Faculty and Staff Profiles |
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Office Hours: Thursdays, 3:00-4:00, and by appointment |
Dr. Lustig is a Professor in Rehabilitation Counseling and Director of The Center for Rehabilitation and Employment Research at The University of Memphis. He received his Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Psychology from the University of Wisconsin in 1995 and is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. Dr. Lustig has published research in the areas of working alliance, family adjustment, career thoughts, assessment, poverty and disability, and psychosocial adjustment. He has authored 60 journal articles and one book chapter. He is an editor for the Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. He has written and been awarded training and service grants exceeding $11million .
Additional Information
Work Experience
- Professor, CEPR - University of Memphis - 2007-present
- Asssociate Professor, CEPR - University of Memphis - 2002 - 2007
- Director - Center for Rehabilitation and Employment Research, CEPR - University of Memphis - 2005 - present
- Director - Mid South ACT, CEPR - University of Memphis - 2002-2003
- Assistant Professor, CEPR - University of Memphis - 1999 - 2002
- Associate Director - Center for Rehabilitation and Employment Research, CEPR - University of Memphis - 200-2005
- Assistant Professor, Dept of Rehab and Sp.Ed - Auburn University - 1995 - 1999
- Lead vocational evaluator,   - Milwaukee Center for Independence - 1990-1992
- Vocational evaluator,   - Nebraska Department of Vocational Rehabilitation - 1986 - 1990
- Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist,   - Veterans Administration - 1984 - 1985
- Research Award - 2nd place - American Rehabilitation Counseling Association - 2002
- Research Award - 2nd place - American Rehabilitation Counseling Association - 2003
- Commissioners Award - Rehabilitation Services Administration, U.S. Dept of Education - 2004
Teaching Experience
- Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of rehabilitation - University of Memphis
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation - University of Memphis
- Assessment techniques - University of Memphis
- Vocational development and occupational information - University of Memphis
- Center for Rehabilitation and Employment Research - Tennessee Division of Rehabilitation Services - $700,000 - annually
- Implemented an agreement with the Catholic Dioceses of Memphis to provide LD testing to Jubilee Schools students - Drs. Lustig, Zanskas, Cogdal, Casey - 2009 - present - Center for Rehabilitation and Employment Research
- Certification as an Employment Network to assist SSI/SSDI adults to find and maintain employment - Drs. Lustig and Zanskas - 2009 - present - Center for Rehabilitation and Employment Research
- Initiated a project to provide a brief motivational interview to trauma patients at The Med to reduce recidivism related to alcohol and drug use. - Drs. Lustig and Zanskas - 2009 - present - UT Med andCenter for Rehabilitation and Employment Research
- Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin - Editorial Board Member - 2004 - present
- Journal of Rehabilitation - Co-Editor - 2003 - present
Journal Articles
- Lustig, D., Brown, C., & Lott, A. (1998). Reliability of the CareerScope Career Assessment and Reporting System. Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment, 31, 19 - 21.
- Lustig, D. (1996). Clinical judgment in vocational assessment. Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 29, 59-63.
- Lustig, D. (1996). Family adaptation to a young adult with mental retardation. Journal of Rehabilitation, 62 (4), 22-27.
- Lustig, D., & Saura, K. (1996). Use of criterion-based comparisons in determining the appropriateness of vocational evaluation test modifications. Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 29(2), 15-18.
- Lustig, D. (1997). Families with an adult with mental retardation: Empirical family typologies. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 41, 138 - 157.
- Lustig, D., & Thomas, K. (1997). Adaptation of families to the entry of young adults with mental retardation into supported employment. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 32(1), 21-31.
- Vanden Boom, D. & Lustig, D. (1997). The relationship between employment status and quality of life among people with severe and persistent mental illness. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 28(4), 4-8.
- Kosciulek, J. & Lustig, D. (1998). Predicting family adaptation from brain injury-related Family stress. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 29 (1), 8 - 12.
Lustig, D., Brown, C., Lott, A., & Larkin, V. (1998). Concurrent Validity of the CareerScope Career Assessment and Reporting System. Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 31, 28 - 31. - Strauser, D., Lustig, D., & John, S. (1998). A model of rehabilitation counseling case conceptualization. Rehabilitation Education, 12, 181 - 191.
- Weinrach, S., Lustig, D., Thomas, K., & Chan, F. (1998). Publication patterns of the Personnel and Guidance Journal/Journal of Counseling and Development - 1978- 1993. Journal of Counseling and Development, 76, 427 - 435.
