Faculty and Staff Profiles |
Eraina Schauss, Ph.D., LPC-MHSP, ACS |
Assoc Professor, Counsel Education Psych Research |
Email: eschauss@memphis.edu |
Office Location: Patterson Hall 123c |
Journal Articles
- Schauss, E., Hawes, K., Clayton, M., Li, C., Roberts, S.*, Littlejohn, A*., Bartelli, D.*
& Williams, R.F. (2022). Examining the Incidence and Prevalence of
Acute Stress in Pediatric Trauma Patients. Journal of Trauma Surgery and
Acute Care Open.
- Schauss, E., Patel, M. Hawes, K., Dixon, P*. Zettler, H., Ellmo, F.*, Naik, S.*, Dixon,
P.*, Patel, M.*, Hawes, K.*, Suchomelly, F.*, Cogdal, P., & West. S. (2021)
Exploring the Test-Retest Differences of Self-reported Adverse Childhood Experiences among Adolescents in Residential Treatment. Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody and Child Development.
- Russo, M. G, Schauss, E., Naik, S.*, Banerjee, R., Ghoston, M., Jones, L.K.,. Zalaquett,
C.P., Beeson, E. T., & Field, T.A. (2021). Extent of Counselor
Training in Neuroscience-Informed Counseling Competencies. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, Volume 4, Number 1, p. 75-93. DOI: 10.17744/mehc.43.1.05
- Schauss, E., Hawes, K. Ellmo, F., & Brasfield, M. (2020). Surviving Unemployment
Stress: Examining Dyadic Coping Over Time. Journal of Couple and
Relationship Therapy. DOI: 10.1080/15332691.2020.1789529
- Schauss, E., Zettler, H. Naik, S., Ellmo, F., Hawes, K., & Dixon, P., Bartelli, D., Cogdal, P. & West, S. (2020). Adolescents in Residential Treatment: The Prevalence of ACEs, Substance Use and Justice Involvement. Journal of Family
Trauma, Child Custody, and Child Development.DOI: 10.1080/26904586.2020.1781018
- Schauss, E., Horn, G., Ellmo, F., Reeves, T., Zettler, H., Bartelli, D., Cogdal, P., & West, S. (2019). Fostering Intrinsic Resilience: A Neuroscience Informed Model of Conceptualizing and Treating Adverse Childhood Experiences. Journal of
Mental Health Counseling, 41, 242-259. doi: 10.17744/mehc.41.3.04
- Schauss, E. , Howell, K. & Ellmo, F. (2019). How do Couples Cope with unemployment: Examining Relationships Between Support, Undermining and Depression. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families. p. 1-10. DOI: 10.1177/1066480719835338 journals.sagepub.com/home/tfj
- Schauss, E., Zettler, H., & Russell, A. (2019). Stopping the Cycle of Abuse: An Argument and Model for Neuroscience and Trauma-Informed Offender Treatment Programs. Journal of Aggression and Violent Behavior. Volume 46, p 1-7.
- Schauss, E., Steinruck, R., Brown, M. (2017). Mindfulness and Free Association for Multicultural Competence: A Model for Clinical Group Supervision. Journal for Counselor Practice, 8(2):102–119.
- Schauss, E. (2020). Neurocounseling for Resiliency. Mental Health America of
MidSouth, Annual Youth Conference. (virtual).
- Schauss, E. & Hawes, K. (2020). Integrating Neurocounseling into Practice. American
Counseling Association Conference, Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
(conference cancelled).
- Schauss, E. (2020). Supporting the Efficacy of Neurofeedback for ACE-exposed and
Justice-involved youth with co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use
Disorders: Results from a Pilot Study. Tennessee Department of Mental Health
and Substance Abuse Services in partnership with the Department of Children’s
Services, Nashville, TN.
- Dixon, P., Ellmo, F. Hawes, K., Black, J., Le, A. & Schauss, E. (2019).
Examining the Clinical Utility of Neurofeedback for Trauma Exposed Adolescents in a Residential Treatment Center. Tennessee Counseling Association Annual
- Schauss, E., & Ellmo, F. (2019). Fostering Resilience: Using Neurofeedback in the
Treatment of Trauma. Enhancing Treatment in Mental Health, Trauma and
Substance Use. Annual Conference. DeSoto County Schools in Partnership with
Compass Intervention Center.
- Schauss, E. (2019). Tackling Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Combined
Environment and Epigenetics Study (ACES): Impact of Neurofeedback
Therapy on the Health and Behavior of Adolescents. Tennessee Department of
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services in Partnership with the Department
of Children’s Services. Memphis, TN.
- Schauss. E., (2019). Mental Health Panelist. Community Mental Health Forum:
“Speak Out Stigma Public Forum: Let’s Talk About Mental Health. Tennessee Community Health Symposium: University of Memphis.
