Faculty and Staff Profiles |
- M.S. Chemical Engineering - Technical University of Budapest, Hungary - 1975
- C.Sci. Analytical Chemistry - Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 1984
- Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry - Technical University of Budapest, Hungary - 1985
- D.Sci. Analytical Chemistry - Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 1994
- Willard R. Sparks Eminent Faculty Award - The University of Memphis - 2010
- Distinguished Research in Science Engineering and Mathematics - Alumni Association of the University of Memphis - 2009
- R. Eugene Smith Professorship - The University of Memphis, Herff College of Engineering, - 2007
- Outstanding Faculty Research Award - University of Memphis, Herff College of Engineering - 2007
- Ballard Professorship - The University of Memphis, Herff College of Engineering - 2007
- Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 1990
- Award of "Best Scientific Paper of the Year" - Hungarian Journal of Chemistry - 1989
- "Honored Inventor" - Hungarian Ministry of Industry - 1986
Teaching Experience
- Analytical Chemistry, Instrumentation Analysis, Electroanalytical Chemistry, Electrochemical Kinetics and Automated Analysis - Technical University of Budapest (1975-1995)
- Quantitative Chemical Analysis (CHEM-41) - UNC Chapel Hill (1992, Summer semester)
- Biosensors (BME-237) - Duke University (1997, Spring semester)
- Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors (BIOM-4205/6205) - University of Memphis (2000-2009).
- Life Science I BIOM 7004/8004 (selected chapters) - University of Memphis (2001-2009).
- Biosensors (BIOM 7222/8222) - University of Memphis (2002-2009).
- Professional Development / Seminar (BIOM 7114/8114) - University of Memphis (2003-2009)
- Measurement/Instrumentation (BIOM 7/8209, Invited lecture) - University of Memphis (2006-2009)
- Nanomaterials (CHEM 8307) (Invited lecture) - University of Memphis (2005-2009)
- Chemical Research (CHEM 4901) - The University of Memphis (2008- )
- Experimental Design and Analysis (BIOM 2720) - The University of Memphis (2008- )
- Biostatistics (BIOM 7110/8110) - The University of Memphis (2010- )
Student Advising/Mentoring
- Undergraduate (Rhodes summer student) - David Watkins - Not applicable
- B.S. - Mangal Dandekar - Left the program
- B.S. - Santosh Kale - Changed advisor
- B.S. - Ankur Seth - Changed advisor
- B.S. - Jeff Robertson - Interupted
- Undergraduate (REU summer student) - Kristin Burford - Not Applicable
- Undergarduate (REU summer student) - Cara B. Corder - Not applicable
- Undergraduate (REU summer student) - Jamie Hennigan - 2008 Summer
- Undergraduate (REU summer student) - Zack Jumper - Not applicable
- B.S. (Major advisor: Prof. Steven Slack) - William Saulsberry - Interupted
- Undergraduate (REU summer student) - Sarah Clifton - Not applicable
- Undergraduate (REU summer student) - Joshua Parker - 2009 Summer
- Undergraduate (REU summer student) - Justin Sirrine - 2010 Summer
- High School - Darius Benson - 2011
- (UT Medical Student) - Jason L Bruckner -  
- B.S. - David Rustom -  
- B.S. - Andrew Chiego (2009 Fall, 2010 Fall&Summer, 2012 Summer) -  
- (Honor Summer student 2013) - William King -  
- (2015) BIOM 4210 Research studies - Kasey Chatman -  
- BIOM 4210 Research studies - Gautam Thamizharasan (2017) -  
- (2017) BIOM 4210 Research studies - Delaney Untal -  
- (2017) BIOM 4210 Research studies - Kimberly Reid -  
- (2018-2019) BIOM 4210 Research studies - Hayden Johnson -  
- M.S. - Ying Liu - 2002
- M.S. (Major adviser: Prof. Steven Slack) - Caroline Lim - 2002
- M.S. - Kalyani T. Kasisomayajula, - 2003
- M.S. - Jinesh Jitendra Jain - 2003
- M.S. (Major advisor: Professor Michael Neuman) - Kim Kaczor - 2003
- M.S. - Neeraja Rangisetti - 2004
- M.S. - Clinton Watts - 2004
- M.S. - Feyisayo Phillips - 2005
- M.S. - Gundamaraju Archana - 2006
- M.S. M.D. - Neel Gandhi - 2006
- M.S. - I-Jane Chen - 2006
- M.S. - Heather Doty - 2007
- M.S. - Dantita Scott - 2007
- M.S. - Felynncia Rainey - 2008
- M.S. - Greggory Kisiel - 2011
- M.S. - Alexander Maclin - 2011
- M.S. - Laszlo Kekedy - 2011
- M.S. - James Sheppard - 2011
- M.S. - Jenny Jarvis - 2014
- M.S. - Bradley Hambly - 2016
- M.S. - Matthew Neely - Interrupted
- MS - Jim Atherton - 2014
- Ph.D. (Major adviser: Prof. Robert Malkin) - Tino Losicco - 2003
- Ph.D. - Ying Liu - 2006
- Ph.D. - I-Jane Chen - 2008
- Ph.D. - Justin Zook - 2008
- Ph.D. - Dwight Bordelon - 2008
- Ph.D. - Felynncia Rainey - 2012
- Ph.D. Candidate - Alexander Maclin - Expected 2014 (interrupted)
- Ph.D. Candidate - Greggory Kisiel - Expected 2015 (Interrupted)
- Ph.D. - James Sheppard - 2016
- PhD - Jennifer Jarvis - 2018
- M.D., M.S. (Ph.D. candidate) - James Atheron - 2019 (expected)
- PhD Candidate - Bradley Hambly - Expected 2019
- M.S. Hungarian visiting student - Eva Pergel - Not applicable
- M.S. Hungarian visiting student - Gyula Jagerszki - Not applicable
- Ph.D. Hungarian visiting student - Robert Bereczki - 2004 Summer
- Ph.D. Hungarian Visiting Student - Boglarka Takacs - 2004 Summer
- Ph.D. Hungarian visiting student - Ildiko Moczar - 2005 Summer
- Ph.D. Hungarian Visiting student - Sandor Bodor - 2005 Summer
- Hungarian Ph.D. student - Gergely Launtner - 2009
- Postdoctoral fellow (Ph.D) - Robert E. Gyurcsányi - 1999-2001 (2 years)
- Visiting student, 2015 summer - Artur Jasinski ( ) - N.A
- Postdoctoral fellow (Ph.D). - Jan Langmaier - 2003-2004 (1.5 years)
- Post doctoral fellow (Ph.D) - Konstantin Mikhelson - 2006 -2007 (1 year)
- Post doctoral fellow (Ph.D) - Jidong Guo - 2006 - 2008 (two years)
- Post doctoral fellow (Ph.D.) - Aiping Fang - 2008-2009
- Post doctoral fellow (Ph.D.) - Fernando Garai - 2008-2010 (2 years)
- Post doctoral fellow (Ph.D.) - Francine Kivlehan - 2011-2014 (3 years)
- Post doctoral fellow (Ph.D.) - Mariya Kim - 2011-2012
- Post doctoral fellow (Ph.D.) - Sergey Dergunov - 2011
- Post Doctoral Fellow (phD) - Marcin Guzinski - 2013-2018
- visiting professor from Hungary - Geza Nagy - 1999 and 2000 Summer
- visiting professor from Hungary - Livia Nagy - 1999 and 2000 Summer
- visiting professor from Romania - Ladislau N. Kekedy Nagy - 2005 Summer
- Visiting Professor (UNC Chapel Hill) - Richard P. Buck - 2006 and 2007 (one one week)
- (PI) Ernő Lindner - US-Hungarian Joint Fund - 36,000.00 - 1996-1999
- (PI) Ernő Lindner - US-Hungarian Joint Fund - 4,000. 00 - 2000
- (PI) Ernő Lindner - Duke University - 57,100. 00 - 1999-2000
- (PI) Ernő Lindner - St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - 26,982. 00 - 2000-2001
- (PI) Ernõ Lindner - Becton and Dickinson - 195,218. 00 - 2000-2005
- (PI) Ernõ Lindner - NSF - 233,500. 00 - 2001-2005
- (PI) Ernõ Lindner - NSF - 51,185. 00 - 2003-2005
- (Co-PI) Ernő Lindner, (PI) E. Pinkhassik (Chem) - FedEx Inst. Technol. - 72,500.00 - 2005
- (Co-PI) Ernõ Lindner, (PI) E.Chaum (UT) - University of Tennessee (USAMRMC) - 49,922.00 - 2005-2006
- (Co-PI) Ernõ Lindner, (PI) E.Chaum (UT) - University of Tennessee (USAMRMC) - 89,494.00 - 2005-2006
- (Co-PI) Ernõ Lindner, (PI) E.Chaum (UT) - University of Tennessee (USAMRMC) - 52,261 - 2007-2008
- (PI) Ernõ Lindner - NIH - 1,636,670.00 - 2005-2009
- (Co-PI) Erno Lindner, (PI) R.K. Danish (LeBonheur) - LeBonheur Children Hospital - Total: 15,000.00 (No support on UM side) - 2005
- Erno Lindner (PI) - Tennessee Technological Development Corporation - $ 100,000.00 - 2009-2011
- Erno Lindner (PI) - USAMRMC/ UTHSC (E.Chaum PI) - $ 142,671.00 - 2010-2011
- Erno Lindner (PI) - FIT/SENSORIUM - 271,000.00 - 2011-2015
- Erno Lindner (PI) - Instrumentation Laboratory - $ 15,322.00 - 2012
- Erno Lindner (PI) - USAMRMC/ UTHSC (E.Chaum PI) - $ 41,878.00 - 2012-2013
- Erno Lindner (PI) - Infusense - $ 28,557.00 - 2013
- Erno Lindner (PI) - Instrumentation Laboratory - $ 819,128.00 - 2013-2018
- Erno Lindner - FIT/SENSORIUM - $ 80,336 - 2013-2017
- Technical University of Budapest - Dr. K. Toth - 1996-2013 - US-Hungarian Joint Fund and NSF
- North Carolina State University - Dr. H.T. Nagle - 1996- - Becton and Dickinson
- UNC Chapel Hill - Dr. R.P. Buck - 1996- - None
- ETH Zurich - Dr. Ernő Pretsch - 1996- - None
- University of Pecs - Dr. Geza and Livia Nagy - 1999- - Duke University and NSF
- Rhodes College - Dr. B. Pendley - 1999-2012 - BME of UM
- Le Bonheur Children Hoispital - Dr. Robert Danish - 1999-2012 - Whitaker Foundation/None
- St. Jude Children - Dr. E. Tuomanen - 2001-2003 - CIDC, St. Jude Children
- Technical University of Budapest - Dr. R.E. Gyurcsanyi - 2002- - US-Hungarian Joint Fund and NSF (pending)
- UT Ophthalmology - Dr. Edward Chaum - 2003- - USAMRMC/pending
- The University of Tokyo - Dr. Y. Umezawa - 2003- - IUPAC
- AEGIS Technologies - David Thomas and Milan Buncik - 2005- - NIH
- Michigan Tech Univesity - Dr. Michael R. Neuman - 2006- - None
- Bio Currents Research Center - Dr. Peter Smith - 2006 -  
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Dr. T.E. McKnight - 2007- - USAMRMC
- Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes - Professors Johan Bobacka and Tom Lindfors Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland - 2015- - Johan Gadolin fellowship
- Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes - Professor Roland De Marco University of Sunshine Coast Australia - 2015 -  
- Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes - Professor Anahita Izadiar, University of Arkansas - 2015- -  
- Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes - Dr. Ronen Polsky, Sandia National Laboratories - 2015 -  
- Solid Contact Ion-selective electrodes - Joe Wang, University California San Diego (UCSD) - 2016 -  
- TEAM: Development and application of integrated bioanalytical microsystems - Prof. Dorota G. Pijanowska, PhD, DSc - 2018 -  
- Czech Academy of Sciences - Elena Tomsik and Martin Hruby and Panagiotis Dallas - 2018 -  
- Presidents - T&P Appeal Committee - 2014-2015
- University of Memphis - Research and Technology Advisory Committee - 2017-2018
- University of Memphis - Integrated Microscopy Center Advisory Board - 2017-2018
- University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Research policies committee - 2017-2018
- University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Research policies committee - 2016-2017
- University of Memphis - Faculty Tenure and Promotion Appeal committee - 2013-2015
- University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Committee on Committees - 2014-2015
- University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Research Policies Committee - 2013-2014
- University of Memphis - Integrated Microscopy Center Advisory Board - 2006-2008
- University od Memphis - Faculty Tenure and Promotion Appeal Committee - 2005-2008
- University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Faculty Senate Marcuss Orr Lectureship Committee - 2003-2005
- University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Research Policies Committee - 2003-2005
- University of Memphis Faculty Senate - Faculty Senate Library Committee - 2001-2003
- Herff College of Engineering - Deans Advisory Commitee - 2001-2005
- Herff College of Engineering - Arts and Science Liason Committee - 2003-2013
- Herff College of Engineering - Engineering College Award Committee - 2005-2013
- Herff College of Engineering - T&P Committee - 2011-2015
- Herff College of Engineering - Faculty Evaluation Task Force - 2016
- Department of Biomedical Engineering - Level A Exam Committee - 2000-present
- Department of Biomedical Engineering - Recruitment Committee - 2002-2004
- Department of Biomedical Engineering - Undergraduate Program Committee - 2004-present
- Department of Biomedical Engineering - Tenure and Promotion Committee - 2004-present
- Department of Biomedical Engineering - Faculty Senate Representative - 2001-2005
- Department of Biomedical Engineering - Faculty Senate Representative - 2013-2015
- Department of Biomedical Engineering - Graduate Curriculum Review Committee - 2016-2017
- Becton and Dickinson - 2000-2003
- Eccrine Systems Inc. - 2015
- Sensirion/Switzerland - 2018
Journal Articles
- Marcin Guzinski, Erno Lindner, Bradford Pendley, Edward Chaum, Polymeric Membrane Modified Voltammetric Sensors for Lipophilic Analytes with Nanomolar Detection Limit: Key Parameters Influencing the Response Characteristics, Submitted, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2021, 1171, 338642
- E. Chaum, E. Lindner, A “Smart” Biosensor-Enabled Intravascular Catheter and Platform for Dynamic Delivery of Propofol to “Close the Loop” for Total Intravenous Anesthesia, Military Medicine, 186, S1:370-377, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1093/milmed/usaa470
- Bradley Hambly, Marcin Guzinski, Felio Perez, Rose-Marie Latonen, Johan Bobacka, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Multilayer and Surface Immobilization of EDOT Decorated Nanocapsules, Langmuir, 2021, 37, 499-508, Published on-line December 29, 2020, doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c03160
- Erno Lindner, Marcin Guzinski, Bradford Pendley, Edward Chaum, Plasticized PVC Membrane Modified Electrodes: Voltammetry of Highly Hydrophobic Compounds, Membranes, 2020, 10, 202, DOI:10.3390/membranes10090202
- Bradley Hambly, Marcin Guzinski, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Kinetic Description of the Membrane-Solution Interface for Ion Selective Electrodes, ACS Sensors, 2020, 5(7), 2146-2154 DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.0c00774
- Bradley Hambly, Marcin Guzinski, Felio Perez, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Synthesis and Deposition of EDOT-Decorated Hollow Nanocapsules into PEDOT Films for Optical and Electrochemical sensing, ACS Applied Nanomaterials, 2020, 3 (7) 6328-6335), , DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c00572
- Bradley Hambly, Marcin Guzinski, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Evaluation, pitfalls and recommendations for the “water layer test” for solid contact ion-selective electrodes, Electroanalysis, 2020, 32, 1-12, DOI: 10.1002/elan.201900637
- Erno Lindner, Marcin Guzinski, Taskia A. Khan, Bradford D. Pendley, Reference electrodes with ionic liquid salt bridge: when will these innovative novel reference electrodes gain broad acceptance? ACS Sensors, 2019, 4(3), 549-56, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.8b01651, (Cited: 10, Dec. 2/2020)
- Jennifer Jarvis, Erno Lindner, Film growth studied
using quartz crystal microbalance, Gamry Instruments, Application note,
- Cimara Fortes Ferreira, Mohamed Shafter, Vinay Jain,
Russel Anthony Wicks, Erno Linder,
Evaluation of effectiveness of cement removal from implant-retained crowns
using a proposed circular crisscross flossing technique. Journal of Oral
Implantology; 2018, 44(3), 177-183 https://doi.org/10.1563/aaid-joi-D-17-00265
- James G. Atherton, David Hains, John Bissler, Bradford
D. Pendley, Erno Lindner, Generation,
clearance, toxicity and monitoring possibilities of unaccounted uremic toxins
for improved dialysis prescriptions, American Journal of
Physiology-Renal Physiology; 2018, 315: F890–F902,
- Jennifer M. Jarvis, Marcin Guzinski, Felio Perez,
Bradford D. Pendley, Erno Lindner,
Differences in electrochemically deposited PEDOT(PSS) films on Au and Pt
substrate electrodes: a quartz crystal microbalance study, Electroanalysis
(Impact factor: 2.85), 2018, 30, 710-715 (DOI: 10.1002/elan.201700699
- Bradley Hambly, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Voltammetric
determination of diffusion coefficients in polymer membranes: guidelines to
minimize errors, Electroanalysis (Impact factor: 2.85), 2018, 30, 681-689, (DOI:
- Bradford D. Pendley, Erno Lindner, Designing medical, point of care
sensors to aid health care providers in diagnosing and managing diseases:
Addressing pertinent issues and some contemporary opportunities,
Electroanalysis (Impact factor: 2.85), 2018 30, 310-313
- B.D. Pendley, Erno Lindner, Medical Sensors for
the Diagnosis and Management of Disease: The Physician Perspectives, ACS Sensors, 2017, 2
(11), pp 1549–1552 (https://doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.
