Faculty and Staff Profiles |
Leigh M. Harrell-Williams |
Assoc Professor, Counsel Education Psych Research |
Email: Leigh.Williams@memphis.edu |
Office Location: 215 Ball Hall |
- Ph.D. Educational Research and Evaluation - Virginia Tech - 2009
- M.S. Statistics - University of Georgia - 2004
- B.A. Psychology and Liberal Arts Management Program - Virginia Wesleyan College - 1997
Work Experience
- Interim Associate Dean & College Graduate Director, College of Education - University of Memphis - 2024 - current
- Dean's Faculty Fellow, College of Education - University of Memphis - 2022-2023
- Associate Professor, Counseling, Educational Psychology and Rsearch - University of Memphis - 8/2020 - current
- Assistant Professor, Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research - University of Memphis - 8/2014 - 8/2020
- IES Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Counseling and Psychological Services - Georgia State University - 8/2012 - 8/2014
- Instructor/Advanced Instructor & Undergraduate Coordinator, Statistics - Virginia Tech - 8/2004 - 8/2012
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Statistics - University of Georgia - 8/2002 - 8/2004
- Excellence in Research and Scholarship - University of Memphis College of Education - 2019
- University of Memphis Excellence in Academic Advising Graduate Advisor Award - University of Memphis - 2021
Teaching Experience
- PSYC/COMP/PHIL 7514/PSYC/COMP/PHIL/AUSP 8514 Cognitive Science Seminar - University of Memphis
- EDPR 8531 Computer as a Research Tool - University of Memphis
- EDPR 7541/8541 Educational Statistics I - University of Memphis
- EDPR 7542/8542 Educational Statistics II - University of Memphis
- EDPR 8001/8552 Hierarchical Linear Modeling - University of Memphis
- EDPR 8511 Introduction to Measurement - University of Memphis
- EDPR 8549 Multivariate Analysis - University of Memphis
- EPRS 9550 Multivariate Analysis - Georgia State University
- STAT 2004 Introductory Statistics - Virginia Tech
- STAT 4504 Applied Multivariate Statistics - Virginia Tech
- STAT 4514 Contingency Table Analysis - Virginia Tech
- STAT 4534 Applied Statistical Time Series Analysis - Virginia Tech
- STAT 4604 Statistical Methods for Engineers - Virginia Tech
- STAT 4706 Probability and Statistics for Engineers - Virginia Tech
- STAT 4714 Probability and Statistics for Electrical Engineers - Virginia Tech
- STAT 5504G Applied Multivariate Statistics - Virginia Tech
- STAT 5624 Managerial Statistics - Virginia Tech
- STAT 5664 Applied Statistical Time Series Analysis for Research Scientists - Virginia Tech
- STAT 2000 Elementary Statistics - University of Georgia
Student Advising/Mentoring
- PhD, EDPR - Andrea Davis (Committee Co-chair) - 2016
- PhD, EDPR - Karen Kitchens (Committee Member - Methodologist) - 2016
- MS, Psychology - Rachel Ankney (Committee Member) - 2016
- PhD, Communication Science & Disorders - Kathleen Durant (Committee Member - Methodologist) - 2017
- PhD, EDPR - James Ford (Commitee Co-chair) - 2017
- EDD, Counseling - Jennifer Drabowicz (Committee - Methodologist) - 2017
- PhD, EDPR - Scotty Houston (Committee) - 2017
- PhD, Counseling - M. Kyle Capstick (Committee - Methodologist) - 2018/2019
- PhD, Psychology - Jaclyn Maas - 2017
- PhD, EDPR - Isbah Mustafa (Committee Co-Chair) - 2018
- EDD, IDT - Jennifer Knott (methodologist) - 2018
- PhD, EDPR - Tegan Reeves (Committee Co-chair) - 2018
- EDD, Counseling - Rebekah Lemons (Committee - Methodologist) - 2018
- PhD, EDPR - Sean Holden (Committee Co-chair) - 2018
- PhD, EDPR - Hui Zhang (Committee - Methodologist) - 2018
- PhD, Counseling - Paul Dunaway (Committee - Methodologist) - 2019
- PhD, Counseling - Kristi Nobbman (Committee - Methodologist) - 2019
- PhD, EDPR - Yasuko Kanamori (Committee, Methodologist for instrument development project) - 2019
- PhD, Counseling - Justin Dodson (Committee - Methodologist) - 2019
- EDD, Higher Education - Anthony Jouvenas (Committee Member - Methodologist) - 2019
- PhD, EDPR - Ezell Allen (Advisor/Chair) - 2020
- PhD, EDPR - Beija Tan (Committee - Methodologist) - 2020
- PhD, EDPR - Mollie Carter (Committee Member - Methodologist) - 2020
- PhD, EDPR - Jessica Webb (co-chair) - 2020
- PhD, Counseling Psychology - Jennifer Yeoward (Committee Member - Methodologist) - 2020
- PhD, EDPR - Holliday Ridge (committee member) - 2020
- PhD, Counseling - Shelly Wilkerson (Committee Member - Methodologist) - 2020
- PhD, Psychology - Laura Schwartz (committee member) - 2021
- PhD, Psychology - Lauren Schaefer (committee member) - 2021
- PhD, EDPR - Patrick Shipp (advisor/chair) - 2021
- EDD, Leadership Dept. - Chris Heigle (methodologist) - 2021
- PhD, Counseling Psychology - Danielle Sample (committee member) - 2022
- PhD, Counseling - Martha Burke (methodologist) - 2021
- EDD, Leadership - Bridgette Decent (methodologist) - 2021
- MS, EDPR - Jenee Love (Advisor) - 2021
- PhD, EDPR - Angela Robinson (methodologist) - 2021
- EDD, Leadership - Laura Monks - 2021
- PhD, Counseling Psychology - Laura Condon (committee member) - 2022
- PhD, EDPR - Shelby Roberts (committee member) - 2022
- PhD, EDPR - Anne Walton Garrison (Advisor/Chair) - 2022
- PhD, EDPR - Walter Meyer (Advisor) - 2023
- EDD, IDT/ICL - Jennifer Wilson (Committee Member - Methodologist) - 2023
- PhD, EDPR - Alicia Stiles (Advisor/Chair) - 2023
- PhD, Counseling - Keith Hembree (Committee Member - Methodologist) - 2023
- PhD, Counseling Psychology - Madison Lord (Committee Member - Methodologist) - Defended 2023/Grad 2024