- Schauss E., Horn, G., Hawes, K., Ellmo, F.,& Reeves, T. (2019). Fostering
Resilience through Neuroscience: A Clinical Application of Neurofeedback
Therapy for the Treatment of ACEs. University of Memphis 7th Annual
Social Work Symposium.
- Schauss. E. (2019). Healthcare and Medical Panelist. ACEs Symposium: Awareness to
Action. Lowenburg College of Nursing. University of Memphis.
- Schauss, E., Brasfield, M. & Ellmo, F. (2019) Neurocounseling for Resilience.
American Counseling Association, Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Schauss, E. (2019). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Resilience. St Jude
Children’s Research Hospital Psychology Grand Rounds. Memphis, TN.
- Schauss, E. (2018) Building Strong Brains, Midsouth Integrated Behavioral Health
Training Initiative (MIBH-TI). Health Resources and Services Administration,
Memphis, TN.
- Schauss, E. (2018). Keynote Speaker. Neuroscience Informed Therapeutic
Interventions for Childhood Cancer Patients and Families. St. Jude Children’s
Hospital, Annual Social Work Conference in Psychosocial Services,
Memphis, TN.
- Schauss, E. (2018). Keynote Speaker. Resilience 101: Tips and Tools for Working
with Adverse Childhood Experiences. The Ohio State University. Schoenbaum
Family Center Building Resilient Learners Conference, 2018 Summer
Institute, Columbus, Ohio.
- Schauss, E. (2018). Neurocounseling for Resilience. American Counseling
Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
- Schauss, E. (2018). Keynote Speaker: Hope: the Science of Resilience. Baptist Hospital
ACE Symposium. Memphis, TN.
- Schauss, E. (2018). Building Strong Brains, Midsouth Integrated Behavioral Health
Training Initiative (MIBH-TI). Health Resources and Services Administration,
Memphis, TN.
- Schauss, E. (2017). Keynote Speaker: Adverse Childhood Experiences: What Science Tells Us and How to Foster Resilience. Building Stronger Brains Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Schauss, E. (2017). Keynote Speaker: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Attachment: What’s The Significance: Building Stronger Brains Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Schauss, E. & Brown, M. (2017). A Mindfulness and Neurobiology Approach to Clinical Group Supervision. Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Nobbman, K., Horn, G., Ellmo, F., Reeves, T., & Schauss, E., (2017) Neurofeedback: Its Process, Uses, Benefits and Limitations for Youth with ACEs within a Reciprocal Determinism Framework. Tennessee Counseling Association, Nashville, TN.
- Ellmo,F., Reeves, T., Nobbman, K., Horn, G. & Schauss, E. (2017). A Study of Neurotherapy on the Effects of Childhood Trauma. Tennessee Counseling Association, Nashville, TN.
- Schauss, E. (2017). Counseling for Resilience 101: West Tennessee Counseling Association Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Chan, C. Brown, M., Schauss, E. Semsler, Q. (2017). “Applying Ambiguous Loss to LGBTQ+ Persons in Coming-Out Processes and Transitions.” American Counseling Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Schauss, E. (2016). “Mitigating the Effects of ACE’s: Strategies to Foster Resilience in All Children.” Virginia Lee Lintott, Nursing Lectureship, Children’s National Health System. Washington, DC.
- Fickling, M. & Schauss, E. (2016). Teaching Resilience as a Key Career Competency: Unemployment, Underemployment, and Mental Health. Southern Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Schauss, E. (2016). Combating Adverse Childhood Experiences Through Resilience Based Interventions. The Neuroscience Institute of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and the Urban Child Institute.
- Schauss, E. (2016). Combating the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences. American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences (AABSS) Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Schauss, E. & Kaufman, J. (2016). The Mediating Role Between Mindfulness and Perceived Stress. American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences (AABSS) Conference, Las Vegas, NV
- Schauss, E. (2016). Resilience as a Means to Combating Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences. University of Tennessee Health Science Center and the Urban Child Institute. Memphis, TN.
- Schauss, E. (2015). Building Effective Multicultural Competence in Clinical Supervision. Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ACES) Conference,Philadelphia, PA
- Schauss, E. (2015). The Neurobiology of Adverse Childhood Experiences: the Development and Evaluation of the Universal Parenting Places Model. Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference. Memphis, TN.
- Schauss, E (2015). Understanding Mindfulness, Techniques for Clinical Practice. West Tennessee Counseling Association Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Joyce, C., Guinn, R., Sorrells, M., Herrod, H., Schauss, E., Tylavsky, F., Graff, J., Murphy, L., Palmer, F., & Bush, A. (2012). Predicting Social and Emotional Problems in the First Year of Life. International Conference on Infant Studies. Boston, MA.
- Guinn, R., & Schauss, E. (June, 2011). An Evaluation of the Imagination Library Program and its Relationship with School Readiness in Memphis, TN and the Mississippi Delta Region. Imagination Library Conference, Pigeon Forge, TN
- McDonald, E. & Schwallie-Giddis, P. (July, 2008). The Marriage between Career Counseling and Mental Health Counseling. National Career Development Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC.