. Weiss, A. Fry, B. Bondurant, B. Magu, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, C. Scates. Inter-day reliability of velocity measures obtained during load-spectrum squats. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 34:S174, 2002.
- Weiss, L., A. Fry, B. Magu, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, K. Buchanan, B. Bondurant, C. Scates. Stability reliability of external power measures obtained during load-spectrum squats. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 34:S277, 2002.
- Chiu, L., A. Fry, B. Schilling, L. Weiss. Evaluation of explosive force expression in male subjects. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 34:S174, 2002.
- Schilling, B., N. Hori, A. Fry, L. Chiu, L. Weiss.
Reliability of force, velocity and power utilizing a
computer-interfaced dynamometer. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND
EXERCISE, 34:S174, 2002.
Fry, A., L. Weiss,
L. Chiu, B. Schilling, B. Magu, K. Buchanan, C. Scates, B.
Bondurant. Association between vertical jumping displacement and
mechanical force produced during dynamic constant external resistance
squats. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 34:S277, 2002. - Weiss, L., A. Fry, L. Chiu, B. Magu, B. Schilling. Evaluation of a strength analysis “black box” dynamometer. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 15:399, 2001.
- Chiu, L., A. Fry, L. Weiss, B. Schilling, C. Rasmussen, R. Kreider, S. Lancaster, M. Starks. Relative contribution of force and velocity to peak power across a load spectrum: a preliminary study. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 15:391, 2001.
- Schilling, B., A. Fry, L. Chiu, L. Weiss, J. Williams, C. Rasmussen, R. Kreider. Myosin heavy chain expression and rate of force development in weight trained males and females. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 15:398, 2001.
- Chiu, L., M. Rubin, A. Fry, L. Weiss, R. Klesges, B. McClanahan. The effects of short-term non-axial loading resistance training on calcium regulating hormones. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 33:S266, 2001.
- Weiss, L., A. Fry, A. Friedman, T. Ireland, Y. Li. Volumetric assessment using water displacement. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 33:S242, 2001.
- Weiss, L., A. Fry, G. Relyea. Does explosive strength deficit in the squat help explain vertical jumping performance? JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 14:372, 2000.
- Vaczi, A. Fry, L. Weiss, D. Clutch, Z. Murlasits. Contributing parameters to depth jump performance. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 14:370-371, 2000.
- Harber, M., A. Fry, R. Blaudow, J. Smith, M. Rubin, L. Weiss, M. O’Toole, P. Milnor. The effects of circuit weight training on skeletal muscle fiber characteristics. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 14:363, 2000.
- Weiss, L., G. Relyea, A. Fry. Variables related to peak and average power output during drop (depth) vertical jumping. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 32:S352, 2000.
- Rubin, M., M. Harber, A. Fry, L. Weiss, M. Ferkin. Endocrine responses to 10 weeks of circuit weight training. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 13:432, 1999.
- Harber, M., A. Fry, J. Smith, M. Rubin, L. Weiss, M. O’Toole, P. Milner. The effects of circuit weight training on myosin heavy chain content. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 13:426, 1999.
- Weiss, L., G. Relyea, A. Fry. Variables related to peak and average power output during vertical jumping without arm swing. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 13:435, 1999.
- Rubin, M., A. Fry, L. Weiss, Y. Li, E. Gossick, J. Webber, E. Barrow. The effects of free weight vs. machine bench press training on strength development. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 12:276-277, 1998.
- Fry, A., M. Harber, M. Vaczi, J. Webber, N. Pattison, L. Weiss. Muscle fiber characteristics of elite powerlifters. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 12:273-274, 1998.
- Wood, L., L. Weiss, A. Fry, R. Kreider, D. Bullen, P. Grindstaff, G. Relyea. The effect of pre-performance training abstinence on maximal bench press strength and power. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 12:279, 1998.
- Weiss, L., A. Fry, L. Wood, C. Melton. Comparative effects of deep versus shallow periodized squat training by novice lifters. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 30:S166, 1998.
- Fry, A., G. Calhoon, M. Stone, L. Weiss. Injury rates and profiles of elite competitive Olympic-style weightlifters. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 30:S53, 1998.
- Weiss, L., A. Fry, J. Webber, E. Gossick, H. Barrow. Velocity-spectrum bench press validation. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 11:288, 1997.
- Matuszak, M., T. Ireland, M. McKnight, L. Weiss, A. Fry. Effect of rest interval length on repeated one-repetition maximum back squats. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 11:283, 1997.
- Weiss, L., G. Relyea, L. Wood. Prediction equation for standing vertical jumping distance: Cross-validation analyses. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 29:S102, 1997.
- Weiss, L., G. Relyea, L. Wood. Predicting depth vertical jumping distance: A cross-validity study. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 10:292, 1996.
- Weiss, L., G. Relyea, C. Ashley, R. Propst. The use of velocity limited squats and body composition to predict standing vertical jumping ability. PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE WORLD CONGRESS ON SPORT SCIENCES, 1995.
- Weiss, L., G. Relyea. The feasibility of velocity-spectrum testing using a closed kinetic chain. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 9:286, 1995.
- Kreider, R., K. Harman, B. Klesges, L. Weiss, A. Fry et al. Effects of ingesting nutritional supplements designed to promote lean tissue accretion on body composition. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 27: S169, 1995.
- Grindstaff, P., R. Kreider, L. Weiss et al. Effects of ingesting a supplement containing creatine monohydrate for 7 days on isokinetic performance. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 27:S146, 1995.
- Almada, A., R. Kreider, L. Weiss et al. Effects of ingesting a supplement containing creatine monohydrate for 28 days on isokinetic performance. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 27:S146, 1995.
- Weiss, L., G. Relyea, C. Ashley, R. Propst. Reliability of selected measures of musculoskeletal function obtained during closed-chain, velocity-spectrum leg exercise. PHYSICAL THERAPY, 74: 1994.
- Appling, S., L. Weiss. The association of jump performance with quadriceps muscle function and body composition in women. PHYSICAL THERAPY, 73:S13, 1993.
- Weiss, L. Association of vertical jump and isokinetic squat performances in young men. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 23:S65, 1991.
- Weiss, L. A velocity-spectrum protocol for assessing bench press performance in young men and women. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORTS SCIENCE RESEARCH, 4:106, 1990.
- Weiss, L. Differential effects of repetition number on strength and power development. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST WORLD CONGRESS ON SPORT SCIENCES OF THE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE, 49-50, 1989.
- Weiss, L. Quantification of skeletal muscle and subcutaneous fat in the extremities. JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE, 7:S123: 1988.
- Weiss, L., H. Coney, F. Clark. Optimal post-training rest interval for maximal strength performance. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 20:S86, 1988.
- Weiss, L., H. Coney, F. Clark. Differential changes in leg function consequent to low, moderate, and high repetition weight training. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 19:S88, 1987.
- Weiss, L., F. Clark. Anthropometric and strength changes in the calf consequent to weight training by young men and women. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 17:187, 1985.
- Weiss, L. Ultrasonic assessment of fat and muscle thickness in the triceps surae area. PHYSICAL THERAPY, 63: 1983.
- Weiss, L. Two-dimensional ultrasonic view of skeletal muscle cross-sections at selected sites on the arm and leg. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 15:105, 1983.
- Weiss, L., K. Cureton, F. Thompson. Effects of weight lifting on serum levels of testosterone and androstenedione in adult men and women. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 12:83, 1980.
Appendix A - Teaching Experience
- ESMS 2015 - Resistance & Aerobic Training Applications
- ESMS 7201 - Exercise Physiology: Musculoskeletal Aspects
- ESMS 4603/6603 - Advanced Methods of Strength & Conditioning
- ESMS 4603 - Advanced Methods of Strength & Conditioning
- ESMS 2015 - Resistance & Aerobic Training Applications
- ESMS 7300/8300 - Morphological Foundations of Strength Development
- ESMS 7201/8201 - Exercise Physicology: Musculoskeletal Aspects
Appendix B - Student Advising/Mentoring
Weiss, L., D. Powell, S. Senatore, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Association of vertical jump displacement with multiple indices of rate of force development. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Baltimore, Maryland, 2024. Weiss, L., D. Powell, S. Senatore, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Intercorrelations of multiple indices of rate of force development during vertical jumping. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Baltimore, Maryland, 2024. Weiss, L., D. Powell, S. Senatore, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Reliability and precision of different iterations of rate of force development. Annual Conference of the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE, Boston, Massachusetts, 2024. Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Reliability and precision of eccentric rate of force development during countermovement vertical jumping. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH & CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2023. Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Association of vertical jumping performance with eccentric rate of force development. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH & CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2023. - Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Intercorrelations of vertical jump and absolute and normalized force expressions. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2022.
- Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Association of static Q-angle with thigh length in young adults. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2022.
- Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Models predicting vertical jump displacement using structural and kinetic variables. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Orlando, Florida, 2021.
Weiss, L., D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey, H. Daugherty. Vertical jump kinetic predictors not associated with normalized peak power. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Orlando, Florida, 2021. - Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, M. Paquette, D. Powell, L. Massey. Association of vertical jump displacement with static and dynamic Q-angle measures. Annual Conference of the
- Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Massey. Reliability and precision of static and dynamic Q-angle measures. Annual Conference of the
- Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, M. Paquette, D. Powell, L. Allison. Association of vertical jump displacement with frontal-plane knee alignment. Annual Conference of the
- Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, D. Powell, M. Paquette, L. Allison. Reliability and precision of frontal-plane knee angulation measures during vertical jumping. Annual Conference of the
- Weiss, L., L. Allison, H. Daugherty, M. Paquette, D. Powell. Are foot longitudinal dimensions related to jump ability in men and women? Annual Conference of the
- Weiss, L., H. Daugherty, D. Powell, L. Allison, M. Paquette.
Are easily-measured longitudinal arch characteristics related to vertical jump ability? Annual Conference of the
- Weiss,
L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Combining men and women in
prediction models of vertical jump: Is this problematic? Annual Conference of the
- Weiss,
L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Are laterality-based moment
arms useful in explaining vertical jump performance? Annual Conference of the
- James,
H., L. Allison, D. Powell, L. Weiss, M. Paquette. Implications of added body
mass on lower limb joint kinetics during vertical jumping. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
BIOMECHANICS Annual Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, 2017.
- Smith,
R., D. Powell, J. Harry, L. Weiss, M. Paquette. Footwear differences in lower
limb joint power generation during maximal vertical jumping. AMERICAN SOCIETY
OF BIOMECHANICS Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO, 2017.
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Stability reliability and
precision of laterality-based foot moment arms under three different loading
conditions. Annual Conference of the
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Association of vertical
jump displacement with laterality-based foot moment arms. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND
CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016.
- Weiss, L.,
J. Caia, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, M. Paquette. Normalizing foot moment arm
lengths in men and women: effect on reliability and precision. Annual
Conference of the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE, San Diego, California,
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, L. Chiu, B. Schilling, M. Paquette. Foot moment arm lengths
during bilateral- and unilateral-standing in young men and women: Does ratio
normalizing impact reliability and precision? Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING
ASSOCIATION, Orlando, Florida, 2015.
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, B. Schilling, L. Chiu, M. Paquette. Association of vertical
jump performance with foot moment arms without and with ratio normalization. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING
ASSOCIATION, Orlando, Florida, 2015.
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, J. Harry, L. Chiu,
B. Schilling, M. Paquette. Reliability and precision of anthropometric measures
of the feet that influence moment arm length of reaction forces. Annual
Nevada, 2014.
- Weiss, L., J. Caia, J. Harry, L. Chiu,
B. Schilling, M. Paquette. Preliminary investigation into the association of
longitudinal foot dimensions with countermovement vertical jump displacement.
Vegas, Nevada, 2014.
- Schilling, B., J. Harry, M.
Paquette, L. Weiss, D. Peterson.
Footwear-dependent correlations between vertical and standing long jumps. 3rd
International Congress on Soldier's Physical Performance. Boston, MA, 2014.
- Weiss, L., B. DeForest, S. Nichols, B. Schilling, M.
Paquette. Comparative goniometry-derived
Q-angles for relaxed vs. contracted quadriceps femoris muscles. Annual
Nevada, 2013.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, L. Ferreira, C.
Feldmann, K. Hammond. Association of
jump squat rate of force development with vertical jump displacement. Annual Conference of the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF
SPORTS MEDICINE, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2013.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, L. Ferreira, K. Hammond, C.
Feldmann. Association of accelerometry-derived
average rate of dynamic force development
with force, velocity, and power. Annual
Rhode Island, 2012.
- Weiss, L., K. Hammond, B. Schilling, L. Ferreira. Efficacy of
goniometry-based Q-angle for measuring change. Annual Conference of
the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE, San Francisco, California, 2012
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Congruency of velocity output from dual, non-centered accelerometers during barbell jump squats. Annual Conference of the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE, Denver, Colorado, 2011.