- Doctoral Student, EDPR - Anthony Eldridge (advisor/chair) - 2024
- doctoral student, Counseling Psychology - Jade Horton (Committee Member - Methodologist) - proposed 2023
- doctoral student, EDPR - Luke Walden (committee member) -  
- Doctoral Student, EDPR - Katherine Rote (Advisor/Chair) -  
- doctoral student, EDPR - Phil Ruse -  
- MS student, EDPR - Andrew Gienapp (advisor) -  
- Improving STEM K-12 Learning Using Optimal Spaced Retrieval in an Existing Educational Technology Platform. (Carvahlo, Pavlik PIs) Role: SR Personnel/Statistical Consultant - NSF -   - 08/01/23-07/31/28
- Promoting Success in Undergraduate Mathematics through Graduate Teacher Training (PSUM-GTT): Phase II. Role: Co-PI/Research Lead. - NSF IUSE - Funded for $892,651 (Memphis) with a total of $1,995,381.00 across all sites (UC Denver, Memphis, Auburn) - 10/2018 – 9/2024
- Validity Evidence for Measurement in Mathematics Education (PI: Bostic, BGSU). Role: Consultant/Statistics Education Co-Leader - NSF -   - 8/2019 - 7/2024
- A Model for Student Engaged Learning in an Elementary Statistics (SELES) Classroom. Co-PI - NSF IUSE - $297,823 - 2020-2022
- Learner Data Institute (Rus, PI) Role: K-12 Expert Panel Member - NSF -   - 2019 - 2023
- Evaluating a Community-based, Strengths-focused Intervention for Children and Families Experiencing Adversity. PI: Howell. Role: Co-PI. - Memphis Research Consortium - $810,434 - 7/2017 - 6/2020
- Identifying Opportunities for Improving Students - Engaged Scholarship Network grant - $12,500 - 2022-2023
- Identifying Opportunities for Improving Students - 2022 Engaged Scholarship Network program - $12,500 - 8/2022 – 7/2023
- Women+'s Mentorship Network - University of Memphis Community of Research Scholars (CoRS) - $5000 - 2021-2022
- Women+'s Mentorship Network - University of Memphis Community of Research Scholars (CoRS) - $2500 - 2020-2021
- Creating Better Measures of Teachers Self-efficacy to Teach Statistics - College of Education Faculty Research Grant - $5,924 - 2017-2018
- MORE Frayser ASD Program Development and Assessment - University of Memphis Strengthening Communities Grant - $18,000 - 2015 - 2017 (18 months)
- Collaboration with St. Jude STEMM Outreach and Education -   - 2022-current - Engaged Scholarship Network
- MORE Program Evaluations -   - 2016 - 2020 -  
- Women+ Mentorship Network, Director -   - 2019 - current - 2020 and 2021 UofM CoRS funding
- University of Memphis - Search Chair, CREP Director - Spring 2023
- University of Memphis - Student Research Forum Judge - 2018-current
- University of Memphis - Assist with organizing EDPR semester course scheduling - 2016 - current
- University of Memphis - Quantitative Certificate Co-Coordinator - 2014 - current
- University of Memphis - College of Education Workload Task Force - Fall 2020
- University of Memphis - Judge, Undergraduate and Graduate Research Conference - 2018, 2019, 2020
- University of Memphis - NCUR session leader - 2017
- University of Memphis - College of Ed Collegewide Comps Proctor - Feb 2017
- University of Memphis - NCUR conference proposal reviewer - Dec 2016
- University of Memphis - Education Research Search Committee - 2014 - 2015, 2019-2020
- University of Memphis - Institute for Intelligent Systems (IIS) and Statistics Search Committee - 2014 - 2015
- Statistics Education Research Journal - Associate Editor - 2016 - current
- American Educational Research Association, Rasch Measurement SIG - Rasch Measurement Transactions, Co-Editor - October 2018 - current
- American Educational Research Association, Rasch Measurement SIG - [C] Chair - April 2016 - March 2018
- American Educational Research Association, Rasch Measurement SIG - Treasurer - April 2014 - April 2016
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment - Editorial Board - September 2014 - current
- Journal of Statistics Education - Associate Editor - September 2012 - September 2018
- American Educational Research Association, Division D - Proposal Reviewer -  
- Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics (eCOTS) - Conference organization committee - 2013-2014
- American Statistical Association, Section on Statistics Education - Executive Board Member-at-Large - January 2011- December 2013 (3 year term)
- American Educational Research Association, Rasch SIG - Program Co-chair - 2010 & 2011 Meetings (2 year term)
- The American Statistician - Reviewer -  
- School Psychology Quarterly - Reviewer -  
- Pearson Measurement - July - December 2013, May - December 2014
Books Published
- (book chapter) Ford, J. M. & Harrell-Williams, L. M. (2019). Social goals in context: African American students. In Jones, M. H. (Ed.), Social goals in the classroom: Findings on student motivation and peer relations (pp. 192-205). New York, NY: Routledge.
- (book chapter) Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J. N., Lesser, L.M., Lee, H. S., Pierce, R. L., Murphy, T.J, & Sorto, M. A. (2019). Measuring Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics in Grades 6-12 Mathematics Teachers. In J. Bostic, E. Krupa, & J. Shih (Eds.), Assessment in Mathematics Education Contexts: Theoretical Frameworks and New Directions (pages 147 - 171). New York, NY: Routledge.
- (book chapter) Kim, J. & Harrell-Williams, L. M. (Accepted). Behavior Assessment System for Children - Third Edition (BASC-3)”. In Reynolds, C. R., Kamphaus, R.W., & Dowdy, E. (Eds.), Handbook of Psychological and Educational Assessment of Children: Personality, Behavior, and Context, Third Edition. Guilford Publications.