- Marcin
Guzinski, Jennifer M. Jarvis, Paul D’Orazio, Anahita Izadyar,
Bradford D. Pendley, and Erno Lindner,
Solid Contact pH Sensor without CO2 Interference with a Super
Hydrophobic PEDOT-C14 as Solid Contact: the Ultimate “Water Layer” Test, Anal.
Chem (Impact factor: 6.32),
2017,89, 8468-8475, DOI: 10.1012/acs.analchem.7b02009
- James B. Sheppard, Bradley Hambly, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Voltammetric determination of diffusion coefficients in polymer membranes, Analyst, 2017, 142, 930-937
- Marcin Guzinski, Jennifer M. Jarvis, Felio Perez Bradford D. Pendley, Erno Lindner, Roland De Marco, Gaston A. Crespo, Robert G. Acres, Raymart Walker, Josiah Bishop, PEDOT(PSS) as solid contact for ion-selective electrodes: the influence of the PEDOT(PSS) film thickness on the equilibration times. Anal. Chem. Nov. 22, 2016, Submitted, Accepted February 14, 2017
- Laszlo Kékedy-Nagy, Fernando Garay, Erno Lindner A novel planar electrochemical cell for voltammetric measurements in thin hydrogel films. Studia UBB Chemia 2016; 61:233-42.
- Jennifer M. Jarvis, Marcin Guzinski, Bradford D. Pendley, Erno Lindner, Poly(3-octylthiophene) as solid contact for ion-selective electrodes: contradictions and possibilities, J. Solid State Electrochemistry, July 19, 2016, Accepted, Published on line August, 6, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s10008-016-3340-2
- James Atherton, William E. King III, Marcin Guzinski, Artur Jasinski, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, A method to monitor urinary carbon dioxide in patients with septic shock, Sensors and Actuators B, 2016, 236, 77-84 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2016.05.076
- Mark H. Myers, Yaqin Li, Francine Kivlehan, Ernö Lindner and Edward Chaum, A Feedback Control Approach to Organic Drug Infusions Using Electrochemical Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016, 63 (No.3) 506-511
- Marcin Guzinski, Jennifer Jarvis, Bradford Pendley and Ernő Lindner, Equilibration time of solid contact ion-selective electrodes, Anal. Chem. Published on line, June 10, 2015
- Alex Q. Maclin, Mariya D. Kim, Sergey Dergunov, Eugene Pinkhassik, Ernő Lindner, Small-volume pH sensing with a capillary optode utilizing dye-loaded porous nanocapsules in a hydrogel matrixpH sensing with a capillary optode utilizing dye-loaded porous nanocapsules in a hydrogelmatrix, Electroanalysis, 2015, 27, 1-13
- Ernő Lindner, A role model in electroanalytical chemistry. Klára (Klári) Tóth (1939-2013), Electroanalysis, 2015,27,1-3
- Francine Kivlehan, Edward Chaum, Ernő Lindner, Propofol Detection and Quantification in Human Blood: The Promise of Feedback Controlled, Closed-loop Anesthesia, Analyst, 2015, 140(1), 98-106 DOI: 10.1039/C4AN01483A (Cited 6/2015: 1).
- Felynncia Rainey, Francine Kivlehan, Edward Chaum, Ernő Lindner, Toward feedback controlled anesthesia: Automated flow analytical system for electrochemical monitoring of propofol in serum solutions, Electroanalysis, 2014,26,1295-1303
- Hongsik Jake Cho, Eugene Pinkhassik, Ernő Lindner, Immobilization of fibrinogen antibody on self-assembled gold monolayers for immunosensor applications, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2014, 11, 10-15
- Kim, Mariya; Dergunov, Sergey; Richter, Andrew; Durbin, Jeffrey; Shmakov, Sergey; Jia, Ying; Kenbeilova, Saltanat; Orazbekuly, Erbolat; Kengpeiil, Aigerim; Lindner, Ernő; Pingali, Sai Venkatesh; Urban, Volker; Weigand, Steven; Pinkhassik, Eugene, Facile Directed Assembly of Hollow Polymer Nanocapsules Within Spontaneously Formed Catanionic Surfactant Vesicles, Langmuir, 2014, 30, 7061-7069
- Bradford D. Pendley, Ernő Lindner, Jeffery S. Warren, Chocolate Consumption, Nobel Prizes, and Editorial Integrity, Practical Neurology, eLetter, October 1, 2013
- Ernő
Lindner, Bradford D. Pendley, A
tutorial on the application of ion-selective electrode potentiometry: An
analytical method with unique qualities, unexplored opportunities and potential
pitfalls, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2013, 762, 1-13
- A.
Parker, J. Jennings, J. Bumgardner, H. Courtney, E. Lindner, W. Haggard,
Preliminary investigation of crosslinked chitosan sponge for tailorable drug
delivery and infection control, J. Biomed. Mat. Res., Part B, Appl. Biomat., 2013,
101B, 110-123
- Francine
Kivlehan, Fernando Garay, Jidong
Guo, Edward Chaum, Ernő Lindner1, Towards feedback-controlled anesthesia:
Voltammetric measurement of propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol) in serum-like
electrolyte solutions, Anal. Chem, 2012,84,7670-7676
- Mariya Kim, Sergey Dergunov, Erno Lindner, Eugene
Pinkhassik, Dye-loaded porous nanocapsules immobilized in permeable polyvinyl
alcohol matrix: a versatile optical sensor platform, Anal. Chem. 2012,84,2695-2701
- Erno Lindner, Richard P. Buck, 1929-2011, With all
capital letters, Electroanalysis, 2012, 24,,13-14
- Ernő
Lindner, Dwight Bordelon, Mariya D. Kim, Sergey
A. Dergunov, Eugene Pinkhassik, Edward Chaum, Ion-selective optodes
in a sampling capillary for tear fluid analysis, Electroanalysis, 2012,24,42-52
- Jan Jangmaier, Fernando
Garay, Francine Kivlehan, Edward Chaum, Ernö Lindner, Electrochemical quantification of 2,6-diisopropylphenol (Propofol),
Anal. Chim. Acta,2011, 704, 63-67
- Fernando
Garay, Gregory Kisiel, Aiping Fang, Erno Lindner, Surface plasmon resonance
aided electrochemical immunosensor for CK-MB determination in undiluted serum
samples, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2010, 397, 1873-1881
- L. Todd Banner, Samuel Tekobo, Fernando Garay,
Benjamin T. Clayton, Zachary P. Thomas, Ernö Lindner,
Andrew G. Richter, and Eugene Pinkhassik, Robust Surface-Grafted Ultrathin
Organic Films with Controlled Thickness, Chem. Mat. 2010, 22,2248-2254
- Sergey A. Dergunov, Beata Miksa, Bill Ganus, Ernö Lindner, and Eugene Pinkhassik,
Nanocapsules with “invisible” walls, Chem. Comm. 2010, 46, 1485-1487
- Justin M Zook, Sandor Bodor, Robert E
Gyurcsanyi, Ernő Lindner
Interpretation of chronopotentiometric transients of ion-selective membranes
with two transition times, J. Electroanal. Chem. ,
- I-Jane Chen, Ernö Lindner, Lab-on-chip FIA system without an external pump and
valves and integrated with an in line electrochemical detector, Anal. Chem.
(Impact Factor: 5.918), 2009, 81, 9955-9960
- Justin Zook, Sándor Bodor, Ernő Lindner, Klára Tóth, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Assessment of
Ion-Ionophore Complex Diffusion Coefficients in Solvent Polymeric Membranes,
Electroanalysis, 2009, 21, 1923-1930
- Ying Liu, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Gyula Jágerszki,
John D. DeNuzzio, Ernő Lindner, Microfabricated Amperometric Cells for
Multi-Component Analysis, Electroanalysis, 2009, 21, 1944-1954
- Ernő Lindner, Klara Toth, To the Memory of Erno Pungor: A subjective view on the
history of ion-selective electrodes, Electroanalysis, 2009,21, 1887-1894
- Justin Zook, Ernő
Lindner, Reverse current pulse method to restore
uniform concentration profiles in ion-selective membranes. Part II: Comparison
of the efficiency of the different protocols, Anal. Chem., 2009, 81, 5155-5164
Zook, Ernő Lindner, Reverse current pulse method to restore uniform concentration profiles
in ion-selective membranes. Part I: Galvanostatic pulse methods with decreased cycle
time, Anal. Chem., 2009, 81, 5146-5154
- Jidong Guo, Ernő Lindner, Cyclic Voltammetry at Shallow
Recessed Microdisc Electrode: Theoretical and Experimental Study,
J.Electroanal. Chem. 2009,629,180-184
- Ernő Lindner, From precipitate– to ionophore-based ion-selective
electrodes: The contributions of Erno Pungor to the state of the art,
Bunseki Kagaku, 2009 (2) 88-89
- Justin M. Zook, Jan Langmaier, Ernő Lindner, Current-polarized
ion-selective membranes: The influence of plasticizer and lipophilic
background electrolyte on concentration profiles, resistance, and
voltage transients, Sensors and Actuators B, 2009, 136, 410-418
- Jidong Guo, Ernő Lindner, Cyclic Voltammograms at Coplanar and
Shallow Recessed Microdisc Electrode Arrays: Guidelines for Design and
Experiment, Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 130-138
- Ernő Lindner, Klara Toth, In Memoriam Erno Pungor, 1923-2007, Anal. Letters, 2008, 41, 2287-2290
- I-Jane Chen, Eugene C. Eckstein, Ernő Lindner, Computation of transient from rates in passive pumping micro fluidic system, Lab on a Chip, 2009, 9, 107-114
- Erno Lindner, Robert E. Gyurcsanyi, Quality
control criteria for solid contact solvent polymeric membrane ion-selective
electrodes, J. Solid State Electrochemistry, 2009, 13, 51-68
- Sándor Bodor, Justin
Zook, Ernő Lindner, Klára Tóth, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Chronopotentiometric
method for the assessment of ionophore diffusion coefficients in solvent
polymeric membranes, J. Solid State Electrochemistry, 2009, 13, 171-179
- Sándor Bodor, Justin M.
Zook, Ernő Lindner, Klára Tóth, Róbert E Gyurcsányi, Electrochemical
methods for the determination of the diffusion coefficient of ionophores and
ionophore-ion complexes in plasticized PVC membranes, Analyst, 2008,133, 635-642
- Justin Zook, Richard P. Buck, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Ernõ Lindner,
Mathematical model of current polarized ionophore-based
ion-selective membranes: Large-current chronopotentiometry,
Electroanalysis 2008, 20, 259-269 (Impact factor: 2.44)
- Justin M. Zook, Richard P. Buck, Jan Langmaier, Erno Lindner, Mathematical model of current polarized ionophore-based ion-selective membranes J. Phys. Chem.B 2008, 112, 2008-2015 (Impact factor: 4.115) (jp0774612j)
- Ernõ Lindner, Yoshio Umezawa, Performance evaluation criteria for preparation and measurement of macro and microfabricated ion-selective electrodes, Pure and Appl. Chem. 2008, 80, 85-104 (Impact factor: 1.92)
- Feyisayo Phillips, Kim Kaczor, Neel Gandhi, Bradford D. Pendley, Robert K. Danish, Michael R. Neuman, Blanka Toth, Viola Horvath, Ernõ Lindner, Measurement of sodium ion activity in undiluted urine with cation-selective polymeric membrane electrodes after the removal of interfering compounds, Talanta, (Impact factor: 2.81)2007, 74, 255-264
- I-Janne Chen, Ernõ Lindner, Stabilization of the Hydrophilicity of Radio-Frequency Plasma Treated Polydimethylsiloxane Surface, Langmuir, (Impact factor: 3.902)2007, 23, 3118-3122 (la0627720)
- Róbert Bereczki, Boglárka Takács, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Klára Tóth, Géza Nagy, Jan Langmaier, Ernõ Lindner, Span measurement for screening novel ionophore candidates in cation selective electrodes, Electroanalysis, (Impact factor: 2.44) 2006, 13-14, 1245-1253
- Ildikó Móczár, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Péter Huszthy, Gyula Jágerszki, and Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel, Colored Lipophilic Anion for Spectral Imaging the Transport in Ionophore Based Ion-Selective Membranes, Electroanalysis, (Impact factor: 2.21) 2006, 13-14, 1396-1407
- Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Ernõ Lindner, Multi-spectral imaging of ion transport in neutral carrier-based cation-selective membranes, Cytometry, 2006, 69A, 792-804 (Cited 12/2007: 1)
- Róbert Bereczki, Boglárka Takács, Jan Langmaier, Matthew Neely, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Klára Tóth, Géza Nagy, Ernõ Lindner, How to Assess the Limits of Ion-Selective Electrodes: Simple Method for the Determination of the Unbiased Span, Response Range and Selectivity Coefficients of Neutral Carrier-Based Cation Selective Electrodes, Anal. Chem. (Impact factor: 5.646) 2006, 78, 942-950 (Cited 12/2007: 4)
- Jan Langmaier, Ernõ Lindner, Detrimental Changes in the Composition of Hydrogen Ion-Selective Electrode and Optode Membranes, Anal. Chim. Acta (Impact factor: 2.21), 2005, 543, 156-166 (Cited 12/2007: 3)
- Robert E. Gyurcsanyi, Ernõ Lindner, Spectroelectrochemical Microscopy: Spatially Resolved Spectroelectrochemistry of Carrier Based Ion-Selective Membranes, Anal. Chem. (Impact factor: 5.25), 2005, 77, 2132-2139 (Cited 12/2007: 7)
- Jolanda Sutter, Ernõ Lindner, Robert Gyurcsanyi, Ernõ Pretsch, A ploypyrrole-based solid-contact Pb2+-selective PVC membrane electrode with nanomolar detection limit, Anal. Bioanal. Chem, (Impact factor: 1.715) 2004, 380, 7-14 (Cited 12/2007: 14)
- Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Neeraja Rangisetty, Sarah Clifton, Bradford D. Pendley, Ernõ Lindner, Microfabricated ISEs: critical comparison of inherently conducting polymer and hydrogel based inner contacts, Talanta, (Impact factor: 2.091) 2004, 63, 89-99 (Cited 12/2007: 22)
- Caroline Lim, Steven Slack, Stefan Ufer, Ernõ Lindner, Protein adsorption to planar electrochemical sensors and sensor materials, Pure and Appl. Chem. (Impact factor: 1.471) 2004, 76, 753-764 (Cited 12/2007: 3)
- Klára Tóth, Karel Stulík, Wlodzimierz Kutner, Zsófia Fehér, Ernõ Lindner, Electrochemical Detection in Liquid Flow Analytical Techniques: Characterization, Classification and Recommendations (Technical Report), Pure and Appl. Chem., (Impact factor: 1.471) 2004, 76, 1119-1138 (Cited 12/2007: 15)
- Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Wlodzimierz Kutner, György Inzelt, Piezoelectric Chemical Sensors (technical report), Pure and Appl. Chem., (Impact factor: 1.471) 2004, 76, 1139-1160 (Cited 12/2007: 6)
- Ernõ Lindner, The development of ion-selective electrodes from precipitate based solid state sensors to ionophore based liquid membrane electrodes. A subjective view on the history of progress (Az ionszelektív elekródok fejlõdése a csapadékalapú elektródoktól az ionofor alapú elektródokig. Egy szubjektív fejlõdéstörténet). Anyagvizsgálók Lapja, 2003/3, 82-85
- Livia Nagy, Geza Nagy, Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Michael R. Neuman, Ernõ Lindner, Development and Study of an Amperometric Biosensor for the In-Vitro Measurement of Low Concentration of Putrescine in Blood, J. Biophys. Biochem. Methods, 2002, 53, 165-175 (Cited 12/2007: 8)
- Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Ernõ Lindner, Spectroscopic Method for the Determination Ionic Site Concentration in Solvent Polymeric Membranes and Membrane Plasticizers, Anal. Chem., (Impact factor: 5.25) 2002, 74 (16) 4060-4068 (Cited 12/2007: 13)
- Robert, E. Gyurcsanyi, Andrea, Bereczki, Geza, Nagy, Michael, R. Neuman, Ernõ Lindner, Amperometric Microcells for Alkaline Phosphatase Assay, Analyst, (Impact factor: 2.251) 2002, 127, 235-240 (Cited 12/2007: 11)
- Ernõ Lindner, Robert E. Gyurcsányi, and Richard P. Buck, Membranes in Electroanalytical Chemistry. Membrane Based Chemical and Biosensors. Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, A. Hubbard Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002, 3239-3264 (Cited 12/2007: 6)
- Éva Pergel, Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Picomolar Detection Limits with Current Polarized Pb++ Ion-Selective Membranes, Anal. Chem. (Impact factor: 5.25) 2001, 73, 4249-4253 (Cited 12/2007: 13)
- Eric Bakker, Ernõ Pretsch, Ernõ Lindner, Direkt potenciometria a mikromolos – pikomolos koncentracios tartomanyban (Potentiometry at Micromolar – Picomolar Concentration Levels) Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 2001, 107, 277-288
Bradford D. Pendley, Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Richard P. Buck, and Ernõ Lindner, A chronoamperometric method to estimate changes in the membrane composition of ion-selective membranes, Anal. Chem., (Impact Factor: 5.25) 2001, 73, 4599-4606 (Cited 04/2005: 15) Ernõ Lindner, Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Bradford D. Pendley, A glance into the bulk of solvent polymeric pH membranes, Pure and Appl. Chem., (Impact factor: 1.471) 2001, 73, 17-22 (Cited 12/2007: 11) - Robert E. Gyurcsányi , Alessandra Cristalli, Géza Nagy, Livia Nagy, Cara Corder, Bradford D. Pendley, Stefan Ufer, H. Troy Nagle, Michael R. Neuman, Ernõ Lindner, Analytical performance characteristics of thin and thick film amperometric microcells, Fresenius Journal of Anal. Chem, (Impact factor: 1.924) 2001, 286-294 (Cited 12/2007: 4)
- Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Éva Pergel, Renáta Nagy, Imre Kapui, Bui Thi Thu Lan, Klára Tóth, István Bitter, Ernõ Lindner, Direct evidence of ionic fluxes across ion-selective membranes: A scanning electrochemical microscopic and potentiometric study, Anal. Chem. (Impact factor: 5.25) 2001, 73, 2104-2111 (Cited 12/2007: 46)
- Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Tracing the history of selective ion sensors, Anal. Chem. 2001, 73, 88A-97A(Cited 12/2007: 21)
- Geza Nagy, Robert E. Gyurcsanyi, Alessandra Cristalli, Michael R. Neuman, Ernõ Lindner, Screen printed amperometric microcell for proline iminopeptidase enzyme assay, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, (Impact factor: 2.947) 2000, 15. 265-272 (Cited 12/2007: 7)
- Ernõ Lindner, Richard P. Buck, Microfabricated potentiometric electrodes and their in-vivo application, Anal. Chem. (Impact factor: 5.25) 2000, 72, 336A-345A (Cited 12/2007: 43)
- Bradford D. Pendley, Ernõ Lindner, Chronoamperometric method to estimate the ionophore loss from ion-selective electrode membranes. Anal. Chem. (Impact Factor: 5.25) 1999, 71, 3673-3676 (Cited 12/2007: 19)
- Ernõ Lindner, Robert Gyurcsanyi, Richard P. Buck, Tailored transport through ion-selective membranes, Electroanalysis, 1999, 11(10-11) 695-702 (Cited 12/2007: 69)
- Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, New electrochemical and optical sensingtechniques for the liquid phase. Fresenius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 1999, 363, 607-611 (Cited 12/2007: 0)
- Ernõ Lindner, Richard P. Buck, Calibration of a planar differential CO2 probe, Fres. J. Anal. Chem., 364 (1999) 1/2, 22-27 (Cited 12/2007: 2)