- Feldmann, C., L. Weiss, B. Schilling, P. Whitehead. Association of drop vertical jump displacement and select jumping performance indices. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2011.
- Feldmann, C., L. Weiss, B. Schilling, P. Whitehead. Stability reliability and precision of select jumping performance variables and indices. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2011.
- Weiss, L., C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, L. Ferreira, K. Hammond. Does average rate of dynamic force development reflect either peak force, velocity, or power? Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2011.
- Weiss, L., C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, L. Ferreira, K. Hammond. Stability reliability and precision of average rate of eccentric force development during load-spectrum countermovement jump squats. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2011.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Association of accelerometer-derived jump squat power with drop vertical jump displacement. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Orlando, Florida, 2010.
- Feldmann, C., L. Weiss, L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Association of accelerometer-derived squat peak velocity with drop vertical jump displacement. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Orlando, Florida, 2010.
- Feldmann, C., L. Weiss, L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Reactive strength index and ground contact time: Reliability, precision, and association with drop vertical jump. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Orlando, Florida, 2010.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, C. Feldmann, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Criterion validity of accelerometer-derived peak velocity during jump squats. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Orlando, Florida, 2010.
- Feldmann, C., Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond. Criterion validity of accelerometer-derived peak power obtained during jump squats. Annual Conference of the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE, Baltimore, Maryland, 2010.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, C. Feldmann, K. Hammond. Stability reliability, precision, and association of measures of average rate of dynamic force development. Annual Conference of the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE, Baltimore, Maryland, 2010.
- Hammond, K., B. Schilling, M. LeDoux, R. Pfeiffer, L. Weiss. Central Vs. peripheral manifestations of neuromuscular force in persons with Parkinson’s Disease. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Orlando, Florida, 2010.
- Hammond, K., B. Schilling, A. Weber, R. Bloomer, L. Weiss, L. Ferreria. Power and muscular endurance repeatability with 48 hours rest. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2009.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond, J. Trepanowski, D. Landrum, M. Grindle. Comparative force outputs from non-centered accelerometers during loaded barbell jump squats. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2009.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, A. Fry, L. Chiu, C. Moore. Expressions of strength and average rate of dynamic force development: Are these measures related? Annual Conference of the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE, Seattle, Washington, 2009.
- Fry, A., B. Schilling, L. Chiu, L. Weiss, J. Eckerson. Training experience alters myosin heavy chain relationships with performance. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2009.
- Weiss, L., L. Ferreira, B. Schilling, K. Hammond, J. Trepanowski, D. Landrum, M. Grindle. Validity of accelerometer-derived peak force output during loaded jump squats. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2009
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, J. Barnes, A. Wilson. Force Assessment during bench press throws: Do measurement tools make a difference? Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008.
- Wilson, A., L. Weiss, B. Schilling. Variables associated with optimal drop vertical jump starting height. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, A. Wilson, J. Barnes. Validity of power measurements during load-spectrum bench press throws. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, J. Barnes, A. Wilson. Assessment of two velocity measurement approaches during load-spectrum bench press throws. Annual Conference of the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2008.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, J. Barnes, A. Wilson. Force Assessment during bench press throws: Do measurement tools make a difference? Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008.
- Wilson, A., L. Weiss, B. Schilling. Variables associated with optimal drop vertical jump starting height. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008.
- Weiss, L., B. Schilling, M. Falvo, T. Liggins, C. Lohnes, A. Wilson, J. Barnes. Validity of power measurements during load-spectrum bench press throws. Annual Conference of the NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008.
Appendix C - Research/Scholarship/Creative Activities
- Chaired Applied Project for Hailey Daugherty: Potential Predictors of Vertical Jump Performance: Lower Extremity Dimensions and Alignment, Relative Body Fat, and Kinetic Variables
- Mentored graduate students, Lindsey Allison, Hailey James Daugherty, and Amber Drowns Carpenter, in study conceptualization and data collection for the following:
Anthropometric and
Performance Measures Associated with Vertical Jump Displacement
- Mentored graduate student, Lindsey Allison, in conducting the following study:
Using Body
Composition, Hang Power Clean and Parallel Jump Squat Variables to Predict
Vertical Jump Performance