Journal Articles
Jones, E. A., Piontek, J.*, Walden, L.C.*, & Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2024). Development and Validation of the Sources of Research Self-Efficacy Scale. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 42(1), 29-45. Accepted 9/2023. Durant, K.*, Jarmulowicz, L., & Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2024). Spanish Phonological Awareness in Kindergarten Uniquely Supports Second-grade English Morphological Awareness in Spanish-English Dual-language Learners Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 55, 85-104. Accepted 8/2023. Harrell-Williams, L., Windsor, L., & White, C. (2023). A case study on the University of Memphis Women+’s Mentorship Network. The Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching, 7, 434 - 439. Manzanares, R., Webb, J., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Olson, G., Houston, S., Lanius, M., Funkhouser, K., Shannon, D., Gomez, J.*, Jacobson, M., & Merchant, L. (2023). A Case Study of a Comprehensive GTA Teacher Training Program. PRIMUS. First published online 6/9/2023. Hicks Becton, L.Y., Harrell-Williams, L.M., & Holman, L.F. (2023). Characteristics of Female Inmates’ Participation in Groups: Exploring PIACC Prison Data. The Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling, 44, 52-68. First published online 12/20/2022. Jones, E., Walden, L.*, Pointek, J.*, & Harrell-Williams. L. (2022). The Association of First-Generation Status and Mentored Research with Research Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy in Undergraduate Early Research Experiences. Innovative Higher Education, 48(3), 389–414. - Marks, L.R., Schimmel-Bristow, A., Harrell-Williams, L.M., & Hargons, C. (2022). Racial discrimination and risky sex: Examining cognitive-emotional factors in Black college students. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(5), 594–621.
- Reeves, T.J.*, Harrell-Williams, L.M., Groessl, E. J., Khalsa, S. B., Rybak, T. M., Jorgensen, R., Dunn, J., & Kaufmann, J. (2022). The Yoga Instructor Beliefs Scale: Development and Methods. International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 33.
- Holden, S. M.*, Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller, C. M., Ford, J. M., & Jones, M. H. (2021). Comparison of motivational latent profiles using the AGQ-R and PALS. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 67.
- Kanamori, Y.*, Xu, Y. J., Harrell-Williams, L. M., & Lightsey, O. R. (2022). The Effects of Intergroup Contact on Intergroup Anxiety and Transgender Prejudice: An Examination Using Structural Equation Modeling. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52(2), 1-16.
- Pavlik Jr., P., Eglington, L., Harrell-Williams, L. (2021). Generalized Knowledge Tracing: A Constrained Framework for Learner Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 14(5), 624-639.
- Lemmons, R., Zanskas, S., Harrell-Williams, L., Cogdal, P., & West, S. (2020). Individual, team, and organizational factors influencing worker satisfaction: A Program evaluation. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education, 34(2),103-113.
- Allen, E. & Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2020). Like it or love it: Exploring elements affecting student's mathematical achievement. MathAMATYC Educator, 11(2), 4-.
- Pierce, R.L., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lesser, L.M., Roberts, S.G. y Sorto, M.A. (2019). Comparing item difficulty ratings and distributions of item mentions for pre-service secondary teacher ratings on the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS) instrument. En J. M. Contreras, M. M. Gea, M. M. López-Martín y E. Molina-Portillo (Eds.), Actas del Tercer Congreso International Virtual de Educación Estadística (III International Virtual Congress on Statistical Education). Disponible en www.ugr.es/local/fqm126/civeest.html
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Olson, G., Webb, J., Houston, S., & Gomez, J. (2020, February). How different is different? Examining institutional differences prior to scaling up a graduate teacher training program to improve undergraduate mathematics outcomes. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Azmy, C., Lee, H.S., Roberts, S.G & Webb, J. (2020, February). Ask me once, Ask me twice: An analysis of pre-service mathematics teachers’ responses on a retrospective pretest version of the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS-HS) instrument. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
- Kanamori, Y., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Xu, Y. J., & Ovrebo, E. (2019). Transgender Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP): Development and evaluation of initial performance of a measure of implicit prejudice. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. First published online, July 8, 2019.
- Capstick, M.K., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Cockrum, C. D., & West. S. L. (2019) Exploring the effectiveness of academic coaching for academically at-risk college students. Innovative Higher Education. Innovative Higher Education, 44(3), 219-232.
- Pierce, R.L., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lesser, L.M., Roberts, S.G. y Sorto, M.A. (2019). Comparing item difficulty ratings and distributions of item mentions for pre-service secondary teacher ratings on the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS) instrument. En J. M. Contreras, M. M. Gea, M. M. López-Martín y E. Molina-Portillo (Eds.), Actas del Tercer Congreso International Virtual de Educación Estadística (III International Virtual Congress on Statistical Education). Disponible en www.ugr.es/local/fqm126/
- Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller, C. E., Goudie, C.A., Webb, J.J., & Roberts, S.G. (2018). Shaping Sixth-Graders’ Attitudes Toward Science via Experiential Education. Proceedings of the 117th annual convention of the School Science and Mathematics Association. Little Rock, AR: SSMA.
- Houston, S., Xu, Y.J., & Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2018). Gender differences in the need for postsecondary mathematics remediation. Journal of Student Success and Retention, 5(1), 1 – 30.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J. N., Sorto, M. A., Pierce, R. L., Lesser, L.M. & Murphy, T.J. (2018). “Using the SETS Level A Items to Classify Pre-service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics: An Application of the Mixture Rasch Model”. In M.A. Sorto (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS10, July, 2018), Kyoto, Japan. (Refereed)
- Reid Marks, L., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Tate, K.A., Coleman, M.L*, & Moore, K.* (2018). Family influence, critical consciousness, and calling to career in women of color. The Career Development Quarterly, 66, 329-343.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J. N., Pierce, R. L., Sorto, M. A., Lee, H. L., & Lesser, L.M. (2017). “The middle grades SETS instrument: Psychometric comparison of middle and high school pre-service mathematics teachers.” In E. Galindo & J. Newton, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1064-1067). Indianapolis, IN: Hoosier Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. (Refereed)
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J.N., Lee., H.S., Pierce, R.L., Lesser, L.M., & Sorto, M.A. (2017). Validation of scores from the high school version of the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS-HS) instrument using pre-service mathematics teachers. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. Published online, October 2017.
- Raines, T.C., Gordon, M., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Diliberto, R.A, & Parke, E.M. (2017). Adaptive skills and academic achievement in Latino students. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 33(4), 245-260. Available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15377903.2017.1292974
- Dowdy, E., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Dever, B.V., Furlong, M.J., Moore, S., Raines, T.C., & Kamphaus, R.W. (2016). Predictive validity of a student self-report screener of behavioral and emotional risk in an urban high school. School Psychology Review, 45(4), 458-476.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Raines, T.C., Kamphaus, R.W., & Dever, B.V. (2015). Psychometric analysis of the BASC–2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) Student Form: Results from high school student samples. Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 738-743.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., Lesser, L.M., & Murphy, T.J. (2015). Identifying statistical concepts associated with high and low levels of self-efficacy to teach statistics to middle grades. Journal of Statistics Education, 23(1), 1 – 20.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M. & Wolfe, E.W. (2014). Performance of the likelihood ratio difference (G2 diff) test for detecting unidimensionality in applications of the multidimensional Rasch model. Journal of Applied Measurement, 15(3), 267-275.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., & Lesser, L.M. (2014). Using the SETS Instruments to Investigate Sources of Variation in Levels of Pre-Service Teacher Efficacy to Teach Statistics. Proceedings of the 9th meeting of International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS). Flagstaff, AZ: International Association for Statistics Education.