- Géza Nagy, Clarke X. Xu, Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Michael R. Neuman, Robert H. Sprinkle, Wet and dry chemistry kits for the determinatioon of creatine kinase activity with a small-volume, amperometric measurement cell containing planar microsensors, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1998, 377, 1-12 (Cited 12/2007: 6)
- Geza Nagy, Clarke X. Xu, Vasile V. Cosofret, Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Michael R. Neuman, Robert H. Sprinkle, Amperometric Measuring cell for the determination of putrescine oxidase activity, Talanta, 1998, 47, 367-376 (Cited 12/2007: 7)
- Géza Nagy, Clarke X. Xu, Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Michael R. Neuman, Amperometric microcell for Enzyme Activity measurement, Anal. Chem. 1998, 70, 2156-2162 (Cited 12/2007: 20)
- Ernõ Lindner, Titus Zwickl, Eric Bakker, Bui T.T. Lan, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pretsch, Spectroscopic in-situ imaging of acid coextraction processes in solvent polymeric ion-selective electrode and optode membranes, Anal. Chem. 1998, 70, 1176-1181 (Cited 12/2007: 27)
- Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Mechanisms for potential generation accross membrane sensors at interfaces and through bulk, Accounts for Chemical Research, 1998, 31, 257-266 (Cited 12/2007: 14)
- Titus Zwickl, Bernhard Schneider, Ernõ Lindner, Tomasz Sokalski, Ulrich Schaller, Ernõ Pretsch, Chromoionophore-mediated imaging of water transport in ion selective membranes, Anal. Sci., 1998, 14, 57-61 (Cited 12/2007: 11)
- Albrecht Uhlig, Ernõ Lindner, Cristian Teutloff, Uwe, Schnackenberg, Rainer Hintsche, Miniaturized ion-selective sensor chip electrode for sensor application, Anal. Chem., 1997, 69, 4032-4038 (Cited 12/2007: 25)
- Albrecht Uhlig, Frank Dietrich, Ernõ Lindner, Uwe, Schnackenberg, Rainer Hintsche, Miniaturized ion-selective sensor chip for potassium measurement in biomedical application, Sensors and Actuators, 1996, B34, 252-257 (Cited 12/2007: 12)
- Richard, P. Buck. Miklos Erdosy, Timothy A Johnson, Vasile V. Cosofret Ernõ Lindner, Ion-selective Microchemical Sensors (Cardiology), Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia, Joseph C. Salamone (Editor) Volume 5 (H-L), CRC Press, Boca Ratton, Florida, 1996 (Cited 12/2007: 1)
- Bernhard Schneider, Titus Zwickl, Beat Federer, Ernõ Pretsch, Ernõ Lindner, Spectro-potentiometry: A new method for in-situ imaging of concentration profiles in ion-selective membranes with simultaneous recording of potential-time transients, Anal. Chem. 1996 , 68, 4342-4350 (Cited 12/2007: 42)
- Ernõ Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret, Richard P. Buck, Timothy A. Johnson, R. Bruce Ash, Michael R. Neuman, Weiyuan J. Kao, James M. Anderson, Electroanalytical and biocompatibility studies on microfabricated array sensors, Electroanalysis, 1995, 7, 864-870 (Cited 12/2007: 20)
- Richard, P. Buck, Vasile, V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Stefan Ufer, Marcel B. Madaras, Timothy, A. Johnson, Bruce, R. Ash, Michael, R. Neuman, Microfabrication technology of flexible membrane-based sensors for in vivo applications, Electroanalysis, 1995, 7, 846-851 (Cited 12/2007: 24)
- Vasile V. Cosofret, Weiyuan J. Kao, Ernõ Lindner, Miklós Erdôsy, J. M. Anderson, Michael R. Neuman, Richard P. Buck, Electroanalytical and biocompatibility studies on carboxylated PVC membranes for microfabricated array sensor, Analyst 1994, 119, 2283-2292 (Cited 12/2007: 34)
- Vasile V. Cosofret, Miklós Erdôsy, Ernõ Lindner, Richard P. Buck, John W. Kao, Michael R. Neuman and James M. Anderson, Ion-selective microchemical sensors with reduced preconditioning time. Membrane biostability studies and applications in blood analysis. , Analytical Letters 1994, 27 #15, 3039-3063 (Cited 12/2007: 21)
- Richard P. Buck, Tal M. Nahir, Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Miklós Erdôsy, Mechanism of transport in carrier-based ion-selective electrodes, Analytical Proceedings Including Analytical Communications, 1994, 31, 301-319 (Cited 04/2005: 16)
- Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Recommendations for nomenclature of ion-selective electrodes, Pure and Appl. Chem. (Impact factor: 1.92) 1994, 66(12) 2527-2536 (Cited 12/2007: 365)
- Ernõ Lindner, Richard P. Buck, An analytical chemist who plays sweet music in electrochemistry. Tribute to Professor Richard P. Buck on the occasion of his 65th birthday, J. Electroanal. Chem., (Impact factor 2.339) 1994, 378, 1-17
- Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Timothy A. Johnson, Michael R. Neuman, Planar micro sensors for in vivo myocardial pH measurements, Talanta, (Impact factor: 2.81) 1994, 41, 931-938 (Cited 12/2007: 21)
- Robert P. Kusy, John Q. Whitley, F. P.MacIntyre, Richard P. Buck, Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Thermal investigation of PVC copolymers for fixed site proton carrier membranes, Thermochimica Acta, (Impact factor: 1.417) 1994, 243, 265-276 (Cited 12/2007: 4)
- Robert P. Kusy, John Q. Whitley, Richard P. Buck, Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Development of piperazine grafted poly(vinyl chloride) for fixed site proton carriers, J. Materials Sci. Letters 1994, 13, 849-851 (Cited 04/2005: 7)
- Robert P. Kusy, John Q. Whitley, Richard P. Buck, Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Syntheses and kinetics of piperazine modified poly(vinyl chloride)s for use as fixed-site proton carrier membranes, Polymer, (Impact factor: 2.773) 1994, 35, 2141-2147 (Cited 12/2007: 28)
- Ernõ Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret, Stefan Ufer, Richard P. Buck John W. Kao, Michael R. Neuman, James M. Anderson, Ion-selective membranes with low plasticizer content: Electroanalytical characterisation and biocompatibility studies, J. Biomedical Materials Research (Impact factor: 2.497) 1994, 28, 591-601 (Cited 12/2007: 62)
- Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Mária Horváth, Judit Jeney, Ernõ Pungor, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, László Tôke, Analytical performances of lipophilic diamides based alkaline earth ion-selective electrodes, Electroanalysis, 1993, 5, 781-790 (Cited 12/2007: 13)
- Richard P. Buck, Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Anion effects on Donnan failure of aminated-poly(vinyl chloride)-based and neutral-carrier-based pH sensors, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1993, 282, 273-281 (Cited 12/2007: 25)
- Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Richard P. Buck, Robert P. Kusy, John Q. Whitley, Electrochemical characterisation of aminated PVC -based ion-selective membranes , Electroanalysis, 1993, 5, 725-730 (Cited 12/2007: 26)
- Ernõ Lindner, Thomas R. Rosatzin, Judit Jeney, Vasile V. Cosofret, Wilhelm Simon, Richard P. Buck, The potentiometric pH response of chromoionophores used in optical sensors, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1993, 352, 309-312 (Cited 12/2007: 17)
- Ernõ Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret, Robert P. Kusy, Richard P. Buck, Thomas R. Rosatzin, Ulrich Schaller, Wilhelm Simon, Judit Jeney, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Responses of H+ selective solvent polymeric membrane electrodes fabricated from modified PVC membranes, Talanta 1993, 40, 957-967 (Cited 12/2007: 66)
- Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Richard P. Buck, Robert P. Kusy, John Q. Whitley, Design of ionophore free H+ selective solvent polymeric membrane for further biomedical applications, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1993, 345, 169-181 (Cited 12/2007: 35)
- Ernõ Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret, Stefan Ufer, R. Bruce Ash, H. Troy Nagle, Timothy A. Johnson, Michael R. Neuman, Richard P. Buck, , In vivo and in vitro testing of microelectronically fabricated planar sensors designed for applications in cardiology, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 1993, 346, 584-588 (Cited 12/2007: 36)
- Ernõ Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret, Stefan Ufer, Robert P. Kusy, Richard P. Buck, R. Bruce Ash, H. Troy Nagle, Flexible (Kapton(-based) microsensor arrays of high stability for cardiovascular applications, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 1993, 89, 361-367 (Cited 12/2007: 56)
- Vasile V. Cosofret, Tal M. Nahir, Ernõ Lindner, Richard P. Buck, New neutral carrier-based H+ selective membrane electrodes, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1992, 327, 137-146 (Cited 12/2007: 64)
- Judit Jeney, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Ernõ Pungor, Flow-injection potentiometry for the assay of potassium in biological fluids, Microchemical J., 1992, 45, 232-247 (Cited 12/2007: 10)
- Ernõ Lindner, Mária Horváth, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, László Tôke, Zinc selective ionophores for potentiometric and optical sensors, Anal. Letters, 1992, 25(3) 453-470 (Cited 12/2007: 23)
- Ernõ Lindner, Etelka Gráf, Zsuzsa Niegreisz, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Richard P. Buck, Tervezett kötôhely-koncentrációjú (ioncserekapacitással rendelkezô) lágyított PVC membránok válaszfüggvényei. (Response function of site controlled plasticized PVC membranes), Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1991, 97, 361-371
- Ernõ Lindner, Zsuzsa Niegreisz, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Miklós Erdôsy, Richard P. Buck, Szilikongumi alapú ionszelektív membránok elektromos és dinamikus sajátságai. (Electric and dynamic Properties of silicone rubber-based ion-selective membranes), Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1991, 97, 345-356 (Cited 12/2007: 3)
- Ernõ Lindner, Judit. Jeney, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Marin Huser, Peter M. Gehrig, Werner E. Morf, Wilhelm Simon, A membránalkotók hatása az ionoforalapú folyadékmembránok dinamikus sajátságaira (Membrane Technology and Dynamic Response of Ion-Selective Liquid-Membrane Electrodes), Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1991, 97, 450-459
- Marin Huser, Peter M. Gehrig, Werner E. Morf, Wilhelm Simon, Ernõ Lindner, Judit Jeney, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Membrane Technology and Dynamic Response of Ion-Selective Liquid-Membrane Electrodes, Anal.Chem., 1991, 63, 1380-1386 (Cited 12/2007: 95)
- Thomas R. Berube, Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Coupled diffusion/adsorption model for response of precipitate-based iodide-selective electrodes to primary-ion activity steps, Anal. Chem., 1991, 63, 946-953 (Cited 12/2007: 20)
- Thomas R. Berube, Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Response of liquid-membrane calcium-selective electrodes to calcium ion activity steps, Anal. Letters, 1991, 24(3), 508-518 (Cited 12/2007: 2)
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- Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Ernõ Pungor, Spas D. Kolev, Flow injection approach for the determination of dynamic characteristics of ion-selective electrodes Part II. Application to tubular solid state iodide electrode, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1990, 234, 57-65 (Cited 12/2007: 13)
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- Zsófia Fehér, Ilona Kolbe, Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, György Horvai, Géza Nagy, Péter Sárkány, Ernõ Pungor, Automata mérôrendszer gyógyszerkészítmények hatóanyag-kioldódási tulajdonságainak vizsgálatára (Computer controlled analyser for dissolution rate measurement), Gyógyszerészet, 1990, 34, 189-195
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- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Judit Jeney, Mária Horváth, Ernõ Pungor, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, László Tôke, Novel-bis(crown-ether)-based potassium sensor for biological applications, Microchim. Acta [Wien] 1990, I, 157-168 (Cited 12/2007: 34)
- Ernõ Pungor, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Etelka Gráf-Harsányi, György Horvai, Robert Kellner, Maria F. Ebel, New developments in the theoretical research on ion-selective electrodes, Bulletin of Electrochem, 1990, 6(1), 132-139
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Mária Horváth, Judit Jeney, Ernõ Pungor, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, Tibor Meisel, László Tôke, Ujtipusú bisz-koronaéter alapú káliumszelektív folyadékmembrán elektródok (Novel-bis-crown-ether derivatives for potassium sensors), Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1989, 95, 538-544 (Cited 12/2007: 1)
- Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Mária Horváth, Judit Jeney, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, László Tôke, Novel-bis-crown-ether derivatives for potassium sensors, Anal. Letters, 1989, 22(5), 1185-1207 (Cited 12/2007: 38)
- Thomas R. Berube, Richard P. Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Miklós Gratzl, Ernõ Pungor, Comparison of proposed response mechanisms of precipitate based ion-selective electrodes in the presence of interfering ions, Anal.Chem., 1989, 61, 453-458 (Cited 12/2007: 23)
- Ernõ Lindner, Zsuzsa Niegreisz, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Thomas R. Berube, Richard P. Buck, Electrical and dynamic properties of non-plasticized potassium selective membranes, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1989, 259, 67-80 (Cited 12/2007: 46)
- Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Ernõ Pungor, Robert Kellner, Eric Zippel, , FTIR-ATR spectroscopic analysis of bis (crown-ether) based PVC membranes III., In-situ spectroscopic and electrochemical methods to study surface and bulk membrane processes, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 1988, 331, 448-453 (Cited 12/2007: 44)
- László Tôke, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, Zoltán Hell, Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Mária Horváth, Áron Szôllôssy, S. Harfouch, Ernõ Pungor, Benzocrown derivatives as ionophores for alkali cations, III., Synthesis of ring-cleaved analogues of benzocrown ethers. A novel method for building up crown ether rings, Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1988, 761-763 (Cited 12/2007: 11)
- László Tôke, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, Zoltán Hell, Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Mária Horváth, S. Harfouch, Ernõ Pungor, Benzocrown derivatives as ionophores for alkali cations, II., Synthesis and comparison of urethane-, ether-, and ester-linked bis-crown compounds and several "crown-ring free" analogous, Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1988, 549-554 (Cited 12/2007: 14)
- László Tôke, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, Éva Csongor, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Mária Horváth, S. Harfouch, Ernõ Pungor, , Benzocrown derivatives as ionophores for alkali cations, I., Synthesis of urethane- and urea-linked mono- and bis-crown ethers, Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1988, 349-353 (Cited 12/2007: 15)
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- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Thomas R. Berube, Richard P. Buck, Switched wall-jet for dynamic response measurement, Anal.Chem., 1987, 59, 2213-2216 (Cited 12/2007: 47)
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- Robert Kellner, G. Fischböck, G. Götzinger, Ernõ Pungor, Klára Tóth, László Pólos, Ernõ Lindner, FTIR-ATR spectroscopic analysis of bis (crown-ether) based PVC membrane surfaces, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 1985, 322, 151-156 (Cited 12/2007: 28)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Mária Horváth, Ernõ Pungor, Béla Ágai, István Bitter, László Tôke, Zoltán Hell, Bis(crown-ether) derivatives as ionophores for potassium selective electrodes, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 1985, 322, 157-163 (Cited 12/2007: 43)
- Miklós Gratzl, Ernõ Lindner, Ernõ Pungor, A csapadékalapú ionszelektív elektródok zavaró ionok jelenlétében mért átmeneti függvényeinek értelmezése (Interpretation of the transient signals of ion-selective electrodes, recorded in the presence of interfering ions), Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1985, 91, 101-108 (Cited 12/2007: 2)
- Miklós Gratzl, Ernõ Lindner, Ernõ Pungor, Theoretical interpretation of transient signals obtained with precipitate based ion-selective membrane electrodes in the presence of interfering ions, Anal. Chem., 1985, 57, 1506-1511 (Cited 12/2007: 22)
- Daniel Ammann, Ernõ Pretsch, Wilhelm Simon, Ernõ Lindner, András Bezegh, Ernõ Pungor, Lipophilic salts as membrane additives and their influence on the properties of macro- and microelectrodes based on neutral carriers, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1985, 171, 119-129 (Cited 12/2007: 192)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Yoshio Umezawa, Definition of response time of ion-selective electrodes and potentiometric cells, Anal. Chem. 1984, 56, 808-810 (Cited 12/2007: 18)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Felix Behm, Peter Oggenfuss, D. H. Welti, Daniel Ammann, Werner E. Morf, Ernõ Pretsch, Wilhelm Simon, Lead selective neutral carrier based liquid membrane electrode, Anal. Chem., 1984, 56, 1127-1131 (Cited 12/2007: 92)
- Ernõ Pungor, Andrea Hrabéczy-Páll, Ernõ Lindner, Miklós Gratzl, Roger G. Bates, Ionszeelektív elektródok alkalmazása közepes aktivitási koefficiensek meghatározására (Determination of mean activity coefficients with ion-selective electrodes), Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1983, 89, 337-345 (Cited 12/2007: 2)
- Roger G. Bates, Andrew G. Dickson, Miklos Gratzl, Andrea Hrabéczy-Páll, Ernõ Lindner, Ernõ Pungor, Determination of mean activity coefficients with ion-selective electrodes, Anal. Chem., 1982, 55, 1275-1280 (Cited 12/2007: 12)
- Ernõ Pungor, Zsófia Fehér, Géza Nagy, Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Trends in the application of electroanalytical techniques to the electroanalytical control of pharmaceuticals, Anal. Proc.(London) 1982, 19(2), 79-82
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Dynamic response of ion-selective electrodes in the presence of interfering ions, Anal. Chem., 1982, 54, 202-207(Cited 12/2007: 31)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Response time studies for precipitate based ion-selective electrodes in the range of the lower detection limit, Anal. Chem., 1982, 54, 72-76 (Cited 12/2007: 19)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, A csapadékalapú ionszelektív elektródok válaszidejét meghatározó folyamatok kisérleti vizsgálata, II., Válaszidô mérések zavaró ionok jelenlétében (Dynamic response of ion-selective electrodes in the presence of interfering ions), Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1982, 88, 55-61 (Cited 12/2007: 2)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, A csapadékalapú ionszelektív elektródok válaszidejét meghatározó folyamatok kisérleti vizsgálata, I., Válaszidô vizsgálatok a mérési alsó-határ környékén (Response time studies for precipitate based ion-selective electrodes in the range of the lower detection limit), Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1982, 88, 49-55 (Cited 12/2007: 5)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, The dynamic response of ion-selective electrodes, Bunseki Kagaku, 1981,30, S67-S97 (Cited 12/2007: 12)
- Erzsébet Ligeti, J.Bodnár, E. Károly, Ernõ Lindner, Ni2+, a new inhibitor of mithocondrial calcium transport, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1981, 656, 177-182 (Cited 12/2007: 16)
- Ernõ Pungor, Zsófia Fehér, Ernõ Lindner, Géza Nagy, Klára Tóth, , Bestimmung von Halogeniden unter Anwendung von ionenselektiven Elektroden, Zeitschrift für Chemie, 1979, 19, 367-371 (Cited 12/2007: 1)
- Klára Tóth, Zsófia Fehér, Ernõ Lindner, Géza Nagy, Ernõ Pungor, Automata berendezés kialakítása gyógyszerkészítmények hatóanyag kioldódási sajátsaágainak vizsgálatára, II. (Dissolution analyser II), Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 1979, 34, 77-83 (Cited 12/2007: 7)
- Klára Tóth, Zsófia Fehér, Ernõ Lindner, Géza Nagy, Ernõ Pungor, Automata berendezés kialakítása gyógyszerkészítmények hatóanyag kioldódási sajátsaágainak vizsgálatára, I. (Dissolution analyser I), Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 1979, 34, 17-21 (Cited 12/2007: 4)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Werner E. Morf, Wilhelm Simon, Response time studies on neutral carrier ion-selective membrane electrodes, Anal. Chem., 1978, 50, 1627-1631 (Cited 12/2007: 55)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára. Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, Response time curves of ion-selective electrodes, Anal. Chem., 1976, 48, 1071-1078 (Cited 12/2007: 76)
- Werner E. Morf, Ernõ Lindner, Wilhelm Simon, Theoretical treatment of the dynamic response of ion- selective electrodes, Anal.Chem., 1975, 47, 1596-1601 (Cited 12/2007: 117)
- Refereed Conference Publications
- Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Géza Nagy, Livia Nagy, Alessandra Cristalli, Richard P. Buck, Michael R. Neuman, H. Troy Nagle, Stefan Ufer, Ernõ Lindner, Amperometric Microcells For Diagnostic Enzyme Activity Measurements, in Biomedical Diagnostic Science and Technology, Edited by Wai Tak Law, Naim Akmal, Arthur M. Usmani, ed. Marcel Dekker, 2002, pp 81-93
- Michael, R. Neuman, Ernõ Lindner, Alessandra Cristalli, Robert E. Gyurcsanyi, Kataki Cheema, Michael Pandolf, Thin- and Thick-film Structures for Miniature Biomedical Sensors, in Proceedings of the 1st Annual International IEEE – EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine & Biology, Andree Dittmar and David Beebe eds. (October 12-14, 2000, Palais des Congrés, Lyon France), poster 129
- T. Zwickl, B. Schneider, B. Federer, T. Sokalski, E. Lindner, U. Schaller, Z. Cimerman, E. Pretsch, , Spectropotentiometric investigation of solvent polymer sensor membranes, Proceedings of the Symposium on Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Electrochemical Methods, A.J. Rico, M.A. Butler, P. Vanysek, G. Horvai, A.F. Siva (Eds), Sensor and physical electrochemistry division, Proceedings volume 97-19, 1997, The Electrochemical Society Inc., Pennington, NJ, 08534-2896, pp 1080-1089
- Albrecht, Uhlig, Uwe, Schnackenberg, Ernõ, Lindner, Frank, Dietrich, Rainer Hintsche, Catheter System for Potassium Measurement in Medical Application, Digest of Technical Papers, of The 8th International Conference on Solid Sensors and Actuators, Eurosensors IX, Stokholm, Sweden, June 25-29, 1995, Paper 352, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA, Box 5073, S-102 42 Stokholm (Cited 12/2007: 1)
- Ernõ Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret, Tal. M. Nahir, Richard P. Buck, Characterisation of stability of modified PVC membranes for microfabricated ion-selective electrode arrays in biomedical applications, , Diagnostic Biosensor Polymers, A. M. Usmani and N. Akmal, Eds., Chapter 12, pp 149-157, ACS Symposium Series 556, Washington DC 1994 (Cited 12/2007: 5)
- Michael R. Neuman, Richard P. Buck, Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, and C. C. Liu, Fabricating Biomedical Sensors with Thin-Film Technology, IEEE-EMBS (Engineering in Biology and Medicine Society) 1994, 13, 409-419 (Cited 12/2007: 7)
- Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Timothy A. Johnson, Weiyuan J. Kao, James M. Anderson, Richard P. Buck, Membrane fabrication technology for myocardial selective electrodes, Proc. Symp. "Membranes for Biomedical and Biotechnological Separations" Am. Chem. Soc. Spring Meeting, San Diego, CA, March, 70, (1994) pp. 137-138 (Cited 12/2007: 1)
- Ernõ Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret, Richard P. Buck, Robert P. Kusy, Timothy A. Johnson, Michael R. Neuman, Design, fabrication and testing of flexible microsensors for cardiovascular applications, Proceedings of the 181st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, St. Louis Missouri, May 17-22, 1992
- Robert Kellner, Eric Zippel, Ernõ Pungor, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, FTIR-ATR and ion-chromatographic investigations of the ion transport through ion-selective PVC membranes, Contemporary Electroanalytical Chemistry, A. Ivaska et al. ed. Plenum Press, New York, 1990, pp. 223-230
- Thomas, R. Berube, Richard, P. Buck, Etelka Gráf, György Horvai, Mike, L. Iglehart, Ernõ Lindner, Zsuzsa Niegreisz, Ernõ Pungor, James R. Sandifer, Klára Tóth, , Electrochemistry of passive membranes with neutral carriers, Ion-selective electrodes, 5, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1989, pp. 3-30 (Cited 12/2007: 5)
- Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Judit Jeney, Etelka Gráf, Mária Horváth, Ernõ Pungor, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, Tibor Meisel, László Tôke, Richard P. Buck, Robert Kellner, New Directions in the Research of Solvent Polymeric Membranes, Ion-selective electrodes, 5, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1989, pp. 181-210 (Cited 12/2007: 8)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Judit Jeney, Ernõ Pungor, Richard P. Buck, , Transient techniques for ion-selective membrane studies, Ion-selective electrodes, 5, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1989, pp. 459-480 (Cited 12/2007: 8)
- József Tarcali, Gábor Juhász, Géza Nagy, Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, István Slezsák, Ernõ Pungor, , Performance investigation of high impedance in-vivo ion-selective electrodes in electrically perturbed environment, Ion-selective electrodes, 5, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1989, pp. 577-594
- Béla Ágai, István Bitter, Zoltán Hell, Tíbor Meisel, László Tôke, Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Mária Horváth, Ernõ Pungor, , Synthesis of potassium selective ionophores, Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds, J. Kovac and P. Zalupsky, eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 1988, pp. 193-197 (Cited 12/2007: 2)
- Tibor Meisel, István Bitter, Béla Ágai, László Tôke, Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Mária Horváth, Gábor Tóth, Áron Szôllôsy, Ernõ Pungor, , Synthesis of N-Heterocyclic Crown Ethers, Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds, J. Kovac and P. Zalupsky, eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 1988, pp. 419-423 (Cited 12/2007: 2)
- Ernõ Lindner, Ernõ Pungor, Untersuchungen von ionenselektiven Membranen mit elektrochemischen und anderen analytischen Methoden, Wissentschaftliche Tagungen der Technischen Universität Karl Marx Stadt 10/1988, Plenar und Hauptvorträge, pp. 330-341
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Thomas R. Berube, Ernõ Pungor, Dynamisches Verhalten von ionenselektven Elektroden (Dynamic response of ion-selective electrodes), Wissentschaftliche Beiträge, Analytiktreffen, 1985, Karl Marx Universität, Leipzig, pp. 67-80 (Cited 12/2007: 1)
- Ernõ Lindner, Miklós Gratzl, Ernõ Pungor, Theoretical interpretation of the dynamic behaviour of precipitate based ion-selective electrodes in the presence of interfering ions, Ion-selective electrodes, 4, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1985, pp. 179-191(Cited 12/2007: 5)
- Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Ernõ Pungor, Béla Ágai, István Bitter, László Tôke, Bis(crown-ether)s for potassium ion-selective electrodes, Ion-selective electrodes, 4, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1985, pp. 231-242
- Ernõ Lindner, Miklós Gratzl, Andrea Hrabéczi-Páll, Ernõ Pungor, Determination of mean activity coefficients with ion-selective electrodes, Ion-selective electrodes, 4, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1985, pp. 743-747 (Cited 12/2007: 1)
- Ernő Pungor, Klára Tóth, Ernő Lindner, IonszelektÍv elektródok: újtipusú bisz-koronaéter alapú, kálium ionszelektív elektród fejlesztése (Ion-selective electrodes; the development of bis(crown-ether)s for potassium ion-selective electrode), A Budapesti Mûszaki Egyetem 200 éves fennállásának alkalmából rendezett tudományos ûlésszak elôadásai (1983 március 8-9) Szerkesztette: Liptai György, Budapest, 1985
- Klára Tóth, Ernõ Lindner, Ernõ Pungor, Problems related to the interpretation of response time curves of ion-selective electrodes, Ion-selective electrodes, 3, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1981, pp. 135-146 (Cited 12/2007: 1)
- Ernõ Lindner, Peter Wuhrmann, Wilhelm Simon, Ernõ Pungor, Transport properties and anion interference of neutral carrier ion-selective electrodes, Ion-selective electrodes, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1977, pp. 159-169 (Cited 12/2007: 17)
- Ernõ Lindner, Klára Tóth, Ernõ Pungor, An examination of the temperature coefficients of ion-selective electrodes in non-isothermal galvanic cells, Ion-selective electrodes, E. Pungor ed. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1973, pp. 205-211 (Cited 12/2007: 2)
- 1. Tôke László, Ágai Béla, Bitter István, Pungor Ernõ, Szepesváry Tamásné, Lindner Ernõ, Forróné Horváth Mária, Havas Jenô, Eljárás koronaéter alapú komplexképzôk elôállítására és a vegyületeket tartalmazó ionszelektív elektródok (Procedure for the synthesis of crown-ether based chelating agents and ion-selective membranes incorporating thereof) Hungarian Patent: 186.777; Czech Patent: 247.158; Swiss Patent: CH 658.057 A5 (86.10.15); USA Patent: 453.1007 (85.07.23); Russian Patent: SU 133.1429 A3; Russian Patent: 125.7071; English Patent: 2.116.551 (85.07.17); Canadian Patent: 1.215.062 (86.12.09); Europian Patent: 84307540.9; Austrian Patent: 44028; German Patent Application: P 3248877.7-44; Danish Patent Application: 1131/83, 5206/84 Patent 166 727 (May 9,1994); Japan Patent Application: 502141/82, 57-502141, 59-230465; Netherlands Patent Application: 82 202 36; French Patent Application; Belgian Patent Application.
- 2.Tôke László, Bitter István, Ágai Béla, Bitter István, Pungor Ernõ, Szepesváry Tamásné, Lindner Ernõ, Eljárás lipidoldható, kation komplexképzô, szubsztituált karbonsavamidok elôállítására (Procedure for the synthesis of substituated carbonic acid amides with enhanced lipophilicity and cation chelating properties) Hungarian Patent:191 400 (1986.06.27)
- 3. Pungor Ernõ, Szepesváry Tamásné, Lindner Ernõ, Sárkány Péter, Slezsák István, Hegai Szvetlana, Eljárás és berendezés folyadékmintában levô komponens koncentrációjának meghatározására (Procedure and instrument for the determination the concentration of dissolved species) Hungarian Patent Application: 1059/87
- 4. Pungor Ernõ, Fehér Zsófia, Lindner Ernõ, Nagy Géza, Horvai György, Kolbe Ilona, Tóth Klára, Sárkány Péter, Berendezés gyógyszerkészítmények hatóanyagkioldódási tulajdonságainak vizsgálatára (Instrument for the determination the dissolution rate of pharmaceutical formulations) Hungarian Paten Application: 1858/89
- 5. Richard P.Buck, Ernõ Lindner, Vasile V.Cosofret, R.P.Kusy, J.Q.Whitley, Modified PVC (poly-vinyl-chloride)-coated Kapton (polyimide) substrates for flexible microelectrode (incl. biosensor) fabrication of extended lifetime and high stability Report of invention: 1992 UNC Chapel Hill
- 6. R.P.Kusy, J.Q.Whitley, Richard P.Buck, Vasile V.Cosofret, Ernõ Lindner, Synthesis of aminated poly (vinyl chloride)s by controlled pyrolisis of piperazine Report of invention: 1992 UNC Chapel Hill
- 7. J. Havas, Miklos Berszan, Lajos Kecskes, Ernõ Lindner, Karolyne Rozbora, Biokompatibilis ionszelektiv elektrod (Biocompatible ion-selective electrode) Hu-218 903, Report of invention: Jan. 30. 1997, Date of publication: Dec. 28, 2000
- 8. John D. DeNuzzio (Becton and Dickinson), Ernõ Lindner, Robert E. Gyurcsanyi, Microfabricated sensor arrays for multi-component analysis, U.S. Provisional Application Serial Number 60/389,504, June 19, 2002 and U.S. Provisional Application Serial Number 60/389,894 (June 20, 2002)
- Alex Q. Maclin, Christopher Brown Mariya D. Kim, Sergey Dergunov, Eugene Pinkhassik, Ernő Lindner, Dye-Loaded Porous Nanocapsules in a Hydrogel Matrix: A Versatile Optical Sensor Platform, Matrafured 2014, June 15-20, Visegrad, Hungary
- Ernő Lindner, Klara Toth, a Role Model in Electroanalytical Chemistry, Matrafured 2014, June 15-20, Visegrad, Hungary
- Ernő Lindner, James Sheppard, Francine Kivlehan, and Edward Chaum, A voltammetric method for the determination of partition and diffusion coefficients in solvent polymeric membranes: Monitoring propofol in patients blood, 225th ECS Meeting, Orlando Fl, May 11-15, 2014
- S.A. Dergunov, M. Kim, D. Bordelon,
B. Miksa, E. Pinkhassik, Ernő Lindner, pH sensitive Nanocapsules with
invisible walls, Matrafured 2011, June19-24, 2011, Dobogoko, Hungary
- Ernő Lindner, Microfabricated electrochemical sensors and sensor
arrays: Possibilities and challenges, Nanomedicine Symposium, University of
Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, March 30, 2010
- Ernő Lindner, To the memory of Erno Pungor: His research
contribution to analytical chemistry, Matrafured 2008, 0ctober 5-10,
2008, Dobogoko, Hungary
- Ernő Lindner, Development of multi analyte
immunoassays for cardiac proteins, Matrafured 2008, 0ctober 5-10, 2008,
Dobogoko, Hungary
- Ernő Lindner, Mathematical model of current
polarized ionophore-based ion-selective membranes,Symposium on the development
and application of chemical sensors,
June 28-29, 2007, Zurich Switzerland
- Ernő Lindner, Microfabricated Amperometric cells
for multi component analysis, Medi 2005, October 25-26, 2005, Hartford,
- Ernő Lindner, Robert Bereczki, Boglarka Takacs,
Jan Langmaier, Robert Gyurcsanyi, Klara Toth, Geza Nagy, How to assess the
limits of ion selective electrodes: Simple method for the determination of the
unbiased span, response range and selectivity coefficients of neutral carrier
based cation selective electrodes, Matrafured 2005, Nov 13-18, 2005,
Matrafured, Hungary
- Ernő
Lindner, R. Gyurcsanyi,
J. Langmaier, B. Pendley, R.P. Buck, Spectroelectrochemical microscopy: Ion-selective
electrode optimization based on concentration profiles in the sensing membrane,
56th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society,
November 10-13, 2004, Chapel Hill, NC
- Ernő
Lindner, R. Gyurcsanyi,
J. Langmaier, B. Pendley, ISE optimization based on the imaging the
concentration profiles in the sensing membrane, Symposium on New Developments
in Potentiometric Electroanalysis: Towards Lower Levels of Detection and Higher
Precision, March 31-April 1, 2004,
Durham, UK
- Ernő Lindner, Microfabricated electrochemical sensors
and their application in bedside analysis and homecare diagnostics, SEANAC
Inagural conference, July, 7-10 2003, Gaborone, Botswana
- Ernő Lindner and Robert, E. Gyurcsanyi, Dynamic imaging of membrane
processes, Pittcon 2003, March 9-14, Orlando Florida
- Ernő Lindner, Robert E. Gyurcsányi,
Membrane spectro-electrochemistry. Real time imaging of membrane processes during
electrochemical measurements, Matrafured 02, Electrochemical Sensors, October
13-18, 2002, Matrafured, Hungary
- Ernő Lindner, A glance into the bulk of
solvent polymeric pH membranes, Euroanalysis, September 3-8, 2000, Lisbon –
- Ernő Lindner, Robert E. Gyurcsanyi, Éva
Pergel, Bradford Pendley, A glance into the bulk of solvent polymeric
membranes, Symposium on
“Electrochemistry and solid state/technology in service of medicine, Fall
Society Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 22, 2000
- Ernő Lindner, B.D. Pendley, Microfabricated
potentiometric sensors and their in-vivo applications, Pittcon 2000, March
12-17, New Orleans, USA
- Ernő Lindner, R. Gyurcsanyi, E. Pretsch, T.
Zwickl, R.P. Buck Tailored transport through ion-selective membranes
Matrafured’98, International Symposium on electrochemical and biosensors
October 14-17, 1998
- G.
Nagy, C. X. Xu, R.P. Buck, Ernő Lindner Amperometric microcell for diagnostic enzyme
activity measurement 216 th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society,
Boston, MA, August 23-27, 1998
- Ernő Lindner, Bernhard Schneider, Titus
Zwickl, Beat Federer, Ernő Pretsch
Spectropotentiometry: measuring transient potentials whilst visualizing the
transport processes in carrier based Membranes ESEAC'96, University of Durham,
England, 25-29 March, 1996
- Ernő Lindner, V.V. Cosofret, R.P. Buck, T.A.
Johnson, R.B.Ash, M.R. Neuman, W.J. Kao, J.M. Anderson Electroanalytical and
biocompatibility studies on microfabricated array sensors Electrochemical
Sensors Symposium Dedicated to the Memory of Professor W. Simon, Sept. 15-18, (1994), Matrafüred,
- Ernő Lindner, E.Pungor, Untersuchungen von
ionenselektiven Membranen mit elektrochemischen und anderen Methoden, 5. Tagung,
Festkörperanalytik, Karl-Marx-Stadt, June.30-July 3, 1987
- Ernő Lindner, Optical and electrochemical sensors for the analysis of small sample
volumes, Department of Chemistry, University
of Minnesota, March 6-7,
- Ernő Lindner, Optical and electrochemical sensors for diagnosis and monitoring
treatment, The Research Foundation of the University of Memphis,FedEx.
Institute of Technology, June 21, 2012
- Ernő Lindner, Dye-loaded
porous nanocapsule-based optical
sensor development in SENSORIUM, Fedex
Institute of Technology Advisory Board Meeting, University of Memphis, Feb. 28,
- Erno Lindner, SENSORIUM: Dye loaded nanocapsules in
a porous polyvinyl alcohol matrix , Department
of Electrical Engineering 2012 Spring Seminar Series, The University Memphis, Memphis, TN,
Feb.21, 2012
- Ernő Lindner, Bradford D. Pendley, Evaluating the performance characteristics of a new
method: method comparison studies and their pitfalls, Department of Biomedical
Engineering 2010 Spring Seminar Series, The University Memphis, Memphis, TN,
Jan. 22, 2010
- Ernő Lindner, Bradford D. Pendley, Evaluating the performance characteristics of a new
method: method comparison studies and their pitfalls, Process Chemistry Center,
Abo Academi University, Turku, Finland, November 19, 2009
- Ernő Lindner, Analysis of small and large molecules using microfabricated
electrochemical sensors, Medical Technology Showcase, The University of
Memphis, Fedex Institute of Technology, March 17, 2009
- Ernő Lindner, Mathematical model of current
polarized ionophore-based ion-selective membranes, Biocurrents Research Center,
Marine Biology Laboratory, Nov. 15, 2007 Woods Hole, MA
- Ernő Lindner, Multi-analyte electrochemical
immunoassays, Nanotechnology applications in Medicine, Hamilton Eye Institute,
Memphis, TN, September 28, 2005
- Eugene Pinkhassik, Sanjay Mishra and Ernő
Lindner, Nanosensor, Symposium on The Future of sensing Technologies, FedEx
Institute of Technology, Memphis, TN, April 20, 2005
- Ernő Lindner, Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Bradford D. Pendley, Jan Langmaier, Spectroelectrochemical
microscopy: Ion-selective electrode optimization based on concentration
profiles in the sensing membrane, Department of Physics, The University of
Memphis, November 17, 2004
- Ernő Lindner, Robert E. Gyurcsányi, Bradford D. Pendley, Jan Langmaier, Spectroelectrochemical
microscopy: Ion-selective electrode optimization based on concentration
profiles in the sensing membrane, Department of Chemistry, The University of
Memphis, September 17, 2004
- Ernő Lindner, Electrochemical and optical sensors and their
application in biomedical engineering, July 22, 2004, Smith and Nephew, Memphis
- Ernő Lindner: Microfabricated electrochemical sensors and their
application in biomedical engineering, July 7, 2004, Department of Chemistry,
The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Ernő Lindner, Microfabricated electrochemical sensors
in biomedical engineering, Symposium organized in honour of the 80th
birthday of Erno Pungor, October
23, 2003, Budapest Hungary
- Ernő Lindner, Current
polarized membranes: A chronoamperometric method to estimate changes in the
membrane composition of ion selective membranes, September 26, 2003,
Instrumentation Laboratory Sensors Systems Inc., Lexington, MS
- Ernő Lindner,
Kalyani Kasisomayalajula, Electrochemical sensing in clinical diagnostics.
Development of an amperometric method for the detection of streptococcus
pneumoniae in patient samples, St.
Jude Children's Research Hospital, Jan. 20, 2003
- Ernő Lindner,
Membrane based microfabricated chemical and biosensors, Department of
Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series, Memphis, November 15, 2002
- Ernő Lindner,
Robert E. Gyurcsanyi, Kalyani Kasisomayalajula, Michael R. Numan,
"Membrane based chemical and biosensors" St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital, jan. 07, 2002
- Ernő Lindner
and R. E. Gyurcsányi: Chemical and biosensors in biomedical engineering. Rust
College/ Mississippi, Sept 21, 2001
- Ernő Lindner,
R. E. Gyurcsanyi, B. Pendley, Imaging of transport in current polarized
ion-selective membranes, Department of Physiscs, The Univ. of Memphis, Nov. 02,
- Ernő Lindner, Spectroscopic imaging of membrane transport,
Department of Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series, University of Memphis,
October 6, 2000
- Ernő Lindner,
Robert E. Gyurcsanyi, Michael R. Neuman, Bradford D. Pendley’ Chemical and
Biosensors for diagnostics and clinical applications, Children’s Infection
Defense Center, St. Jude Children Hospital, October, 02, 2000
- Ernő Lindner,
Microfabricated potentiometric sensors and their in-vivo applications, April 27,
2000, Auburn University, Department of Chemistry Seminar
- E. Lindner,
Microfabricated electrochemical sensors, Rhodes College, Memphis, Nov. 15, 1999
- M.R. Neuman, E. Lindner Instrumentation to Assist
in the Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis Emerging Cardiovascular Technologies
Seminar Series, April 27, 1998, Duke University, MCNC Video Network
- E. Lindner
New Electrochemical Sensing Techniques Becton&Dickenson, RTP NC, June 25,
- Ernő Lindner
Enzyme Sensors, Center for Emerging Cardiovascular Technologies, Industry
Meeting, Thursday, January 22, 1998, Searls Center, Duke University, Durham, NC
- Ernő Lindner
Combined methods for optimizing microelectronically fabricated planar sensors;
Spectro-Potentiometry and Ion-Selective Gravimetry November 14, 1997,
University of Memphis, Department of Biomedical Engineering seminar series
- Ernő Lindner
Biosensing Mechanisms Microsensor Engineering ECE 391, Television course for
UNC-CH, NC-State and Duke University, Nov. 19, and Nov. 21, 1997
- Ernő Lindner
Combined methods for optimizing microelectronically fabricated planar sensors;
Spectro-Potentiometry and Ion-Selective Gravimetry, Emerging Cardiovascular
Technologies Seminar Series, September 15, 1997, Duke University, MCNC Video
- Ernő Lindner
Ion selective liquid membranes for electrochemical and optical sensors,
Seminars in Cellular and Biosurface Engineering, Duke University, Oct 29, 1996
- Ernő Lindner
Spectropotentiometry Measuring Transient Potentials whilst Visualizing the
Transport Processes in Carrier Based Membranes Seminars in Analytical Chemistr, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, September 9, 1996
- Ernő Lindner, Microelectronically fabricated
array sensors for cardiovascular application, Scientific Meeting of the
Laboratory Diagnostics Society of Hungary and the Electroanalytical Committee
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Atrium Hyatt,1995, September,
- Ernõ Lindner,
Spectro-potentiometry. A new method to correlate membrane transport and dynamic
response of ion selective electrodes.
Zürich, ETH Laboratorium für Organische Chemie, June 1995
- Ernő Lindner, Csapadék
és ionofor alapú potenciometriás érzékelôk jelképzése (Precipitate-based
ion-selective electrodes), Doktori értekezés nyilvános vitája (Open session of
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), MTA Díszterem, Budapest 1994, szeptember 8
- Ernő Lindner,
Potenciometriás módszerek és méréstechnikák (Potentiometric sensors and
methods) Habilitációs előadás (Habilitation lecture at the Thecnical University of Budapest) of Budapesti
Mûszaki Egyetem, Ch C14, November 18, 1994
- Ernő Lindner,
Vasile V. Cosofret Design and Optimization of Ion-Selective Biosensors for Cardiovascular Applications,
Emerging Cardiovascular Technologies Seminar Series, Fall 1992 -On the MCNC
Video Network, October 26, 1992, 12:30-1:30
- Jarvis,
J.M., Guzinski, M.G., Perez F., Pendley, B.D., Lindner, E. “Differences in electrochemically deposited PEDOT(PSS)
films on Au and Pt substrate electrodes:
a quartz crystal microbalance study.” Pittcon 2018, Orange County
Convention Center, Orlando, FL. 27 February 2018.
- Atherton,
James, Marcin Guzinski, Artur Jasinski, Brad Pendley, Erno Lindner. Urinary pCO2 and Hemodynamic
Stability in Septic Shock, a Pilot Study. Oral Presentation at National Jewish
Health Critical Care Young Investigators Forum. Denver, CO, 2017.
- Bradley Hambly, James Sheppard, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Voltammetric method for the determination of diffusion coefficients membranes, Pittcon 2017, Chicago, March 4-9, 2017 (1770-23P)
- Bradley P. Hambly, Bradford
Pendley, Erno Lindner Voltammetric Determination of Diffusion Coefficients in
Polymer Membranes, Matrafured-2017,
June 11-16, 2017 Visegrad, Hungary
- Erno Lindner, James Sheppard, Bradley Hambly, Bradford Pendley, Simple voltammetric method for the determination of diffusion coefficients in soft polymeric membranes, Pittcon 2017, Chicago, March 4-9, 2017 (120-4)
- Jennifer M. Jarvis, Marcin Guzinski, Jennyfer Jarvis,
Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner Redox Couple-Loaded
Conductive Polymers for Solid-Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes, Matrafured-2017, June 11-16, 2017 Visegrad,
- James Atherton, Bradford D.
Pendley, Erno Lindner Urinary pCO2 in
Septic Shock, Matrafured-2017, June 11-16, 2017 Visegrad,
- Marcin Guzinski, Jennyfer Jarvis,
Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner Optimization of the
Equilibration Time with the Solid-contact Ion-Selective Electrode Based on
PEDOT(PSS), Matrafured-2017, June
11-16, 2017 Visegrad, Hungary
- Bradford D. Pendley, Erno Lindner Designing
Sensors to Aid Health Care Providers in Diagnosing and Managing Diseases:
Asking the right Questions, Matrafured-2017, June 11-16, 2017 Visegrad, Hungary
- Marcin Guzinski, Jennifer M. Jarvis, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Ion-selective electrodes with PEDOT(PSS)as solid contact: Influence of the PEDOT(PSS) thickness on the equilibration time, Pittcon, 2016, March 6-10, Atlanta, Ga (1700-3)
- Erno Lindner, Jim Atherton, Marcin Guzinski, Artur Jasinski, Bradford D. Pendley, Measurement of Carbon Dioxide in Urine to Guide the Treatment of Patients in Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, Pittcon, 2016, March 6-10, Atlanta, Ga (100-2)
- Jennifer M. Jarvis, Marcin Guzinski, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Poly (3-octylthiophene)-based solid contact ion-selective electrodes with improved potential stability Pittcon, 2016, March 6-10, Atlanta, Ga (1790-9P)
- Jim Atherton, Artur Jasinski, Erno Lindner, Bradford D. Pendley, Marcin Guzinski, William King, Urine Carbon Dioxide in Septic Shock, Pittcon, 2016, March 6-10, Atlanta, Ga (1790-10P)
- J.M. Jarvis, M. Guzinski, B.D. Pendley, E. Lindner, Poly (3-octylthiophene)-based solid contact ion-selective electrodes with improved potential stability 67 SERMACS, Nov. 4-7, 2015, Memphis, TN (882)
- M. Guzinski, J.M. Jarvis, B.D. Pendley, E. Lindner, Ion-selective electrodes with PEDOT(PSS) on Platinum, gold, and glassy carbon - equilibration time 67 SERMACS, Nov. 4-7, 2015, Memphis, TN (648)
- J. Atherton, B. D. Pendley, M. Guzinski, A. Jasinski, W. King, E. Lindner, Monitoring Carbon Dioxide in Septic Shock, 67 SERMACS, Nov. 4-7, 2015, Memphis, TN (647)
- Alexander Maclin Dye-Loaded Nanocapsules Immobilized in a Hydrogel Matrix: Development of Flow-Through Optical pH Sensors, Mariya Kim, Chris Brown, Eugene Pinkhassik, Erno Lindner, , Pittcon 2014, Orlando, Fl, March 2-6, 2014 (560-6P)
- Marcin Guzinski, Jennifer Jarvis, Erno Lindner, Bradford Pendley, Felio Perez, Equilibration Times of Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes with PEDOT (PSS) on Platinum, Gold and Glassy Carbon Substrates, Pittcon 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 8-12, 2015 (410-2)
- Ernő Lindner, James Sheppard, Francine Kivlehan, and Edward Chaum, A voltammetric method for the determination of partition and diffusion coefficients in solvent polymeric membranes: Monitoring propofol in patients blood, Pittcon 2014, Orlando, Fl, March 2-6, 2014 (380-5)
- James G Atherton, William E King, Marcin Guzinski, Bradford Pendley, Erno Lindner, Urine Carbon Dioxide as Prognostic Indicator in Septic Shock Pittcon 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 8-12, 2015 (410-5)
- JAMES SHEPPARD, Erno Lindner, Bradford Pendley, Voltammetric Method for the Determination of Diffusion and Partition Coefficients in Organic Solutions and Polymeric Membranes, Pittcon 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 8-12, 2015 (880-19P)
- ERNO LINDNER, Marcin Guzinski, Jennifer Jarvis, Bradford Pendley, Equilibration Time for Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes, Pittcon 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 8-12, 2015 (2060-4)
- Greggory Kisiel, Ernő Lindner, Competititve Immunoassay for Creatine Kinase MB: SPR-Based Assay Optimization. Pittcon 2013, Philadelphia, March 17-21, 2013 (840-18P)
- William King, Erno Lindner, Bradford Pendley, The Measurement of CO2 in Urine to Guide the Treatment of Patients in Septic Shock: Development of a Protocol, NCUR, April 16-18, 2015, Cheney Washington
- Ernő Lindner, Toward Feedback-Controlled Anesthesia:Automated Flow Analytical System for Monitoring Propofol (2,6-Isopropyl Phenol) in Serum. Pittcon 2013, Philadelphia, March 17-21, 2013 (1700-6)
- Ernő Lindner, James Sheppard, Francine Kivlehan, and Edward Chaum, A simple voltammetric method for the determination of partition and diffusion coefficients in solvent polymeric membranes, Matrafured 2014, June 15-20, Visegrad, Hungary
- Erno
Lindner, Francine
Kivlehan, Fernando Garay, Jidong
Guo, Felynncia Rainey, Electrochemical quantification of 2,6 diisopropyl phenol
(propofol), , Pittcon
2012, Matrch 11-15, Orlando, FL (1600-5)
- Erno
Lindner, M. Kim, S.
Dergunov, E. Pinkhassik, Dye-loaded nanocapsules immobilized in a permeable
polyvinyl alcohol matrix: a versatile optical sensor platform, Pittcon 2012, Matrch 11-15,
Orlando, FL (1600-4)
- Ernő
Lindner, S.A. Dergunov,
B. Miksa, E. Pinkhassik, , pH sensitive Nanocapsules with invisible walls, Pittcon
2011, Matrch 13-18, Atlanta, GA (290-6)
- J. Guo, F. Garay, J. Langmaier, E. Chaum, E.