- Kosciulek, J. & Lustig, D. (1999). Differentiation of three brain injury family types. Brain Injury, 13, 245 - 254.
- Lustig, D. (1999). Family caregiving of adults with mental retardation: Key issues for rehabilitation counselors. Journal of Rehabilitation, 65 (2), 26 - 35.
- Lustig, D. (1999). Families with an adult with mental retardation: Predictors of family adjustment. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 30 (3), 11 - 18.
- Lustig, D.& Akey, T. (1999). Adaptation in families with adult children with mental retardation: Impact of family strengths and appraisal. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. 34, 260 - 270.
- Lustig, D. & Crowder, M. (2000). The quality of life of persons with severe and persistent mental illness: A typology based on cluster analysis. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 31, (3), 22 - 29.
- Lustig, D., Rosenthal, D., Strauser, D., & Haynes, K. (2000). The relationship of sense of coherence to life satisfaction for students with disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 43, 134 - 141.
- Strauser, D., & Lustig, D. (2001). The implications of posttraumatic stress disorder on vocational behavior and rehabilitation planning. Journal of Rehabilitation, 67(4), 26 - 30.
- Lustig, D. (2002). Family coping in families with a child with a disability. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 37 (1), 14 - 22.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2002). The relationship between sense of coherence and career thoughts. Career Development Quarterly, 51, 2 - 11.
- Lustig, D., Strauser, D., Rice, D., & Rucker, T. (2002). The relationship between working alliance and rehabilitation outcomes. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 46, 25 – 33.
- Strauser, D., Lustig, D., Keim, J., Ketz, K., & Malesky, L. (2002). Analyzing the differences in career thoughts based on disability status. Journal of Rehabilitation, 68 (1), 27 - 32.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2003). An empirical typology of career thoughts of individuals with a disability. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 46, 98 – 107.
- Lustig, D., Strauser, D., & Donnell, C. (2003) Quality employment outcomes: Benefits for individuals with disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 47, 5 - 14.
- Lustig, D., Strauser, D., Weems, G., Donnell, C., & Smith, L. (2003). Traumatic brain injury and rehabilitation outcomes: Does working alliance make a difference? Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 34, (4), 30 – 37.
- Rucker,T., Rice, N., Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2003). Gender differences in rehabilitation counseling consumer involvement and employment outcome. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 34 (2), 22-26.
- Strauser, D., & Lustig, D. (2003). The moderating effect of Sense of Coherence on work adjustment. Journal of Employment Counseling, 40, 129 – 140.
- Weems, G. H., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Lustig, D. C. (2003). Profiles of respondents who respond inconsistently to positively- and negatively-worded items on rating scales. Evaluation and Research in Education, 17(1), 45-60.
- Donnell, C., Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2004). Working alliance: Rehabilitation outcomes for persons with severe mental illness. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70 (2), 11 - 18.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2004). Editorial: Poverty and disability. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70 (3), 3 – 4.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2004). Editorial: Effect size and rehabilitation research. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70 (4), 3 – 4.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2004). Editorial: A living wage for individuals with disabilities: Implications for rehabilitation professionals. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70 (2), 3 – 4.
- Lustig, D & Strauser, D. (2004). Employee benefits for individuals with disabilities: The effect of race and gender. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70 (2), 38 - 46.
- Lustig, D., Strauser, D., & Weems, G. (2004). Rehabilitation service patterns: A rural/urban comparison of success factors. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70 (3), 13 – 19.
- Strauser, D., Lustig, D. & Donnell, C. (2004). The relationship between working alliance and therapeutic outcomes for individuals with mild mental retardation. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 47, 215 - 223.
- Strauser, D., Lustig, D., & Uruk, A. (2004). Differences in career thoughts between individuals with and without disabilities: Do they really exist? Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 35, 25 – 31.
- Hein, S., Lustig, D., & Uruk, A. (2005). Consumers’ recommendations to improve satisfaction with rehabilitation services: A qualitative study. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 49, 29 – 39.
- Lustig, D. (2005). The adjustment process for individuals with spinal cord injury: The impact of perceived pre-morbid sense of coherence. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 48, 146 – 156.
- Strauser, D., Lustig, D., Cogdal, P., & Uruk, A. (2005). Trauma symptoms: Relationship with career thoughts, vocational identity, and developmental work personality. Career Development Quarterly, 54, 346 - 360.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2006). Editorial: Being informed. Journal of Rehabilitation, 72 (2), 3 – 4.