- Kiperman, S., Black, M., McGill, T., Harrell-Williams, L.M. & Kamphaus, R.W. (2014). Predicting Behavior Assessment System for Children – Second Edition Self-Report of Personality Child Form (BASC-2 SRP-C) Results Using the Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Student Form (BESS SF): A Replication Study with an Urban, Predominantly Latino/a Sample. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. Published Online First, April 2014. doi:10.1177/0734282914529200
Available online: http://jpa.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/04/09/0734282914529200.abstract
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., Lesser, L.M., & Murphy, T.J. (2014). Validation of scores from a measure of teachers’ self-efficacy to teach middle grades statistics. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32(1), 40–50. doi: 10.1177/0734282913486256.
Available online: http://jpa.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/04/29/0734282913486256.abstract
- Harrell-Williams, L.M. & Wolfe, E.W. (2013). The influence of between-dimension correlation, misfit and test length on multidimensional Rasch model information-based index accuracy. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73(4), 672–689. doi: 10.1177/0013164413477654. Available online: http://epm.sagepub.com/content/73/4/672
- Sorto, M.A., Harrell, L.M., Pierce, R.L., Murphy, T.J., Enders, F.B., & Lesser, L.M. (2010). Experts’ perceptions in linking GAISE guidelines to the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics instrument. Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Statistical Education, pp. 4289-4294. Alexandra, VA: American Statistical Association.
- Harrell, L.M., Pierce, R.L., Sorto, M.A., Murphy, T.J., Lesser, L.M., & Enders, F.B. (2009). On the importance and measurement of pre-service teachers' efficacy to teach statistics: Results and lessons learned from the development and testing of a GAISE-based instrument. Proceedings of the 2009 Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Statistical Education. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
- Hilton, S., Kaplan, J. Hooks, T., Harrell, L., Fisher, D. & Sorto, M. A. (2008). Collaborative projects in statistics education. Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Statistical Education. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
- Harrell-Williams, L., Windsor, L., & White, C., (2023, October). A Case Study on the University of Memphis Women+’s Mentorship Network. Paper to be presented at the 16th Annual Mentoring Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
- Tjoe, H., Harrell-Williams, L., Casey, S., Bolch, C., & Mule’, T. (2023, May). Communicating about the Source of Research Data: The State of Validity Evidence for Statistics Education Instruments. Poster presented at the US Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS), State College, PA.
Harrell-Williams, L. (2023, April). Findings from the Statistics Education Synthesis Group:What We Know and Where to Grow. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Jones, E., Walden, L., Piontek, J., & Harrell-Williams, L., (2023, April). Development and Validation of the Sources of Research Self-Efficacy Scale for College Students. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Houston, S., Lanius, M., Gomez, J., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Manzanares, R., Olson, G., Ratliffe, K., & Jacobson, M. (2023, February). Spanish Phonological Awareness in Kindergarten Uniquely Supports Second-grade English Morphological Awareness in Spanish-English Dual-language Learners. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Omaha, NE. - Jones, E., Walden, L., Piontek, J., Harrell-Williams, L. (2023, January). The Association of First-Generation Status and Mentored Research with Research Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy in Undergraduate Early Research Experience. Invited Poster presented at the MidWinter meeting of the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology. Virtual.
- Mule’, T., Houston, S., Piontek, J., Webb, J., & Harrell-Williams, L. (2022, November). The Beliefs and Practices of Graduate Student Tutors Engaged in Online Tutoring During the Pandemic. Poster presented at the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, Nashville, TN.
- Lanius, M., Harrell-Williams, L., Manzanares, R., Funkhouser, K., & Gomez, J. (2022, November). Exploring Dissonance and Harmony among Mentees and Mentors’ Conceptualizations of Effective Peer Teaching Mentorship. Poster presented at the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, Nashville, TN.
- Bolch, C., Tjoe, H., Casey, S., Whitaker,. D., Harrell-Williams, L., Engledowl, C., Mule’, T., & Piontek, J. (2022, September). Validity Evidence for Statistics Education Instruments: Findings and Best Practices. Paper presented at International Conference of Teaching Statistics (ICOTS), Rosario, Argentina.
- Horton, D., Olson, G., Lanius, M., Houston, S., Griffin, C., & Harrell-Williams, L. (2022, August). Promoting Success in Undergraduate Mathematics Through Graduate Teaching Assistant Training: The Unique Contributions of the Peer TA Coach Role. Poster to be presented at MAA MathFest, Philadelphia, PA.
- Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller., C., Fancsali, S., Ritter, S., Zhang, X. & Venugopal, D. (2022, July). Exploring Predictors of Achievement-Goal Profile Stability during Mathematics Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Paper presented at The Third Workshop of The Learner Data Institute, The 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Durham, UK.
- Harrell-Williams, L., & Bowman, D. (2022, June). Model for a Student Engaged Learning in an Elementary Statistics (SELES) Classroom. Poster presented at IUSE Summit, Washington DC.
- Harrell-Williams, L., & Olson, G. (2022, May). Designing and Scaling Up a Comprehensive Graduate Training Model at Multiple Institutions. Presentation at AMS Western Sectional Meeting, Virtual Conference.
- Harrell-Williams, L., Bowman, D., & Doroshenko, N. (2022, May). Examining Flipped Classrooms in Statistical Literacy Instruction during the Pandemic: (Initial) Results from a Quasi-experimental Study with Multiple Instructors. Poster presented at electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics (eCOTS).
- Harrell-Williams, L., Casey, S., Bolch, M., Whitaker, D., & Mule’, T. (2022, May). Assessing the Modern Student: Using a Modern Measurement Theory Framework When Choosing a Measure for Classroom or Research Use. Half-day pre-conference workshop at electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics (eCOTS).