Lindner, Closed-loop infusional anesthesia based on the electrochemical
quantification of propofol, Matrafured 2011, June19-24, 2011, Dobogoko,
- F. Rainey, Ernő Lindner, A multipurpose
automated flow analytical system for minute sample volumes, Pittcon
2011, Matrch 13-18, Atlanta,
GA (980-2P)
- Bill
Ganus; Ernő Lindner; Eugene Pinkhassik, Sol-gel immobilized porous
nanocapsules for sensor applications. , Pacifichem 2010, December 15-20, 2010, Honolulu, HI
- Zachary
Thomas; Ernő Lindner; Eeugene Pinkhassik, Surface-mounted
ultrathin films for superior electrochemical sensors. Pacifichem 2010, December 15-20, 2010, Honolulu, HI
- Erno Lindner, Justin Zook, Sandor Bodor, Robert Gyurcsani, Interpretation of
Chronoamperometric Transients with Two Transition Times, Pittcon 2010, Feb.
28-March 5, 2010, Orlando, Florida, Lecture 400-5
- Felynncia Rainey, Fernando
Garay, Erno Lindner,
Automated Flow Analytical System for the Electrochemical Analysis of Minute
Samples, Pittcon 2010, Feb. 28-March 5, 2010, Orlando, Florida, Poster 1310-12P
- Ernő Lindner, Restoration of Concentration
Profiles in Ion-Selective Membranes Following a Galvanostatic Current Pulse Pittcon
2009 (330-4), March 8-13, Chicago USA,
- Ernő Lindner, Passive flow driven microfluidic
devices, Electrochemistry at the nanoscale, SERMAC 2008, Nov. 12-15, 2008,
Nashville, TN
- Jidong Guo, Ernő Lindner, Cyclic voltammetry at shallow recessed
microdisc electrode: Theoretical and experimental study, Matrafured
2008, 0ctober 5-10, 2008, Dobogoko,
- Justin M. Zook, Ernő Lindner Comparison of methods to
restore concentration profiles in ion-selective membranes following a
galvanostatic current pulse, Matrafured 2008, 0ctober 5-10, 2008, Dobogoko,
- Sándor Bodor,
Justin Zook, Ernő Lindner, Klára
Tóth, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Electrochemical methods for the determination of
the diffusion coefficient of ionophores and ionophore-ion complexes in
plasticized PVC membranes, Matrafured 2008, 0ctober 5-10, 2008, Dobogoko,
- Ernő Lindner, Justin Zook, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi,
Richard P. Buck, Mathematical Model of Current Polarized Ionophore-Based
Ion-Selective Membranes: Large-Current Chronopotentiometry, Pittcon 2008
(340-1), New Orleans, March 2-7, 2008
- Jidong Guo, Ernő Lindner, Guidelines for Design and Experiment with
Microdisc Electrode Arrays: Shape of Cyclic Voltammograms in the Presence of a
Reversible Couple, Pittcon 2008 (390-7), New Orleans, March 2-7, 2008
- Justin Zook, Ernő Lindner, Current Programs to Restore Ion-Selective
Membrane Equilibrium, Pittcon 2008 (900-19P), New Orleans, March 2-7, 2008
- Justin Zook, Ernő Lindner, Interpretation of the Chronopotentiometric
Transients of Ion-Selective Membranes, Pittcon 2008 (900-20P), New Orleans,
March 2-7, 2008
- I-Jane Chen, Ernő Lindner, Enzyme Activity Measurement in Passive
Pump-Driven Microfluidic System, Pittcon 2008 (1270-15P), New Orleans, March
2-7, 2008
- Jidong Guo, Ernő Lindner, Numeric Simulation of
Cyclic Voltammetry at Microdisc Electrode Array: Criterion for Microelectrode
Array Design and Beyond (1750-27P) Pittcon 2007,Feb. 25-March 2, Chicago USA
- Justin Zook, Ernő Lindner, Richard P. Buck,
Mathematical Modeling of Chronopotentiometry for Ion-Selective Membranes
(1750-25P), Pittcon 2007, Feb. 25-March 2, Chicago USA
- I-J. Chen, Eugene
Eckstein, Ernő Lindner, Application
of Passive Pump to a Microfluidic System Using Electrochemical Detector
(990-7), Pittcon 2007, Feb. 25-March 2, Chicago USA
- Ernő Lindner Ildiko Moczar, Klara Tóth,
Peter Huszthy, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Characterization of a Novel, Colored
Lipophilic Additive for Spectral Imaging the Transport in Ionophore Based
Ion-Selective Membranes (960-4), Pittcon 2007, Feb. 25-March 2, Chicago USA
- I-J. Chen, Eugene
Eckstein, Ernő Lindner, Computation
of Sample Volume Change with Time in a Passive Pump Microfluidic System
(830-19P), Pittcon 2007, Feb. 25-March 2, Chicago USA
- S. Bodor, R.E.
Gyurcsányi, K. Tóth, E. Lindner, The determination of the diffusion
coefficients of ionophores in plasticized PVC membranes, International
Chemistry Conference of Transylvania , Oct. 06, 2006
- I-Jane Chen, Ernő
Lindner, The manipulation and stabilization of the hydrophobicity of
polydimethylsiloxane surface, Pittcon 2006, March 12-17, Orlando Fl.
- Róbert Bereczki,
Boglárka Takács, Jan Langmaier, Matthew Neely, Róbert E.
Gyurcsányi, Klára Tóth, Géza Nagy, Ernő Lindner, How to
Assess the Limits of Ion-Selective Electrodes: Simple Method for the
Determination of the Unbiased Span, Response Range and Selectivity Coefficients
of Neutral Carrier-Based Cation Selective Electrodes, Pittcon 2006, March
12-17, Orlando Fl.
- Ildiko Moczar,
Róbert E. Gyurcsányi Bereczki, Sandor Bodor, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Klara Tóth, Ernő Lindner, The determination of diffusion
coefficients in plasticized polymeric membranes, Matrafured 2005, Nov 13-18,
2005, Matrafured, Hungary
- Banner, L. Todd;
Danilla, Delia; Durkin, Melissa; Lindner,
Ernő; Richter, Andrew; Pinkhassik, Eugene.
Functional Characterization of Nanothin Films: Permeability in
Nanocapsules and Electrode Coatings.
Abstracts, 57th Southeast/61st Southwest Joint Regional Meeting of the
American Chemical Society, Memphis, TN, United States, November 1-4 (2005),
- Eugene Pinkhassik, Ernő Lindner, Todd Banner, Nano-porous film
sensors, Food for thought, Innovation fund presentations, Sept. 15, 2005 FedEx
Institute of Technology, Memphis, TN
- Ying Liu, Róbert E.
Gyurcsányi and Ernő Lindner,
Multianalyte analysis based on microfabricated electrode arrays immobilized
with multiple enzymes Pittcon 2005, February 27-March 4, Orlando Florida
- Ernő Lindner, J. Langmaier: Detrimental Changes
in the Composition of Hydrogen Ion-Selective Electrode and Optode Membranes,
Pittcon 2005, February 27-March 4, Orlando Florida
- Ernő Lindner, Amy de Jongh Curry, Biosensors
laboratory exercises for introductory biosensors course, Conference on
Partnership for Educational Bioengineering Laboratories (PEBEL), June 4-6, 2004
Landdowne, VA
- Ying Liu, Róbert
E. Gyurcsányi, John D. DeNuzzio, Ernő Lindner, Microfabricated
amperometric cells for enzyme assays and multi-component analysis, March 7-12,
Pittcon 2004, Chicago, IL
- Ernő Lindner, Caroline Lim, Stefan Ufer, Steven Slack,
Protein adsorption to planar electrochemical sensors and sensor materials,
March 7-12, Pittcon 2004, Chicago, IL
- Ernő Lindner and Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Dynamic imaging
of membrane processes, Pittcon 2003, March 9-14, Orlando Florida
- Róbert E.
Gyurcsányi, Géza Nagy, Ernő Lindner, Michael R. Neuman, Amperometric
microcells for enzyme assays, Matrafured
02, Electrochemical Sensors, October 13-18, 2002, Matrafured, Hungary
- Gyula
Jágerszki, Ying Liu, Róbert E. Gurcsányi, Klára Tóth, John D.
DeNuzzio, Ernő Lindner, Digital Simulation of Diffusion in an Arbitrary Three
Dimensional Space and its Application to SECM Imaging of Surface Confined
Enzymes, Matrafured 02, Electrochemical Sensors, October 13-18, 2002,
Matrafured, Hungary
- Ernő Lindner, Ying Liu, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Michael
R. Neuman, and John D. DeNuzzio, Microfabricated amperometric cells for enzyme
assays and multi component analysis, Becon 2002, Sensors for Biological
Research and Medicine, June 24-25, 2002, Nacher Conference Center, NIH,
Bethesda, USA
- Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Ernő
Lindner, Simple spectroscopic method for determining the concentration of
anionic impurities in solvent polymeric membranes and membrane plasticizers,
Pittcon 2002, New Orleans, LA, March 17-22, 2002 (Paper, 349)
- Ernő Lindner, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Effect of Small and Large
Current Polarization on Solvent Polymeric Ion-Selective Membranes: Real Time,
Multi Wavelength Imaging of Membrane Transport, Pittcon 2002, New Orleans, LA,
March 17-22, 2002 (Paper, 345)
- Klára Tóth, Eva
Pergel, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Istvan Bitter, Ernő Lindner: "Scanning electrochemical microscopy and the
development of chemical sensors" 5th ELACH, 2001, October 1-4, Freiburg,
- Gyurcsányi Róbert E.
Gyurcsányi, Lindner Ernő: "Ionszelektiv membranok
spektroelektrokemiai vizsgalata" Szelektiv kemiai szenzorok, Pecs,
November 22-23, 2001
- Livia Nagy, Géza
Nagy, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Ernő Lindner, Michael R. Neuman: Microchip
based cell for putrescine measurement in biological samples, 6th Symposium of
Instrumental Analysis-en, Gratz, Austria, Jun 24-27, 2001
- Klára Tóth, Eva
Pergel, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Istvan Bitter, Ernő Lindner:
"Scanning electrochemical microscopy and the development of chemical
sensors" 5th ELACH, 2001, October 1-4, Freiburg, Germany
- Róbert E.
Gyurcsányi, Lindner Ernő, "Ionszelektiv membranok
spektroelektrokemiai vizsgalata" Szelektiv kemiai szenzorok, Pecs,
November 22-23, 2001
- Róbert E. Gyurcsányi E.
Gyurcsányi, G. Nagy, L. Nagy, A. Cristalli, Andrea Bereczki, R.P. Buck, M.R.
Neuman, H.T. Nagle, S. Ufer, Ernő Lindner,
Microfabricated Amperometric Cells for Enzyme Assays, 4th Tennessee
Biomedical Engineering Conference, March 30-April 1, 2001, Memphis, TN
- A. Bereczki, F. Lanza, A.J.
Hall, A. Tolokan, G. Horvai, V. Horvath, B. Seeergren, E. Lindner, Development of
Artificial Antibodies (Molecular Imprinting Polymers) for Phenytoin an
Antiepileptic Drug, 4th Tennessee Biomedical Engineering Conference,
March 30-April 1, 2001, Memphis, TN
- Ernő Lindner, Three
Dimensional Imaging of Transport in Ion-Selective Membranes, 4th
Tennessee Biomedical Engineering Conference, March 30-April 1, 2001, Memphis,
- Ernő Lindner, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi E.
Gyurcsányi, Bradford D. Pendley Three Dimensional Imaging of Transport in
Ion-Selective Membranes, Pittcon 2001, March 4-9, New Orleans, USA
- Richard P. Buck, S.
Ufer, V.V. Cosofret, C.X. Xu, M. Neuman, E. Lindner, G. Nagy, S. A. Marzouk, T.A.
Johnson, H. Yang, W. E. Cascio, L. Nagy, M. Erdösy, Microfabricated
Electrochemical Sensors: Biological and Medical Applications, Pittcon 2001,
March 4-9, New Orleans, USA
- K. Tóth, E. Pergel,
B.T.T. Lan, I. Bitter, E. Lindner, R.E. Gyurcsányi, Imaging Ion-Permiation
Across Solvent Polymeric Membrane Electrodes, Pittcon 2001, March 4-9, New
Orleans, USA
- Róbert E.
Gyurcsányi E. Gyurcsányi, G. Nagy, L. Nagy, A. Cristalli, Andrea Bereczki, R.P.
Buck, M.R. Neuman, H.T. Nagle, S. Ufer, Ernő
Lindner, Microfabricated Amperometric Cells for Enzyme Assays, Pittcon
2001, March 4-9, New Orleans, USA
- Ernő Lindner, Róbert E.
Gyurcsányi, Éva Pergel, Bradford Pendley, A glance into the bulk of solvent
polymeric membranes, Symposium on
“Electrochemistry and solid state/technology in service of medicine, Fall
Society Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 22, 2000
- Ernő Lindner, A glance into the bulk of
solvent polymeric pH membranes, Euroanalysis, September 3-8, Lisbon – Portugal
- E. Lindner, B.D. Pendley,
Microfabricated potentiometric sensors and their in-vivo applications, Pittcon
2000, March 12-17, New Orleans, USA
- E. Lindner, B.D. Pendley, R.
Gyurcsányi, E. Pergel., Current polarized ion-selective membranes: steady state
galvanostatic control and chronoamperometric transients. Pittcon 2000, March
12-17, New Orleans, USA
- E. Lindner, Microfabricated
electrochemical sensors, Rhodes College, Memphis, Nov. 15, 1999
- G. Nagy, K. Tóth, E.
Lindner, M. R. Neuman, A. Cristalli, R. Gyurcsányi, Recent results with
enzyme activity measuring biosensors, INCO Copernicus Conference, Oct 10, 1999,
Bruno, Czech Republic
- B. D. Pendley, E.
Lindner, Chronoamperometric method to estimate ionophore loss from ion
selective electrode membranes, Second Tennessee Conference on Biomedical
Engineering, April 9-11, Nashwille, TN
- E. Lindner, R. Gyurcsányi, K. Tóth,
Ion-selective electrodes with picomolar detection limit, Second Tennessee
Conference on Biomedical Engineering, April 9-11, Nashwille, TN
- R.P. Buck, Sayed A.
Marzouk, T. A. Johnson, W. E. Cascio, E. Lindner Biological and medical
applications of electrochemical sensors: simultaneous pH, Potassium and lactate
measurement in ischemic myocardium Pittcon 99, March 7-12, Orlando FL, Lecture
- E. Lindner, R. Gyurcsányi, E. Pretsch,
T. Zwickl, R.P. Buck, Tailored transport through ion-selective membranes,
Pittcon 99, March 7-12, Orlando FL, Lecture 487
- R. Gyurcsányi, T.
Plowman, K. Tóth, E. Lindner, G.Nagy Felületek vizsgálata
pásztázó elektrokémiai mikroszkópiával (Scanning electrochemical microscopy to
study surfaces) 1998, November, Kolozsvár, Románia
- M.R. Neuman, M.C.
Buncick, E. Lindner, Lowy, D.A., Pendley, B.D.,
Malkin, R.A., M.S. Slack, Biomedical
sensor development at the Memphis joint program in biomedical engineering
Conference on the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Health Care in the
Twenty-first Century, Dec. 3-4,
- E. Lindner, R. Gyurcsányi, E. Pretsch,
T. Zwickl, R.P. Buck Tailored transport through ion-selective membranes
Matrafured’98, International Symposium on electrochemical and biosensors
October 14-17, 1998
- Richard P. Buck, E.
Lindner Studies of potential generation accross membrane sensors at
interfaces and through bulk Matrafured’98, International Symposium on
electrochemical and biosensors October 14-17, 1998
- E. Lindner New Electrochemical Sensing
Techniques September 14, 1998, University of Memphis, Department of Biomedical
Engineering Seminar Series
- G. Nagy, C. X. Xu,
R.P. Buck, E. Lindner Amperometric microcell for
diagnostic enzyme activity measurement 216 th National Meeting of the American
Chemical Society, Boston, MA, August 23-27, 1998
- E. Lindner New Electrochemical Sensing
Techniques Becton&Dickenson, RTP NC, June 25, 1998
- R.P. Buck, E.
Lindner New electrochemical sensing techniques for the liquid phase Analytica
98, April 21-24 Munich, Gemany
- Ernő Lindner, Ernő Pretsch, Titus
Zwikl, Bernhard Schneider, Imre Kapui, Richard P. Buck Combined methods for
optimizing microelectronically fabricated planar sensors; Spectro-Potentiometry
and Ion-Selective Gravimetry Pittcon’98, March 1-5, 1998, New Orleans
- T. Zwickl, B.
Schneider, B. Federer, T. Sokalski, E. Lindner, U. Schaller, Z. Cimmerman, E.
Pretsh Spectro-potentiometric investigations of solvent polymeric membranes The
1997 Joint International Meeting, The Electrochemical Society and The
International Society of Electrochemistry, August 31-September 5, 1997, Paris
- New Methods to
Investigate Time Dependent Processes in Sensor Films T. Zwickl, T. Sokalski, B.
Schneider, B. Federer, E. Lindner, M. Fibbioli, E. Pretsch
Eurosensors Conference, Warsaw, 1997
- M.R. Neuman, R.P.
Buck, V.V. Cosofret, E. Lindner, M. Erdosy, C.R. Edwards, R.A.