- Strauser, D.R., Lustig, D., & Uruk, A.C. (2006). Examining the moderating effect ofdisability status on the relationship between PTSD symptomatology and select career variables. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 49, 90 – 101.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (in press). The impact of sense of coherence on career thoughts for individuals with disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.
- Strauser, D, .Lustig, D., & Uruk, A. (2007). Differences in self-reported trauma symptomatology between individuals with and without disability: An exploratory analysis. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 50, 216 - 225
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2007). The causal relationship between chronic poverty and disability. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 50, 194 - 202.
- Strauser, D., Lustig, D., & Leierer, S. (in progress). Examining the structure of the Career Thoughts Inventory.
- Strauser, D., Lustig, D., & Urok, A. (2008). Psychological well-being: Relationship with work personality, vocational identity, and career thoughts. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 142, 21 - 35.
- Strauser, D., Lustig, D., & Leierer, S. (in progress). Developmental work personality: A theoretical analysis.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2009). Rehabilitation counseling graduate students’ preferences for employment: Agreement between actual and percived job tasks of state-federal vocational rehabilitation counselors. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 52, 179 - 188.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2010). Health benefits for individuals with disabilities: Comparison of access rate with workers in the general population. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 53, 87 - 95.
- Staruser, D., Lustig, D., & O'Sullivan, D. (2010). Working alliance and vocational outcomes of cancer survivors. An initial analysis. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 33, 271 - 274.
- Strauser, D., Zanskas, S., & Lustig, D., (2011). Career readiness and individuals individuals with
disabilities. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education, 25, 173 – 179.
- Lustig, D., Zanskas, S. & Ishitani, T. (2011). Perceived barriers to employment success: Are there differences between Caucasian and African American VR consumers? Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education, 25, 127 - 134.
- Lustig, D., Zanskas, S. Strauser, D. & Ishitani, T. (2012). The relationship between psychological distress and career thoughts. Journal of Rehabilitation, 78 (4), 3 - 10..
- Lustig, D., & Zanskas, S. (2013). The relationship between work values and psychological problems for individuals with disabilities. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education, 27, 261 – 270.
- Lustig, D., & Zanskas, S (2014). A comparison of work value preferences of individuals with disabilities and individuals without disabilities. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education
- Neely-Barnes, S.L., Zanskas, S., Lustig, D., Duerr, R., Zhao, M. (2016). Falling through the cracks: Caregivers’ experiences with choice of providers. Rehabilitation Education: Research, Policy, & Education, 30, 338-352.
- Lustig, D., Xu, J., & Strauser, D. (in press) The influence of family of origin relationships on career thoughts. Journal of Career Development.
- Lustig, D. Xu, J., Strauser, D., & MacKay, M. (in press). The relationship between career thoughts and adjustment for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.
- Lustig, D. & Xu, J. (2016, accepted for publication) The influence of family of origin adaptability and cohesion on career thoughts. Career Development Quarterly.
- Strauser, D. & Lustig, D. (2004). The Interaction of Trauma Symptoms and Disability: Implications for Rehabilitation Counseling. Poster session at American Counseling Association 2004 Annual Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.
- Strauser, D., & Lustig, D. (2004). Living wage: Implications for rehabilitation counselors. Presentation at the National Rehabilitation Counseling Association conference in Little Rock, Arkansas.
- Strauser, D. & Lustig, D. (2004). Guidelines for publishing in the Journal of Rehabilitation. Presentation at the National Rehabilitation Association conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2004). The working alliance: Enhancing employment outcomes in vocational rehabilitation. Presentation at the National Rehabilitation Education Conference in Washington, DC. Educators conference in Tucson, Arizona.
- Strauser, D. & Lustig, D. (2005). Poverty and Disability: Implications for Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators. Presentation at the National Council of RehabilitationEducators conference in Tucson, Arizona.
- Lustig, D., & Strauser, D. (2005). Panel: Rehabilitation Counseling Journal Editors. Invited presenter at the Presentation at the National Council of RehabilitationEducators conference in Tucson, Arizona.
- Strauser, D. & Lustig, D., & (2005). Congruence Between Master Students Desired Job Duties and the Reported Job Duties of Sate Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors. Presentation at the National Council of Rehabilitation Educators, Rehabilitation Services Administration, and Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation conference.
Appendix A - Teaching Experience
- COUN 7921 - Vocational Development and Occupational Information
- COUN 7901 - Principles and Techniques of rehabilitation Counseling
- EDPR 7521 - Intro to educational Research