- Olson, G., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Houston, S., Lanius, M., Jacobson, M., & Shannon, D. (2022, February). TA Coaches in the Mathematical Sciences: Exploring Their Roles and Their Perceptions. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
- Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller., C., Fancsali, S., Ritter, S., Zhang, X. & Venugopal, D. (2022, April). Exploring Stability in Multilevel Achievement-Goal Profile Membership in Mathematics Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Paper to be presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Walden, L., Shipp P., Jones, E.A., Harrell-Williams, L. M., & Piontek, J. (2022, April). Does First Generation Status Influence Research Self-Efficacy During Undergraduate Early Research Experiences? Paper to be presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Piontek, J., Jones, E.A., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Walden, L., & Shipp P. (2022, April). Preliminary Work on Measuring the Sources of Research Self-Efficacy in College Students’ Early Research Experiences. Poster to be presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Harrell-Williams, L., Olson., G., Jacobson, M., Manzanaras, R., Lanius, M., Houston, S., & Funkhouser, K. (2021, November). What Can We Learn: The Role and Impact of Peer Mathematical Sciences Instructional (TA) Coaches. Presentation at the NE RUME Conference, Virtual Conference.
- Whitaker, D., Bolch, C., Harrell-Williams, L., Casey, S., Huggins-Manley, C., Engledowl, C., & Tjoe, H. (2021, August). The search for validity evidence for instruments in statistics education: Preliminary findings. Paper presented at International Association of Statistical Education (IASE) 2021 Satellite Conference, Virtual Conference.
- Harrell-Williams, L., Huggins-Manley, C., Tjoe, H., Casey, S., Engledowl, C., Whitaker, D., & Bolch, C. (2021, June). Expanding opportunities: Facilitating discussions to improve measurement practices in statistics education research. Poster presented at the U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS), Virtual Conference.
- STEM 4 All Video Showcase. (2021, May). Transforming GTA Training in the Mathematical Sciences Video. Permanent link: https://multiplex.videohall.com/presentations/2143
- Ritter, S., Harrell-Williams, L. (presenter), Mueller., C., Fansali, S., Zhang, X. & Venugopal, D. (2021, May). Designing a study for assessing change in in-the-moment motivation profiles in an algebra intelligent tutoring system. Poster presented at Association of Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention, Virtual Conference.
- Harrell-Williams, L. M. (2021, February). Discussions around modern validity evidence and best practices. Roundtable session with S. Wind and E. Jones at International Objective Measurement Workshop, Virtual Conference.
- Harrell-Williams, L. M. (2021, April). Practical guidance and best practices for gathering validity evidence based on assessment type. Roundtable working group session with S. Wind, E. Jones, C. Herrmann Abell at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference.
- Hicks-Becton, L., Holman, L., & Harrel-Williams, L. (2021, April). Who Shows Up? Prisoner Participant Characteristics in Counseling/Life Skills Groups. American Counseling Association (ACA) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference.
- Mueller, C. E., Casey, L. B., Albert, D., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Zoblotsky, T. A., & Elswick, S. E. (2020, July). Towards Convergence in Approaching LDI Concrete Tasks: The Education Expert Panel Perspective. Paper presented at the Big Data, Research Challenges, & Science Convergence in Educational Data Science - The First Workshop of The Learner Data Institute, The 13th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Virtual Conference.
- Roberts, S. G., Webb, J. J., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Ford, J., Mueller, C. E. (2020, April). What Makes a “Math Person”?: A Longitudinal Multilevel Analysis of HSLS Data on Mathematical Identity. Paper accepted at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Conference canceled)
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Azmy, C., Lee, H.S., Roberts, S.G & Webb, J. (2020, February). Ask me once, Ask me twice: An analysis of pre-service mathematics teachers’ responses on a retrospective pretest version of the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS-HS) instrument. Paper presented at 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
- Webb, J., Manzanares, R., Houston, S., Gomez, J., & Harrell-Williams, L. (2020, February). Building GTAs’ Knowledge & Motivation to Promote Equity in Undergraduate Mathematics. Poster presented at 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
- Houston, S., Gomez, J., Webb, J., & Harrell-Williams, L. (2020, February). GTAs’ Conceptualization of Active Learning in Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Courses. Poster presented at 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
- Houston, S., Harrell-Williams, L., & Xu, J. (2020, February). Racial Differences and the Need for Post-Secondary Mathematics Remediation. Poster presented at 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Azmy, C., Lee, H.S., Roberts, S.G & Webb, J. (2020, February). Ask me once, Ask me twice: An analysis of pre-service mathematics teachers’ responses on a retrospective pretest version of the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS-HS) instrument. Paper presented at 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Olson, G., Webb, J., Houston, S., & Gomez, J. (2020, February). How different is different? Examining institutional differences prior to scaling up a graduate teacher training program to improve undergraduate mathematics outcomes. Paper presented at 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
- Harrell-Williams, L. (2020, February). Quantitative Research Instruments Relevant to Mathematics Teacher Educators. Symposium at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Manzanares, R., Olson, G., Jacobson, M., Ferrara, M., Haddock, J., Harrell-Williams, L., Rodger, C. (2020, January). Scaling Up: Implementing a Comprehensive Graduate Training Model at Multiple Institutions. Poster presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, Colorado.
- Manzaneras, R. & Harrell-Williams, L. (2019, October). Addressing equity in the classroom in a mathematical sciences graduate teaching assistant training program. Poster presented at the 6th National Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Forum, Philadelphia, PA.
- Schimmel-Bristow, A., Marks, L. R., & Harrell-Williams, L. (2019, August). Mental Health as a Mediator of the Relation between Racism and Sexual Behavior in Black Students. Poster submitted to the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Ford, J. M., Harrell-Williams, L. M., & Mueller, C. E. (2019, August). Examining Motivation, Engagement, & Math Performance Across Ethnicities via Person-Centered Approach. Poster submitted to the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Tan, B., Love, J., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller, C. E. & Jones. M. (2019, August). Comparison of Gender and Age Changes in Math Mindset in an Urban Sample of Elementary and Secondary School Students. Poster submitted to the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Shipp, P., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller, C. E. & Jones. M. (2019, August). Assessing Change in Avoidance Goals in an Urban Sample of Secondary Students. Poster submitted to the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Payne, A., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Neely, L., & Ford, J.M. (2019, May). Teacher Attitudes and Beliefs As Moderators to Student Beliefs and Achievement in Math. Poster presented at Association for Psychological Science Convention, Washington, DC
- Harrell-Williams, L. M. & Whitaker, D. (2019, May). Evaluating validity evidence for instruments in statistics education. Breakout session presented at the U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS), State College, PA.