Lucic, S. Marzouk, S. Ufer, M.B. Madaras Microfabricated Miniature Chemical
Sensors, IEEE Biotelemetry Conference, April, 1997, Marburg, Germany
- Ernő Lindner Spectropotentiometry
Measuring Transient Potentials whilst Visualizing the Transport Processes in
Carrier Based Membranes Seminars in
Analytical Chemistr, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill,
September 9, 1996
- 78. E. Pretsch, B. Schneider,
T. Zwickl, B. Federer, and E.
Lindner Spectro-potentiometry, a new
method for in-situ imaging of
concentration profiles in ion-selective membranes with simultaneous recording
of potential-time transients International Society of Electrochemistry,
Balatonfured, 1996 szeptember, Hungary
- Ernő Lindner, Bernhard Schneider, Titus
Zwickl, Beat Federer, Ernő Pretsch
Spectropotentiometry: measuring transient potentials whilst visualizing the
transport processes in carrier based Membranes ESEAC'96, University of Durham,
England, 25-29 March, 1996
- Albrecht Uhlig, Uwe
Schnackenberg, Ernő Lindner, Frank
Dietrich, Rainer Hintsche Catheter System for Potassium Measurement in Medical
Application Magyar - Német Tudomanyos Ules, Gyor, 1995 December
- 81. E. Pretsch, B. Schneider,
T. Zwickl, B. Federer, and E.
Lindner Spectro-potentiometry, a new
method for in-situ imaging of
concentration profiles in ion-selective membranes with simultaneous recording
of potential-time transients Hawai, 1996
- Albrecht Uhlig, Uwe
Schnackenberg, Ernő Lindner, Frank
Dietrich, Rainer Hintsche Catheter System for Potassium Measurement in Medical
Application The 8th International Conference on Solid Sensors and Actuators
Eurosensors IX, Stokholm, Sweden, June 25-29, 1995
- Lindner Ernő Mikroelektronikai
iparokban alkalmazott technológiával készült kémiai szenzorok és alkalmazásuk
élettani vizsgálatokhoz (Microfabricated sensors in biomedical applications)
Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete, Analitikai Napok, Budapest, 1995 Január 17-18
(Budapest I. Fô utca 68)
- Buck, Richard, P.;
Cosofret, Vasile, V., Lindner, Ernő; Ufer, Stefan; Madaras, Marcel B.;Johnson,
Timothy, A.; Ash, Bruce, R.; Neuman, Michael, R.; Microfabrication technology
of flexible membrane-based sensors for in vivo applications Electrochemical
Sensors Symposium Dedicated to the Memory of Professor W. Simon, Sept. 15-18, (1994), Matrafüred, Hungary
- E. Lindner, V.V. Cosofret, R.P. Buck,
T.A. Johnson, R.B.Ash, M.R. Neuman, W.J. Kao, J.M. Anderson Electroanalytical
and biocompatibility studies on microfabricated array sensors Electrochemical
Sensors Symposium Dedicated to the Memory of Professor W. Simon, Sept. 15-18, (1994), Matrafüred, Hungary
- E. Lindner, V.V. Cosofret, T.A.
Johnson, R.B. Ash, S. Ufer, R.P. Buck, K. Tóth, G. Nagy, Zs. Feher, E. Pungor
Flexible (Kapton-based) microsensor arrays for cardiovascular applications III.
Semmelweis Tudományos Fórum, Budapest, 1994 április 28
- V.V. Cosofret, J.M.
Kao, E. Lindner, M. Erdösy, J.M. Anderson, M.R.
Neuman, R.P. Buck Electroanalytical and biocompatibility studies on
carboxylated PVC for microfabricated array sensors Int. Symposium on
Electroanalysis, A tribute to J.D.R. Thomas, Cardiff, Wales, April
- R.P. Buck, V.V.
Cosofret, E. Lindner, S. Ufer Flexible microfabricated
array electrodes for cardiovascular applications Second Carolina Conference in
Biomedical Engineering, Chapel Hill, NC, February 4-5, 1994
- V.V. Cosofret, E.
Lindner, M. Erdösy, R.P. Buck,
Electroanalytical studies of carboxylated PVC membrane selective to ions
of biological interest Second Carolina Conference in Biomedical Engineering,
Chapel Hill, NC, February 4-5, 1994
- R.P. Kusy, J.Q.
Whitley, R.P. Buck, V.V. Cosofret, E. Lindner, Synthesis and evaluation of piperazine
grafted Poly(vinyl chloride)s for fixed site proton carriers Second Carolina
Conference in Biomedical Engineering, Chapel Hill, NC, February 4-5, 1994
- V.V.Cosefret, E.
Lindner, T.A. Johnson, J.W. Kao, J.M. Anderson, R.P. Buck Membrane
fabrication technology for myocardial selective electrodes Symposium on
Membranes for Biomedical and Biotechnological Separations, San Diego, CA,
March, 1994
- R.P. Kusy, J.Q.
Whitley, R.P. Buck, V.V. Cosofret, E. Lindner Development of piperazine
grafted poly(vinyl chloride)s for fixed site proton carriers The 20th Annual
Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, April, 5-9, 1994, Boston, USA
- B.E. Billard, T.A.
Johnson, R.B. Ash, H.T. Nagle, E. Lindner, V.V. Cosofret, R.P. Buck
Flexible polyimide based microelectrode plaque design for ionic and electrical
characterisation of ischemic hearts BMES 1993 Annual Fall Meating, Memphis
State University, October 21-24, 1993
- Richard P. Buck,
Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernő Lindner
Biomedical applications of flexible microfabricated array elecrodes The 45th
Pittsburg Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry, Chicago, IL, USA,
Febr.28-March 4, 1994, Paper
- Richard P. Buck,
Vasile V. Cosofret, Ernő Lindner In
vivo sensing using ion-selective electrodes The 45th Pittsburg Conference and
Exposition on Analytical Chemistry, Chicago, IL, USA, Febr.28-March 4, 1994,
- Ernő Lindner, Vasile, V. Cosofret,
Stefan Ufer Richard P.Buck Hardly
plasticized tecoflex (an aliphatic polyurethane) is a biocompatible alternative
of pvc matrices in designing planar ion sensors for chronic applications The
45th Pittsburg Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry, Chicago, IL,
USA, Febr.28-March 4, 1994, Paper
- Vasile, V.
Cosofret, Ernő Lindner, Richard
P.Buck Response of aminated PVC-based and neutral carrier-based pH microchemical
sensors in the presence of anions of different lipophilicities The 45th
Pittsburg Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry, Chicago, IL, USA,
Febr.28-March 4, 1994, Paper
- Richard P. Buck,
Vasile V. Cosofret, E. Lindner Anion effects on Donnan failure
of aminated PVC-based and neutral carrier-based pH sensors 184st Meeting of the
Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, LA, October 10-15,1993
- E. Lindner Carrier-based sensors
Biomedical Sensors For Cardiovascular Applications Duke-North CarolinaNSF/ERC
Symposium, Jan. 31-Febr. 2, 1993
- V.V.Cosofret, E.
Lindner, M.R.Neuman and R.P.Buck Planar, microchemical sensor arrays for
biomedical research and analysis Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis' 93
Symposium April 18-21'93, Baltimore, USA
- Ernő Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret Design
and optimization of ion-selective
biosensors for cardiovascular applications Duke-North Carolina NSF/ERC Site
Visit October 8-9, 1992 (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Ernő Lindner, Vasile, V. Cosofret,
Stefan Ufer, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi P. Kusy, Richard P.Buck, R.Bruce Ash, H. Troy
Nagle Flexible (kapton-based) microsensor arrays of high stability for
cardiovascular applications The 44th Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition on
Analytical Chemistry
- Ernő Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret,
Stefan Ufer, Richard P. Buck Modified PVC membranes for ion-selective electrode
arrays for biomedical applications Symposium on Polymeric Materials in
Biosensors and diagnostics at Denver, American Chemical Society Mtg. March
28-April 2, 1993
- Richard P. Buck, Ernő Lindner, Vasile V. Cosofret,
Róbert E. Gyurcsányi P.Kusy, Timothy A. Johnson, Michael A. Neuman Design,
fabrication and testing of flexible ion-microsensors for cardiovascular
applications 181st Electrochemical Society Meeting, St. Louis Missouri, May 17-22,
- Vasile V. Cosofret,
Tal M. Nahir, Ernő.Lindner, Richard P. Buck A neutral carrier based hydrogen
ion-selective membrane electrode PITTCON'92, The 43th Pittsburgh Conference and
Exposition on Analytical Chemistry, New Orleans, March 9-12, 1992, Poster 333
- M. Forróné-Horváth,
K. Tóth, E. Lindner, E. Pungor, I. Bitter, B. Àgai,
L. Töke Cink-ionok mérésére alkalmas újtipusú ionoforok elöállÌtása és
vizsgálata Vegyészkonferencia
- J. Jeney, G. Nagy,
K. Tóth, E. Lindner, E. Pungor Analytical
performance of chemically modified PVC matrix based enzyme electrodes
Biosensors 2, Geneva, 1992
- J. Jeney, G. Nagy,
K. Tóth, E. Lindner, E. Pungor Analytical
performance of enzyme electrodes prepared with chemically modified PVC matrix
Bioelectroanalysis 2, Mátrafüred 1992
- E. Johnsen, K.
Tóth, E. Lindner, E. Pungor Impedance studies of
K+- selective PVC membranes 33rd IUPAC
Congress, Budapest, Aug. 1991
- M. F. Camoes, K.
Tóth, E. Lindner Stoichiometry and distribution
of bis(crown ether)-metal ion complexes 33rd IUPAC Congress, Budapest, Aug.
- J. Jeney, K. Tóth,
G. Nagy, E. Lindner, E. Pungor Potentiometric ion
and molecular sensors Siemens Microsymposium, OMFB, Budapest, Dec. 1991
- E. Lindner Direkt és indirekt
potenciomeriás analizátorok MTA Elektroanalitikai és Automatizálási
Munkabizottságainak együttes ülése, Budapest, 1991, január 30
- E. Lindner Uj ionoforok analitikai
alkalmazása Analitikai Napok'91, Budapest, 1991, január 22-23
- J. Jeney, G. Nagy,
K. Tóth, E. Lindner E. Pungor Analytical
performance of chemically modified PVC membrane matrix based enzyme electrodes
Symposium on Bioanalytical Methods, Prague, Sept. 1990
- E. Lindner, K.Tóth, J.Jeney, E.Pungor,
Ionszelektiv elektródok vizsgálatához használt dinamikus technikák, Magyarok
Szerepe a Világ Természettudományos Haladásában II, Budapest, 1989. aug. 19-25,
- K.Tóth, E.
Lindner,J. Jeney, E.Pungor, Potentiometric detection in continuous flow
systems Int.Symp. on the Detection in Liquid Chromatography and Flow Injection Analysis, Cordoba/Spain,
Sept.20-22, 1989.
- K.Tóth, E.
Lindner, S.Kolev, E.Pungor, Flow injection approach for the determination
of the dynamic response of ion-selective electrodes, Int.Symp. on the Detection
in Liquid Chromatography and Flow
Injection Analysis, Cordoba/Spain, Sept.20-22, 1989.
- E.Pungor, E.
Lindner, K.Tóth, Genaral survey and microanalytical aspects of
ion-selective electrodes, XI. Int.Symp on Microchemical Techniques,
Wiesbaden/GFR, Aug.28-Sept.1, 1989
- E. Lindner, Dynamic techniques applied
i ion-selective membrane studies, ICB
Seminar 2.1, Electrical measurements of biochemical quantities, Jablona (near
Warsaw)/Poland, March.3-15, 1989
- E. Lindner, Flow through techniques for
drug analysis with potentiometric detection, Gyógyszeranalitikai szeminárium,
Cairo/Egyiptom, March.19, 1989
- G.Juhász,
R.Galambos, J.Tarcali, E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E.Pungor, Inger hatására létrejött
káliumpotenciál változások az agykéreg felszinén, M…T Idegtudományi szakosztály
éves ülése, Veszprém, 1988. jan.15,
- K.Tóth, E.
Lindner, E.Pungor, New directions in the research of solvent polymeric
membranes, 5.Symp.on Ion-Selective Electrodes, Mátrafüred/Hungary, Oct.9-13,
- T.R.Berube,
R.P.Buck, E.Gráf, G.Horvai, M.L.Iglehart, E. Lindner, Zs.Niegreisz, E.Pungor,
J.R.Sandifer, K.Tóth, Electrochemistry of passive membranes, 5.Symp.on
Ion-Selective Electrodes, Mátrafüred/Hungary, Oct.9-13, 1988
- J.Tarcali,
G.Juhász, G.Nagy, E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E.Pungor, Performance
investigation of high impedance in-vivo ion-selective electrodes in
electrically perturbed enviroment, 5.Symp.on Ion-Selective Electrodes,
Mátrafüred/Hungary, Oct.9-13, 1988
- B.Werner, G.Werner,
E. Lindner, Surface properties and dynamic
response behaviour of Ag S based electrodes, 5.Symp.on Ion-Selective
Electrodes, Mátrafüred/Hungary, Oct.9-13, 1988
- E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E.Pungor, R.P.Buck,
Transient techniques for ion selective membrane studies , 5.Symp.on
Ion-Selective Electrodes, Mátrafüred/Hungary, Oct.9-13, 1988
- E. Lindner, Ionszelektiv csapadékalapú
membránok sajátságainak értelmezése zavaró ionok jelenlétében, MTA
Elektroanalitikai Munkabizottság ülése, BME/Budapest,1988, febr.5,
- E.Pungor, E.
Lindner, J.Tarcali, G. Nagy, K.Tóth, G.Juhász, Investigation with K
sensitive, ion-selective electrode and application to potassium measurements in
brain, Gordon Conference on Bioanalytical Sensors, Colby-Sawyer College, New
London, N.H., June, 13-17, 1988
- J.Jeney, K.Tóth, E.
Lindner, E.Pungor, Vizeletminták ionos összetevöinek meghatározása
ionszelektiv elektródokkal, Vegyészkonferencia, Pécs, 19881. jul. 13-16 ,
- J.Tarcali, G.Nagy,
G.Juhász, T.Kukorelli, K.Tóth, E. Lindner5, E.Pungor , Uj, biszkoronaéter
alapú, káliumszelektiv mikroelektród
analitikai vizsgálata, Vegyészkonferencia, Pécs, 19881. jul. 13-16 ,
- E. Lindner, K.Tóth, M.Horváth, E.Pungor,
B.Àgai, I.Bitter, T.Meisel, L.Töke , Biszkoronaéter alapú ionszelektiv
elektródok Vegyészkonferencia, Pécs,
1988 jul. 13-16 ,
- E. Lindner, E.Pungor, T.R.Berube,
R.P.Buck, Comparision of proposed response mechanisms of precipitate based
ion-selective electrodes in the presence of interfering ions, Electro-finn
analysis, Turku, June.6-9, 1988
- T.Meisel, I.Bitter,
B.Ágai, L.Töke, E. Lindner, K. Tóth, M.Horváth, G.Tóth,
À.Szöllösi, E.Pungor, N-heterociklusos koronaéterek szintézise,
Vegyészkonferencia, 1987,
- I.Bitter, B.Àgai,
L.Töke, Z.Hell, K.Tóth, E. Lindner,
E. Pungor , The role of crown-ether ring in the complexation, XXIII. Int.Conf.
on Coordination Chemistry, Colorado/Boulder, USA, July.29-Aug.3, 1987
- B.Àgai, I.Bitter,
L.Töke, Z.Hell, K.Tóth, E. Lindner,
5E.Pungor, Synthesis of selective macrocyclic ligands, XXIII. Int.Conf. on
Coordination Chemistry, Colorado/Boulder, USA, July.29-Aug.3, 1987
- B.Àgai,
I.Bitter,T.Meisel Jr., L.Töke, E. Lindner, K.Tóth, M.Horváth, E.Pungor,
Káliumszelektiv ionoforok szintézise, Vegyészkonferencia,1987,
- E. Lindner, E.Pungor, R.P.Buck,
Evidence for ionic electrokinetics at pure ionic interfaces, 171st Society
Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1987.May.10-15,
- K.Tóth, E. Lindner, E.Pungor, R.Kellner, E.Zippel,
Electrochemical and spectroscopic study of ionophore-based solvent polymeric
membranes, Euroanalysis VI.,La Villette, Paris, Sept.7-11, 1987
- E. Lindner, Zs.Niegreisz, E.Pungor,
R.P.Buck, Kinetic studies on solvent polymeric membranes, Euroanalysis VI.,La
Villette, Paris, Sept.7-11, 1987
- E. Lindner, E.Pungor,
Untersuchungen von ionenselektiven Membranen mit elektrochemischen und anderen
Methoden, 5. Tagung, Festkörperanalytik, Karl-Marx-Stadt, June.30-July 3, 1987
- E. Lindner,
Ionszelektiv elektródok kinetikai vizsgálata, MTA Elektroanalitikai
Munkabizottság ülése, BME, Budapest, 1987.jan.31,
- E. Lindner, Impedance characteristics
of some silicone rubber and PVC membranes, Chapel Hill/North Carolina/USA, Oct.
8, 1986
- J.Fucskó, E.
Lindner, E.Pungor, Application of flow-through potentiometric detectors in
flow injection analysis, 6th Conf. on Advance and Application of Analytical
Chemistry in Practice. Trace Analysis. Rackova Dolina/High Tatras, June 3-6,
- E. Lindner, Ujtipusú méröberendezés az
ionszelektiv elektródok dinamikus
sajátságainak meghatározására, MTA Elektroanalitikai Munkabizottság rendkivüli
ülése, BME, Budapest,1986.dec.6,
- E. Lindner, Néhány új ionofor alapú
ionszelektiv elektród, ELTE Analitikai Kémiai Tsz. 1985. nov.11,
- K.Tóth, E.
Lindner, E.Pungor, Bis(crown ethers) for potassium ion-selective
electrodes, Eastern Analytical Conf., New York, Nov, 1985.
- L.Szilágyi,B.Àgai,I.Bitter,Z.Hell,
L.Töke, K.Tóth, E. Lindner, Molecular dinamics of
bis(benzo-crown-5)ethers and complexes by 13C and 23Na relaxation times,
III.Cong. on Steric Effect in Biomolecules, Sopron/Hungary, 1985.aug.,
- B.Àgai,I.Bitter,
L.Töke, Z.Hell, K.Tóth, E.Pungor, E. Lindner, Lipofil K+ ionoforok szintézise, Vegyészkonferencia,
Pécs, 1985,
- I.Bitter, B.Àgai,
Z.Hell, L.Töke, E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E.Pungor, Synthesis of
potassium ion-selective bis-crown-ethers, X. Int.Symp. on Macrocyclic
Compounds, Provo/Utah (USA) Aug. 7, 1985
- E. Lindner,
Dynamisches Verhalten von ionenselektiven Elektroden, Analytiktreffen, Neubrandenburg/DDR,
- E. Lindner, K.