- Pierce, R.L., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lesser, L.M., Roberts, S.G. & Sorto, M.A. (2019, February). Comparing item difficulty ratings and distributions of item mentions for pre-service secondary teacher ratings on the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS) instrument. Actas del Tercer Congreso International Virtual de Educación Estadística (III International Virtual Congress on Statistical Education).
- Harrell-Williams, L. M., Ford, J. M., Hart, C. O., Mueller, C. E., & Jones, M. H. (2019, April). Exploring Domain-Related Differences in Measuring Urban African American Students' Achievement Goals. Paper to be presented at the 2019 annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
- Allen, E. & Harrell-Williams, L. M. (2019, February). Like it or Love it: Exploring Elements Affecting Student's Mathematical Achievement. Poster presented at the Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME), Oklahoma City, OK.
- Roberts, S. G., Kanamori, Y., Glaessgen, T. A., Cornelius-White, J. H. D., & Harrell-Williams, L. M. (2019, February). Factors predicting first-generation student success: A multilevel modeling approach. Poster to be presented at The Annual Eastern Educational Research Association Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Webb, J., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller, C. E., & Windsor, A. (2019, February). The Development of an Instrument to Measure Identity as a Doer of Mathematics. Poster to be presented at The Annual Eastern Educational Research Association Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Shoemaker, H. L., Schwartz, T. R., Howell, K. H., Schwartz, L. E., & Harrell-Williams, L. M. (2018, November). The impact of unique violent experiences on the severity of psychopathology and associated coping strategies. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), Washington, DC.
- Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller, C. E., Goudie, C.A., Webb, J.J., & Roberts, S.G. (2018, October). Shaping Sixth-Graders’ Attitudes Toward Science via Experiential Education. Paper presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the School Science and Mathematics Association, Little Rock, AR.
- Ford, J. M., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller, C. E., & Hart, C. O. (2018, August). Social & achievement goals and achievement emotions: Exploring Pekrun's model with minority students. Poster to be presented at the 2018 annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Shoemaker, H. L., Howell, K. H., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Capers, J. M., & Schwartz, L. E. (2018, July). Trauma Type and coping strategies predict substance use in emerging adults exposed to adversity. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J.N., Pierce, R.L., Sorto, M.A., Lesser, L.M. & Murphy, T.J. (2018, July). Using the SETS Level A Items to Classify Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics: An Application of the Mixture Rasch Model. Paper to be presented at the International Conference of Teaching Statistics (ICOTS), Kyoto, Japan.
- Hasselle, A.J., Howell, K.H., Sheddan, H., & Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2018, April). Changes in Self-Perception and Resilience Among Domestic Violence-Exposed Youth Participating in a Camp-Based Intervention. Paper to be presented at ResilienceCon, Nashville, TN.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J.N., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., Lesser, L.M. & Murphy, T.J. (2018, April). Applying the Mixture Rasch Model to the Middle Grades Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS-MS) Instrument. Paper to be presented at the International Objective Measurement Workshop (IOMW), New York City, NY.
- Holden, S., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Mueller, C.E., & Jones, M.H. (2018, April). Multigoal Latent Profiles Using AGQ-R and PALS: Comparison of Educational Outcomes. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J. N., Pierce, R. L., Sorto, M. A., Lee, H. L., & Lesser, L.M. (2017, October). “The middle grades SETS instrument: Psychometric comparison of middle and high school pre-service mathematics teachers.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Chapter for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Indianapolis, IN.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J. N, Koklu, O., Lee, H. S., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., Lesser, L. M. & Franklin, C. (2017, May). Using self-efficacy data to inform teacher preparation and professional development. Breakout session presented at the U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS), State College, PA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Mueller, C.E, Holden, S.M., Ford, J., & Jones, M.H. (2017, August). Language Achievement Modeling Choices when Studying Mindset, Motivation and Engagement. Poster to be presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Mueller, C.E., Mustafa, I. & Jones, M. H. (2017, August). Exploring Model Fit of Domain-Specific Achievement Goal Items. Poster to be presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- Holden, S.M., Harrell-Williams, L. M., Mueller, C. E., & Jones, M. H. (2017, August). Comparison of motivational latent profiles using the AGQ-R and PALS. Poster to be presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- Ford, J., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Mueller, C. E., Jones, M.H., & Reeves, T.J. (2017, April). Longitudinal Study of Impact of Elementary School Students’ Mindset, Motivation, and Engagement on Math Achievement. Paper to be presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
- Payne, A, & Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2017, April). Exploring Teacher Support, Math Attitudes, and Math Achievement: A Comparative Analysis of Black and White Students. Paper to be presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
- Mustafa, I., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Mueller, C.E. (2016, April). Parental Influences on Elementary Students’ Reading Achievement in Top-Performing Countries; Results from PIRLS 2011. Poster presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., & Lesser, L. M. (2016, May). Pre-Service Teacher Responses to Technology-Specific Items from the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics Instrument. Poster presented at the Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics (eCOTS). Recording available online: https://www.causeweb.org/cause/ecots/ecots16/posters/d/1
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Ford, J., Mueller, C., & Hart, C. (2016, May). Exploring Ethnic Differences in a Revised Mathematics Achievement Model: Applications of SEM and Multi-group Analysis. Poster presented at Modern Modeling Methods, Storrs, CT.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Mueller, C., Ford, J., & Jones, M. (2016, August). Entity/Incremental Mindset Differences for Elementary Students: Implications for Motivation, Engagement, and Achievement. Poster presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
- Ford, J., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Mueller, C., & Hart, C. (2016, August). Assessing Motivational and Engagement Differences across Multiethnic Adolescents: Multigroup SEM Results. Poster presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
- Mueller, C., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Ford, J., & Jones, M. (2016, August). Concurrent and Longitudinal Patterns of Cognition-Achievement Links Among Inner-City, Elementary Students. Poster presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
- Mustafa, I., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Mueller, C. (2016, August). Assessing Parental Influence on Child’s Self-Concept for Reading Using PIRLS2011. Paper presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
- Raines, T.C., Gordon, M., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Diliberto, R.A., & Parke, E.M . (2016, August). Adaptive Functioning and Academic Achievement. Poster presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
- Ford, J. & Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2015, August). Utilizing Jacquelynne Eccles’ model of achievement-related choices to revise James Middleton’s model of critical motivation on mathematics achievement. Paper to be presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
- Payne, A., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Mustafa, I. (2015, August). The impact of black students' perception of teacher, math identity, and math efficacy on math achievement. Paper to be presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
- Payne, A., Yates, C. L., Stitt, R. S., & Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2015, August). Racial identity, perfectionism, and math efficacy in university students: The role of stereotype threat. Paper to be presented at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., & Pierce, R.L. & Lesser, L.M. (2015, May). Making Connections Between Item Difficulty Ratings and Reasons for Pre-service Teacher Ratings on the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS) High School Instrument. Poster presented at the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.
- Bialo, J., Harrell-Williams, L.M., & Kamphaus, R.W. (2015, March). Efficacy of social skills training for reducing student risk. Poster presented at annual meeting of National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL.
- Quinn, A.G., Lalani, K.L., Daniel, K., Harrell-Williams, L.M., & Kamphaus, R.W. (2015, March). Detecting risk in a student population using the BESS Self-Report screener. Poster presented at annual meeting of National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL.
- Kiperman, S., Black, M., McGill, T., Harrell-Williams, L.M. & Kamphaus, R.W. (2015, March). Predictive Validity of the BESS Student Form and BASC-2 SRP. Poster presented at annual meeting of National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., & Lesser, L.M. (2014). Using the SETS Instruments to Investigate Sources of Variation in Levels of Pre-Service Teacher Efficacy to Teach Statistics. Paper presented at 9th meeting of International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS), Flagstaff, AZ.
- Wolfe, E. W., Foltz, P. W., & Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2014). Rating Quality Definition Impact on Automated Scoring Engine Performance Depiction. Paper presented at annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Kamphaus, R.W., & Bialo, J.A. (2014). The Effect of Timing of Second-Gate Administration on Correlations between First and Second Gate Measures of Behavioral and Emotional Risk in K-12 Students. Paper presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2014). The use of Information-based Fit Indexes in Multidimensional Rasch-based confirmatory factor Analysis of Polytomous Data. Invited Speaker, Quantitative Psychology Brown Bag Lunch Series, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Dowdy, E., & Twyford, J. (2013). Assessing the Psychometric Characteristics of a Child/Adolescent Behavioral and Emotional Risk Self-Report Screener Across Grade Levels and School Districts. Paper presented at the meeting of the Fall 2013 Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, D.C.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R., Murphy, T., Lesser, L. (2013). Identifying statistical concepts associated with high and low self-efficacy to teach statistics: Using the SETS instrument with pre-service middle grades teachers. Paper presented at Joint Statistics Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
- Harrell-Williams, L., Pierce, R., Lesser, L., Groth, R., Sorto, M.A., Murphy, T. (2013). Preparing to Teach K-12 Statistics: Focus on Assessing Teachers' Readiness. Topic-contributed breakout session at the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, Cary, NC.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., & Kamphaus, R. W. (2013). Psychometric Analysis of the BASC–2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) Student Form: Results from a High School Student Sample. Poster presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Kamphaus, R.W., DiStefano, C., Dowdy, E., Dever, B., Taines, T. C., Kim, J., Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2013). A Student Self-Report Tool for Mental Health Risk Surveillance in Grades 3 through 12: The Behavioral and Emotional Screening System-Student form (BESS). Poster presented at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) 30th Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2013). Educational Statistics, Quantitative Methodology, and 21st Century Graduate Students. Invited Speaker, Bagwell College of Education, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R. L., Lesser, L., & Murphy, T.J. (August 2012). Measuring confidence to teach statistics to middle and high school grades: The development and validation of the SETS instruments. Webinar for Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE). http://www.causeweb.org/webinar/teaching/2012-08/
- Mocko, M., Miller, J., Harrell-Williams, L.M., & Everson, M. (2012). The novice online instructor's survival guide: Lessons and resources from the CAUSE online cluster. Topic-contributed panel presented at Joint Statistics Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2012). The distribution of between-dimension correlation in misspecified multidimensional Rasch models in unidimensional data. Paper presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Murphy, T.J., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., & Lesser, L.M. (2012). Efficacy to teach statistics in middle school: Development and testing of an instrument. Poster presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M. (2012). Using an Item Response Theory Approach to Verify the Structure of the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics Instrument. Invited Speaker, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA.
- Harrell-Williams, L.M., Murphy, T.J., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., & Lesser, L.M. (2012). Aligning the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS) instrument to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Paper presented at Joint Math Meetings, Boston, MA.
- Williams, L.M. (2011). Overcoming challenges to designing and teaching a statistics online course for the first time. Invited Speaker, Institute for Distributed and Distance Learning Brown Bag Lunch Series, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
- Sorto, M.A., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Pierce, R.L., Murphy, T.J., & Lesser, L.M. (2011). The next big thing in prek-12 statistics educator development: the SETS instrument for measuring teacher self-efficacy to teach statistics. Poster presented at United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, Cary, NC.
- Sorto, M.A., Harrell, L.M., Pierce, R.L., Murphy, T.J., Enders, F.B., & Lesser, L.M. (2010). Experts’ perceptions in linking GAISE guidelines to the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics instrument. Poster presented at Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Harrell, L.M. & Wolfe, E.W. (2010). A comparison of global fit indices in a multidimensional Rasch analysis of polytomous data. Paper presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
- Harrell, L.M. & Wolfe, E.W. (2010). Performance of the chi-squared test for detecting unidimensionality in applications of the multidimensional Rasch model. Paper presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
- Creamer, E., Harrell, L.M., & Layne, M. (2009). Benefits of routine performance feedback for faculty. Paper presented at annual meeting of Woman in Engineering Proactive Network, Austin, TX.
- Harrell, L.M. & Wolfe, E.W. (2009). A comparison of global fit indices as indicators of multidimensionality in multidimensional Rasch analysis. Paper presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
- Harrell, L.M. & Wolfe, E.W. (2009). Accuracy of global fit indices as indictors of multidimensionality in multidimensional Rasch analysis: A comparison of results from two studies. Poster presented at Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) Summer Program on Psychometrics, Research Triangle Park, NC.
- Harrell, L.M., Pierce, R.L., Sorto, M.A., Murphy, T.J., Lesser, L.M., Enders, F.B. (2009). On the importance and measurement of pre-service teachers' efficacy to teach statistics: Results and lessons learned from the development and testing of a GAISE-based instrument. Paper presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Washington, D.C.