Tóth, M.Horváth, E.Pungor, B.Àgai,
I.Bitter, L.Töke, Potassium ion-selective electrodes based on bis(crown
ether)s.II. Comparative studies and development Euroanalysis V. Cracow, Poland, Aug. 26-31, 1984
- K.Tóth, E. Lindner, M.Horváth, E.Pungor, BÀgai,
I.Bitter, L.Töke, Potassium
ion-selective electrodes based on
bis(crown ether)s. I.Chemical structure and ion-selectivity, Euroanalysis V.
Cracow, Poland, Aug. 26-31, 1984.
- E. Lindner, M.Gratzl, A.Hrabéczi-Páll,
E.Pungor, Determination of mean activity coefficients with ion-selective
electrodes, IV.Symp. on Ion-Selective Electrodes, Mátrafüred, Oct.81-12, 1984.
- K.Tóth, E. Lindner, E.Pungor, Bis(crown ether)s
for potassium ion-selective electrode, IV.Symp. on Ion-Selective Electrodes,
Mátrafüred, Oct.81-12, 1984.
- E. Lindner, M.Gratzl, E.Pungor,
Theoretical treatment of the dynamic behaviour of precipitate based
ion-selective membrane electrodes in the presence of interfering ions, IV.Symp.
on Ion-Selective Electrodes, Mátrafüred, Oct.8-12, 1984.
- E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E.Pungor,
Biszkoronaéter alapú kálium ionszelektiv elektród, A Budapesti Müszaki Egyetem
megalapitásának 200. évfordulója alkalmából rendezett tudományos ülésszak, BME,
Budapest, 1983 március.8-10
- E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E.Pungor, B.Àgai,
I.Bitter, L.Töke, New potassium selective electrode based on bis(crown ether)s.
II. Electrochemical studies XXII. Int.Cong. on Coordination Chemisry, Budapest,
Aug.23-27, 1982
- B.Àgai, I.Bitter,
L.Töke, E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E. Pungor, New
potassium selective electrode based on
bis(crown ether)s. I.Synthesis XXII. Int.Cong. on Coordination Chemisry,
Budapest, Aug.23-27, 1982
- E. Lindner, Transport properties and
anion interference on neutral carrier electrodes, Chiba University, Chiba
(Japan), Nov.17, 1982
- E. Lindner, Response time measurements
with neutral carrier electrodes and in the presence of interfering ions,
Tsukuba Institute of Enviromental
Research, Tsukuba (Japan), Nov.8, 1982
- E. Lindner, Dynamic response of ion-selective
electrodes, Tokyo University, Nov.6, 1982.
- E. Lindner, Problems related to the
determination of response time of ion-selective electrodes University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Nov., 1981
- E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E.Pungor, Dynamic
response of ion-selective electrodes in the two-ion-range, Euroanalysis III,
Helsinki, 1981,
- B.Àgai, I.Bitter,
L.Töke, K.Tóth, E. Lindner, Complexing ability and
selectivity values of new crowns , VII.Symp. of Heterocyclic.Chem.,
- B.Àgai, I.Bitter,
L.Töke, K.Tóth, E. Lindner, Összefüggés a koronaéterek
szerkezete és komplexképzése között , Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete,
Vegyészkonferencia, Szeged,1981
- E.Ligeti, E. Lindner, A mitokondriális
kalciumtranszport új gátlószere1: Ni, XI. Membrántranszport Konferencia, Sümeg,
- K.Tóth, E.
Lindner, E.Pungor, Problems related to the interpretation of response time
curves, III.Symposium on Ion-Selective Electrodes, Mátrafüred, 1981, Oct.
- 173. E. Lindner, Dynamic response of
ion-selective electrodes and measuring cells containing ion-selective
electrodes, SZUTA Vernadskij Inst. és a
MTA Müsz.Anal.Kém.Tansz. Munkaközösség
közötti együttmködés értékelö megbeszélése, SZUTA, Moszkva, 1979. nov.2,
- E. Lindner, Gyógyszerhatóanyag leadás
sebességének meghatározása és a méréstechnika automatizálásának lehetöségei,
MTA Elektroanalitikai és Automatizálási Munkabizottságainak együttes ülése,
MTA, Budapest, 1979.nov 26
- E. Lindner, Ujabb eredmények az ionszelektiv elektródok müködési
mechanizmusának értelmezésére, Analitikai Napok Budapest, 1979, jan. 22-23
- E.Pungor, K.Tóth, E. Lindner Bestimmung von
Halogeniden unter Anwendung von ionenselektiven Elektroden Symp. über
Halogenidchemie, Berlin, Apr. 4-6, 1978,
- E. Lindner
Mérömódszer és voltammetriás méröberendezés szilárd gyógyszerkészitmények
hatóanyagkioldódási tulajdonságainak vizsgálatára Fiatal Oktatók Tudományos Fóruma, Budapest,
1977, Nov.1 ,
- E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E.Pungor, W.Simon,
Response time studies with neutral carrier based ion-selective electrodes,
Conf. on Ion-Selective Electrodes, Budapest, Sept.5-9, 1977
- E. Lindner, P.Wuhrmann, W.Simon,
E.Pungor, Transport properties and anion interference of neutral carrier based
ion-selective electrodes, II.Symposium on Ion-Selective Electrodes, Mátrafüred,
Oct.18-21, 1976
- K.Tóth, Zs.Fehér,
G.Nagy, E. Lindner, E.Pungor,
Mérömódszer és méröberendezés szilárd gyógyszerkészitmények hatóanyagkioldódási
tulajdonságainak vizsgálatára, VIII. Gyógyszeranalitikai Kollokvium, Siófok,
1976, május,
- K. Tóth, E. Lindner, E.Pungor, Dynamic response
of ion-selective electrodes. New aspects of the interpretation of response time
curves, XI.Mendelejev.Conf., Alma Ata, Sept. 21-28, 1975
- E. Lindner, K.Tóth, E.Pungor, An
examination of the temperature coefficients of ion-selective electrodes in
non-isothermal galvanic cells, I.Symposium on Ion-Selective Electrodes,
Mátrafüred, Okt. 23-25, 1972
- K.Tóth, E. Lindner, E.Pungor, An examination of
the temperature coefficients of silver haide-based ion-selective electrodes (A
halogenid alapú ionszelektiv membránelektródok höfokfüggésének
vizsgálata),VIII. Dunántúli Analitikai Konferencia, Székesfehérvár,1972
Appendix A - Teaching Experience
- BIOM-4904/6904 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 7222/8222 - Biosensors
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 7222/8222 - Biosensors
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM-7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM-7114/8114 - Professional Development
- BIOM-4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7222/8222 - Biosensors
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development (BME Seminar)
- CHEM 4901 - Introduction into chemical Research
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Live Science I
- BIOM 7209/8209 - Biomedical Measurement & Instrumentation
- CHEM 8307 - Nanomaterials
- BIOM 2720 - Experimental Design and Analysis
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 7222/8222 - Biosensors
- BIOM 7209/8209 - Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation
- BIOM 2720 - Experimental Design and Anal.
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development/Seminar
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science
- BIOM 7110/8110 - Biostatistics
- BIOM 7209/8209 - Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation
- BIOM 2720 - Experimental Design and Anal.
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development/Seminar
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7110/8110 - Biostatistics
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science
- BIOM 2720 - Experimental Design and Anal.
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Prof. Development/Seminar
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- Biom 7209/8209 - Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation
- Biom 2720 - Experimental Design and Analysis
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development/Seminar
- BIOM 7110/8110 - Biostatistics
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 7209/8209 - Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation
- BIOM 2720 - Experimental Design and Analysis
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development/Seminar
- BIOM 7110/8110 - Biostatistics
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 2720 - Experimental Design and Anal
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development
- BIOM 7110/8110 - Biostatistics
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and biosensors
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- Biom 7209/8209 - Instrumentation
- BIOM 2720 - Experimental Design and Analysis
- BIOM 7222/8222 - Biosensors
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development
- BIOM 7110/8110 - Biostatistics
- BIOM 4205/6206 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 2720 - Experimental Design Analysis
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional development
- BIOM 7110 - Biostatistics
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 7004/8004 - Life Science I
- BIOM 7209/8209 - Biomedical measurement and instrumentation
- BIOM 2720 - Experimental Design and Analysis
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Professional Development
- BIOM 7114/8114 - Biostatistics
- BIOM 4205/6205 - Introduction to Chemical and Biosensors
- BIOM 4210 - Research studies
Appendix B - Student Advising/Mentoring
- Dissertation and thesis titles by students:
- Caroline Lim (Ms. Thesis, 2002): Quantification of Protein
adsorption to planar electrochemical biosensor materials
- Ying Liu (Ms. Project, 2002): Characterization of immobilization
techniques with SECM
- Kalyani Kasisomayajula (Ms. Thesis, 2003): Development of an amperometric method to detect streptococcus pneumoniae in
patient samples
- Kim Kaczor (Ms. Thesis, 2003): Assesing agreement in sodium concentration measurements with urine using a
polymeric based ion-selective microelectrode array and commercial clinical
- Neeraja Rangisetti (Ms. Thesis, 2004): Comparision of the analytical performance of microfabricated planar
ion-selective electrodes based on polypyrrole solid contact and conventional
- Clinton Watts (Ms. Project, 2004): Development of
electrochemical immunoassays for the measurement of cardiac proteins
- Feyisayo Philips (Ms. Thesis, 2005): Development of a monitoring system for the measurement of sodium ions in urine
during the treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Gundamraju, Archana (Ms. Thesis 2005): Evaluation of Performance Characteristics of a Quartz Crystal Microbalance for
Quantification of Protein Adsorption.
- Neel Gandhi (Ms. Thesis, 2006): Evaluation of solid contact flow-through sodium sensor for the measurement of
patient urine samples
- I-Jane Chen (Ms. Project, 2006): Visualization of flow patterns in microfluidic channels
- Danita Scott (Ms. Project, 2007) Development and testing of coated wire electrode arrays
- Heather Doty (Ms. Thesis, 2007) Non-specific protein adsorption on materials utilized in a microfluidic devices with integrated electrochemical sensors
- Felyncia Rainey (Ms. Project, 2009) Development of an automated test-bed for electrochemical measurements in flowing solutions.
- James Sheppard (Ms. Project, 2011) Evaluation of carbon filament electrodes for determination of 2,6-diisopropyl phenol (propofol) in aqueous and organic solutions
- Alex Maclin (Ms. Project, 2011) Measurements of Flow Rates in a Passive Pump Driven Microfluidic Flow System using Electrochemical Methods
- Greggory Kisiel (Ms. Project, 2011) Studies on the effects of electrochemical signal amplification on the detection limit of electrochemical immunoassays for CK-MB
- Laszlo Kekedy (Ms. Project, 2012) Development of an Electrochemical Sensor for Gaseous Hydrogen Peroxide Detection
- Jennifer Jarvis (Ms. Project, 2014) Efforts Towards Reducing the Hydration Time of Planar Ion-Selective Electrodes
- James G. Atheron (M.S. Project, 2014) A Method to Detect Urine Carbon Dioxide for Sepsis Risk Stratification
- Bradley Hambly (M.S. Project, 2016) Measurement of diffusion coefficients in polymeric films by voltammetry and spectroelectrochemical imaging of transport
Tino L. LoSicco (Ph.D. Dissertation, 2003): Characterization of potassium
selective optode membrane implemented using reflectance mode spectroscopy
- Ying Liu (Ph.D. Dissertation, 2006): Development of multianalyte electrochemical immunoassays
- I-Jane Chen (PhD. Dissertation, 2008) Microfluidic analysis system employing electrochemical sensors for immunoassay
- Justin Zook (Ph.D. Dissertation, 2008) Programmed current polarization of ion-selective membranes: theory and application
- Dwight Bordelon (Ph.D. Thesis, 2008) Development of multi-analyte optical sensor arrays for ionic analysis of small volumes of tear fluid
- Felyncia Rainey (PhD Dissertation, 2012) Towards monitoring of the anesthetic drug propofol: Design, development, and characterization of an automated flow analytical system
- James Sheppard (PhD. Dissertation, 2016) Voltammetric determination of diffusion and partition coefficients in plasticized polymer membranes
- Jennifer M. Jarvis (PhD dissertation, 2018): Contribution
towards ideal solid contact ion-selective electrodes: mechanistic studies, optimization, and characterization
- List of awards received by students:
- Neeraja Rangisetty, has been awarded with a second prize on the for her poster
entitled: Microfabricated ISEs: critical comparison
of inherently conducting polymer and hydrogel based inner contacts (16th
Annual Graduate Student Research Forum at the University of Memphis,
April 2004)
- Ying Liu, has been awarded with a first prize for her poster entitled:
Microfabricated multi-analyte electrochemical sensors
(17th Annual Graduate Student Research Forum at the University of Memphis, April 2005)
- Feyisayo Phillips, has been awarded with a second prize for her poster entitled: Development of an electrolyte monitoring system for
patients with diabetic ketoacidosis (17th Annual Graduate
Student Research Forum at the University
of Memphis, April 2005)
- Feyisayo Phillips, von a first prize at the poster competition
organized by the Tennessee Biomedical Engineering Consortion for her poster
entitled: Development of an electrolyte monitoring
system for patients with diabetic ketoacidosis (Society of
Biomaterials Conference, Memphis,
TN April 27-30, 2005)
- Neel Gandhi has been awarded with the first price for his postes entitled:
The development of a bedside measuring system to measure sodium ion
concentration in urine (18th Annual Graduate Student Research
Forum at the University
of Memphis, April 2006)
- Dwight Bordelon has been awarded a second prize for his poster entitled: Optical detection of
potassium in biological samples using reflection mode optical spectroscopy (18th
Annual Graduate Student Research Forum at the University of Memphis,
April 2006)
- Dwight Bordelon has been awarded a shared first prize for his poster entitled: Chemical
analysis of tears, a novel approach of sampling and analyzing the tear film (19th
Annual Graduate Student Research Forum at the University of Memphis,
April 2007)
- Dwight Bordelon, has been awarded a second prize for his poster entitled: Multi analyte optical sensor array for the analysis of tear fluid (20th Annual Graduate Research Forum at the University of Memphis, Memphis TN, April 1, 2008)
- Justin Zook, has been awarded a first prize
for his poster entitled: Mathematical Model of Current Polarized Ionophore-Based Ion-Selective Membranes (20th Annual Graduate Research Forum at the
University of Memphis, Memphis TN, April 1, 2008)
- Justin Zook, has been awarded with the first prize of the Sigma-Xi National Research Society for his poster entitled: Comparison of Methods to Restore concentration Profiles in Ion-Selective Membranes Following a Galvanostatic Current Pulse (20th Annual Graduate Research
Forum at the
University of Memphis, Memphis TN, April 1, 2008)
- Greggory Kisiel was awarded with the first prize for his poster entitled: Surface plasmon resonance aided electrochemical immunosensor for CK-MB determination in undiluted serum samples (22th Annual Graduate Research
Forum at the
University of Memphis, Memphis TN, April, 2010)
- Jennifer m. Jarvis: Clinton Douglas Watts Scholarship (2013)
- Jennifer M. Jarvis: Johan Gadolin Scholarship, Abo Akademy University, Finland 2014
- James G Atherton shared the first prize on the 27th Annual Graduate Student Research Forum at the University of Memphis (April, 2015) for his poster entitled: Urine Carbon Dioxide as Prognostic Indicator in Severe Sepsis
- Jennifer Jarvis was named as 2016 University of Memphis Society Doctoral Fellow.
- Jennifer M. Jarvis:
SWE Collegiate Engineering Expo, 1st
Place Graduate Research (2017)
- Bradley Hambly: Steven Slack Scholarship, 2018
Appendix C - Research/Scholarship/Creative Activities Appendix D - Support
- (PI)
Ernő Lindner US- Hungarian Joint Fund 36,000.00 1996-1999
- (PI)
Ernő Lindner US-Hungarian Joint Fund 4,000.00 2000
- (PI)
Ernő Lindner Duke
University 57,100.00 1999-2000
- (PI) Ernő Lindner St.
Jude Children’s Research Hospital 26,982.
00 2000-2001
- (PI)
Ernő Lindner Becton and Dickinson 195,218.00 2000-2004
- (PI) Ernő
Lindner NSF
(0202207) 233,500. 00 2001-2004
- (PI) Ernő
Lindner NSF
(0335228) 51,185.
00 2003-2004
- (Co-PI) Erno Lindner FedEx Inst. Technol. 72,500.00 2005
E. Pinkhassik (Chem)
- (PI)
Ernő Lindner NIH/UTHSC (E.Chaum PI) 49,922.00 2005-2006
- (PI) Erno Lindner USAMRMC/ UTHSC (E.Chaum PI) 82,795.00 2005-2006
- (PI) Erno Lindner USAMRMC/ UTHSC (E.Chaum PI) 52,261.00 2006-2007
- (PI) Ernő
Lindner NIH (R01HL079147) 1,636,670.00 2005-2010
- (Co-PI)
Erno Lindner LeBonheur 15,000.00 2005-2006
R.K. Danish
- (Co-PI)
Erno Lindner USAMRMC/ UTHSC (E.Chaum PI) 142,671.00 2010-2011
- (PI) Ernő Lindner Tennessee Technol. Development Corp. 100,000.00 2009-2011
- (PI) Erno Lindner FIT/SENSORIUM $ 271,000.00 2011
- (PI) Erno Lindner Instrumentation Laboratory $ 15,322.00 2012
- (PI) Erno Lindner UTHSC/ USAMRMC/(E.Chaum PI) $ 41,878.00 2012-2013
- (PI) Erno Lindner Infusense $ 28,557 2013
- (PI) Erno Lindner Instrumentation Laboratory $ 719,128 2013-2017
- (PI) Erno Lindner FIT/SENSORIUM $ 80,336 2013-2017
- Total between 1999 and 2018 $ 4,091,807.00