- Sorto, M.A., Harrell, L.M., Pierce, R.L., Murphy, T.J., Lesser, L.M., Enders, F.B. (2009). So, you think you’re confident? Assessing teachers’ confidence to teach statistics. Poster presented at United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, Columbus, OH.
- Harrell, L.M., & Wolfe, E.W. (2008). Effect of correlation between dimensions on model recovery using AIC. Invited Colloquium Speaker, Women in Statistics series, Department of Statistics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
- Harrell, L.M., & Wolfe, E.W. (2008). Effect of correlation between dimensions on model recovery using AIC. Paper presented at the International Conference on Outcomes Measurement, Bethesda, MD.
- Hilton, S., Kaplan, J. Hooks, T., Harrell, L., Fisher, D. & Sorto, M. A. (2008). Collaborative projects in statistics education. Contributed panel presentation at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, CO.
Appendix A - Teaching Experience
- 8549 - Multivariate
- EDPR 7/8511 - Measurement
- EDPR 8549 - Multivariate (M50 section development)
- EDPR 7/8511 - Measurement
- EDPR 8552 - HLM
- EDPR 7/8542 - Stat II
- EDPR 8549 - Multivariate Stat
- EDPR 7/8511 - Measurement
- EDPR 7/8542 - Stat II
- EDPR 7/8541 - Stat 1
- EDPR 8511 - Measurement
- EDPR 7/8541 - Stat I
- EDPR 8001 - HLM
- EDPR 8542 - Stat II
- EDPR 8531 - Computer as Research Tool
- EDPR 8511 - Intro to Measurement
- EDPR 7542/8542 - Educational Stat II
- EDPR 7541/8541 - Educational Stat I
- EDPR 8001 - Hierarchical Linear Modeling
- EDPR 7511/8511 - Introduction to Measurement
- EDPR 7541/8541 - Educational Statistics I
- EDPR 7541/8541 - Educational Statistics I
- EDPR 7542/8542 - Educational Statistics II
- EDPR 8549 - Multivariate Statistics
Appendix D - Support
- Principal Investigator: Exploring In-the-Moment Motivation Profiles and Learning Behaviors during Mathematics Learning in MATHia. IES. PI: Xu. Budget: $400,000. (submitted Feb. 2023)
- Co-Principal Investigator: DTI: The Persistent Misconceptions about Computer Science: How the Overlooked Barrier Impact Girls’ Interest in and Pursuit of Computer Science. NSF. PI: Xu. Budget: $ 1,297,906. (Submitted July 2022) (unfunded)
- Principal Investigator: Exploring In-the-Moment Motivation Profiles and Learning Behaviors during Mathematics Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Spencer Foundation Large Education Grant. Budget: $250,000. (Submitted Feb. 2022)(unfunded)
- Principal Investigator: Exploring In-the-Moment Motivation Profiles and Learning Behaviors during Mathematics Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Spencer Foundation Small Education Grant. Budget: $50,000. (Submitted Sept. 2021) (unfunded)
- External Evaluator: Foundations of Conceptual Understanding in Statistics (FOCUS) (2019 – 2024).
NSF IUSE. PIs: Jacobbe, delMas, Mocko. (unfunded)
- Advisory board member: Machine Learning in the Assessment of College Ready Mathematical Thinking. NSF. PI: M. Wilson & K. Draney. (unfunded)
- Advisory board member: Fast and Rich Feedback for Statistics and Algebra Thinking Assessments. IES. PI: M. Wilson & K. Draney. (unfunded)
- Principal Investigator: Advancing Education Research through a Science Education Measures Repository (2019 – 2021). IES Unsolicited Funding. Prospectus submitted March 2019; Budget: $199,526. (Unfunded.)
- Co-Principal Investigator/Evaluator: Building Lifelong Identity in STEM Students (BLISS) (2019-2021). NSF AISL. PIs: Campbell & Bowman. (Not funded.)
- Investigator: Pregnant Mom’s Empowerment Program (R01; 2019 – 2024). PI: Howell. NIH. Budget: $1,147,212 (Not funded)
- Principal Investigator: Advancing Education Research through a Science Education Measures Repository (2018 – 2020). IES Unsolicited Funding. Prospectus submitted March 2018; Invited full proposal submitted April 2018. Budget: $199,526. (Not funded.)
- Co-Principal Investigator: High-Impact Experiential Learning in Environmental Science (HELES) (2018 – 2021). NSF DRK-12. Budget: $711,771. PI: Mueller. (Not funded.)
- Co-Investigator: Accessibility of Primary Care. NIH. NIDILRR. PI: West. (Not funded.)
- Co-Principal Investigator: FLIPS: Flipped Learning’s Impact on Pedagogy in STEM (2016-2019). NSF IUSE. PI: Dove. (Not funded.)
- Senior Personnel: Framework to Identify Readiness for STEM Training (FIRST). NSF IUSE. PI: Mueller, Winsor, Zobolotsky. (Not funded.)
- Co-Principal Investigator: FLIPS: Flipped Learning’s Impact on Pedagogy in STEM (2015-2018). NSF IUSE. PI: Dove. (Not funded.)
- Consultant: Using a Cognitive Diagnostic Model to Measure Students' Proficiency in Undergraduate Entry Level Mathematics (2015-2017). NSF IUSE. PI: Galeshi. (Not funded.)
- Co-Principal Investigator: Development of a Professional Development Program for School-Based Pre-Referral Team Members (2015-2019). IES Goal 2. Budget: $1,500,000. PI: Kamphaus. (Not funded.)
- Co-Principal Investigator: Development of an Online In-Service Training Program for Prevention Services Team Members in High Schools (2014-2018). IES Goal 2. Budget: $1,500,000. PI: Dr. Randy Kamphaus. (Not funded.)
- Principal Investigator: Social Skills Training as Mediation for Disproportionality in Referrals for Asperger Syndrome (2013-2014). AERA Education Research Service Project Grant. Budget: $4,500. Co-PI: Kamphaus. (Not funded.)
- Principal Investigator: School Personnel Perceptions of Universal Screening for Behavioral Risk and Subsequent Social Skills Training for Students with Elevated Risk (2014-2015). AERA Education Research Service Project Grant. Budget: $4,300. Co-Principal Investigator: Kamphaus. (Not funded.)